Our Lady of Civitavecchia

Discussion in 'Marian Apparitions' started by Dave Fagan, Mar 11, 2024.

  1. Dave Fagan

    Dave Fagan New Member

    With the recent negative assessment of the events associated with Gisella Cardia in Trevignano Romano, it's worthwhile remembering that there were approved Marian apparitions and messages in that region in 1995 - 1996. A statue of the Blessed Mother wept tears of blood and prophetic messages were given to the young seer in Civitavecchia, near Rome. Attached is an article on the events and their unfolding relevance in our own times.

  2. Dave Fagan

    Dave Fagan New Member

  3. Dave Fagan

    Dave Fagan New Member

  4. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Our Lady, in her message of 19 September 1995, says: "Satan's darkness is now obscuring the whole world and is also obscuring God's Church. Prepare yourselves to live what I revealed to my little daughters of Fatima". Then the Third Secret of Fatima, which she jealously guards, was communicated to Jessica

    Dave, I read this in your second link. This is astounding.
    sparrow, Jo M, LMF and 2 others like this.
  5. Dave Fagan

    Dave Fagan New Member

    Yes HH, I read about these events and messages a few years ago but had forgotten about them until now. It certainly is astonishing to read them again in light of how things are now. I bought a recently published book on Kindle earlier and look forward to learning more about these events in Civitavecchia, nearly thirty years ago.
    sparrow, Jo M, Sam and 3 others like this.
  6. Dave Fagan

    Dave Fagan New Member

    This extract is from the book 'Civitavecchia The statue of Our Lady cries tears of blood' by Saverio Gaeta -

    "On June 15th 1996, the little girl (Jessica) met Sister Lucia of Fatima in the Carmel of Coimbra and confided: "We spoke about the Third Secret and everything else... and we passed on the message to each other, we passed on what the Madonnina wanted". Father Ubodi added that Jessica "specifies that she is still the sole custodian - verbatim - of "one last message concerning the Third Secret of Fatima, which, out of obedience to the Virgin", she will have to reveal directly and only "to the Pope, when the time comes". According to her father, Our Lady told Jessica: 'I have chosen Fatima for the beginning of the twentieth century, Civitavecchia for its end'."
    sparrow, Jo M, djmoforegon and 4 others like this.

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