So, pray for peace, grow in love of all November 25, 2023 – Message from Our Lady of Medjugorje Dear children! May this time be interwoven with prayer for peace and good deeds, so that the joy of the expectation of the King of Peace may be felt in your hearts, families and in the world which does not have hope. Thank you for having responded to my call. (November 25, 2023) It is not always easy to have hope. The world seems like it has become darker, but I do not think that is true. We have instant communication so we can get overloaded with information that is not helpful for anyone. We all know there are wars, abuse, hunger, drug addiction, and sex trafficking, yet all the news and toxic information can lead to a feeling of helplessness. When a Christian prays it does not work like magic. Yet in prayer, we will often feel a deep connection to Jesus our brother, God, and savior. We pray for peace, for the end of the war, for justice, and from time to time we can ask ourselves: “What is the point”. Yet we continue to pray because we know there is someone who listens. What we are praying for is the coming of the kingdom of God. It can seem like a fantasy, yet I believe it is a prayer for the kingdom of God to arrive. When we seek God on a deep level, and step forward every day responding to grace, we discover that there is peace growing in our hearts. It is a peace that is not our doing, but in our choices to live for God, to love others, to not give in to thought patterns that lead us to gossip, lash out, or to use others, we grow in peace. When we follow the law of love there is no law for that. For when we love we will not use, abuse, talk about or hate anyone. We pray for inner healing when we struggle with our destructive tendencies, and over time we discover that the kingdom is in our hearts, and from there we can touch others, even if much of the time we do not know we are even doing that. God works in secret, best that way I believe. So pray for peace, grow in love of all, and soon when you pray you will feel a deep connection with all, no one excluded. It is “Our Father” we pray to, not some tribal deity. -BrMD