So, Dear Friends, by God's Blessing, I recently met a girl I like and who also likes me. Her name is Steffi Mariya. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She's my girlfriend now and we're discerning Marriage. She is Catholic, but not perhaps very well read in the Faith. Even some of her opinions are a bit liberal, but otherwise, she's a very nice girl. Do pray for me/us that we may discern carefully and correctly and go forward if it is the Lord's Will. Thank you and God Bless you all. This awesome forum, and all members of it, will remain in my constant prayers. God Bless.
Thanks, Padraig. God Bless you. This your Forum that you've built with much efforts all these many years is such a blessing to me and many. Blessings to you and all of us here at MOG. May we all live joyful lives in the Lord here below, and meet one day in Heaven to enjoy Eternal Happiness forever! In Jesus' Name. Amen.