The comments above keep coming back to me through the day. Why would anyone be offended because Padraig stated he was a mystic? I've been on this forum for over a year and a half, and Padraig shares things from time to time as they are appropriate. His experiences are truly remarkable, and he has been gifted with very keen spiritual vision. Chatting up souls from purgatory, alone, makes him a mystic in my book. I've been convicted lately of how easily I judge others. I've taken to borrowing a phrase from Charlie Johnson. "I'm not clever enough to judge others." I find this very helpful in stopping the "judging cycle." Yes, I can judge external events. But when it comes to the hearts of others and their motives, I am not clever enough, nor do I have enough information. I must learn to leave the judging to Jesus, and tend to my own rat killing!
Thanks Kathy. I would say that we Catholics are all mystics in that we are all being incorporated into the mystery of Christ. As St Paul says, 2 Corinthians 3:18 And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. In a siniliar sense to Moses whose face , you may recall shone when he saw the Glory of the Lord on Mount Sinai and who had to wear a veil to hide the Glory. Exodus 34:29-35 The Radiant Face of Moses 29 When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord. 30 When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him. 31 But Moses called to them; so Aaron and all the leaders of the community came back to him, and he spoke to them. 32 Afterward all the Israelites came near him, and he gave them all the commands the Lord had given him on Mount Sinai. 33 When Moses finished speaking to them, he put a veil over his face. 34 But whenever he entered the Lord’s presence to speak with him, he removed the veil until he came out. And when he came out and told the Israelites what he had been commanded, 35 they saw that his face was radiant. Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with the Lord. So like St Paul and Moses are faces shine, we are all mystics. Mystic is our common family name as is the proud name Christian. This is our common heritage as Sons and Daughters of God , on fire with the Holy Spirit, being remade into the image of Christ. All of us part of the mystical body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 Unity and Diversity in the Body 12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. 15 Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body. We see this very beautifully portrayed in Monte Cassino ,Irlat in the painting of the triumph of St Benedict in heaven surrounded by the Benedictine Saints. It is not accident that we show the saints surrounded by halo's of light and we are, all of us Gods saints, shinning with this light. 1 Thessalonians 5:5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.
The difficulty perhaps lies in our various understanding of the word, 'Mystic'. To some I think it is a rather Harry 'Potterish', term. Indicating a person who wishes to be regarded as somehow special and magical. Somehow set apart from the common herd. ...and I suppose this is where it sticks in some folks craw. The term can be used very variably. For instance a practitioner of New Age might claim to be a mystic in terms of the specialness of being a witch. So naturally the use of the term, being variably understood tends to stick in some people's backs up. I understand this and sympathise. I can tend , like others to use the rem variably myself. I am trying to thing of an analogy of how I understand it in a Catholic sense. Suppose we look at automobiles going along a freeway at night. Nigh time is the night of Faith in which we find ourselves in this poor fallen world. The lights which guide our way is the light of the Holy Spirit . Now some drivers are inclined to drive on low beam, at least most of the time and some drivers drive mostly on high beam. This doesn't mean one automobile is better than another or that one automobile is better than another. It's just the way it is. When I referred to myself as a mystic in this sense I mean I sometime get a high beam going. I struggle to express myself. But this is quite a complex subject, because our various understanding of the word mystic is also very complex. In fact I wasn't going to explain at all as it is so complicated. But there I made the effort, no matter how awful View attachment 2514
I think so much of our misunderstandings is our various understandings of the meaning of the same words.
By our baptism, all Catholics becomes priest, prophet, and kings. We are all called to share in these offices which flow from Christ Himself. We have a responsibility to fulfill these even as lay people. The Church is the MYSTICAL body of Christ and we individually help to make up that body so in that sense alone we are "mystica
No one judged Padraig. That is why these forums are so difficult. Read entire post. Someone questioned his comment... (that he was a mystic) but then he explained and the debate ended. His explanation was theologically correct. I am one who believes all Christian are mystics and participate in the mystical. Even though many Christians may never know it. But for someone to declare they are a mystic...does not follow catholic tradition. Would st. John the Baptist, St. John of the Cross, Mother Teresa or Padre Pio ever say they are mystics? I don't think so. So to the person who said we are need to look to oneself. Sometimes we all have slip of the tongues that need to be explained. I think it is right to question, to keep the forum Spiritually clean. If our leader says something that might lead us or others in wrong direction...then there is nothing wrong in calling him/her out. Brother al
Not at all. It is a bit like the Tower of Babel , since we all live in a fallen world of sin there will always be a confusion of language. How often I thought I disagreed with someones words. Until I read further and I found I actually agreed. Come to think of it poor Pope Francis is a good example of this. Perhaps no single man in all of history has had his words jumbled up as badly. (I am not really a leader. I am not the type. I am here to serve).
One more thing...God put us together for a reason. We are all here to grow in Christ. That is why debate is important. Our Lord Jesus would teach by asking a question...which would create discussion. After being here a while, i am starting to see everyones personalities. We are like the cardinals in the vatican or maybe the apostles. They must have had major discussions about everything. I am sure its cordial but heated at times. And because each individual has there own unique personality. Some of them (us) might rub each other in the wrong way. But in the big picture we are all part of the communion of saints. We are all special and unique...thats what makes this forum special. We all have a vision of how this forum should be. Some of you that were here from the beginning might not like the directions the forum has taken. But maybe the Holy Spirit is working here too. Brother al
True. It will get much, much more difficult in the future. But better too. Growth is always painful, but joyous too.
God has forgiven you and so have I. It's ok. We are human and make mistakes. All of us, including me. God bless you B.
I have been to Medjugorje many times, and am leading another pilgrimage there in May. Our Lady rescued me and changed my heart in Medjugorje. It is a very Eucharistic place, it's all about Jesus! Thousands at Holy Mass, at Adoration, and waiting in long lines to confess. As St. John Paul II said, "Medjugorje is the spiritual center of the world!" I never tire of speaking of all I have seen in Medjugorje, hearts changed, faith restored, vocations, healings both spiritual and physical. And incredible peace and joy!
I just saw that the pope is planning to visit Sarajevo in Bosnia on June 6th. He will be very close to Medjugorie and I wonder could he be there to make an announcement.?
For information the Pope cannot say anything on any ONGOING Apparition! Otherwise Pope John Paul II called Medjugorje "the Confessional of the world " and to the seers of Medjugorje who visited him he once said "if I was not the POpe I would be in Medjugorje3 In Medjugorje -- despite more than 500 vocations (among which the full seminary of Cardinal Shoenbron in Vienna, Austria) and more than miracles recognized by Medecal Doctors, one observes in permanence there a 10 meter Resurected Christ in BRONZE whose right knee produces a liquid -- that was blood at the beggining after the Resurected Christ statue was installed (it is mentionned on the internet somewhere by the pilgrims who observed it) that is now either TEARS ("Of Our Lady said She for that is the place where Her head was while She was at the Feet of Her Agonizing Crucified Son" or SERUM ("of Jesus' Wound slashes during the Scourging at the pillar") or PERFUMED OIL ! WHY WOULD GOD HONOR WITH SUCH MIRACLES A PLACE INVENTED BY THE ENEMY? And conversely why would the enemy create such MIRACLES that only serve to glorify God?
Hi denyse My refernce was to the Vaticam commission on aMedgugorie which I understand has submitted it's report to the Pope. So he can decide to accept or reject what they recommend and announce it when he pleases. Peace
This is also 'medjugorje'. A Croat friend told me it is also the word for the place where Elijah hid to survive his visitation from the Lord. It is that cleft in the rocks, it is, in short, our hearts, where mystics all hear that still, small voice. I have also been to Medjugorje, and although I did not have your level of experience P, I felt the intensity of both the good and evil there. A babushka in the vineyards grabbed me and started babbling. The translator said that during the war they saw a plane drop bombs on the valley and a great hand came out of the sky and swept them away over the hills. I was sorely tempted there, the old communists still hover close to the visionaries, old fueds still mist the airs, and the doves, the glorious doves that herald her nightly call. It is a protected place, may it remain so.
This is very personal belief is that there is a great spiritual battle taking place. Eventhough i am very skeptical of the visionaries, i can see both the good and the bad. The spiritual war taking place in medjugorje must be one of the final battles between "the created one" and the Angels of God. Only time will tell the true story. Brother al
Elijah was on the Mount Horeb. There may be a cave or cavities there, as surely there must be some, same as Elijah was dwelling in caves on the Mount Carmel. Mount Nebo, Mount Carmel, Mount Horeb, etc. are not Har Mageddo. Har Mageddo is only mentioned in the Bible in relation to end times, or end days, and the great calamity to the faith and lives of the faithful. What is also interesting, is that St John clearly states three evil spirits, who come of out of mouths of three evil entities (Beast, Dragon, False Prophet), which in terms of Biblical language and symbolism means that those three, associated with that place, will speak same blasphemies and lies but in three different languages, to invite as many people to come there. Now this is fascinating account St John provides. One asks, under which impression they may invite people to come freely and in large numbers to a place associated with doom since roughly 2000 years ago? Only under the false impression of goodness of that place, and the well-hidden fact about the name of the place. So those who invite people to gather there (to use St John's language) must appear as genuine miracle workers, and speak more than a local language, so people of the world could understand them. They have learned those languages, or, they may have received a "miraculous" gift to speak some of them. One 'witness' of Medjugorje apparition clearly said many times she has received 'from Gospa' a gift to speak Italian. She did not speak Italian before it, but she learned it in an instant. The other two speak English well and are touring the world to speak about Medjugorje. All of the 'witnesses' speak local language and some of them Italian too. There are six of them, yes, and St John states that three are deceivers (he calls them evil), or, that three of them will perform miracles and also speak three languages. Others may as well be deceived, not knowing the real truth (that is possible too), or, maybe they will not perform any miracle. So far, the picture certainly starts to clear out. As for the local grandma to tell stories of an invisible hand protecting the place, every exorcist will tell you that an evil spirit, attached generationally to a certain family, will also offer protection and favours in exchange for adoration and submission to his will of the successive generations of that family. So that some miracles are possible, and will be associated with the place, and that we all will see them, suggests St John himself. He states that those spirits look like frogs, and with that metaphor he evokes the episode from the Exodus — which were also the end times, but for Israelites under Egypt — when pharaoh's magician's could repeat some miracles Moses and Aaron did in the name of God. But magicians could do them only up to a certain level, and that was the miracle / plague of the infestation with frogs. Magicians could create many frogs imitating Moses and Aaron, but could not get rid of them. Pharaoh asked Moses to get rid of them.But in fact, all that was devil's work for magicians, not work of magicians themselves, and God through Moses wanted to show pharaoh that he worships not true God.