Humility by Mother Theresa

Discussion in 'On prayer itself' started by mothersuperior7, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    ‎"If there has been resentment in our hearts or if we have not accepted humiliation, we will not learn humility."
    Mother Teresa of Calcutta

    The way to become humble is by learning to swallow (even with joy!) 'bitter pills'. Even if you do not learn it that way you can only be sure if truly having it by experiencing humiliation, abuse, rejection, false accusations and other hard things and still retaining peace of mind and also a sense of joy at the opportunity to endure these things for Christ who willingly endured them for you. The saints all say that humility is the foundation of one's spiritual life and a good foundation allows your spiritual structure to pierce the heavens. It begins in a lowly place - the place Christ chose - so let us learn to go there.
  2. miker

    miker Powers

    Good article and reflection during Lent....

    Mother Teresa's Advice on Humility

    By Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB

    Humility is a virtue we all need to practice. I can’t tell you how many times I start to get my feathers ruffled about something and I have to say to myself, “Your pride is getting the best of you, Stephen.” Like when I think something can be done better, or just better my way. Then I try to slow things down and step away. Fr. Pat Angelucci, a fellow Salesian, used to say, “The better is the enemy of the good.” Don Bosco used to say, “Let it go, as long as there is no sin and souls are being saved.”

    On my annual retreat in 2021 I was given some good advice by my spiritual director before beginning my assignment here in New Orleans: “Check your ego at the door.” I haven’t mastered it yet but I’m trying. I really have to honestly look inside myself regularly regarding being insistent on “my way or the highway”. Do you have the same challenge? We all need to work on practicing humility.

    The much-loved saint, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, gave 10 habits to practice for humility. She shared these simple ways in The Joy in Loving: A Guide to Daily Living. Here we find some essentials for bringing a little more humility into our lives. They are a good guide for practicing prudence and temperance, two of the Cardinal Virtues, which help us act rather than react in situations where our pride and ego start to take over. Here they are:
    • To speak as little as possible of one’s self
    • To mind one’s own business
    • Not to want to manage other people’s affairs
    • To avoid curiosity
    • To pass over the mistakes of others
    • To accept insults and injuries
    • To accept being slighted, forgotten and disliked
    • To be kind and gentle even under provocation
    • Never to stand on one’s dignity
    • To choose always the hardest
    These pearls of wisdom can help us speak, write (online) and behave more virtuously. Practice!
    Sam, Mario, AED and 4 others like this.
  3. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Great post! Our work is cut out for us :)
    miker and AED like this.
  4. Seagrace

    Seagrace Archangels

    Thank you so much for this!
    miker and AED like this.
  5. AED

    AED Powers

    So wonderful. Thanks for posting.
    miker likes this.
  6. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Mother Teresa's advice is so wise.

    I was speaking to an old gentleman getting on the plane and we were talking about Covid and the jabs (he had not taken any). He was saying to me that he thought the main reason there were vaccines and lock downs was the internet and all the gossip. He claimed if there had been no internet no one would have taken Covid too seriously.

    I think Social Media is one of the main reasons why people get angry and fight with each other these days (especially with politics). When I see people glued to their Smartphones on the street I sometimes wonder if the main is reason might be that they are terrified as to what other people have said about them.

    A lot of what Mother Teresa said about humility seems to involves keeping ourselves to ourselves and mind our own buisiness. Off not talking too much.

    One thing that unsettles me most in Church is the amount of talking that goes on. More talking, more rowing, more fighting.

    One good thing about getting older is not caring what people think or say about us. When I was younger I was so sensitive. It seems crazy now looking back on it. Actually probably the safest place to be would be when people think least about us and ignore us.

    One of the things I love about the Traditional Mass is the silence, you can hear a pin drop. Beautiful.
    sterph, LMF, AED and 2 others like this.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    A funny thing happened a few months ago. The priest had to warn people from the pulpit. Folks had been talking to each other in the foyer after Mass. They had not been aware that people at the back of the Church could hear their conversations through the glass doors and knew they themselves were being discussed.:):)
    Jason Fernando and AED like this.
  8. AED

    AED Powers

    In the last few years I have become acutely aware of these "casual"sins against charity. Particularly rash judgements and detractions. I know I was super focused on other sins afflicting me and never paid much attention to my own wickedness in this regard. Looking back it is like straining a gnat and swallowing a camel, as Jesus so aptly put it. Now I try to "button my lip" as my mother used to say. And speak only good of someone else. Its hard. Especially where church men daily challenge any forbearance and political figures in the US could send anyone into a rant. But I have asked my Guardian Angel to give me a real kick if I am treading into occasions of sin or worse actually entering into gossip or criticism or unkindness. It works! I will suddenly get a sick feeling in my stomach and I stop cold. Except for when I dont:eek: and then I hasten to confession. Sigh.
    I agree with you Padraig that age does bring wisdom. And humility. Great great gifts. And a love of silence. I am being unmasked left and right by the Holy Spirit this Lent. Hard but good. Lots to confess.:) I am so grateful for this wonderful Sacrament.
    sterph, HeavenlyHosts, Sam and 4 others like this.
  9. miker

    miker Powers

    It is such a blessing and gift that this is being revealed to you AED! As I get older, I’m finding there is freedom in the “masks” coming off. Seeing my faults and sins is not a cause of dismay but in a sense a gift because 1) despite them I know God still loves me and 2) seeing these sins causes me to want to convert and to see I need God. I suppose without recognizing my sins and without my crosses I would simply rely upon myself. Thus season if Lent is so good… a time to discover what’s in my heart.
    sterph, HeavenlyHosts, Sam and 2 others like this.
  10. AED

    AED Powers

    Yes! So true.
    HeavenlyHosts and miker like this.
  11. miker

    miker Powers

    sterph likes this.

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