Approved apparitions in the Amazon!

Discussion in 'Marian Apparitions' started by mothersuperior7, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. djmoforegon

    djmoforegon Powers

    Feb 24, 2016
    Thank you, eta.

    There is a Dominican priest in Oregon who is promoting these messages and the special devotion to St. Joseph on his facebook page. He is very particular about what he wants his congregation to be made aware of. I had never heard of this seer until the MOG thread. So thank you all.
    DonnaS and Jackie like this.
  2. DonnaS

    DonnaS Guest

    Edson spoke of the bright light in the skies over the US and Italy in his talk at Fatima house last friend and I were trying to reference it to a message...thank you so much ETA....this is the message he was referring to
  3. DonnaS

    DonnaS Guest

    yes, I received the Scapular of St Joseph from Edson and the devotion card....He says this is the final portion of The Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, and now the Chaste Heart of St Joseph....
  4. Here's the whole message: can someone get the Scapular of St. Joseph and the devotion card? Is yours like this one? (don't see the devotion card though):

  5. DonnaS

    DonnaS Guest

    thank you ETA....these were all white and wool....Edson brought them and the Doctor (whose home he stayed at in NY), gave them out during the talks
    I am probably going Thursday and will get you one. If I do, I can PM you for your address (I will get you the prayer card with the devotions too).....
  6. DonnaS

    DonnaS Guest

    funny thing is....I am a RN and my husband an engineer. The doctor is planning to build a shrine/pilgrimmage site in Itaparanga....he has asked my husband and I to come this summer to volunteer to help set things up....and simultaneously, care for the poor in the area with health needs. We are discerning.
    earthtoangels, Amazing Grace and Sam like this.
  7. PotatoSack

    PotatoSack Powers

    Jul 29, 2010
    Wow...quite a message...especially for the US :eek: pray, pray, pray
    Mario, Jeanne and Booklady like this.
  8. JAK

    JAK Archangels

    Sep 6, 2015
    I believe St Joseph is answering many of our prayers at the moment.
    maryn, Jeanne and DonnaS like this.
  9. djmoforegon likes this.
  10. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Message of Our Lady, October 11, 2016
    Feast of Our Lady of Aparecida

    Peace be with you!
    My children, behold your Heavenly Mother. I have come to bless your families, because I love you and want your happiness.
    Pray much for the conversion of humanity. Pray much for your brothers who do not wish to do the will of God. Return to the Heart of my Divine Son who awaits you, but is not reciprocated by many of you, because you sin and do not obey him.
    Do not sin, my children! Only living in sin can the devil do you harm. Without sin and living in God's grace satan will never have power over you.
    I have returned to Itapiranga to prepare you for the great changes that will occur in the world. Wake up! ... Embrace the call that God is making to you through me. God is not happy with the lives of my children. Offer reparations to the Lord for the sins of the world, otherwise many will suffer.

    I am here to help you. I am here to bless you. I am here to grant you great graces. Receive my Immaculate love in your hearts and you will all be of God. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

    Message of Our Lady, October 13, 2016

    Peace my beloved children, peace!
    My children, I your Mother come from heaven to grant you my love and the peace of my Son Jesus. Open your hearts, my children, open your hearts. I have asked you for this several times and many do not listen to me, because their hearts remain hardened, they do not believe what I tell them, they doubt my presence and persecute those whom I have chosen.
    Woe to those who do not convert and do not commit themselves to God. Time passes, life goes on and the day will come when they will have to present themselves before the throne of God.
    God calls you now to conversion through me. Do not waste time! Change your lives so that worthily you might merit his graces and his blessing. The Lord asks for sincere repentance from each one of you.
    Itapiranga is the place chosen by the Lord to show to Amazonia and the world his love and forgiveness. Pray for the Church, for she will go through her worst moment and will suffer great persecutions as have never happened before.
    Offer your prayers to deter the action of men possessed by the spirit of evil. With the rosary in your hands and the prayer of the Hail Mary pronounced with faith and love, overcome the devil and all evil.
    I love you, my children, and I grant you, this afternoon, many graces: graces of conversion, peace and healing for your hearts and your souls. I bless you and grant you my maternal protection, putting you under my Immaculate Mantle. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

    A great evil will make many lose faith and many will not know what to do. The Church will be attacked as never before. Our Lady asks for intense prayers for the Church, for the salvation and conversion of sinners. Let us help our Holy Mother, praying our rosary with faith and love daily. Those who pray the Rosary every day will remain standing in the difficult times that will come to the Church.

    Message of Our Lady, October 14, 2016

    Peace my beloved children, peace!
    My children, I your Mother invite you to peace!
    My children, God calls you to conversion and wants you to make haste, because many are wasting the time of grace in order to follow the seductions and deceptions of the world.
    Turn back to the holy way of God. Do not let the devil separate you from me and my Son. Fight against all evil, praying my rosary.
    Here in this place I am always present with my Divine Son and Saint Joseph to grant you the graces that will help you to do the will of God and that will heal your hearts, giving you strength to overcome all evil and sin.
    Always confess! Ask forgiveness for your sins. My Son will grant his forgiveness to whoever really wishes to convert. Pray, pray, pray much, and peace will reign in your families.
    Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

    Message of Our Lady, October 23, 2016

    Peace my beloved children, peace!
    My children, I your Mother love you and I am happy to see you gathered in prayer. Come, come my children to receive graces from heaven.
    I am here to welcome you within my maternal Heart, in order to take you to my Son Jesus. Do not lose courage. Do not be discouraged and do not give up! The enemy deceives many of my children, because many of them do not pray. I am gathering you in prayer to bless you and to protect you with my Immaculate Mantle.
    Today I grant you my maternal graces so that you might have the light and the strength to overcome the devil and all evil. Do not be afraid of any trial in your lives. God is with you and welcomes you within his Divine Heart.
    My children, I ask you: intercede for the good of humanity. Intercede for your brothers who are spiritually blind. The world is about to be purified and many things will change. Take my messages and my blessing to those in need.
    I take your requests to heaven and present them to God. Return your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

    Message of St Joseph, October 27

    Today the Holy Family appeared: Our Lady and St Joseph who was holding the baby Jesus in his arms. The three showed their Most Holy Hearts and tonight it was St Joseph who was the one who gave us his holy message:

    The peace of my Son Jesus to you all!
    My children, behold the one who pleads before the Divine Heart of Jesus, every day, for you. I am the Protector of your families. Receive the love of God in your hearts. Receive his light and his love, so that all darkness of sin might disappear once and for all from your lives.
    Be faithful and obedient to God, because time is passing and so many are asleep and blind, not accepting and living out the messages that my Most Holy Spouse has already been conveying to you since long ago.
    You cannot imagine what will come to the world, the ungrateful and sinful world that offends God and does not want to repent.
    I give you my blessing and place within my Heart those who really desire to live out with love and faith the requests and teachings of the Lord.
    Do not be unfaithful to God. Convert and change your lives. Free yourselves from sin and do not live far away from God's holy path, because the devil is lurking, wanting to devour the souls of those who are disobedient to God's commandments.
    Flee from the clutches of the devil, repenting and confessing, and the Lord will have mercy on you. The devil wants war and the death of many people. Intercede for the good of humanity, that hatred and violence might depart from the hearts of those who do not want to do the will of God.
    When the world is in great darkness, disoriented, without faith and without light; when the eternal truths are increasingly despised and trampled, the strong arm of God will reach humanity as has never happened before and only crying and lamentations will be heard.
    Come under my protective Mantle, come into my Most Chaste Heart and you will be protected in the time of great Justice.
    Do not despise this message. Open your hearts. Pray, pray much and God will bless you. Return to your homes with the peace of our three Sacred united Hearts. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

    Message of Our Lady, October 29, 2016

    Peace my beloved children, peace!

    My children, I your Heavenly Mother come with my Heart in hand to implore you to repent of your sins and change your lives as soon as possible.
    God asks you to hasten your conversion. Many are being disobedient to his holy calling and do not want to give up their wrong attitudes. Disobedience and sins will not take you to heaven, my children, but to hell.
    Do not be disobedient and do not be deaf to my maternal call. Great suffering will come to Brazil and the world in such a short time and my Heart bleeds because of the pain and suffering that many of my children will have to endure.
    Secretly they are setting ambushes so that much blood will be spilt in Brazil. Pray and bend your knees to the ground, asking the Lord for forgiveness and mercy.
    Do not be children with hardened and closed hearts. Humanity has become blind because of sin, and what I have revealed in many apparitions around the world will be fulfilled, because the Lord can no longer bear so many sins and disobedience in the world.
    Turn back, my children, turn back now because God is calling you to conversion, forgiveness and peace. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

    The Blessed Mother was very sad today in saying this message. She showed her Immaculate Heart in her right hand, this Pure and Holy Heart that loves God so much and loves us, but that is offended and outraged because of the many sins that are committed all over the world. Our Lady asks us for reparation and prayer in order that we might avoid the great calamities that may affect mankind very soon. It is now up to us to decide whether we want to accept this invitation to change our lives or whether we want to continue in our wrong attitudes and endure the great punishments that will soon affect ungrateful humanity.
    PotatoSack and Sam like this.
  11. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    From post 610

    Pray and bend your knees to the ground, asking the Lord for forgiveness and mercy. Do not be children with hardened and closed hearts. Humanity has become blind because of sin, and what I have revealed in many apparitions around the world will be fulfilled, because the Lord can no longer bear so many sins and disobedience in the world. Turn back, my children, turn back now because God is calling you to conversion, forgiveness and peace.

    Extend your Mercy, O Lord, for the sake of souls!

    Safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
    Booklady likes this.
  12. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Message from Our Lady- November 2nd, 2016

    Peace my beloved children, peace!

    My children, I your Mother invite you to love and holiness. May yours be a daily conversion and a sincere offer to God.

    Do not turn away from my Divine Son, committing terrible sins. Turn back, turn back to the right path, so that you may merit the graces that my Son wishes to grant you.
    Do not be children with hardened hearts, change your life, so that your lives may be an example for your brothers and sisters who do not want to love God.

    My children, do not allow yourselves to be used by satan, nor blinded. He is attentive, seeking to separate you from me and from the path of truth. Pray much and fight with prayer and the grace of God, renouncing all evil and sin.

    Pray for the souls of purgatory, principally the most abandoned, because no one remembers to pray for them.

    Offer your prayers for them; thus God, through their prayers, will also attend to you in your times of hard trials and will bless you. Those who pray for the souls of purgatory gladden the Heart of my Son Jesus and my Maternal Heart.

    Pray also for the unfaithful and for those who use their tongues to destroy the works of God. Every word, every action, every voluntary desire against the works of God will be weighed by the Angel of Divine Justice.

    The powerful gaze of the Lord penetrates all things, soul and heart, and nothing will go unpunished. Woe to those who do not convert and who despise the Laws of the Lord. Turn back, turn back, my children. God is calling you to conversion, because difficult times are at the door.

    Change your hearts now and be good. Do not do harm to anyone, but bring love and peace, for the mighty arm of God will wipe away all evil and dirt from the earth, and those who do not change will mourn and weep bitterly for the lost time.

    Convert and pray more and more. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

    Today, during the apparition, I asked for the blessing and protection of the Blessed Mother for me and my family. She looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes, full of love, and said to me:

    The Love of God overcomes all evil. I cover you with my Protective Mantle. I have chosen Your family and I protect your family with my love!

    Thank you Beloved Mother. I love your Son, [Our] Lady and Saint Joseph.
    Queen of the Rosary and of Peace and Queen of Love, pray for us!
    Booklady, Sam and Timothius722 like this.
  13. Timothius722

    Timothius722 Archangels

    Jan 23, 2013
    Thank you for posting these messages Fatima
    Booklady likes this.
  14. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Message from Our Lady- November 5th, 2016
    Peace my beloved children, peace!
    My children, I your Mother come from heaven to give you my blessing, so that you may have the strength and grace to be of God in order to belong to his kingdom of love until the end of your lives.
    My children, come back, come back to the Lord. He is calling all of you so that you might return to the right path, abandoning all the wrong things that do not lead you to the kingdom of heaven.
    I am here to welcome you within my Immaculate Heart. Do not despair and do not lose faith in the difficult times that will engulf the world. Believe in God's love and in prayer, and everything in your lives will change, my children.
    Open your hearts to the love of God and you will not be sorry. I grant you my graces so that your hearts might be healed and freed from all evil. Thank you for your presence in this place blessed by your Heavenly Mother.
    Pray, pray and God will bless you more and more and will give you the graces that will help you to live holiness in depth in your lives. I love you!
    Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!
    Booklady and Sam like this.
  15. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Yet again, we hear a message forewarning us of the Church of Rome being attacked. Keep this in prayer, as I sense it will be soon.

    Message of Our Lady, November 8, 2016 to Edson Glauber

    "Peace my beloved children, peace!

    My children, I am your Mother am here before you because I love you and wish you well. Convert now, opening your hearts to God, changing the course of your lives.
    Do not let yourselves be deceived by the devil and the world. The devil does not want the good of your souls, but their destruction. Fight against him, praying my rosary with faith and love, drawing near to the sacraments.

    My children, the world sins so much and the sins of mankind are attracting great scourges and suffering. Stop sinning! Let my Son Jesus heal and release your hearts with his divine love.

    A heavy cross is coming to ungrateful humanity, therefore I have come from heaven to gather you together in prayer, so that you might have the strength and grace to endure the trials that will cause you great pain.

    Pray, pray, pray, for violent men will attack the Church and there will be much blood spilt on the famous square, because many are blind and do not want to put wrong things aside.

    Change your lives. Change your hearts with the love of God. I love you and protect you under my mantle. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

    Before leaving, the Blessed Mother told me: For my children who listen and live out my messages there will be no defeat"!
    Heidi and Sam like this.
  16. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Message from the Queen of the Rosary- November 26th, 2016

    Peace my beloved children, peace!
    My children, I your Mother am before you. Be not afraid. I will defend you against all evil with the love of my Immaculate Heart and with my protective mantle. My Motherly gaze is upon you. Be sons and daughters of prayer. Do not stray from this path, for prayer protects you and protects your families against all the attacks of the infernal spirits. When you pray, the devils of hell despair and lose power over you and over the world.
    Nothing compares to the grace of God. Nothing is more powerful than his love. The love of God, my children, is holy. Desire this love and every blessing and grace will powerfully flood your lives. Be wise and prudent children. Pray and watch so that you might know how to overcome every trap and trial that the devil wants to cause you. I will guide you and will undo all evil. Let yourselves be led by me. I will bring you to God. I will place you within his Divine Heart. Here is a place of graces. Here I grant you thousands of graces. This place belongs to me and here I leave my love: love that protects, heals and liberates, for it is the love that God has given me to help you all, my children. Thank you for your presence. Return to your homes with God's peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!
  17. PotatoSack

    PotatoSack Powers

    Jul 29, 2010
    Thanks for continuing to post these.
  18. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    SUPPLICATIONS (From Peter B.)

    (Taught by the Blessed Virgin for the 1000 Hail Marys [prayed at the house of Maria do Carmo and Edson Glauber in Manaus on December 8, 2016]. Visionaries of the approved apparitions of Itapiranga in Manaus, Brazil)


    Pray for the Holy Church, the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops and priests that they might be faithful servants of my Son Jesus and watch over the eternal truths to the end, eradicating all doubts and errors contrary to faith and morals. Pray for disobedient Bishops and rebellious priests who do not love the Holy Church and who do not live their faith, because they no longer believe in the presence of my Son Jesus in the Eucharist and have let themselves be blinded by the devil, scorning the Mystery of the priesthood, so sublime, to ruin their Souls with lust, with money and with power, vain illusions that have separated them from the Divine Heart of my Son Jesus. Pray for Ministers of God who with their unruly lives lead many souls to the path of hell because of such scandals and vile conduct. My Immaculate Heart suffers because there is no longer purity in many Bishops and priests, but only corruption, sins and immorality that wound and offend the Heart of my Divine Son. With your prayers save these souls for the Kingdom of Heaven, so that they might receive the grace and light of the Holy Spirit profoundly that will make them true Apostles of my Son and faithful Ministers of Holy Mother Church, watching over the good of souls and their eternal salvation .


    Pray for religious and consecrated who live like true pagans. They were chosen to console the Heart of my Son Jesus, but they have become instruments of satan for destroying the sacred places where they live. They are true serpents within the garden whom the Lord chose and prepared with so much love so that they might intercede for the Holy Church, for the conversion of the world and the salvation of souls. Many have become cold, selfish, and have allowed themselves to be defiled by the venom of satan with pride, disobedience, and impurity. Their prayers do not reach the Throne of God, because they no longer have the light of grace that pleases his holy eyes, but are ruined by the darkness that envelops and destroys their souls, making them true servants of satan, living only for sin. With your sacrifices and penance free these souls from spiritual coldness and blindness. When you deny yourselves and sacrifice yourselves for the salvation of souls, you release many cold and impure religious from the path of evil.


    Pray for the families that are attacked terribly in these days in their foundations, so that they might disappear from the face of the earth. My Heart suffers when I see so many living far from the Lord, scorning, insulting and trampling his Holy Laws with their filthy sins, thus attracting Divine Justice. Heal these families with your prayers, with your sacrifices and penance. As long as there are those who intercede for them, they will never be destroyed, but will be strengthened by God's grace and will be saved.


    Pray for yourselves, for your families, so that you might never lose faith and never stray from the path of truth. Pray for one another, loving and forgiving each other; only thus will you have the strength to overcome the evil that persecutes and wants to destroy you. In love and forgiveness the devil will never find victory, but only defeat. Love and forgive, pray and worship God, and His most holy blessing and protection will always be upon you, over your homes, delivering you from all evil.


    Pray for the peoples without peace and without life, so that they may be healed in the love and forgiveness of my Divine Son. My Heart suffers for them and earnestly desires to help them with his graces and love. Offer a little of your time to intercede for your brothers who are persecuted and killed so cruelly. Many are living without peace and in a painful and continuous anguish. Intercede for them, sacrifice yourselves and fast more for peace, for the victory of good over all evil, so that my Immaculate Heart might triumph in the lives of all those whose hearts are full of hatred and desires of death.


    Pray for the young people who do not know the love of my Son Jesus by the fault of their own parents. Many have lost the purity of their bodies and their souls, and are the reason for my great pain. How many young people have been destroyed in sin! Pray insistently for them, for their salvation so that they might see the light of God's grace shine in their lives, freeing themselves from drugs, violence, and an unbridled ife of filthy passions that makes them merit the fire of hell rather than the eternal life promised by my Divine Son. With your prayers and sacrifices save the youth for the Kingdom of heaven, the youth who will have to rebuild the new world for tomorrow, when my Son will make all things new.


    Pray for those who evangelize and work for the Kingdom of Heaven, so that they might not be discouraged and not let themselves be overcome by fear, persecution and the trials of life, so that they might have an unshakable faith and love without limits, always trusting in the holy words and in the promises of my Divine Son, being the salt of the earth and the light for the world that has become pagan and spiritually extinguished because of sin and the lack of love. Your tears, your sacrifices and love dedicated to my Divine Son comfort so my Mother's Heart that never forsakes you nor leaves you alone for a minute.


    Pray for all the pilgrims who visit the place of my apparitions, so that they may truly open their hearts to the Lord, welcoming his holy appeals with love, transforming their lives into a life of sincere conversion, of true repentance for their sins. It is necessary to intercede for them very much, so that they might have the strength to remain on the path begun that will lead them to the Heart of my Son Jesus. The devil cannot stand the fact of losing these souls and will use all possible means to recover them. With your prayers and sacrifices, help them to remain faithful to the end, so that together, one day in heaven, they might sing the Eternal Hosanna to God the Father Almighty.


    Pray for your brothers condemned to death, to prison and to a life of abandonment and total oblivion. My Divine Son also suffered for their salvation and shed his most precious blood for their liberation, spiritual healing and repentance. Nothing is lost, my Divine Son desires to save and to free all. His love goes in search of the lost sheep that has torn away and turned away from divine grace. No one has the power to judge and decide about the life of anyone, but only God. It is he who gives life and he who takes it, no one else. Pray for countries that have been corrupted by the spirit of death of Satan who wishes to destroy the lives of many of my children, so that they may enter into despair and condemn themselves forever to the fire of hell. The holy eyes of my Divine Son are wathcing these Countries with great Justice and his divine hand weighs so much over them. Beseech forgiveness and mercy, otherwise they risk disappearing from the face of the earth with no chance of forgiveness.


    Pray for the end of the abortion. A terrible offence to God! Do not tire of pleading the mercy and forgiveness of God for the Nations that have allowed such a heinous crime that cries out for the Justice of Heaven. It is because of so serious a crime, together with sins of impurity, adultery, fornication and immorality that the world runs the risk of a great chastisement and deserves to be burned. Bend your knees to the ground and do not tire of asking the Eternal Father that through the merits of his Divine Son he might still suspend the terrible sentence on ungrateful humanity. United to my Immaculate Heart and to the Most Chaste Heart of St Joseph, offer the Holy Sacrifice with a spirit of true repentance for your sins, of mortification and of reparation for the sins of the whole world. Through his merits, his most precious blood and his Sacred Wounds, the Eternal Father will be moved and still grant his mercy.


    Pray for my children who are sick in body and in spirit. I wish to comfort them in your afflictions and pains. I am the Mother of Consolation and Health. Ask for my maternal assistance, plead for the graces of my kind Heart and God will listen to my children. Intercede for those who visit the places where I appear, pleading for the health of soul and body. Your prayers obtain great graces from heaven for all of them and God is moved. Do not lose faith and do not fret. I am with you and before the Throne of my Son I will ask and obtain what you need.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  19. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014


    Pray for your proud brethren, for the enemies of the Church, and for those who serve the devil instead of listening to and following the holy voice of my Divine Son. The strong arm of my Son Jesus wants to strike them hard, but I am still asking for their salvation. But for how long? For the sins they direct ainst me are terrible and attract Divine Justice so strongly that I stand between them and my Son so that they might not yet be punished as they deserve. Free yourselves from pride, my children - deadly poison for your souls. The proud see nothing, hear nothing, obey nothing. They are easy prey for satan to corrupt so many others who wish to follow the path of my Son. But my Son sees everything and he acts and will act to cleanse all the weeds that have appeared among the children of God who serve him with love. Plead for their conversion, in order that they might sincerely repent, for only thus can they attain divine mercy, if they abandon their wrong attitudes and correct their evil lives by repairing their errors; otherwise there will be no forgiveness for them.


    Pray for the souls of purgatory and for those who will soon have to leave this world. May your prayers for them be constant. The salvation of many souls is at stake. A great battle is being waged and the children of God are allowing themselves to be overcome and blinded because they do not pray and do not sacrifice themselves for the salvation of souls. Do not let yourselves be overcome, my children: may the Church Militant join with the Church Suffering and Triumphant in order to overcome evil and the power of hell. The more intercessors you have, the more strength you will have to overcome evil and be faithful to God to the end. The souls of purgatory will never forget you when you go to the glory of heaven. In the spiritual world, there is a true intention of doing good for the children of God from the souls in purgatory and righteous souls who have gone to heaven. The intercession and sufferings of the souls of purgatory are precious and effective in the destruction of the power of hell. You obtain for them the liberation from their pains through your prayers, sacrifices and penances united to the merits of my Divine Son, and they obtain for you great graces from the Heart of my Divine Son through their sufferings and supplications, and this union of love and suffering is transformed into grace and mercy that saves and liberates, fortifying the Church of Christ more and more when they go to heaven to be united with the saints in Paradise. Do not forget to pray for the souls of purgatory, ever!


    Pray for those who live in this world in a terrible manner, without repenting of their deeds and who are practically condemned to go to hell at the end of their lives. May your prayers obtain for them the grace of repentance and of divine forgiveness, so that they might be saved. The loss of souls shatters my Immaculate Heart, which bleeds terribly. The devil has ruined the lives of so many of my children with sin. With your prayers, dear children, help your Mother in Heaven to lead all these rebellious children back to the path of conversion and repentance. They are my children and I want to save them from the clutches of satan! Do not allow them to turn away from me and my Son. Take my messages and my love as a Mother to all of them and they will be converted. If they do not listen to you, pray, and prayer will do great miracles and show them the way of truth. With prayer nothing is lost. As long as there is someone who prays and intercedes, the devil will never win!


    Pray for the lukewarm and the lazy, for those who do nothing for their conversion and salvation, who neglect the spiritual progress of their souls. My Son suffers so much for their sake and wants to give effect to his justice. These souls cause him great repugnance and are of no use for the kingdom of God. Ask for them so that they might be warmed in the love of God and the Church, and that they might dedicate themselves more and more to the kingdom of heaven.


    Pray for the your Nation, so that you may have holy rulers, good men who care for the glory of God, for the triumph of Holy Mother Church, for the rights and Holy Laws of the Lord. Bad rulers are the ruin of a Nation. Souls who do not pray for them allow the devil to triumph in all fields of society and bring pain, suffering, death and perdition to many of my children. Do not be silent in your prayers for Church and Country, pray the Prayer for them with great fervor, with much love and with much faith.

    (*) Prayer for Church and Homeland.

    Our God and our Lord, protect your Church, give her holy pastors and worthy ministers. Pour out your blessings on our Holy Father, the Pope, on our (Arch)bishop, on our Parish priest and on all the clergy; on the Head of the Nation and the State that they might govern with justice. Give the Brazilian people constant peace and complete prosperity. Favour Brazil with the continuous effects of Your goodness, Brazil, this (arch)diocese, the Parish in which we live, each one of us in particular and all the people for whom we are obliged to pray, or who have recommended themselves to our prayers . Have mercy on the souls of the faithful who suffer in purgatory: give them, Lord, rest and eternal light. Amen.


    Pray for all the current confidants, prophets and martyrs whom the Lord has called to speak of his love and of my messages. These are those who will be beside of the Lamb, seated on Thrones, when the Nations are judged in the last times. The Lord has called them to speak of his love, to admonish the Nations, but they have not been and are not heard, but indeed persecuted, mistreated, silenced and killed. Their tears and pain will be received together with their blood to serve as an accusation against the rebellious Nations that would not convert. Pray for them that they might remain faithful to their call and strong in faith to the end, fighting the good fight in the name of the Lord.


    Pray for the restoration and the end of corruption in current Medicine. May every lie and sham fall down. What my eyes see are terrible things that they are plotting and accomplishing to make so many of my children suffer. How many are led to despair and even take their lives in a moment of great pain and distress. How many desperate and distressed souls, through the fault of malignant medicine that does not do God's will, because of doctors influenced by satan who use lies, selfishness, and attachment to money to destroy human lives. The time has come to bring every lie into the light of truth, so that every present sham might fall down. With your prayers make the truth prevail over every lie, and may all proud, lying and selfish hearts be confounded and overthrown by the power of the strong arm of the Lord.


    Pray that the great grace prepared for all my children may come as soon as possible, with the triumph of my Immaculate Heart over all evil. This triumph is the victory ob tained for the Church and for all my little children who have heard and lived out my messages with so much love and faith. God will always exalt the humble in heart, therefore I bless you every day so that your hearts might become similar to my Immaculate Heart, which pleases the Lord so much. I fill you with my maternal graces so that the brightness of your souls might never be extinguished. I give you my love so that your hearts belong totally to my Divine Son who loves you so much. I cover you with my Immaculate Mantle so that you might be protected against all evil and always have the victory against satan and the demons of hell. I am preparing you for the new times, times of the great renewal of the whole world, where the true children of God will live in the new world of peace prophesied by me in the past.


    Pray that you might always welcome my love and the love of my Son in your lives. Without love you cannot live holiness in your lives. Without faith you cannot win the battles of everyday life and walk safely in this world. Without hope you cannot conquer that which you have been promised, eternal life. Do not retreat on your path of conversion. Strive to merit heaven. I am here to lead you to it. I speak to you so that you might feel longing for heaven. I appear in many places in the world so that you might remember and aspire to it. I grant you so many signs, in order that you might understand a little of what eternal life will be for those who really conquer it one day: endless happiness, where all the good that you have never imagined is present and eternal. I bless you and bless all those who pray and always will pray the 1000 Hail Marys. Where this practice is performed there will be my blessing a thousand times more for the healing, deliverance and salvation of souls. This is my promise to you and I bestow it for the good of all my children. To all who put and will put into practice my sorrowful supplications, my blessing: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

    [Italics : Edson Glauber]
  20. poor Sinner

    poor Sinner New Member

    Apr 13, 2015
    I recently came across this page and had never heard of these apparitions in Itapiranga. Until now, I have been intensively studying the phenomena in Garabandal and Kibeho. In Garabandal I have been several times and will visit this wonderful place again next year. Unfortunately I do not have the time to read the whole thread about Itapiranga at the moment.
    Therefore my request to you:
    Can someone give me a brief summary of it?

    My questions:

    Are these apparations still ongoing or are they completed? How many viewers are there?
    The local bishop has approved these apparations. Is the positive judgment of this bishop sufficient? What did the Vatican say?
    Is there a complete summary of the messages from the Holy Virgin?
    Are there any similarities with regard to the seers to those in Garabandal or Kibeho? (Pain insensitivity or severe weight gain during the apparations).
    Have medical examinations been carried out by scientists?
    Is there a good website about the phenomena in Itapiranga in English? Unfortunately, do not speak Spanish.

    Excuse my bad English, my native language is German.

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