Hope it is ok to share my feelings on this. Whenever I hear anyone say Politics has nothing to do with Religion it astounds me. How would you describe the fall of Lucifer? That little upstart wanted to dethrone God and take Gods' seat. I call that an attempted coup. Lucifer then tried to get the Heavenly Angels behind him, and War broke out in Heaven and I believe one third of the Angels from the 9 choirs followed him. I call that voting with their feet or wings or whatever moves them. POLITICS started with Lucifer, and I think he delights in manipulating politics to this day. How many of us support the satan when we vote his minions into office. How many of us really know what (spirit) makes our candidates tick, when we are making our choices. God help us. Thank you for allowing my view.
Here is the latest message from "Locutions to the World" with Msgr Esseff's comment Preparing for Heavenly Gifts (cont'd) Apr. 25: 6. Mary's Priest Son http://www.locutions.org/2015/04/6-marys-priest-son/ WOW!
FYI: for those interested Paul Regan is on now discussing the recent Fatima messages from LTTW http://tunein.com/radio/WTMR-800-s23209/
I listened to the show and he said 4 Fatima statues are weeping and one in particular has a flow of tears(water not oil) but he never mentions where the statues are, do you know ??? thanks for the link, wish I was back in Philly! could go for a Cheese steak right about now, and a sausage slice and a Primos hogie, and and.....lol I miss a good buttered roll...mmmmmm
Hi IJoP! Well, the one he mentioned was the Fatima Pilgrim statue that was present for the memorial service for "Little" Audrey Santo a couple of weeks ago. That was the one he mentioned flowing with tears. There have been other statues weeping in a CA prayer group Paul knows of (spiritual director is Fr. Seraphim of Divine Mercy Center) that has met for some time....I believe it's a Fr. Gobbi cenacle....where the husband receives locutions....currently, they are specified Fr. Gobbi messages to read as if they are happening now. When he was told that message about reading them that way I understand that many many statues and sacred items with images began weeping together....and recently, a Fatima statue.
P.S. Also that particular Fatima Statue at the memorial is said not to have wept for 25 years I believe.
Here are the latest messages from "Locutions to the World" with Msgr Esseff's comments: Our Lady's Deepest Feelings May 14: 1. Three Thoughts of Our Lady's Heart May 15: 2. The Role of Pope Francis May 16: 3. Fr. Gruner and the Wine of Fatima May 17: 4. The Key to Mary's Heart May 18: 5. The Financial Scandals http://www.locutions.org/category/our-ladys-deepest-feelings/
Here are the latest messages from "Locutions to the World" with Msgr Esseff's commentary. Our Lady's Deepest Feelings (cont'd) May 19: 6. A Door Still Open May 20: 7. Our Lady's Judases http://www.locutions.org/category/our-ladys-deepest-feelings/
Here are the latest messages from "Locutions to the World" with Msgr Esseff's commentary: Our Lady's Deepest Feelings (cont'd) May 21: 8. The Silencing of Sister Lucy http://www.locutions.org/category/our-ladys-deepest-feelings/ ISIS in Europe and America May 20: 1. ISIS in Europe and America http://www.locutions.org/2015/05/1-isis-in-europe-and-america/
FYI: Paul Regan is on now speaking to the Locutions as well as to the Era of Peace: http://tunein.com/radio/WTMR-800-s23209/
LTTW claims that Russia has NOT been consecrated to Mary as per the Fatima request. While Other sources, like Spirit Daily, suggest that Russia was consecrated back in the 80s before the fall of communism. Which do you believe?
Since you asked...these messages are a product of a creative imagination. Enough already...Sister Lucia...the person who intimately knew our Blessed Mother has said..."yes"...the consecration was made. Nuclear war was indeed averted in 1985 by the miraculous destruction of the USSR's northern fleets ammunition depot. The iron curtain came down in 1989 peacefully. The evolution of peace is still being played out. If you take Pope John Paul , Pope Benedict and Pope Francis as a whole...collectively...they have brought the Universal Church to a metamorphosis. They have re-oriented the Church to the Will of God. In dying the Church is reborn to new life. Is it messy...yes...but the Holy Spirit is cleansing and purifying the Church. These reported locutions gives far to much credence to the puny affairs of men. The genesis of much this suffering (as frequently mentioned by this locutionist) is precipitated by the great greed and avarice pride of the United States. The Americans have blood on their hands as well as satanic illuminati Jews.
Where did this belief about a "fall of Communism" come from? The Soviet Union broke up mostly due to the unfeasibility of it continuing in any kind of monetary competition esp. with weaponry at the time. Gorbachev began his Glasnost and Perestroika which the members took advantage of one by one. And even Gorbachev and some of his allies envisioned the introduction of an economy similar to Lenin's New Economic Policy. And except for the three tiny Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia democracy is still a stranger in most of the 15 former republics. And Russia with its long reach still views the former republics as part of its orbit and has repeatedly intervened when they've made moves to go their own way. And then there's China to contend with now who simply adapted Russian Communism to themselves but even theirs began with Lenin. And they now are a huge force to contend with worldwide, about to make their big move: "TheCommunist Party of China holds that the cause of the disintegration of the Soviet Union originated with Stalin, criticizing him for the "bastardization of Leninism", turning Marxism into dogma, creating a one-man rule, and introducing an inefficient economic system." "The disintegration of the Soviet Union began on the peripheries, in the non-Russian areas. The first region to produce mass, organized dissent was the Baltic region, where, in 1987, (that disintegration of the Soviet Union was actually the gift to the Church for JPII's dedication of 1987 as a Marian Year) the government of Estonia demanded autonomy. This move was later followed by similar moves in Lithuania and Latvia, the other two Baltic republics. The nationalist movements in the Baltics constituted a strong challenge to Gorbachev’s policy of glasnost. He did not want to crack down too severely on the participants in these movements, yet at the same time, it became increasingly evident that allowing them to run their course would spell disaster for the Soviet Union, which would completely collapse if all of the periphery republics were to demand independence. ..... After the initiative from Estonia, similar movements sprang up all over the former Soviet Union." http://www.coldwar.org/articles/90s/fall_of_the_soviet_union.asp And I think those who accept that the consecration has fully been accomplished should also then have to ask themselves (if they are honest about the "fruits" promised) if, the horrendous, even diabolical, conditions of the world we are now living in are truly due to the Consecration having been fully done, then what difference has it really made? It would rather appear that God's directives for the fruits He wished to give to his children through His Mother would then have had to have been "bastardized"! People have decided that they should add, all by themselves, new elements to what our Lady required, as God required, from the beginning.
To those who believe no explanation is necessary, to those who don't believe no explanation is possible. I believe, the Consecration was done and accepted by Heaven. I believe, it is up to the rest of us to complete sufficient reparation as requested by Our Lady of Fatima. I believe, we are living in an extended time of Mercy by the Grace of God. But time is running out. I believe, Ireland has just seen the first shock wave leading to unbearable suffering for us all.
I just find it very difficult to allow such an absurd remark to remain unanswered. However, I don't intend to argue about the the matter. I just want to express my view that to suggest that the fall of Communism is a figment of our imaginations is an insult to the millions who died and suffered under its demonic claws. But I'm afraid, earthangels, your view on this matter is no more absurd than the idea that the LttW locutions are the actual words of Our Lady!
I have been listening to this rare interview with Malachi Martin where he explains why the Consecration of the Russia made by John Paul 11 has not been done and has not been accepted by heaven. When you listen to his knowledge of the subject its very hard to argue against his argument as to why the Consecration was not done. After all he should know what he's talking about as he has read the Third Secret and knows ALL its content. Uploaded on Jun 20, 2011 Rare Interview of Malachi Martin at his home in New York by Bernard Jansen on the Church, the state of the world, the Third Secret of Fatima and John Paul II. Great listening with pictures. Malachi Martin The Storm Breaks part 2/5
Understanding Mankind's Situation (cont'd) June 6: 11. Penetrating the Economic Darkness June 7: 12: The Russian Darkness http://www.locutions.org/category/understanding-mankinds-situation/
Ah, ah ah.....resorting to ad hominem attacks always demonstrates a lack in factual evidence to match the challenge. It's more of an insult to the martyrs of Communism to pretend that it's fallen while such martyr types are still suffering. Instead it HAS spread and even grown stronger in its control of its simple victims worldwide. Otherwise one must commit to living in some alternate universe and be a willing kool aid drinker for the coming NWO. The same tactics of materialistic atheism, beyond morality, will be demanded in order to receive a loaf of bread or any basic health care, survival energy and all the rest. Greece, for one, after being bailed out once and apparently not learning from that, is now forced to run to Mr. Putin himself to save them. And he is licking his chops at his greater and greater opportunity to move forward and move in. Will he be asked to help Italy or Spain as well to fight any invasion of ISIS there as threatened as well as their own economies' needs? The U.S. or the West generally are voluntarily now incapable of any such assistance....they're in nearly the same boat.
As I mentioned on the locutions.org thread. I wonder why does Mary, on the 7th June, speak of Putin as he was already lost? Would she not request prayer for him? Is his soul not important to Jesus too?? I'm still discerning these msgs but something doesn't seem right!