I know some members on this Forum are critical of Pope Francis, and sure's made some mistakes. But he also did One Very Good Thing imho, and also in the Judgment of e.g. Bishop Athanasius Schneider. Namely, he Consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart. He did this on March 25, 2022. Last time around, even after a Partial Consecration, in around 7-10 years, the Soviet Union Fell. So, do you think Russia has been Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart? Can we expect a Period of Peace, by say 2033, no World War III, the conversion of Russia which means the return of the Orthodox to Rome etc?
Pope St. John Paul II also, and Pope Benedict XVI, also very good Popes, also made some mistakes, e.g. Assisi events to which Traditionalists object. But they also did some very good things. E.G. Pope St. John Paul II made a Partial Consecration, after which Communism fell, but only PARTIALLY. And as for His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, you can't be a TLM-Loving Latin Mass Traditionalist (though you can't condemn the Novus Ordo as either heretical, blasphemous, invalid etc and call yourself a Roman Catholic anymore), WITHOUT LOVING POPE BENEDICT XVI FOR SUMMORUM Pontficum etc, as I think we all here agree. But what about Pope Francis? I think the Medjugorje visionaries (someone who's an expert on them can chip in if it's different, though I remember reading this, perhaps on this very Forum, MOG) told someone who said: "Pope St. John Paul II was Good, Pope Benedict XVI Better, Pope Francis is BAD". something like: "Don't think like that, God has His own plans and knows better". I could be mistaken, and (these aren't exact quotes mind you), but that's the gist of what I remember reading. Now, I want to say about Pope Francis, that though he's made some mistakes, he's still DONE WHAT NOT EVEN POPE ST. JOHN PAUL II did: namely, Consecrate Russia by Name to the Immaculate Heart, which was a bold move, and which even traditionalist Bishop Athanasius Schneider, and I think the SSPX also (been a while, so maybe misremembering this or that detail), agree he has done. Thoughts and comments welcome. God Bless. Let me see if I can find some sources myself in the meanwhile.
" The consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by a reigning pope was requested during a Marian apparition by Our Lady of Fátima on 13 July 1917, according to Lúcia dos Santos (Sister Lúcia), one of the three visionaries who claimed to have seen the apparition. Sister Lucia said that at different times the Blessed Virgin Mary had given her a message of promise that the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary would usher in a period of world peace. Popes Pius XII, Paul VI and John Paul II all consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, although without specifically referencing Russia or the USSR. On March 25, 2022, Pope Francis consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, alongside Ukraine, with both countries mentioned for the first time." Just this for now. Taken from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consecration_of_Russia_to_the_Immaculate_Heart_of_Mary
*to be clear, I mean "world saved from a Nuclear Holocaust, from World War 3 etc". Just wanted to clarify that, as I can't edit the title.
I wonder of all these prophecies \"theories" are right, and all right at once. Which is terrifying. nuclear war, WW3, pole-shift, EMP o solar flare. Will it really happen? its horrible. like if you were playing Sim City and all the disaster events happened one after the other
Sister Lucia said that heaven had accepted the consecration by St JP2. If it was good enough for her, it’s good enough for me. A couple of weeks after the consecration there was a massive explosion in an arsenal owned by the Russian North Sea Fleet, which took out a massive pile of weapons and this is believed to have brought the Russians to the negotiating table. I wouldn’t expect the old Soviet Union to fall instantly to its knees but from my own experience from travelling, there has been a resurgence of faith. Lots of churches rebuilt or new. I attended Mass in one of the port cities (Sevastopol, Odessa?) in a pretty Catholic Church that had a stained glass window of Pope St John Paul. I bought a little banner proclaiming Christ is risen - from a supermarket. You couldn’t find such a thing in our local shops ( in the UK).
Hi Clare. Sure, Pope St. John Paul II made at least a Partial Consecration, but was it a Complete Consecration? If so, where's the Conversion of Russia, and the Promised Period of Peace? The World has had many Wars since 1984, and thus it suggests we're not there yet. Also, Russia's not returned to the Roman Catholic Faith, and the Roman Catholic Church, after nearly 1000 years of the old Photian Schism. I believe Our Lady's Promise is that the Russian Orthodox will convert, and become Russian Catholics. God Bless.
Ay, and there’s the rub. If he is a valid pope, then yes, he (sorta) did the consecration. You know the tree by its fruit - has Russia converted and brought peace to this world? There’s your answer.
Hi Brian. Well, I have to respectfully disagree with schismatic sede-vacantism (or bene-vacantism), if that's what you're proposing. But tell you what, give it roughly 10 years, by say 2033, and sure, if God hasn't brought the Russian Orthodox home, I'll consider it. May God the Holy Spirit, according to the Lord's Promise guide us all to all Truth. In Lord Jesus Christ's Holy Name. Amen. Schismatic Sedevacantism is from the Devil imo. It should have no place among Roman Catholics. A Pope accepted by the Bishops is True Pope.
Sorry, no. Mary’s promise doesn’t take ten years to be fulfilled. And questioning this papacy’s legitimacy - as the forum owner and myself do based on real, hard data - doesn’t make one either a schismatic or a sedevacantist. Please refrain from such baseless accusations/ insults.
Nonsense. If the conclave itself or the resignation that lead to it was invalid, all the bishops in the world “accepting” a papal usurper doesn’t make him one. This only applies with a valid conclave. The question is the validity of the conclave itself, whether PBXVI’s resignation was coerced and whether the shenanigans at the conclave that “elected” PF were in violation of St. PJPII’s new binding legislation governing papal conclaves, clearly documented since, which incur automatic excommunication. So there is NOTHING schismatic about questioning the validity of the person who sits on the Chair of Peter. Church teaching is quite clear that when the legitimacy of a papal claimant is questioned based on the legitimacy of his conclave, is it NOT schismatic to question whether he is the true pope.
1.Hi Brian. Grace be with you, but I'm afraid you're mistaken. Please see this source: "if the Bishops agree in recognizing a certain man as Pope, they are certainly right, for [1] otherwise the Body of the Bishops would be separated from their Head, and [2] the Divine Constitution of the Church would be ruined" (Fr. Sylvester Hunter, Outlines of Dogmatic Theology, 1895; Bolding, brackets etc mine). 2. You might also enjoy this article Yours Truly wrote against 65+Year Sedevacantism, which I think we both agree is mistaken, for One Peter Five: "Hence, if it is true that all the popes of the last 62 years have all been heretics, it necessarily follows that all their appointments are invalid, and the Church has defected and lost her formal apostolicity. Conversely, if it is impossible that the Catholic Church defects and loses apostolicity, it follows that the popes doing the appointing to continue the succession must necessarily have been true popes." From: https://onepeterfive.com/sedevacantists-church-without-pope/ 3. Sede Site Novus Ordo Watch tried to respond to my article but arguably failed. That's here: "On July 23, 2020, an article appeared on the One Peter Five web site that is addressed to sedevacantists: “Asking Sedevacantists: A Church without Popes Forever?” (One Peter Five) The piece was written by Mr. Nishant Xavier, and it represents a reasonable and evidence-based challenge to the sedevacantist position. This is unusual for One Peter Five, which in the past (and also since then) has revealed itself to be a theological comedy site more than anything. Of course that is not to say that the write-up succeeds in refuting sedevacantism, only that it is, at first sight at least, a well-done article that deserves a response." From: https://novusordowatch.org/2022/08/church-without-popes-forever/ I am not name-calling anyone, dear Brian, least of all of you. I am just counselling my fellow Catholics here, who I love, against the Dangers of SVism. I have studied SVism in depth for at least 13 years, maybe 14 years, so I think I can speak with some moral authority on the errors to which I see it lead. God Bless you.
Since the primary goal of this consecration and its first direct consequence expected is the conversion of Russia, perhaps the question that makes the most sense in this field is: has Russia already converted?
Did Our Lady say "already" or "immediately" or "within 2 years" or anything like that? I would give it time, wait for God's Good Time, and also do our part to help bring it about, including by praying explicitly for it. I'd be very surprised myself if it hasn't happened by 2033, I fully expect it will. But this is not "magic". It means the Graces of the Conversion will be released upon the Russian People, and they in time will see the need to reconcile with Rome. I will quite a Private Revelation to this effect in time. Am on my phone now. God Bless.
The conversion of Russia will be miraculous and attributed to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. God wants our Lady to be recognised and known as Mediatrix and co-Redemptrix - her Immaculate heart will triumph.
Let's allow Our Lady to speak for Herself. For your discernment: Authorized locutions published by Msgr. John Esseff had said that Russia must and will be specifically Consecrated by the Holy Father and the Bishops, and this step is necessary and will bring peace to the world at long last, along with the conversion of Russia and other nations to the Catholic Faith. https://www.amazon.com/Locutions-World-2014-Messages-Heaven/dp/1326621556 Msgr. John Esseff was spiritual director to Mother St. Theresa of Calcutta, and was himself spiritually directed earlier by St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. "When Russia is Consecrated New Culture of Peace Sunday, August 17th, 2014 Mary After the Consecration of Russia, the beginning gift will be a conversion of hearts of those who control the nations. New ideas of peace initiatives will surface. World leaders will see that peace is in their self-interest. They should have seen this earlier but were blinded by Satan. Nations will move to true peace agreements, not the false pieces of paper they now call treaties. The hearts of the people will move in the same directions. The hunger for war and the use of weapons to gain natural interests will be seen as outmoded ideas, the products of the past, foolish concepts that have no life in this new thinking. The wisdom of true peace that was set aside in the selfish pursuits will regain its rightful place. Peace will be a constant, powerful light, set upon the lampstand. Even those whose hearts are not touched will be forced to walk on this new path by the power of the new culture of peace.
When Russia is Consecrated The Stirring in Russian Hearts Sunday, August 17th, 2014 Mary When Russia is consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, there will be a stirring in the hearts of all, but especially in the souls of the Russian people. They will receive an inner light and will understand what forces of evil were planted in their nation by Satan's instruments. As their hearts are stirred, more and more light will fill them. They will reject both what has been forced upon them and what, to some degree, they themselves have chosen. All of these evils have formed their nation and their leaders into instruments of darkness, death and destruction. In this new stirring, they will fully reject what they have become and what they had been forced to accept. This stirring will grow greater as it manifests itself in outward demonstrations of a growing desire to return to its religious roots and, especially, to return to their devotion of my Immaculate Heart. No one will be able to stop this movement because their nation will have been specifically consecrated by the Holy Father and by all the Catholic bishops of the world. I have put my seal of promise upon this act of Consecration, and the graces flowing from it will not be turned back. Even though the most frightful opposition will arise, the stirring in the hearts of the Russian people for this new light will not be turned back.
When Russia is Consecrated The Overcoming of Separation Monday, August 18th, 2014 Mary I will place such great gifts in the hearts of the Russian people that they will not be satisfied with superficial changes. Instead, they will wipe away the divisions of the centuries. They will realize that I have released an ocean of graces which have changed their darkness into light. They will realize that they have been freed from the past century of diabolical control. They will also know that this great gift has come through the consecration of Russia made by the Holy Father in communion with all the bishops in the world. They will begin to question why they are separated from the Holy Father. Would all of this darkness have fallen if there had been no division? They will cry out for unity with Rome. This ocean will be so deep and so powerful that it will sweep away all opposition. The Russian people will overturn the centuries of division that have been forced upon them. That is why the Holy Father and all the bishops must make this Consecration in a public way and must specifically mention Russia. The Russian people must know the source of the gift. This is also why I wait and wait, even though the Holy Father delays. I must have the Holy Father act in the name of the Catholic Church so the Russian people know that the Catholic Church has released this gift. In this way, they will desire and bring about union with the Catholic Church. I unfold these revelations so all the world, especially the Church, can see what I intend and why I ask what I do.
When Russia is Consecrated Better to Wait Tuesday, August 19th, 2014 Mary Before the consecration of Russia takes place, many events will happen that will change the earth. Why do I wait? Why not act immediately? If these powers for the good of mankind lie in my heart, why not pour them forth now? When seen from earth's perspective, the ways of heaven are often difficult to understand. Why did the human race lie in darkness for so many centuries before the Father sent his only begotten Son? Jesus came in "the fullness of time", the earliest moment that the human race could receive. Heaven waited because earth was unable to receive. Before Jesus began his ministry, Israel needed John the Baptist to prepare the way. Otherwise, Israel would not have been ready for the gift of Jesus. Only heaven fully understands what must be done. Earth gains only glimpses of the full reality. By my words, I pull back this veil. Yet, even when I reveal heaven's secrets, who believes? Who accepts the messages? Who acts? Who responds? I speak clearly. Heaven has a plan. That plan has been revealed. Promises have been made that will be fully kept once the conditions are fulfilled. Heaven does not change its plan just because earth does not accept it. Why do I wait? Certainly, it would be much better if the Consecration of Russia had already been made and the gift released. However, to release the gifts before the Holy Father and the bishops consecrate Russia would ruin the fruitfulness of the promises. It is better to wait."
Yes, Russia has been consecrated, Not converted yet but God's time is not our time. Tomorrow is the First Saturday. I read something recently about how Sr. Lucia did the 15 minute meditation part of the First Saturday devotion. She meditated on only one mystery on each first Saturday, beginning with the first joyful mystery and ending with the fifth mystery on the fifth first Saturday. Then she meditated on one Sorrowful mystery for each of the next five first Saturdays, then the glorious, luminous and back to the joyful. I'm going to try that.