Happy Birthday Jack

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by "Quis ut Deus", Mar 25, 2024 at 6:41 PM.

  1. "Quis ut Deus"

    "Quis ut Deus" ADMIN Staff Member

    miker, Ed Kleese, jackzokay and 4 others like this.
  2. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    A blessed birthday to you, Jack. :)
  3. CathyG

    CathyG Archangels

    Happy birthday to you, Jack! It's a lovely, blessed day being the traditional date for the Annunciation.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Felix cumpleanos,.
    jackzokay, Mary's child, AED and 2 others like this.
  5. LMF

    LMF Archangels

    A very Happy Birthday to you ~
  6. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    Happy Birthday Jack! Enjoy your day . . .
  7. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Hope it is a great birthday.
    jackzokay, Mary's child and Jo M like this.
  8. AED

    AED Powers

    Yes!! Jack have blessed birthday!! The Feast of the Annunciation!! ( in an ordinary year)
  9. Mary's child

    Mary's child Powers

    Have a blessed birthday Jack! :)
    jackzokay and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  10. RoryRory

    RoryRory Perseverance

    May your day and year be Blessed.
    jackzokay likes this.
  11. jackzokay

    jackzokay Powers

    Thankyou everyone, for your birthday wishes.... I'm very touched by your kind sentiments. I have to admit I was very surprised to see this thread (John!! a very happy birthday to yourself, too!).
    I don't feel 55.
    Time flies!
    I'm sitting here on the porch of our house in Spain celebrating.. well, not exactly celebrating, more like enjoying a wee beer. Blanket around us both. It's freezing!!!
  12. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

  13. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Happy birthday!

    “You’re not old … for a tree!”
  14. Cherox

    Cherox Principalities

    Happy birthday
  15. miker

    miker Powers

    Many Blessing Jack! Happy Birthday!

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