consecration toe God (the Father). different versions? whats needed?

Discussion in 'On prayer itself' started by xsantiagox, Sep 27, 2023.

  1. xsantiagox

    xsantiagox Archangels
    I put these 2 links as an example but Im a bit confused with the whole thing in general. Some sites say the process\consecration is from Divine Will spirituality, others say it comes from private messages to a nun ("the Father speaks to the world" revelations). Some sites say 8 days (octave), others say 30...
    does anyone have experience with this consecration? is it advisable to undertake, or should one get a parish church or priest's guidance?
    Maybe this is MY theological mistake, but I view the God Father as a sort of monarchical figure whom one must love yet obey, and he is foreign to person-based devotions...he is ruling over all religious duties, but can't be "linked with" unlike Mary, or a particular saint or angel. my idea, not the site's ideas.
  2. Ananchal

    Ananchal Vigilans

    Maybe it’s my ignorance on consecration and specifically this one but prior to taking any vow or consecration I would suggest running it by a good priest to make sure I’m in the correct spiritual state with a firm resolution to follow the requirements of said vow or consecration.
    Having said that we have a Merciful and Loving God that will understand our childish babbling and our will and intent. I myself have done the consecration to Our Lady and rely on Her Mantle for protection and grace. I have also taken another vow but also have fallen short of following all the requirements- something I also be sure to include in my confessions
    xsantiagox likes this.
  3. border collie

    border collie Archangels

    God the Father of Mankind seeks to reveal a unique Message to His children; "The Father speaks to His children" was entrusted to Mother Eugenia, a nun belonging to the Congregation of Our Lady of the Apostles.The Messages of the Father to Eugenia in 1932 are the only private revelations (the first time in the history of the Catholic Church) made
    personally by God the Father; and is
    recognised as authentic by the
    Church following ten years of the most
    rigorous examinations conducted and
    approved by the Vatican.

    I did this consecration for the first time this year, having come across it some time previous. It has to be done on the First Sunday in August. As it happened I was also invited to a special mass in honour of God the Father on that same day. Beautiful!
    Ananchal, xsantiagox and garabandal like this.

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