I apologize for misunderstanding your other post, I thought things were creating tension for you. I am in total agreement with your statement here.
there is a possibility that on the day of the Great Miracle a miracle similar to that announced for Father Luis Andreu might occur, the body being found uncorrupted and in this case the prophecy would literally be fulfilled.
...I just caught a glimpse of this, and so don't know the entirety of the post. Nor will I argue for my comment, as I'm merely reporting what a priest told me, to my face, about a month ago. This priest, a very well respected, older and holy man, told me (when I brought up the subject of Garabandal) that he met Conchita, but only because she stayed at the monastery where he was (or something like that. I am paraphrasing this part, and just know Conchita stayed somewhere with other religious, and the priest I know knew quite well the priest she spoke to or was friends with). He told me that the reason Joey did not receive his eyesight back, was because he did not say the prayers, or recite in some regular fashion, prayers that were asked of him by Mary. Now, this doesn't mean Joey wasn't holy, and it doesn't mean I'm suggesting he was therefore sinful. Apparently, according to the priest I know who is 83, whatever was expected "exactly" of Joey, in terms of reciting certain prayers...or something on that order, was not done, or not done correctly, and that was the reason his eyes were not restored. I don't follow everything I read, or what people tell me, religious ones included, blindly. This priest is as holy a man as I can fathom, devotes his every breath to others, reads scripture constantly and is what you would call a "priest's priest". He believes fully in Garabandal, and told me this not to sway me, but from the perspective of one who doesn't toss around opinions, but knew this to be true. Again, I won't argue for or against it. But, I trust this man with my life.
Most people did not know that Joey suffered greatly the last two years of his life, and in addition to being blind, he became nearly deaf and was so weak from several heart attacks, he could not attend mass. (He even fell down a flight of stairs). So, Did Joey fulfill saying the prayers he was supposed to say each day , to fulfill the prophecy to regain his sight ? Mary said : "Joey do you want to see again?" "Yes." "Then you pray. Say 17 Hail Mary’s, 7 Acts of Contrition, 5 Our Father’s , 3 times a day. “ I know the last 2 years of his life , he suffered so greatly, I seriously doubt he could say all these prayers daily ,and I am wondering if Joey ( in the midst of all his sufferings) wasn’t able to complete that or that he asked to be taken to Heaven early ?
...I don't know. But as an aside, I do know that as I read this I am contemplating saying those prayers, 3 times a day, just to cope with the madness I see unfolding around us, daily. God Bless Joey, and God Bless us all. Just thinking, Glenn, if you want to delete my comment about Joey, I have no problem with that. Mine was not an attempt to rock the boat or throw a wrench into the works, but merely a slight attempt to pass something on that might shed a fragment of light on what has been a small sticking point for some people. I am only seeing this follow up to my post, now, as I deleted my FB account and have stayed largely off the computer lately, to avoid the overwhelming stress keeping up with news brought upon me.
You're entitled to your opinion, and your problem with Joey is just that, your problem. I believe the Miracle will answer all questions.
in this interview given by conchita on february 07, 1974 she said that Joey will see again after the great miracle; over the years did she reiterate that this depended solely on Joey fulfilling a certain number of prayers, or did she make way for a symbolic perspective?
February 7, 1974 Q. Will you take the baby(2) to the Miracle? A. I don't even know if I'm going. (Asked to expand on her answer, Conchita said): Surely I want to go, but I don't know if circumstances will permit. It is not necessary (for the occurrence of the Miracle) that I be there. Q. You have said that the Miracle of Garabandal will coincide with a great event within the Church. Did Our Lady tell you what that event will be, and can you add anything to what you have already said about this matter? A. Yes, I know what the event is. It is a singular event in the Church that happens very rarely, and has never happened in my lifetime. It is not new or stupendous, only rare, like a definition of a dogma — something like that in that it will affect the entire Church. It will happen on the same day as the Miracle, but not as a consequence of the Miracle, only coincidentally. Q. How will you announce the Miracle? A. I don't know exactly. Most definitely at midnight (eight days before the Miracle) I will call Joey (Lomangino), radio, television, and anyone else in the world that I feel can help to spread the word rapidly. I am not worried. I know that if the Blessed Mother wants you there, you will be there. Q. Joey has said that he will go to Garabandal immediately after the Warning. Do you know how much time will pass between the Warning and the Miracle? A. For Joey to go to Garabandal is a good idea, but I don't know how long will pass between the Warning and the Miracle. Q. Do you think of the day of the Miracle often, and are you anxious for the Warning and the Miracle to come? A. Sometimes I think of it as so imminent, sometimes far away. It seems so near when I think that people are not answering the Message, because after the Miracle there may come the punishment. I am anxious, yes. I wait. The Blessed Mother never lies. For the words of the Blessed Mother to be complete, there must be the Warning and the Miracle. It is all one message. Q. During the two occasions that Our Lady spoke to you about Joey, did she say anything in addition about his eyes? A. Concerning Joey, the only thing I remember now is that the Blessed Virgin said to me that at the moment of the Miracle Joey will have new eyes, and he will see permanently after that. http://www.garabandal.org/News/Garabandal_Warning_Miracle_Interviews.shtml
…I posted that comment a couple years ago, and since then think I did once more, the second time with a bit more clarity. All I was really doing was posting about a conversation I had with our pastor, a monsignor who briefly met Concheta, who fully supports the apparitions at Garabandal, and who had a conversation of his own with a priest with some connection to Garabandal, who told him about Joey’s eyes. I’m only now, two years later, seeing that Glenn even replied to my comment. Bear in mind, it wasn’t really an “opinion” of mine, I was simply relaying something I felt valid enough to post that I thought might contribute to the conversation. There was more to my conversation with our pastor, and he as traditional, trustworthy, committed and reverent priest as you can get. But I can only relay what was said. I can not speak for or against it’s validity.
Thanks for your post; I was looking for an official statement from Conchita because before Joey's death there seemed to be a consensus among Garanbadal scholars that Joey's cure of blindness would be linked to the day of the Miracle as a sign of authenticity of the apparition; and frankly i would like to know if there was any effort by Conchita or the other seers to avoid the controversy that arose after Joey's death in 2014.
…while I certainly don’t think it’s unreasonable to inquire about the passing of Joey before his eyes were healed, I really can’t speak, definitively, to any of it. I just know that it surely wasn’t a deal breaker with me, in terms if my belief in the apparitions of Mary at Garabandal. Do I have questions? A few, sure. But for me, based on all I’ve read, watched and learned, the evidence of the validity of these apparitions is overwhelming.
Completely agree. Both Joey and Conchita clearly expected Joey to be alive when the miracle happened and that his PHYSICAL eyes would be restored. That will not happen. But Our Lady said Joey would have NEW EYES (NUEVOS OJOS) on the day of the miracle. My understanding is that she was cryptically saying he would be dead then and everybody (Conchita included) misunderstood/misinterpreted her words. No big deal. Mystics have often misunderstood the messages they received. I believe Garabandal is 100% legit. Time will tell.
MY THOUGHTS ON JOEY LOMANGINO’S PASSING I had several thoughts that came to my mind when Joey passed. “My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are exalted above the earth, So are My ways exalted above your ways, And My thoughts above your thoughts.” (Is. 55: 8-9) “Oh, the depth of the riches Of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How incomprehensible are His judgments, And how unsearchable His ways.” (Rom. 11:33) Joey’s Offering. I asked Conchita very directly, " was it a Priest who told you that Joey had offered his eyes up in exchange for something, I had heard this ? She told me, " No , it was Joey himself who told her that he never prayed for himself when offering up his suffering, he offered them up to be united with Jesus's suffering, and for the Church to accept and recognize Garabandal". To me this explains why he had so many heart attacks, falling down and being injured, bad reaction to some medication, and passing before the return of his sight. Phone conversation with Conchita Nov 9. 2022 *What did Mary say EXACTLY to Conchita to tell Joey? She said “that you shall see on the very day of the Miracle. “ - MANY PEOPLE HAVE CHANGED THESE WORDS OVER THE YEARS,BUT ALL MARY SAID WAS “YOU WILL SEE THE VERY DAY OF THE MIRACLE” , but he will see the Miracle. DID JOEY FULFILL THE REQUIREMENTS MARY ASKED FOR ? Most people have never heard about this part of the promise ! Most people did not know that Joey suffered greatly the last two years of his life, and in addition to being blind, he became nearly deaf and was so weak from several heart attacks, he was so weak he could not attend daily mass. So, Did Joey fulfill saying the prayers he was supposed to say each day , to fulfill the prophecy to regain his sight ? Mary said : "Joey do you want to see again?" "Yes." "Then you pray. Say 17 Hail Mary’s, 7 Acts of Contrition, 5 Our Father’s 3 times a day. “ IS JOEY PART OF THIS PROPHECY ??? On December 6, 1962, Conchita had a 90 minute ecstasy around 5:30 in the afternoon after which, she provided more pieces of information regarding the Miracle: “One day, before the Miracle, something will happen that will cause many people to stop believing in the apparitions of Garabandal. “ Jesus comments on belief of Garabandal before the Miracle From Conchita, Dairy pg. 204, 1966: He [Jesus] replied..."I want to tell you, Conchita, that before the miracle occurs, you will suffer much, for few people will believe you. Your own family will believe that you have deceived them. I am the one who wants all this, as I have already told you, for your sanctification and so that the world may comply with the message. I wish to advise you that the remainder of your life will be a continual suffering. Do not be frightened. In your suffering you will find me and also Mary whom you love very much... I will be with whoever suffers for me." How many people continued to believe in Christ and his message, after he died? How many believed Mary when she said ( as a virgin ) she conceived a baby from the Holy Spirit ? How many people mocked our Lord as he died on the cross, reminding him he said he would rebuild the Temple in 3 days, yet he was nailed to a cross now. The truth is revealed in God’s time and manner, not our limited human ones for understanding. For God , NOTHING is impossible ! The famous story when Mary kissed a makeup compact in one of her visits, and everyone was dumb founded as to why, when she asked to kiss only sacramentals, and she kissed this object of vanity ? Only later did she reveal that it was in fact a PYX ,used during the Spanish War to carry communion to the soldiers ! Again , we had to wait for the Heavenly answer. There is some “fluidity’ in prophecy also, God can alter prophecy . Moses was promised and appointed to take his people into the promised land, but we read in Numbers (20:1-12) Moses did not enter the promised land because of his sin at the Waters of Meribah, which took place during the last year of the Israelites' wandering in the wilderness. In Genesis 18 , The lord said :“The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous” (The Lord intends to destroy it) but Abraham “changes” God’s mind to destroy the faithless people of Sodom for the sake of only 10 righteous people. Remember when God sent his prophet Jonah to the city of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria (one of ancient Israel's fiercest enemies), Jonah's initial message seems to be one of inevitable doom: "Forty days more, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!" (3:1-4) Contrary to Jonah's own expectations, however, the Ninevites respond to his preaching by believing in God, proclaiming a fast, covering themselves with sackcloth and ashes as signs of repentance, and praying to God not to destroy them. (3:5-9) As a result, God changes his mind and does not destroy the city of Nineveh . It is possible here too ,that Joey’s sufferings at the end of his life (and they were numerous and great ) that God granted him his Heavenly reward early, and also to fulfill the prophecy mentioned above, to cause disbelief, as a test of faith. Nothing can negate the fact that Mary performed hundreds of recorded miracles, with hundreds of eyewitnesses, and photographs, and filmed footage, so his passing has no effect on the validity of Mary’s messages. I think I know how the Apostles felt when Jesus died, after all their labors. Unfortunately, I think I am going to have to wait more than 3 days for my "Easter Miracle", but just like then, when you think all is lost, God provides that miracle. I spoke to Conchita and she too had no fears, stating she was happy Joey was in heaven with our Blessed Mother & Padre Pio. I have a strong suspicion we will be amazed at the Miracle, (and our questions will be answered ). God bless. Glenn
..I just happened to see someone had replied to one of my comments from two years ago, and it hadn’t been part of my plan to revisit the topic. Having said that, Glenn’s most recent comment, above, most of which he’s posted before but I think this time he puts better than ever, puts the issue to bed
This is so interesting to me and makes me think the miracle HAS to be super soon...because Joey was born in 1930 I think, and Conchita seems here to assume he'd be alive for the miracle...because she was planning to call him right away to help her announce it. And she assumed he'd be going to Garabandal for it. If Joey were alive today, he'd be 93 years old! And the miracle still hasn't happened... So surely, if Conchita was assuming he'd be alive still, it must be pretty imminent by this point?