Hi guys, it has been on my mind a lot recently to set up a spiritual blog. I have been researching wordpress etc but am not too tech savvy and would love some guidance in how to go about it. Perhaps someone here with experience could take the time to advise me? Thanks in advance. BC
I hope you can do it BC. I have no tech acumen at all but I know there are very sharp people on this forum. I hope one of them will step up.
Hi BC having little to no experience in the workings of building websites or using wordpress is going to be a stumbling bloc for you from the get go most social forums will use wordpress as their platform or even like ourselves they might use phb software there are loads of easy to start blog sites but chose one that isnt overly expensive your first cost is going to be a domain (web site cost ) which can become expensive as you grow, have a look here to give you an insight of where to begin
Blogger (http://www.blogger.com) is super easy to use and free. Make sure to send us a link once you get it up and running!
I've dabbled with blogger and WordPress. You don't need to purchase a domain for either one. But you might want to, depending on what you want to do with your blog. If you plan on expanding you might want to go with WordPress. But every time you upgrade a little it's going to cost you. I get some traffic on blogger. I pretty much don't get any traffic on WordPress, like five views in last 3 months. It's buried deep on the net, I can't find it unless I put in the actual link to my WordPress blog, but I have the most basic free version. If I was willing to shell out some cash, it would do better most likely. If you are just kind of playing around, getting your feet wet, I would lean toward blogger. If you have big plans for your website, then WordPress would be the way to go. Of course, I'm no expert. Just my two cents worth.
Thanks Rain, I already have some traffic by word of mouth. It does take up a lot of time though and I'm exploring the idea of something like wordpress where I can upload all my work and send out a link whenever I have new stuff.
Mr. Ignorant here, but I'll pray that you get your needed info and can move ahead. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
Another question for you Rain; If I wish to, can I delete my work from either Blogger or WordPress again?
Yes. You can delete individual posts or unpublish them to republish them again later. Also, you can delete the blog entirely should you so choose. Top image is WordPress Bottom is Blogger
Thank you, and a last couple of questions; Can I vet the comments received before they are displayed? Are you displaying WordPress. com or WordPress. org?
Wordpress.com. I don't want to pay for a domain or website hosting, so .org was quickly ruled out. I'm just a blog dabbler, so can't give you much advice on what version is best for you. Yes, you can vet the comments. There's a tab called "Comments". New ones will be marked as "Pending" for you to Approve, Trash, or mark as Spam.
In a nutshell I think it is to let subscribers know you are holding a certain amount of details from them for a specific period of time.
I tried Wordpress and it wrecked my head with all the unknown - to me- terms, I even joined help groups to try to understand it. I finally gave up, but came across Wix and can't believe how easy it is to set up. I'm just putting the final touches to it now !
James 5:20 ....remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.