The event that causes disbelief in Garabandal

Discussion in 'Marian Apparitions' started by local, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    The square and compass are often found in statues of St Joseph too. He needed these as a carpenter. Jesus would have used them too. They are also symbols of masonry. Of course the masons would hijack the symbol from the greatest of all the saints just as the gays hijacked the rainbow, symbol of Gods covenant with his people.
    The triangle has frequently been used to help our understanding of the trinity. It is an equilateral triangle with each point marked the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The lines of the outline running between the points are marked "is not" to show that the Three Persons are distinct. So the Father is not the Son and the Son is not the Spirit etc. Three lines then come from inside each point carrying the word "is" to the centre of the triangle which is marked ""God." This shows that while the three persons are distinct they are also equal. They are one God. Hope this helps. The first place I remember seeing the triangle over the altar was in the Brompton Oratory in London.
    josephite likes this.
  2. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    The girls would have been familiar with the symbol as it is over the altar in their church. This may have assured them their vision was from God. In fact they called it the eye of God. Someone must have told them that this was the meaning of the symbol in their church. Nothing more. And so the attacks go on. I had been having such a good day. Now I have a headache again.
  3. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    Yes, Julia is right that you won't get better advice than praying the Rosary, receiving the Sacraments and trusting in God. Stay away from anything that causes you stress. Take St. Pio's advice to pray, hope and don't worry. God is in charge.
  4. Sam

    Sam Powers

    Nov 17, 2015
  5. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    First of all, Joe, I must thank you for your patience and courtesy. You are a true gentleman. I took some time to check out the use of the triangle and it confirms what you have said (not that I didn't trust you because I know from past discussions that you don't pluck facts out of thin air). Nevertheless, now that the symbol of the eye in the triangle is more associated with Masonry than Christianity, I still find it off-putting. I had been on the fence about Garabandal with some issues causing me disquiet and this more or less seals it for me. That doesn't mean that I believe there's anything bad about the girls or Garabandal supporters. I must confess that I spoke recently to someone who had visited Garabandal and she told me that she felt a sense of evil there that she had never experienced before. She couldn't get away from it fast enough. This is a very level headed person and a very devout Catholic. Then again, she's convinced by Medjugorge which I find totally unbelievable.

    I'm just grateful that we aren't required to believe private revelations. I wish you all well and, again, thanks for your courtesy.
  6. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    I don't think I have been directly exposed to so much evil as I encountered in my days at seminary. The last time I was in Garabandal I came under massive attack. A visiting monk immediately identified satan. Satan goes where he thinks he can do most harm. That is the common experience of the Church throughout the ages. He targets holy places and holy people and people who are trying to live better lives. People like you and me.
    josephite likes this.
  7. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    I expect you're right. I'll wait for the Magisterium's approval. I'm an easy enough target as it is and likely not nearly as strong as you. I won't ask any more questions about this.
  8. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    The triangle is a sign of “The Holy Trinity” , as God the Father; the human “Eye” as the hypostatic union of God, the Son (Jesus); and the fire surrounding it as the Holy Spirit that the Father and Son send forth. The symbol is as old as ancient Egypt, in which a cult believed in the One God as the only God. I believe it is symbolized as the One God in ancient Judaism. In the Middle Ages, it was hijacked by the “Illuminati” and also in modern times as a secret society (as is the same for the “Freemasons”) which I believe is satanic in nature. it’s the symbol of “The Triune God”, as I stated before.
    josephite likes this.
  9. Muzhik

    Muzhik Powers

    Jun 4, 2015
    Dubuque, Iowa, USA
    Carol55, I strongly recommend that you read this essay, part of a study lesson on the book "The Second Greatest Story Ever Told", a book about the Divine Mercy:
    There's a book by Father Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure, which I'll have to try to get, called "Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence". Here's a quote from it that struck me when I read it last night:

    He has given His word and there is only one condition attached — that we seek first the kingdom of God and his justice, that we make this search the one great aim of our lives by bringing everything else into relation with it to make it successful and fulfill our every duty with this end in view. In return for this He will unburden us of all anxiety, He will take upon Himself all our needs and the needs of those who belong to us or for whom we have to provide, and His care will be all the greater in proportion to the degree of confidence and surrender to His will we strive to attain. p. 60-61
  10. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    Thanks Glen. Joe had already clarified that for me. I was still absolutely convinced that God wouldn't use a symbol that is nowadays associated with anti-Catholic groups but on reflection I'm far less adamant when I take into account what Joe said about the symbol being familiar to the girls from their parish church. While I'm back on the fence, part of me wishes that the apparition is genuine.
    Pray4peace likes this.
  11. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Mar 18, 2016
    Long Island, New York
    Dolours and Muzhik, Thank you.
    My bet is still on Garabandal being authentic. (Even though my mind goes a little crazy at times).
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2016
    Joe Crozier likes this.
  12. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    You forget, this took place about 50 + years ago.
  13. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    No, Glen, I didn't forget that. The symbol was already associated with the cults at that stage. How old is the parish church in Garabandal?
  14. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    I don't know but I'll call Conchita tomorrow and ask.
  15. Muzhik

    Muzhik Powers

    Jun 4, 2015
    Dubuque, Iowa, USA
    I'd have to spend more time than I have to confirm this, BUT... I suspect the church dates back to the 1400's. IIRC, the area around Garabandal was settled by Jewish converts, the conversios. The main portion of these converted Jews came just after the Inquisition, since, even though they were Christian, being former Jews they were still harassed and persecuted in the more populated regions.

    You can read more about this and the Jewish link to Garabandal at Garabandal and the Synagogue .
    Carol55 likes this.
  16. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    It's interesting that you mention this ,and that time period because I have confirmed (from several people ) the the town has a past history of doing a nightly rosary in a church for 500 years ! (it may not be the same one but I am awaiting that info. ) Maybe that is why God called that place " Sacred ".
  17. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    Thank you, Muzhik, for that information and the link.

    Glen: Please don't trouble Conchita. My question was just an idle thought that popped into my head.
  18. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Mar 18, 2016
    Long Island, New York
    I decided to click on the link the Muzhik provided and sure enough the answer to one of the questions I asked on the GNews thread is contained in there. There is very interesting information in there.
  19. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    All that is known is the 8th Century. Amazing !
    Joe Crozier likes this.
  20. "Quis ut Deus"

    "Quis ut Deus" ADMIN Staff Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    I don't know if you have seen this before but it gives an insight into the history of Garabandal it also mentions

    "little or near zero is the information about the early entrance of Christianity in the Iberian Peninsula and in Garabandal. It is known however that the people Cantabrian was a pre-Roman people, having suffered Romanization by mid-29 AC.

    Between history and legend, was given the trip of the Apostle Santiago, as well as a visit to Hispania by the Apostle Paul"

    more here
    Glenn likes this.

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