Discussion in 'Marian Apparitions' started by garabandal, Nov 23, 2023.

  1. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Sister Lucia received great graces in 1929 insights into the Blessed Trinity and certain important messages.

    Our Lady then said to Sister Lucia
    The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father, in union with all the Bishops of the world, to make the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means. There are so many souls whom the Justice of God condemns for sins committed against me, that I have come to ask reparation: sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray.

    Later, in an intimate communication. Our Lord complained to me saying:
    They did not wish to heed my request. Like the King of France, they will repent and do it, but it will be late. Russia will have already spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars, and persecutions of the Church; the Holy Father will have much to suffer....

    1929-2029 one hundred years.

    I have always believed the 1929 apparitions and locutions are a significant intervention in the Fatima event.

    Will God's direct intervention in the world be completed by 2029 or begin in 2029?

    Either way it is all coming very soon.
    Sam, Mary's child, Seagrace and 8 others like this.
  2. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    A little known fact of the revelations of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary is that in 1689 Jesus asked that the King of France consecrate himself and his realm to the Sacred Heart and that he adorn his flags and coat of arms with the image of His Heart. He was promised as a result to be victorious over his enemies and those of the Holy Church. The King at that time was Louis XIV ‘the Sun King’ who, in spite of his many personal sins, was quite devout according to historians. He had, in fact, consecrated the realm to St. Joseph only three days after ascending to the throne some 45 years previously.

    But this request of the Sacred Heart went unfulfilled by him and by his son Louis XV as well. It wasn’t until more than 100 years after the revelation to St. Margaret Mary of Our Lord’s special request that the French King – the unfortunate Louis XVI – made a private consecration of himself and the realm to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1792.

    But it was too late. Louis XVI made this consecration privately as a prisoner in his own palace under the guard of the French Revolutionaries who ended his monarchy and sought his blood in the Terror that reigned in Paris.
    xsantiagox, Sam, Byron and 8 others like this.
  3. AED

    AED Powers

    I have often thought of these words of Our Lord. Both for France and now for the world. Why did the Louis XiV decline to do it? Some scholars say his mistress Mme. Pompadour talked him out of it. Louis XV? Who knows.
    Why did John XXIII decline to obey our Lady? Its a heavy question. Malachi Martin concluded that after much thought and prayer he himself came to the realization there wasn't sufficient grace in the world to influence JohnXXIII to do it. He so badly wanted rapprochement with Russia and to have their church leaders at the council. His political concerns outweighed the Queen of Heaven's request.( paraphrasing M. Martin)
    Sam, Byron, Michael_Pio and 5 others like this.
  4. josephite

    josephite Powers

    The point being ; When God asks us to do something, we should do it!..... no matter what.

    This has been mankind's lot!
    Should we do it now or should we wait for the opitune time?

    Prudence is a major consideration in this dilemma for the church.

    Obedience and prudence weigh heavily on the church hierarchy . When prudence is unfettered as in the maxim "prudence is the greater part of valour" than prudence can be seen as a means to negate natural graces and God given graces to withdraw from the truth!

    In reality, prudence is forthright, because prudence walks with the greatest of all virtues 'love', both prudence and Love reveal "truth" and truth....is God!
    This is my understanding!

    This weighing and considering of implications applying to our everyday life allows us to see the many times we get it wrong.
    Lord have mercy on us all,
    And God bless us all. Amen
    Sam, Byron, Michael_Pio and 5 others like this.
  5. sparrow

    sparrow Exitus ~ Reditus

    Hopefully, it will be finished by 2029.. everything seems to be coming to a head in the world, in each country, in nature and even within families, mine included. So it's just my hope that it is finished in 2029. :unsure:
    Heidi, Sam, Byron and 3 others like this.
  6. https://www.catholicexorcism.org/post/exorcist-diary-266-are-satan-s-100-years-over
    Blogpost by Monsignor Stephen Rossetti:
    Why is it that only in the last few years, after decades of a long drought, has the Church actually started to train exorcists? When I started in this ministry years ago, there were only a handful of exorcists and no formal training. Even now, despite the Holy See's request that every diocese have an exorcist, there are still entire countries without any. Moreover, almost all seminaries still do not include any deliverance training.

    Now, however, there is a veritable explosion of interest here and in some countries abroad, and many young priests are getting involved in deliverance work. St. Michael Center provides on-going training for exorcists and has trained hundreds of priests in the deliverance ministry, including how to recognize the presence of the Evil One and cast him out in Jesus' name. Previously, Satan was able to hide and go about doing his destructive work in secret. Those days are rapidly disappearing.

    Why the change? Here is a quote from an article from the Catholic News Agency:

    On October 13, 1884 Pope Leo XIII, just after celebrating Mass, turned pale and

    collapsed as though dead. Those standing nearby rushed to his side. They found

    him alive but the pontiff looked frightened. He then recounted having a vision of

    Satan approaching the throne of God, boasting that he could destroy the Church.

    According to Pope Leo XIII the Lord reminded him that his Church was

    imperishable. Satan then replied, “Grant me one century and more power of

    those who will serve me, and I will destroy it.” Our Lord granted him 100 years.

    The 20th century was a particularly brutal century with two world wars and more. But now, the 100 years are up. The Church has not been destroyed. And a growing army of exorcists together with a multitude of faith-filled, zealous laity are fighting back, by the power of Christ. This closing battle, culminating the end of the 100 years, is upon us.

    The presence of Satan is no longer hidden. The battle is out front and clear. 300 Catholic Churches in the U.S.A. have been attacked since May 2020 and the number is escalating. Hundreds of thousands of people are openly claiming to be witches, wiccans, occult practitioners, and/or Satanists. Fundamental moral values are being openly challenged to the degradation of people and their families, including our children. Statues of the evil demon, Baphomet, are being publicly enshrined.

    The Bible tells us: "For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits..." (Eph 6:12).

    But we are confident and at peace. In an exorcism, when I hear the demons, including Baphomet, howl and scream when they merely look upon a crucifix or are sprinkled with holy water, I am reminded that even the most powerful demons are dust in the presence of the Son of God. St. Michael and the faithful angels cast out Lucifer and his minions at the beginning of time and will do so definitively at the end. This time, they will have a little help from their friends.

    (Feedback comments continued in the next post.)
    Jason Fernando, Sam, Byron and 2 others like this.
  7. **Register for our Dec 9th (11am-2pm Eastern USA time) online workshop on "Protecting Self and Family from Evil" with Msgr. Rossetti, Fr. Luke and Gina. Partial and full scholarships available at: stmichaelcenter77@gmail.com. Register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8382139423552810076

    ***Great news: Our app "Catholic Exorcism" has been updated and the new version is now available.

    ****Sample of Feedback from October 2023 Online Deliverance Session

    The prayer “I Am Loved” moved me to tears as I suffer from feelings of hurt, and rejection from family members and loved ones. It is always good to know and feel God's healing love!

    I feel a sense of joy. Thank you!!

    By God's grace, after the deliverance, I experienced renewed physical strength, i.e., my body returned to normal. Before the deliverance I was careful with my actions, afterward I could move about normally and do chores as before. What an amazing experience that was! …And, when things seem especially trying, I rewatch those sessions as needed. Thank you so much!

    I cried when Msgr lifted financial curses and when he asked God the Father to wrap His arms around us. I suffer from not believing that I can be loved due to past sins. The final blessing was the most powerful.

    Thank you! Truly beautiful!

    I have been having bad dreams for about 20 years…After 1 deliverance session, they have mostly gone away! Thank you!

    Today I was able to watch a live session and was shocked how powerful it was. I felt like I was lightheaded and had pressure in my head during the removing of curses. I was horrified to learn how I have opened myself up dabbling with the new age and going to energy healers…I plan on rewatching this service and continue praying the rosary everyday and attend confession this week. I also will be attending mass. I can’t tell you how humbled I feel. How at peace and calm I feel.

    I felt a deep peace during the session that I haven't felt in a very very very long time. Thank you so much for doing these sessions. God Bless You!!

    The biggest effect in my life from attending these sessions is the loosening of the grip of fear, oppression, and the increase in the surrender to the love of God and His will.

    Had a feeling of God’s grace coming over me, like a warmth.

    Thank you, I feel a great peace and a joy and am filled with gratitude following the session today.

    Felt at peace and joy! Thank you.

    After tonight's session, I have this great sense of peace. I will sleep peacefully tonight for the first time in a while. Thank you so very much!

    I know God really Loves me, feeling His love flowing over and in me.

    I felt a "heaviness" leave me.

    Felt the light I’ve never felt in a while.

    I have finally been liberated from the vice of wrath and am thankful for God's mercy and grace in response to [the] prayers.

    I was quite troubled and worried about my current health condition and felt lost, fearful, and unsettled. After the prayer session, I felt so much peace, especially with the prayer “I Am Loved”. I felt the joy and peace enter into my heart and slept with a smile on my face feeling God's love is always with me. Thank you so much for all the prayers and blessings!

    Praise the Lord! As we began the prayers to remove generational spirits and to cast out specific evil spirits I burst out crying. I felt a release of emotions at that time, it felt as if I was crying in the arms of the Lord Christ and He was soothing my soul.

    When I started doing these deliverance prayer sessions almost a year ago, I was carrying a tremendous burden. I felt the burden physically. It weighed down on my neck and shoulders. I was under constant attack by the Evil One. Now the weight is gone. God bless you all!! Thank you!!

    During the prayer for healing of family conflict and discord, all of a sudden I started shaking sobbing. Its been a trial lately in that area for me. I woke up the next day feeling lighter, it was easier to get out of bed, normally a fight. Thank you I really felt that one and a release. God bless you.

    Wow.....very, very powerful. I felt a major release in my heart, of forgiveness for my husband who has hurt me deeply.

    The exchange of hearts with Jesus has been powerful for me. I feel a greater closeness to him, and an increased ability to love others. Thank you for all you are doing.

    My fever went away as the service progressed.

    I felt and saw a big black shadow lift from my head and I felt instantly better and happier.

    A lot of stress left me and I have been able to get more done this week. My family also seems to be doing a little better as well. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

    I experienced healing. I can now walk without a cane. I was bed-ridden for 3 months, and on a gurney, wheel chaise, walker then cane. I praise and thank God for these blessings.

    Unexpectedly, I cried through much of the session. The tears were not sad, but felt like a healing, peaceful release. Thank you for doing this!

    Grace-filled and powerful. These sessions are a blessing to my priesthood and others involved in our parish and mission ministries, outreach and prayer groups. God bless all involved. Thank you!

    What I am experiencing is a deeper awe and love for my Catholic faith.

    My wife and I have attended many of the sessions. We always feel closer to God and filled with the Holy Spirit after the sessions. The sessions strengthen our faith and give us hope and joy.

    I received a 100% healing in my hand that was in great pain.

    I have noticed that since I have begun participating in these prayer sessions, many things in my family's life have changed for the better.

    I used to be envious when I would read that people felt lighter and more peaceful after sessions. This time I actually felt a heaviness was lifted from me. I felt an air of peace. It was amazing. Thank you so much.

    I've definitely noticed subtle changes over this time period. I don't get the self-hatred, dislike, down on myself, and feel worthless as frequently or severe as I once did. It still happens from time to time.

    I felt St. Michael and his angels near me!

    A deep feeling of peace and cleansing, that goes beyond words.

    I had to watch the recording, but it was just as powerful. God has this ministry at work! … It is a miraculous blessing in my life.

    Overwhelming peace.

    I like the live sessions because I can experience a communal sense of prayer, joining my prayers with other participants and to pray for their intentions as well as my own.

    Both my husband and I attended online, we both felt a sense of peace during and afterwards… I’ve noticed for me that the people and issues of the past have become less and less intense as if healing in a slow and steady path over time…I’ve been attending every month for about a year. Thank you so much for these sessions!!!

    As I am in Germany it is very late for me (1am), but I was impressed how many people were online. Awesome! Thanks for what you are doing! Keep going.

    After exiting the prayer session, I felt joy and had mental clarity that I haven’t experienced in a very long time. I will be attending these as often as they are available. Thank you so much.

    I experienced coughing, crying, and then a sense of relief and well-being. Thank you so much. These sessions are very soothing.

    Complete peace by end of session...thank you!

    Sam, sparrow and AED like this.
  8. AED

    AED Powers

    Wonderful. Could you PM this link to Sanctus. He really needs to read this. Thanks!!!
    Sam likes this.
  9. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I have for the longest time had the feeling that next year is the big one when things start moving. Just a feeling.

    That's why , with God's I hope to be living in Spain early next year. I think after then, travel, especially International Travel, with be very problematic.

    I don't think even many devout Catholics fully understand the hugeness of what's coming. The World will be turned upside down and shaken up. Not even a single blade of grass will remain unaffected.
    An entire new world is about to come into existence. The way we live now will seem like a distant dream...like a fairy tale.

    Everything is about to change. Everything.

    Like child birth it will be very painful, but worth it to see the New Born World.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2024
    Ed Kleese, Sam, LMF and 9 others like this.
  11. sparrow

    sparrow Exitus ~ Reditus

    God have mercy
    Sam, LMF, AED and 3 others like this.
  12. AED

    AED Powers

    Sam and LMF like this.

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