Garabandal Objections

Discussion in 'Marian Apparitions' started by SteveD, Apr 8, 2013.

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  1. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    I too would have no problem facing our creator, saying I defended our Blessed Mother, changed my spiritual lifestyle to include daily mass , communion and the rosary, etc. Then to try to justify insulting her, and attacking believers who followed "Catholic messages and practices" .
    Torrentum and Genuflect like this.
  2. Mac

    Mac Guest

    Oh dear... Conchita tells us at 7.47 Fr Andreu is already incorrupt..... This is a failed prophecy .
  3. Mac

    Mac Guest

    You are correct Glenn , I cannot hope to find such documentation, although I have emailed Aviso in the hope his contacts in the village will be more forthcoming. I will let you all know if I hear anything.
    What also concerns me about this prophecy, as I have many is, ... I can understand Joey ,a grown man given hope in his eyesight. But to tell a paralysed boy he will be cured , and still not 50 years later??? this seems like a prophecy of cruelty.The poor boy hoping every year to be cured. I hope he died a long time ago.
  4. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Mac how is it a failed prophecy? If you listen to the video again the locution given was a simple one. Our Lady who said that 'On the day of the miracle he will be incorrupt'. Notice the message of our Lady did not say that he is incorrupt but he will be (or would be) incorrupt.

    So we await the day of the Miracle for this prophecy to be fulfilled. We need to focus on what our Lady said to Conchita in a locution rather than how Conchita interpreted this message. It would be natural for Conchita to believe that the body would not decay, however, this is not what our Lady said. She said deliberately that on the day of the miracle his body would be found to be incorrupt. Now that means the that the miracle will be an even greater one since the body has seen decay.

    In true private revelation I have noticed that our Lady does not 'waste' words - there is a meaning in every word (and I believe Garabandal to be true), so the fact that our Lady said on the day of the miracle he will be incorrupt implies that it will actually happen on the day of the Miracle. Now why does it happen on the day of the Great Miracle?

    On that great day it is prophecised that the sick will be cured and unbelievers converted. It will be the greatest day of spiritual and physical healing the world has seen from the time of Christ walked on earth. We know that the blind will see that all present will healed, the lame will walk, prodigies and cures of all ailments so the amphitheatre of Garabandal will be packed with millions of people including myself and some family members I hope.

    Father Andreu saw the great Great Miracle of Garabandal himself and died that very day some say he died of joy. He was its first witness to this great day therefore is it not fitting that the day after the great miracle that the people will go to his grave and find him to be incorrupt? He is buried I think in Loyola (Glenn can you confirm this?). People will go there perhaps doubting but when they open the casket they will encounter a tremendous miracle - his body will be like the day that he died.

    That his body will be found to be incorrupt is I believe a sign from our Lady that Fr Luis Andreu was a saint and it will also be a sign of the Christ's resurrection and the destiny to which we are called in the next life. God has power over life and death. When Jesus raised Lazarus' body it had already begun to decay; when he died on the Cross there was an earthquake and the tombs opened - many of the bodies of the saints rose.

    Matthew 27
    And the graves were opened: and many bodies of the saints that had slept arose,
    And coming out of the tombs after his resurrection, came into the holy city, and appeared to many.

    Fr Luis Andreu was by all accounts a holy priest and it is fitting that the faith of many will be stirred by the miracle of his body being found incorrupt when it is removed the day after the Great Miracle. God can do all things.
    grimisocks likes this.
  5. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Mac, it is not for us to question the will of God. It is God's will that Joey remains blind or that the paralysed person remains so. It is for the glory of God. God is only a cruel God if you make him out to be.

    I think it is cruel that you 'hope he died a long time ago'. I hope you really don't mean that.
  6. Mac

    Mac Guest

    Garabandal , I gave the 7.47 time. You can refuse to believe what you hear from Conchita. I cant force you . Lucky the Bishop stopped them opening the grave yes?
  7. Mac

    Mac Guest

    Information on this boy is so scant no one can tell us if he is alive or dead or frankly even existed. Those who should know certainly dont like to talk about it, or dont like it being brought up.And those in a position to reveal the truth will not step up.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2014
  8. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    The point is Mac that on the day of the Miracle the body will be found to be incorrupt.

    It does not matter that the body is in decay now. The message given was that on the day of the Miracle the body will be found to be incorrupt.
  9. Mac

    Mac Guest

    I disagree , the point is Conchita said the body was already incorrupt , and Mike's reasoning is flawless...This is an example of the level of absurdity that people go to in order to explain the prophecies that did not come true. "Incorrupt" means free from decay or any corruption. The body has already decayed and been corrupted. The body would not be incorrupt, but would be reconstructed.

    Supporters are in the territory of suggesting Our Lady was unaware of the body revealing itself decayed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2014
  10. Mac

    Mac Guest

    Garabandal said...So we await the day of the Miracle for this prophecy to be fulfilled. We need to focus on what our Lady said to Conchita in a locution rather than how Conchita interpreted this message.

    So now you are suggesting to only consider the BVM words ? And everything from Conchita, and anyone else is unreliable? This would wipe out most pro arguements including Padre Pio.
  11. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Oh Dear , another "doubting Thomas " who can not understand our Blessed Mother SIMLPLE WORDS: "HE WILL BE FOUND INCORRUPT THE DAY AFTER THE MIRACLE " ! Our Lady never said he will be incorrupt now & forever, Why is it so hard to understand simple words ? If you can't understand this ,no wonder you don't believe anything else she said.
  12. Mac

    Mac Guest

    I was talking about Conchitas words Glenn. You are happy to confirm her words unreliable?
  13. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    You've lost me on this one. She is saying that the townspeople already opened his grave,and its corrupt, so ? The promise is after the Miracle. How is she unreliable ?
  14. Mac

    Mac Guest

    No , she is not saying that. Listen to it please.
  15. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    See what I mean , you, Steve, Mike, all love to use this as an example of a failed prophecy but when forced to defend your accusation , none of you can ! So if you cant prove it , stop using it ! You guys are "hell bend " on taking down Garabandal, that you'll use any "crumb" of possibility , as "evidence" . BACK IT UP OR SHUT UP .
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2014
    Eamonn likes this.
  16. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2014
  17. Mac

    Mac Guest

  18. Mac

    Mac Guest

    Conchita tells us his body is incorrupt now[1973] And quite confident about it.
  19. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    YES , we all know this, they opened the grave , Im not disputing this fact. The FACT is that Mary never promised his body would remain incorrupt until the Miracle, she said THE DAY AFTER THE MIRACLE !!! Won't it be MORE of a miracle now that you know he is already corrupt ?? OH YEAH !!! DON'T TWIST MARY'S WORDS ..."THE DAY AFTER".
  20. Mike G

    Mike G Guest

    As I explained previously, "incorrupt" means it has been free of corruption - that it has never been corrupted. The body obviously has been corrupted, so this prophecy attributed to the BVM is incorrect. If God was planning on restoring his body after it disintegrated into ashes, the proper wording would have been "the body will be found restored or reconstituted," not "incorrupt." This strains credulity in the extreme for reasonable people. Also, Conchita said the body was incorrupt in 1973, and that certainly wasn't the case.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2014
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