WE the members of the Mother of God forum your children, in the presence of all the angels of your Triumph, all the saints in heaven and in union with the Holy Mother Church, renew into your hands the vows of our Baptism. We offer to you dear Mother, all our past, present and future, joys and sorrows, prayers and sacrifices, all that we are and all that the Father shall mould us to become. We give to you, Mother, our love and commitment so we may be forever bonded together in the YES of eternity, in the depths of your Triumphant Immaculate Heart. Amen we your children pledge our consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Victoria sola est clamor nobis
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.
On this glorious day of The Annunciation and Fatima Consecration, a beautiful service and Mass this morning I pray, Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death. Amen.
Had a wonderful little experience last night while walking and preparing for today with reflection and prayer. I have a playlist with hundreds of songs that if you played it in total, would take over 20 hours to listen to it. I'd say 95% of it is instrumental but there are a few religious songs in it. I always feel that there are times when God will speak to me through these songs as they randomly come up and they help me understand something in the music or titles of the songs. There are times when I say a little prayer asking to help me understand something I am dealing with and to speak to me through song. I did this last night, took a long pause, turned the playlist on and hit shuffle. My prayer was all about today and I asked God to speak to me about today and it's importance. Let me know if it was in His Will to point me towards understanding the importance of today. I hit play and this was the first song that came up. This was so remarkable to have the song come up in coordination with what feast day it was. The next 2 songs where instrumentals from movies but I found their titles to be very interesting to me. 1. Forge - This was from the Avenger's movie where they are forging a new weapon for Thor to battle the evil one Thanos trying to destroy half of all creation. We are definitely to forge ie utilize the most powerful weapon Mary gave us in the Rosary in this time. 2. The Village - This was from the movie The Thin Red Line and is an awful scene where many innocent villagers in Vietman are also caught up in the battle. I find several interesting things about this. First, it feels very similar to what is happening in Ukraine where the innocent get caught up in the war as well. But I also find the title to be interesting in the sense are we, the faithful being told to prepare our own villages and communities if you will for the times to come. Lot's to unwrap here but wanted to share. My walk ended here so I did not have any more songs after these. In summary for me: God chose his mother in mother in Mary and sent her and continues to send her to us. This part of the song actually brought some tears of joy to my eyes because He did choose her and sent her to help us and will today bring yet another wonderful grace from God through Mary: For know a blessed Mother thou shalt be All generations laud and honor thee Thy son shall be Emanuel as seers foretold Most highly favored lady, Gloria. God and His Mother are asking us to Forge if we need to still or continue to use the most powerful weapon given to us in these times. We also need to prepare and forge our villages of believers for what lies ahead.
My family had a neat little experience a couple days ago too, in connection with the upcoming consecration. We've been praying our nightly rosary with a lit blessed beeswax candle for a while now, but this particular night we brought out a picture of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to place the candle next to while we prayed...in honor of her Immaculate Heart and in request that the consecration be done as she's asked. Up till then, all my beeswax candles and this particular one also had always had a beautifully still and solemn flame that never so much as flickers unless someone blows on it. But on this night, as soon as we began our rosary, the flame began dancing and flashing, in perfect rhythm, over and over and over. The light cast on Mary's Immaculate Heart looked like someone was turning a flashlight on and off very quickly, or like a flashing Christmas light. It reminded me of the flashes of light given off by the miracle of the sun in our children's video of the Miracle at Fatima. The flame would go still again for a moment, then begin flashing all over again. This happened for the duration of our rosary, until we put the candle out. And it hasn't happened again since, even for a moment. It is once again a perfectly still flame.
PurpleFlower, This is simply beautiful like many of your posts about your family, thank you for sharing. ClareG, Thank you for posting this. This video was very well done. Thank you for the novena videos that you posted also. May God bless you both.+
After watching the live stream today I was filled emotionally with such hope. For me the respect shown to our most Holy Mother was indeed perfect. During the service and concecration prayer the camera zoomed in on the gold crucifix of our lady of fatimas rosary, as Pope Francis spoke the crucifix swayed from side to side, it caught my attention and for me personally I took it as a sign that heaven indeed was listening..
Once again, Poland is honoring both their Mother Mary and Beloved Jesus for this special day. It is currently 10:27 pm in Poland right now. So very beautiful!
Wonderful, John, about the rosary swaying. I had the same feelings about love and hope. There was indeed respect for the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I watched the live stream on Lifesite news, below. The first most marvellous thing I experienced was an anointing when the Holy Father gave his blessing to all present and to those watching on the live stream, I was kneeling with my portrait of Our Lady of Fatima and holding the crucifix , I felt a hand over me, It was so beautiful, I sobbed at this unexpected grace. During the actual consecration I cried like a baby, with such joy. Two things I believe I was shown; 1) This consecration was done due to the many prayers, penances and sufferings of the faithful down through the last 100 years, since Our Lady of Fatima appeared in 1917. I feel that those of us doing as Our Lady requested at Fatima, the prayers, penances, daily Rosary and the five first Saturday's have been applied to/ added to those who have gone before us i.e. our grandparents and great-grandparents and all those that have lived our lady's requests of Fatima and somehow the number required for this stupendous event has been accomplished !; in this way it has been in God's timing. 2) I believe, Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI prayers and sufferings have been invaluable to and for Pope Francis, and that Emeritus Pope Benedict was indeed with Pope Francis spiritually, as he made this consecration of Russia to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart today. Thank you dearest Lord Jesus, for your great Love. God Bless Pope Francis and Emeritus Pope Benedict. Amen https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/l...he-immaculate-heart/?utm_source=onesignal0325
I watched on one thread (that I can't find now), a Dr Taylor Marshall video posing a question about the consecration of Pope Francis as, some languages call her the "tierra del cielo" , meaning Earth of Heaven! The question being whether it may be a consecration to the pagan pachamama. However another updated video by Dr Taylor Marshall states that Archbishop Schneider has provided evidence that indeed Mary is the earth of Heaven as spoken about by 3 doctors of the church and one saint! This title of our lady is certainly a legit title. Praise God! Below Dr Marshall's updated video....
Today 25th March 2023, let us renew our Consecration to Immaculate Heart of Mary. I ((Julia)insert your name), a wretched sinner, today, renew and ratify in thy hands, my Immaculate Mother, the vows made for me at Baptism by my sponsors. I renounce forever satan and all his pomps and works. I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ, to carry my cross after Him and to be more faithful to Him than I have ever been before. I contemplate Him in His agony and realise that it was to save me from hell and deliver me from the cruel slavery of the devil that He suffered indescribable agony. I offer myself to thy Immaculate Heart, which suffered so acutely for me at the foot of the Cross. I wish to honour that sorrowful Heart, which does so justly merit the love, the reverence and the gratitude of all mankind. My dear Mother, my loving Advocate with Jesus, I deliver and consecrate to thee, as thy slave, my body and soul, my goods, my talents, my time, and even the value of all my good actions. I leave to thee the entire and full right of disposing of me and all that belongs to me, without exception, according to thy good pleasure, for the greater glory of God, in time and in eternity. Amen.
In honour of Our Lady of Fatima, a beautiful little hymn with people from all different Nations, Tribes and Colours. Closest we can ever hope to get to hearing angels sing, and all to honour our Celestial Queen.
I normally do the consecration at the same time, especially as 13th May is also the anniversary of the shooting of Pope John Paul II. But for various reasons I delayed starting so I will finish a few days later on May 31st, which until 1969 was the feast of the Visitation, my favourite decade of the rosary and itsyalso my wedding anniversary (1980).
That is my favorite mystery of the rosary too! And the one I was assigned by the Living Rosary Association.
Mine is the Carrying of the Cross. I’m glad of it because it makes me consider how my paltry sufferings can help me learn meekness and patience and be used for good. Otherwise I don’t really like the Sorrowful Mysteries. I have a friend who says they are her favourite.