Aviso News

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Aviso., Jan 16, 2024.

  1. Aviso.

    Aviso. New Member

    I am created this New thread on this Great Forum, here I will give more details about the Fatima 3rd Secret and about my meeting with Sister Lucia Family which I met in Portugal when I lived there, my life in Ukraine as well, Garabandal of course, my marriage there and how my ex wife did asked to me the divorce, the Garabandal movie and my participation for this movie in question, the thousands of euros I sent to some related to Garabandal, my own situation currently, Francis and how I knew from Day 1 he was related to the destroyer of Saint Francis and so on and so on.....my own Blog as well and How I got the unique Saint Pio letter confirming Garabandal, in other words and if I am allowed then I will, de facto enjoy and please Pray for me, I know also that I have many friends here for years, so for those interested stay tune, thank you.

    God Bless, Aviso
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024
    Malachi, Rain, Dusica and 11 others like this.
  2. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    I remember that you said on your page that the thesis that Sister LĂșcia was replaced by an impostor was false; Is this conclusion partly due to the meeting with her family?
    BrianK, Byron, AED and 2 others like this.
  3. Aviso.

    Aviso. New Member

    Right, I went to check in Fatima this rumor, I met a member of Lucia Family in the village where she was borned, no one wanted to talk to me, they thought I was a kind of Journalist and so on but I have my own way to question people, I remember the village was almost empty, very few people only, I was trying to find a book about Fatima written before 1960 and confirming that Garabandal was a continuation of Fatima but no one was aware of Garabandal there, suddenly an old lady told me to meet someone related to Lucia Family because in the village there is a big picture of Lucia Family and one lady was still there in this village, I do not know why this old Lady talked to me to date but I met a member of Lucia Family and question her about the Fatima seer, Father Gruner was not sure of this rumor as well so I told her I am sure that Lucia was silenced by Rome and probably killed after 1960, she start to shout to me and told me you should be ashamed, she confirm to me that Lucia was asked from 1960 not to talk in public about the Fatima 3rd Secret only, that she had a strong dental surgery yes but in no way she was killed or replaced by anyone and that if that had been the case, the family would never have allowed it or will know it for sure, she also hoped to never see me again in this village and that she will pray for me, I trust this Person for sure and without any possible doubt, so No fake Lucia, impossible as simple as that, thank you.
  4. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    Thanks for the clarification, Aviso. God bless you.
    HeavenlyHosts, AED, Sam and 1 other person like this.
  5. Aviso.

    Aviso. New Member

    Welcome Luan, please let me add few words as well, I know the Church is under Apostasy and de facto the world, I know also that many of you are suffering mainly in Silence via your Rosary, many people are contacting me in private via my Blog especially about Fatima and Garabandal, I can confirm here that in Portugal I was informed of what we call the Fatima dark prophecy, the famous annihilation of nations, a list of specific countries was given to me I can talk about mine France only but I want to be optimist as well, I know also that the French Prophecy about the King of France was related to the year 2029 and not as with Father Gruner we thought for the year 2017, the famous 100 years, De facto I am sure that the Triumph of our Lady will probably start from 2029 so in 5 years, please be strong and keep the faith in any case, thank you.
    Mary's child, Jo M, EricH and 7 others like this.
  6. Mario

    Mario Powers

    It is interesting that the powers that be, the Economic Forum and all international groups aligned with freemasonry are aiming for the fulfillment of their devilish goals by 2030. It would make sense that are Lady's Triumph would crush their timetable!

    O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
    Carmelite, Mary's child, Jo M and 7 others like this.
  7. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Thank you very much!
    LMF, Prayslie, Mary's child and 3 others like this.
  8. Aviso.

    Aviso. New Member

    Right Mario, strangely there is a gap of 13 years between 2017 to 2030, we could call these years, the years of Fatima, so let me add few words about it, in my opinion the Fatima text is a geopolitical text mainly, of course there is probably a part about the Church and the Apostasy from the top but it looks to me that one country is always there and according to what I was told, this country is Russia, by the way I will not be surprised if a copy of the 3rd secret is still in Portugal, thank you.
    Mary's child and sparrow like this.
  9. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    Hello, Aviso, I remember that you mentioned 13 as the possible number of years that the current pontificate would last. Does this come from a personal interpretation or has a source related to Fatima confided this to you?
    Mary's child and sparrow like this.
  10. Aviso.

    Aviso. New Member

    Right Luan, I was told in Fatima as in Ukraine that this Pope is related to Fatima for sure, 13 years not more this is what some told me, de facto from 2013 to 2026 only so not more please be sure of it, thank you.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2024
  11. orangina

    orangina Archangels

    The destruction of which nations?
    Can you be a little more specific about which countries exactly you mean?

    I mean, there is no need to hide it because most countries are being destroyed through migration, the decline of faith is incredibly high, divorces are at their peak, never less births, gay marriages and child adoptions, never more divorces, a lot of single people, the largest number of illegitimate children in history and in Europe 60% i.e. Portugal has the most with France and Iceland...

    To me, the destruction of certain nations does not necessarily mean their disappearance, but the loss of faith, which for many saints was always a greater punishment than, say, the death of that person. So the rapid loss of faith is a far worse punishment than the disappearance of nations.
    Mary's child, Arantxa, AED and 2 others like this.
  12. Aviso.

    Aviso. New Member

    5 countries are related to Fatima directly :

    1. Russia for the Consecration
    2. Portugal for the dogma of faith
    3. Ukraine for 3rd secret
    4. France for the King's Prophecy
    5. Italy for Rome and the vision
    Mary's child, EricH, AED and 3 others like this.
  13. Aviso.

    Aviso. New Member

    My Friends, I want again to thank you for your Prayers, you are Great and the Lord is Good, in no way he will forget his Friends and via his Mother, I am living currently a Miracle, my own situation is much better, I will give more details quite soon, thank you again.
  14. sparrow

    sparrow Exitus ~ Reditus

    Praise be to God!
    HeavenlyHosts likes this.

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