Wow! Some people do get desperate in what they'll accept when the actual reality of the situation is anything but what they'd like to imagine is happening! Soros has been begging for action from the EU and the West to do something about Ukraine for some time with no takers. This is nothing new. If Soros wants somebody else to weaponize the Ukraine and pay for it he ought to carry forth his goals himself since Obama won't comply here or anywhere else when it comes to arming any likely successful allied victims. That's been obvious since from the beginning and for no rational reason or getting anything in return from Putin, he has informed the thug that he would deny Poland any promised defense weapon systems.....and has refrained from giving same sort of aid to the Kurds or Jordan. cont'd below
cont'd from above: Re: "Hacked emails and the plans of George Soros" Yep...for sure this is quite the opposite from LTTW. Only thing though is that LTTW is so far accurate and this is ridiculously out there in left field somewhere. A couple of glaring operative sentences: He is confident that the US should provide Ukraine with lethal military assistance. "Should".....ha! There you have it. Well, I think Putin "should" mind sovereign borders and stop with the belligerent hegemony "activity". But I can see that the facts of that region speak heavily otherwise. Perhaps his age is effecting his connection with reality. The EU is not in any position to "donate" any amount of large funds to shore up the Ukraine and the king pin there, Merkel, is more concerned about austerity for the other EU members such as Greece and Spain. Obama's stance has, remains, and never will be anything different BUT being "flexible" to Putin's goals and as always against our former allies. He has refused to arm Ukraine to the point where it is now too late. Putin is having his field day thank you very much and proceeding onward and literally upward. (Obviously as LTTW has stated beforehand and warned). This contribution by FORBES is much more in agreement with the true facts of the situation and consequently then with LTTW and demonstrates how those warnings re: the uselessness of depending upon any earthly leadership at this point are right on the money (and this was back in January....and things have gone down hill from that time):
Here are the latest messages from "Locutions to the World". Understanding Mankind's Situation May 28: 1. Where Is Mankind? May 29: 2. Generations Pass Away May 30: 3. Light, Light and More Light May 31: 4. A Perilous Road May 31: 5. The Growing Unity of Terrorists (Special Locution) June 1: 6. The Breaking Point of History
In these latest LTTW messages I found this to be interesting since these particular images that arose within the satanic destruction of 9/11 went unnoticed by many: Another force is also at work. Mankind does not believe in the demonic world and feels no need for God’s powers. This total blindness allows Satan to have free rein. The smoke arising from the 9/11 Twin Towers revealed his presence and showed forth his powers to destroy. Every single moment his powers are destroying the earth. And there are some pretty startling articles to attempt to rationalize these those who continue not to believe in the demonic world.
Fatima specific warning IF Russia were not consecrated: Russia will spread its errors throughout the world, raising up wars and persecutions against the Church. The good will be martyred, ......and nations will be annihilated. Within latest LTTW: This breaking point has already arrived in the Middle East [Terrorist sponsors, Iran and Syria, being backed by Russia] but the resources are not equal to the task and leaders are unwilling to commit more. There will be no rescue. Nations will be divided up and no longer exist. Refugees will flow from one country to another. Unimaginable human suffering will occur every day. Just some things to contemplate when discerning.
.....I don't know.... I don't think I'm buying it. These all-too-worldly assertions and perspectives coming allegedly from the Virgin Mary don't seem inspired enough to me personally, and they don't even seem to be as knowledgeable as the late Tom Clancy was (whom some believe may have known too much.....). The role that the U.S. played in the Ukrainian "coup" (confirmed by released transcripts of US officials directly involved), followed by large percentages of their natural gas rights for sale though western corporations, followed by other actions (like actions in Syria which are in reality an effort to facilitate further gas pipelines that are competitive to Russia's supply to western Europe), all are missing from the analysis. Countries like Germany are less than willing because they are dependent on these Russian supplies currently. I think the reality is that the more the west, and the US poke and poke and corner the "bear", the more likely it is that the "bear" will be left with one option: attack (war). Which may be what the west actually wants.....
Jon, Well, as it is stated from the beginning at LTTW, they are private revelations and no one has to accept them. I personally see that they are right on target. (like actions in Syria which are in reality an effort to facilitate further gas pipelines that are competitive to Russia's supply to western Europe) Sorry, I don't see any efforts in Syria by the U.S. that have amounted to anything other than PR display. Remember Obama's non-red line being drawn there for public consumption only? How embarrassing and a sure sign to Putin (and our former allies in the region of the Middle East) that we would not get involved in any serious manner to interrupt his own plans in the region. More "flexibility" for Mr. Putin by Mr. Obama! Obama won't even develop our own energy resources at home in such dire times for readiness....which are massive. He shows no signs of any competitive ambitions. If we take out a few of the strong men of ISIS with that "pin point" operation that's all the better for Putin's goals as well....less of a threat to Iran and Syria, Putin's selection for his personal favorites of terrorist sponsors. And they owe him! The Syrian so called rebels are joining forces with ISIS as well. Of course the EU (Germany) is dependent upon Russia's energy....why Putin is so interested in backing the most likely strong men in the Middle East who will have the nukes....he's the one looking for greater energy control of the region so he can more forcefully blackmail the West/Europe. He's doing the same with his announced plans to move on into the Arctic, rich in minerals and gas/oil. We did nothing that amounted to anything in the Ukraine. I'm certainly not surprised that U.S. or EU monetary support had been there long before the coup occurred or that there were diplomatic influences from the West when Ukraine was tending more to favor the West in their choice of support. Their puppet Putin Commie President acted against the will of the people who wanted to attach themselves to the West for good reason....from their past history's experience. He was rescued by Russia. Interpol is now looking for the former Ukraine President: Along with members of his Cabinet also sought by Interpol, Yanukovych is wanted for “misappropriation, embezzlement or conversion of property by malversation.” The current Ukraine government, led by President Petro Poroshenko, says Yanuvoych’s crimes extend to murder, charging that he ordered troops to fire on protesters at demonstrations in early 2014, but the Interpol isn't looking for Yanukovych for murder, only for financial crimes. Actually, in the end, we/EU/NATO left them to fend for themselves. Ukrainian ministers have recently visited the U.S. and literally begged Congress for military help against the massive incursion plans by Putin in order not to be slaughtered and we gave we gave Poland, Egypt, the Kurds, and Jordan.....NOTHING. We no longer can be trusted by any of our former allies. LTTW stated this fact of our pulling out, sitting on the sidelines, which actions have moved up the timeline. ISIS and Putin are moving swiftly with no opposition. For the first time in ages Egypt was forced to go begging to Russia for help against intentions of the Sharia caliphate there because we would not even share our intelligence with the now rescuer of Egypt and strong man. And I also see zero "poking of the Bear" by the West. Just the opposite. They are showing their complete acquiescence to whatever the Bear is choosing to do with them or against them. And Obama is assisting Putin with his Iranian cooperation in their nuke production and showing him that the U.S. is no kind of threat to him anywhere. As ISIS enters more into Europe via Italy to begin with, Putin may have to direct his attention there for he will have some of his plans interrupted. He attempted to warn our security/intelligence sources about the Tsarnaev brothers, Boston bombers, who we allowed to go to a known terrorist training state and return because "we didn't really have anything as yet on them". Well, now we do. So Putin doesn't like that particular version of terrorism due to his own rough experience back home with such. The fire is truly spreading from that predicted "spark" of Syria. And that spark will evolve into the rest of the world, igniting the entry of the biggest players in the competition....Russia and China. That's why we ain't seen nothin yet! And once the now, world economy collapses the controllers will own a lot of willing slaves. And all because we didn't pay attention to heaven's own intervention on our behalf when it would have mattered. Sorry to be so long, but it's so important, and that reality is what is taking place....even as the LTTW via the "Woman Clothed With The Sun" says will only continue while many will still feel somewhat safe, personally, IF the terror as yet hasn't entered their front doors. Yes, it's beyond the help of any of our current corrupt and cowardly world leaders....only some exceptional interventions from heaven will keep the world from total obliteration.....and those only if hearts get prepared, ask for this help, look for it, and recognize it via the promised coming "lights" through her Immaculate Heart. I see her "fire" already in the rapidly spreading devotion now of the "Flame of Love" of her Immaculate Heart. There is soon to be the first national conference for that in Philadelphia. The U.S. is only 30 years behind in that devotion!! You now see it everywhere.
FYI...Paul Regan on now. Speaking often on the Locutions and the near future:
Words of hope from the June 6th message: " ... I will not abandon the world. Write these words on your heart. I will not abandon the world."
This, I postulate, is why you believe LTTW to be true. Because you believe much of the indoctrination that the main stream news is feeding us (and apparently, so is the "visionary/seer", who is very likely mixing her mainstream news indoctrination with what I would consider possibly genuine locutions she is receiving). Your last point above, I agree with, though most of us here (myself included) are paying very close attention to heaven's intervention (to the degree that I also pay attention to these LTTW messages, even though I can see all of these secular holes in them that I don't give the same attention to). To your first point above about Syria and US actions, I say there are US actions taking place: The US has already tried to justify outright military action against Assad when we partnered with Al Qaeda and claimed Assad used chemical weapons on his own people. Then when this attempt failed, ISIS conveniently gave the US a reason to begin bombing inside of Syria (following the publicized beheading videos and genocide). Now you see the slow, boiled frog, transition to the real end game. When CFR president Richard Haass speaks publicly on behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations, you can be sure that US foreign policy will follow in lock step: "Depending on the Iraqi government to act as a partner in the fight against the expansion of the Islamic State is not working, and it is time to go back to basics," Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass said Friday (May 22, 2015). And then today's New York Times linking Assad to ISIS now, and claiming they are working together: Assad’s Forces May Be Aiding New ISIS Surge Invasion of Syria is likely next. I will call that real action also. And your second point about no poking of "the bear" is just turning a blind eye: As much as you want to justify "regime change support" based on criminal dictatorship leaders and our general benevolence, that is the game we always play (Saddam, after we created him. Gaddafi, after we did the same. Assad, still going on...). Just follow the money in Ukraine as it relates to natural gas, BP, Exxon Mobile, etc., in addition to the desire to hurt Russia's energy export economy, and you see a proxy power play against Russia going on here, sponsored by the US. Add to that the deliberate driving down of the price of oil to inflict maximum damage on the Russian and Venezuelan economies: Falling oil prices: Who are the winners and losers? Did The Saudis And The US Collude In Dropping Oil Prices? And you arrive at "poking the bear"
Jon, After your rebuke of me personally that my views are because I'm "indoctrinated" by the mainstream news which all of my stated views obviously go against btw, you proceed to announce just what our current Presidential spokesman, the new Baghdad Bob, would have you believe....and gives those very talking points out to just that mainstream media to parrot. And you quote the New York Times as a genuine source of reality? Now then, just who is it who swallows the fantasy and gives no attention to what is currently taking place in real time??!! Hmmm? In fact no one knows just what the liar in chief's strategy actually is while they tout how much difference it has made. Huh? Each day more ground is made by ISIS with more historical destruction and more slaughter, more so called Syrian rebels joining ISIS (apparently not quite enough U.S. "assistance" there as promised with that "red line" symbology) more national boundaries destroyed, more moves into Iraq by Iran, while more Obama "talk" speaks to some future time when Iran "promises" to destroy all that they are currently turning out massively during all that "talk". And that's NOT assisting Mr. Putin's grand plans? Why are more Western youth going over to ISIS if they had any fear of repercussions by their own countries? Why are there more blatant incidents of terror by radical Muslim groups within our own country, already carrying out the goals of the universal caliphate? Why are more appointments to high positions, esp. over immigration, by radical Islamist ideologues, being made in the U.S., fulfilling the 100 year plan by Muslims for takeover of the West? Ah, yes, such wonderful evidence, in actual reality surrounding our very citizens for proof of our determination to stop the Islamists' great plan, while the enemy now feels that they are more than on their way at succeeding. Why the purposeful listing, by the Obama regime, of returning vets and evangelicals and conservative groups, for the "terrorist watch" list while refusing to control the real threat at our open borders.....and suing those states in danger of such violence for obeying the current laws on the books? Oooh.....the current regime is soooo frightening to the real enemy....both the Commies as well as the radical Islamists who btw are known collaborators in past history because of their same goal....destruction of the West. Apparently you would enjoy the economies of Commie dictators to flourish without any opportunity for weakening so that the victims can continue a future of absolute control by only those at the top getting the dachas. Try looking for a change at the benefit to our own middle class for any reduction in oil prices. Sheesh! It's about the only one that has given them any relief. If there had been any genuine "poking" of the bear it would have begun with the previously assumed missile defense system to Poland. At that early stage of this regime the very reason Obama gave for not carrying out that assumed aid to an ally was not to excite Mr. Putin/the bear! Why is NATO now referred to as feckless and the EU as alarmingly pacifist in the face of its own demise?? They certainly have given up looking to the U.S. for any leadership against the prowling of the bear into their territory. Again, as the LTTW have pointed to for now quite a long time.....this U.S. lack of leadership infecting the West's reactions to the spread of terrorism to within its own borders.....HAS and IS certainly speeding up the timeline. We seem to be diametrically opposed in our reading of actual events. But you could be a genuine spokesperson for the purpose of sympathizing with the goals of Russia continuing to spread her errors throughout the world. The West's underbelly is now ripe for the takeover....with the help of just such propaganda by the appeasers of the enemy. Unfortunately Commies don't play by Hoyle's rules. But I suspect most such defense by so many today is not much more than whistling past the graveyard.
You misunderstand me totally. I am not a believer in the benevolence of Russia or Putin at this time either. I am just not a believer that the U.S. are good guys either. In fact, I tend to believe that the former consecrations made of "the world", or "the peoples of Russia", were NOT sufficient (though not completely fruitless). So I believe that Russia will react to this provocation and be the cause of great evil leading up to the Warning. I am not afraid of ISIS as you have been indoctrinated to be. Yes, they are causing real martyrdom and real genocide and very real suffering which may very well reach our soil (which is fearful). However, my contention is that they exist because they were facilitated into existence by the west for this very purpose (much like Osama Bin Laden). They could be squashed by the military power of the west in short order, but ISIS has been allowed to fester for a reason. Now that reason begins to come to light: ....As the world is taught to fear ISIS and their expansion And as their expansion is allowed to continue And as the CFR and others start demanding the real military squashing ("back to basics") And as the connection is made between Assad and ISIS Then even people such as yourself will call for the squashing of ISIS in Syria, and be glad when it happens ....and while you are watching the right hand, the left hand will be accomplishing those goals to corner Russia into military action to save their economy and power structures as the pipelines are planned through Syria.... I chose the New York Times intentionally because it is a liberal rag that is the lying mouthpiece for the indoctrination. I did this to prove my point, not because I respect it as a legitimate news source. I just wanted to show the mainstream narrative at its highest level.
Jon, No offense, but this thinking is just not rational. There is the history of radical Islam (as well as Russian atheistic Communism) that speaks for itself in its intentions from the beginning and its former triumphs of conquers and slaughter as a diabolical force which were only stopped by heavenly intervention with as much zeal from the opposing forces.....which are just not present in today's world. There is the scriptural description for the future disruptions from the "sons" of Ishmael. Those "fearful" incidents within our own boundaries HAVE already shown themselves. The U.S. in this day and age esp. is no kind of example to follow and yet its calling within history has been a noble one. From its history it could, with a newly dedicated citizenry that understands that calling, be the only force to combat what is now allowed to fester and grow from that diabolical push, Satan knowing these times left are now short. But, alas, it's gone too far with huge mistakes of non-leadership and breaking of the bonds of established trust with our former allies. And that particular NYTimes reference of your so called mainstream narrative, if by that you imply anything that I've espoused as anything at all like that, sounds more like what you are giving a positive interpretation to yourself by assuming that the feckless air strikes Obama uses for mainly PR purposes have had any effect upon any decisions made by either Syria or ISIS or Iran for that matter. Just the opposite. None of them have any reason at all to suspect Obama of any real strategy in that region for any U.S. benefit. You have to remember that he completely withdrew from the region with advisory intelligence given to the enemy about planned troop numbers remaining, dates, etc. so that our forces...and even U.S. civilian operators that were left....are sitting ducks. Don't think that can be classified as anything like what Baghdad Bob spokesman for Obama and Media talking points within the MSM would like to express to a clueless public!
The global, covert and sinister plans, efforts and operations going on in the world today would be nothing short of mind-blowing if we could see it all. The international bankers, corporate elite, media elite, govenment elite, Bilderberg Group, CIA, MI5, MOSSAD, CSIS, etc. etc. are active everywhere. Assassinations and false flags are the new normal. This US (good guy) and Russia (bad guy) narrative is so obvious in it's propaganda I find it almost laughable. The bigger picture, in my eyes anyway, this is just aother part of the game. Even ISIS, this is more than just a terrorist group this is a major tool by the elite to divid, create fear, control. Every terrorist event in the last 5 years is called ISIS related often there is no proof whatsoever but if the media says ISIS most people just buy it. I am more skeptical. I want to see the proof or the evidence and also the questions that raise red flags about what we are told. The devil controls those at the top as much if not more than those below. The elite pretending to fight evil (and be good/rightous) is classic stuff from the liar of liars. BUT, and this is a big BUT.....I don't really care much about these world events even though I like to follow them. I have to remind myself often that everything beyond my control is pointless in my effort to get to heaven. I rarely loose my peace over this stuff anymore. I try to focus on what I can do and if I find myself getting unsettled I drop out of it. If Jesus wants us to belong to Him and not belong to the world then I can't help but wonder why these LTTW are so worldly. If these messages supposedly by Mary were really from heaven I would think she'd say stop reading all this worldly crap and pray/follow me to Jesus. Yes, she keeps saying "different path" (for years now!) but never shows this path and never stops talking about the world. Also, the real VM can see everything happening from the top down, inside and out, this totally American biased VM from LTTW sure has a narrow media centric view. Peace.
These messages are no more worldly than the Fatima messages were for those times. These times today are more sophisticated in their methods and thus why the need for more detail. At Fatima the world was warned about such other "puny man" bothersome details as the specific mention of a geo-political spot that was completely unknown by the people who believed our lady to be speaking about a woman. And yet we were warned about a global control of something called atheistic communism that would spread from the named country.....Russia.....that had to be controlled by heaven's already determined anti-dote plan. Or else.....that unknown place and its particular ideological satanic method would spread to the rest of the world causing the stated annihilation of nations, persecutions, and involvement of the Church and our lady's children. Now I'm sure the people at the time would rather have been content to continue living in their simple outlook upon the greater world without involving such future predictions of politics and worldly materialistic control over whole regions but, as scripture itself states, God always warns His children before persecutions are to likely happen. I'm sure too that the Fatima pilgrims, in expecting the promised miracle, had nothing in mind like they received......the most fearful event to happen in their lifetimes, feeling that the world was soon to be obliterated by a crazy out of control sun heading towards the fact that they all begged for mercy. Of course, within weeks, the beginning of that Communism spread coming out of Russia, became real in the Bolshevik revolution.....another rather "political" and definitely "worldly" event as described by God's own Mother sent for His purpose to warn the children whether they were innocent about such things or not....or whether they liked to hear such worldly concerns or not. In this very late and bloody time of ours today such messages that again emphasize Fatima and what it was meant to have been for her children are certainly anything but what "should" be expected by that same Woman who still is attempting to remind her children even to a much greater degree for the obviously short time left.
"I will reveal truths......". Really? The main reason I love Medjugorjie is that the messages there are simple; pray, pray, pray, and wash yourself with the sacraments of the church. After following every message there is, this is the only message that counts.
You are right about the history of Islam and communism. They are truly antichrist. However, the west, and the U.S. in particular, have all but abandoned their original blessings as the fruits of Christendom themselves, and have become, in large part, usurped by the whore of Babylon (most likely centered between London and New York via the banking industry). So our hope that a true crusade (by a Christian west) is what is taking place here is very, very, very, unlikely. This "whore", which is not the collective western governments and peoples in total, but that which has grabbed the central power of these governments, created oligarchy, and has sold out much of the blessings to the god of money, now is in complete control of the mainstream media, and of the narrative being disseminated to the general public. (<- Except for the internet, which we all certainly enjoy right now as independent and free, and is the target of the "whore" at this very moment, to take this vehicle unto itself as well.) Evidence of this false narrative can be discerned very clearly in the more secular assertions of LTTW. That is my only point. The NYT is just an example of the deliverers of the false message, and I don't buy any mainstream assertions that foment the public's desire to finally go in and invade rather than continue with an anemic air operation (if that is the editorial slant of the NYT or any other outlet). Nor do I believe you are trumpeting the NYT position itself. .....Maybe after the Warning, the west will begin fighting for Christ, and not money, satan, masonry, the mystery religions, etc........
Thank you Jon for your insightful analysis. In fact, it was the United States that destabilized the entire middle east after invading Iraq. Remember the Arab spring? The muslim brotherhood? The murdering of Moammar Qaddaffi in Libya? The training and support of the Syrian "moderates" to overthrow President Assad in Syria? The same rebels have turned into ISIS! Yes, ISIS! Here is another laughable mainstream news story (from the Guardian) that backs up LTTW: Syria: Isis advance on Aleppo aided by Assad regime air strikes, US says Opposition fighters make same claims as Isis advances towards Azaz, 20 miles from Aleppo, which would imperil their supply line into Syria’s biggest city So now, Assad is supporting ISIS who wants to overthrow him!
As usual the fighting conditions in real time are a lot more complicated than picking phrases that one would like to have compliment their own personal viewpoints. Just about every faction is vying for Aleppo. Unfortunately the worst forces fighting against Assad have gotten the upper hand recently. Thus ISIS is gaming against those particular forces in defense of their own a sense then unwittingly becoming a satellite fighting force for Assad's ends. So while Assad forces are pounding the area.....against the gains of the rebels they will permit the enemy of their enemy to help them out so to speak for the time being. It's pretty transparent if one doesn't only argue from some limited point of personal viewpoint rather than war strategies oft use in military history!! After a string of strategic wins since the start of the year, rebel groups were in a very strong position to overrun regime forces in Aleppo and neighboring strongholds around the city of Idlib. But the Islamic State group entered the fray. “It would have happened, but Daesh attacked,” said Sharef Sarmada, a Syrian citizen journalist in Idlib, using the Arabic acronym for ISIS. “Now the battle is with Daesh." But ISIS may be getting help from an unlikely source. Syrian President Bashar Assad’s air force pounded Aleppo on Thursday with barrel bombs, while the Islamic State group battled opposition forces and Jabhat al Nusra -- al Qaeda’s branch in Syria -- on the ground. This suggests that the two, if not actually allied, are at least not targeting each other, despite officially being mortal enemies. Thus the rebel forces that were gaining the largest ground against Assad forces have to contend with fighting ISIS for the time being and that seems to be at least a good momentary strategy for the regime against the strongest enemy and that interferes with their strong focus on Assad and moving in permit this conflict is to the advantage of the regime at the moment. Duh!