Father Constant Louis Marie PEL (1876–1966)

Discussion in 'Questions and Answers' started by joseph gregory, Feb 21, 2021.

  1. Father Constant Louis Marie PEL (1876–1966) History and connections with Garabandal.
  2. The holy Father Pel (1878-1966)

    Testimony by one of his spiritual sons: Bernard-Marie, ofs

    In my teenage years, I knew a particularly fervent priest, Father Pel, who agreed to become my spiritual Father in July 1963. I visited him from 1961 to 1966, the year of his death.

    An Alsatian couple from my family, who often received him during his retreat sermons, had spoken to me about it for a long time. According to them, Father Pel was nothing less than a saint.
    His obituary, published in 1966 by the diocese of Belley, hardly let him suppose. It read: "Father Constant Louis Marius [elsewhere: Marie] Pel was born in Lantenay (Ain) to François Honoré Pel and Marie Emilie Pélisson. He was ordained a priest on June 1, 1901 in Brou (Bourg) by H.E. Mgr Luçon, bishop of Belley. Graduated in Letters from the Faculty of Lyon in 1902, became professor at the Petit Séminaire de Meximieux from 1903 to 1907, then at the Lamartine Institution in Belley from 1907 to 1923 [around 1915/1916, his bishop refused him exeat which would have allowed him to go and join his hermit friend, Charles de Foucauld]. He was appointed auxiliary to the shrine of Blessed Pierre Chanel in Cuet in 1923, then seconded to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem in 1924 [to help found a Marian shrine near Abbou-Gosh]. He was then incardinated in the Diocese of Troyes on November 9, 1926 and, shortly after, in the Diocese of Ajaccio [where he exercised a parish ministry among others in Corte; after the war, he lived his retirement as an interdiocesan missionary, traveling between Seyne-sur-Mer, Avignon, Paris, Mulhouse and Assais (Deux-Sèvres) where he died on March 5, 1966 following a car accident occurred on January 20. His funeral was celebrated in Assais on Tuesday March 8. ”
  3. During his minor seminary in Belley, the young Constant Pel benefited, like his comrades, from the remarkable influence of Canon Antoine Crozier (1850-1916). This immediate disciple of Blessed Antoine Chevrier had been in charge, since 1893, of the spiritual direction of the college, a responsibility which he had to abandon in July 1904 due to expulsions ordered by the anticlerical government of the time. Father Prosper Monier, s.j., a fellow student of the young Constant in Belley, was kind enough to share his own memories with us: "Father Crozier would gladly say of him: 'Pel is a saint, but not like the others". He lived in total communion with Christ Jesus… I was never able to have a conversation with him other than spiritual… When I knew him, he had already lost his left eye, which later allowed his students to sing: “Father Constant Pel, always with his eye to heaven!”… He tended to believe in all kinds of unrecognized visions and apparitions, which caused him difficulties with the ecclesiastical hierarchy. One day, I asked a vicar general why he had been banned in his diocese. He replied, "What do you want us to do with a saint?" In fact, Pel was no ordinary. " (letter to B.-M. of 28.2.72)
  4. Continued
    Father Pel's piety was never questioned by anyone, but rather his ability to discern well in cases of extraordinary mysticism. In April 1972, I had touched a word on this to Jacques Maritain who replied: “I have no precise memory of my meetings with Father Pel [in Meudon], except the impression that he was a great fan. visions and revelations that I myself considered very doubtful. " (letter to B.-M. of 10.04.1972). Pel himself was aware of his penchant for giving too much credit to the advice and messages of unrecognized mystics (practically all of them women), but I heard him justify it this way: “Yes, apparitions are perfectly possible, particularly suitable, I would say necessary. Suppose that, for twenty centuries, the Virgin Mary has been up there in Heaven enjoying her glory and has never let the sound of her voice heard on earth, that she has never let a ray of her light appear. , that she never showed to her children of the earth a single feeling of affection and interest, could we still believe that she is a Mother? The Blessed Virgin can and must make her own the words of Our Lady of Christ: “I will not leave you orphans: I will come to you!” (Jn 14:18). As the Mother that she is, the Blessed Virgin takes this word into account. So we shouldn't be surprised that she comes, but rather be surprised if she doesn't come. Well! Do not be afraid: she is coming, she has come and she will come again! "
  5. Continued
    Having personally attended several retreats of Father Pel, I can at least bear this testimony that, even if he happened to evoke in the pulpit a contemporary private revelation, he did not do so to promote it as such, but only as further proof. of divine goodness that comes to seek his wounded and lost sheep where they are, including in the most inaccessible places. What mattered to him above all else was to refocus the attention of his audience on the divine Love best manifested in the open Heart of the Crucified and in the Eucharist, sacrament of his divine Presence. How many times have I heard him exclaim, "Ah! my friends, think about it, it's not something that's there in this Tabernacle, it's Someone! "

    His masses were in themselves true preaching in favor of the real Presence. His weekly masses lasted about three quarters of an hour and his thanksgiving a good quarter of an hour, or more depending on the circumstances. In Alsace in the Hohwald, at the end of July 1963, after his lectures, I often saw him prostrate for hours in front of the Tabernacle, adoration always done on his knees and which he continued after his evening meal at least until midnight.
  6. Continued
    He also took great care to recite his rosary and breviary in Latin every day, confiding in me that it was for him "an ever-renewed source of joy." Except maybe in Lourdes, I have never seen such long lines in front of a confessional as when he himself confessed. In those moments, he made us feel even more divine mercy. Coming out of his confessional, we felt like after a baptism, brand new, completely pure, completely abandoned. He usually did not have special lights during the confession of our sins. It was neither the Curé of Ars nor Padre Pio, but he nevertheless had a particular grace, that of making us feel that we did not confess first to him, humble minister, but directly to the Lord Jesus. himself. One day, in the chapel on rue Cortambert in Paris, when there were about twenty penitents waiting for our turn, I saw two people hurrying towards the exit not far away, an elderly man and a younger lady. Suddenly, I saw Father Pel come out of his confessional, come to speak to the lady who was passing and who seemed very surprised. He held her arm a little and led her gently towards her confessional. He removed the person who was still there and invited the lady he met to kneel, which she did, much to the surprise of the previous lady who had been asked to stop in her own confession.
  7. Continued
    In Father Pel's life, this kind of merciful inspiration could arise at any time, for it was truly Divine Love that steered its boat and blew in its sails. In one of his letters to Father Crozier, Blessed Charles de Foucauld wrote: "The Heart of Jesus has done me a great grace by inspiring you to put me in union with Father Pel." (letter of 12.05.1911). In other words, the young priest's reputation for holiness was already well known to those around him.
    After his death, pious zealots spoke much of his mystical graces, often with exaggeration, for Father Pel himself was absolutely discreet in all that concerned his interior life. Nevertheless, we have been able to gather on the subject an certainly authentic testimony of a priest who frequented him from 1918 and who was often his occasional confessor. This is Father R. Gâteau, parish priest of Assais, the village where Father Pel celebrated his last mass. In 1973, he confided to me: “During the funeral of our dear Father Pel, I mentioned a confidence he had made to me many years ago, begging me not to say anything about it until. 'when he died. These are roughly his words: “About fifteen years old [so in 1893], I was coming back from Father Crozier. I suddenly felt, even physically, that my heart was torn from my chest and that the Heart of Our Lord was put in my place. Since then, I can say that I have never been tempted to sin willfully against charity. ”” (Testimony collected by B.-M. at the parish of Assais, 08/28/73).
  8. Continued
    This grace of exchanging hearts is not unique in the Church, think for example of Saint Catherine of Siena, but it is impressive to learn that one of our relatives was able to benefit from it, and therefore as a consequence we too. What is perhaps even less known is that Father Pel yearned to offer his life as a martyr of love to the glory of his Lord and Master. Shortly before his accident, he had entrusted it in the form of a prayer-poem to Sister Marie-Athalle de Bernwiller, who transmitted it to us in July 1967: “O my sweet Master, so that your priest may make known your law of love, I am delighted to be chosen as a host and without return! - Take! This is my soul, it claims to be a flame, burning for you! As with the chalice, with delight, the sacrifice will be his law. - To be pure, oh I am sure that without measure, one must suffer! Since I love you with extreme love, I still want to die for you! "
  9. When some Frenchmen went to see Padre Pio he said to them: “Why do you come here when you have a great saint [Fr. Pel] in your own country.” Fr. Pel was present in Garabandal on June 18,1965, when Conchita received the second message of Our Lady from St. Michael the Archangel.
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  10. November 19, 2013

    As if the announced apocalyptic prophecies were not enough, rather, because the apparitions of garabandal are of an escathological order, it was important for Father Pel to go to this village ... considered as the Saint Padre Pio of France, Also stigmatized, he was credited with more than 3,500 euchristic miracles ...

    He was born in 1878 in Lantenay in the Ain. Wanting to become a priest, he was trained by Father Antoine Crozier, the “saint of Lyon”, a mystical priest invisibly stigmatized. Ordained in 1901 after receiving two doctorates, Father Pel became a seminary professor. He was a personal friend of Padre Pio and Charles de Foucault and spiritual director for some time of Marthe Robin. Perfectly healthy, he was killed in a car accident at 88. Padre Pio often asked his French visitors "Why are you coming to see me since you have such a great saint in France!" "

    But here is Father Pel also went there from his prophecy, and what is said in this one if it comes true will remain in the memories of the survivors who will be able to give thanks to God ...

    Cardinal Maurin said of him that he was a Saint Curé of Ars, plus science.

    He was present during the message given by Saint Michael on June 18, 1965, with also Father Cennamo who later became the superior of San Giovanni Rotondo where Conchita saw Saint Padre Pio in 1966 during his visit to Rome ...

    During the last apparition at the express request of Saint Michael, Father Pel, finding himself in spite of the crowd, we do not know how, next to Conchita, kissed the crucifix several times as well as two other French ... they will be the only ones to benefit from this favor ....!

  11. “Conchita came out of church, more than thirty photographers and movie-cameramen were standing at the ready on the churchyard wall. Conchita was at once surrounded by a large crowd, kissing her, giving her pious medals, asking her to relay their requests to the Vision ... In church all morning was a French priest, Fr. Pel, aged 87, a man renowned for his saintliness." Fr. Pel had followed the course of events at Garabandal for some time, and that morning he assured everyone who asked him that he expected to see an impressive ecstasy that night.

    All of a sudden, she raised her hand, in which she bore a crucifix. She held it out at the Vision's command for Fr. Pel to kiss. I still have no idea how Fr. Pel managed to arrive at the forefront of the crowd. Afterwards, she held it out to one of Fr. Pel's companions, and finally to Monsieur Jean Masure, a Frenchman residing in Madrid. To him she later said:

    "The Angel says I'm to tell you that the Blessed Virgin has granted your request."

    The apparitions of



    Chapter Twelve


    Page 168
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  12. FATHER PEL (DIED MARCH 5, 1966):

    Great worshiper of Jesus in the Eucharist and exceptional Marian soul, Fr. Pel was a fervent "apostolic missionary" traveling everywhere mainly in France, and as far as the Holy Land.

    During his only visit to San Sebastian de Garabandal, on June 18, 1965, he spent the morning in the village church, praying and hearing confessions. At the time of the apparition of the Angel to Conchita, Fr. Pel. left behind the crowd because of his advanced age, suddenly found himself inexplicably "transported" to only four and a half feet away from the visionary. We must also note that the priest knew before anybody else the hour of the ecstasy (11:40 p.m.) . . .

    A much more detailed account of the unusual relationship of Fr. Pel with Garabandal will be published later . . .
    [From 'Garabandal' Book, page 225-226]
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  13. He was the first to whom Conchita offered the crucifix. The priest then cried out: "We must not doubt this is from God!"
    From Whatisgarabandal Sat Dec 4 2010
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  14. Prophecy attributed to Father Pel
    Prophecy of Father Pel
    (The Original Link in French:

    Fr. Constant Louis Marie Pel was born in 1878. In his desire to become a priest, he was directed by Fr. Antoine Crozier, the “saint of Lyon” – – who had the invisible stigmata. Ordained in 1901 after having received 2 doctorates, Fr. Pel became a seminary professor. He was a personal friend of St. Padre Pio and Bl. Charles de Foucauld, and spiritual director for a time of Marthe Robin.
    Fr. Pel had a great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and would spend nights on his feet in church with his forehead leaning against the Tabernacle. He was the beneficiary of more than 3500 Eucharistic miracles.

    Blessed with good health, it was a car accident that ended his life in 1966 at 88 years of age. Padre Pio frequently asked his French visitors: “Why do you come here to see me when you have in France so great a saint!

    Fr. Pel was the founder of a convent for women and a seminary for men, and it was one of his spiritual sons, a seminarian, who wrote down the following prophecy that Fr. Pel related in 1945.
    Since the sins of the world are increasing in horror, very great punishments from God will befall the world and no continent will be spared from the wrath of God.
    France, being guilty of apostasy and renouncing its vocation, will be severely chastised. It (France) will be divided as by a line stretching from Bordeaux (in the southwest) to Lille (in the Northeast). East of this line, everything will be laid waste and set ablaze by peoples invading from the east, and also by great flaming meteorites falling as a rain of fire upon the entire earth and upon these regions in particular. There will be devastation everywhere: revolution, war, epidemics, plagues, poisonous chemical gases, and violent earthquakes. France’s extinct volcanoes will reawaken and destroy everything: Auvergne, the Alps, the Pyrenees and other areas.
    France to the west of that line will be less affected – – the Vendée (the area evangelized by St. Louis de Montfort and then also as a result was the primary area that rose up to defend the Catholic Church in France against the demonic French “Revolution”) and Brittany – – because of the deeply rooted faith in these regions. Nevertheless, it will be necessary to stay far from the coasts, sometimes even 50 km (c. 30 miles) away, to escape the sea’s swallowing (of the land) as will take place in Marseille and the Riviera because of the sins and scandals committed at the beaches of these regions in particular.

    But I must make known that the (evil) sectarians and the great enemies of God who would want to seek refuge there – hoping to escape the global cataclysms – will be put to death by the demons themselves wherever they attempt to hide, because the wrath of God is holy and just.
    Thick darkness caused by war, gigantic fires, and fragments of flaming (burning) stars that will fall for three days and nights — will cause the sun to disappear. Only candles blessed on Candlemas will give light in the hands of believers, but the Godless will not see this miraculous light because their souls are in darkness.
    In this way, three quarters of mankind will be destroyed, and in some parts of France survivors will have to go 100 km (c. 60 miles) to find another (living) human being. It will reach the point where people have to eat human flesh to survive.
    Several nations will disappear off the face of the world’s map. France will become very small, but as a small part it will survive until the end of time. And thus purified, France will again become the “Eldest Daughter of the Church” – renewed — because all the Cains and Judases of humanity will have disappeared in this “Judgment of the Nations.” But this is not yet the end of time, which will take place later.
    The Mediterranean Sea will disappear totally; the oceans will cast enormous jets of burning steam up to the skies and will deluge the continents in a frightful tidal wave that will annihilate everything in its path. New mountains will erupt out of the earth and the oceans, while the Alps and the Rhine Valley to the north will collapse as they are inundated by the sea. In this way, the map of the world will be totally changed; the earth will undergo great shocks (i.e., shakings) that will prevent it from turning normally on its axis. The seasons will be cease to exist for three years, after which the earth will once again produce it plants and vegetation. There will be great famine in the entire world. Paris will be destroyed by the revolution and burned by atomic fire (i.e., weapons being fired) from Russians in Orleans (south of Paris) and the region of Provins (east of Paris.)
    In the future, when you see that this frightful time is near, take leave to Brittany (on the western coast of France) but go to the center, far from the coasts – – because they will collapse. This global scourge will begin on a cold winter’s night and with a terrifying roar of divine thunder – an unnatural sound filled with demonic screaming – that will be heard by the entire world.
    It will be the voice of sin that terrified men will hear on that night.”

    It was one of his spiritual sons, a seminarian, who is said to have written down the following prophecy that Fr. Pel related in 1945.

    Fr Pel was a visitor to and believer in Garabandal. He was there during the Night of Screams.
  15. It will be clear to those who have followed Garabandal that much of the above reflects many of the elements of Tribulation and Punishment as prophesied at Garabandal although none of the above prophesy is specifically referred to in published authentic witness.
    Booklady likes this.
  16. Booklady likes this.
  17. Of course no one is obliged to believe any of the above. Just thought that forum members may find it interesting. Some of it has been posted previously. Cheers
    Booklady likes this.
  18. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    if the prophecy is authentic, it clarifies well what would cause the 3 days of darkness, some type of unconventional war.
  19. Interesting Luan. What you say may be correct however some people equate the TDD with The Conditional Chastisement prophesied at Garabandal which comes directly from God and not through human agency.
    Byron and Luan Ribeiro like this.
  20. When the girls went through the first nights of screams they were utterly terrified in spite of continuing to see the Virgin :”we saw a great multitude of people who were suffering intensely and screaming in terror. The Blessed Virgin explained to us that this great tribulation, which was NOT EVEN THE CHASTISEMENT, would come because a time would arrive when the Church would appear to be on the point of perishing. It would pass through a terrible trial. We asked the Virgin what this great trial was called and she told us it was "Communism." Then she showed us how the great Chastisement for all mankind would come, and that it would come DIRECTLY FROM GOD.”

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