Today the Sistine Chapel was closed to visitors. Last time it took 7 days to prepare the chapel for the conclave.
Actually I am more impressed than ever with these locutions in view of the part 'Much will be uncovered...' As this has occurred in the report of the three cardinals to Pope Emeritus Benedict and in the cases of Cardinals Mahony and O'Brien . I am looking forward to being surprised but hope that it is either Cardinal Burke or Cardinal Tagle but of the non-Cardinals, Bishop Athanasius Schneider (almost impossible but still I can hope)
Yes it is. And it strikes me that if we find that we can trust these messages, which will become very clear after the Papal election, then we have a great deal of useful information about what is to come in the near future.
Feb 286. Pope Benedict’s Final Day The Resignation As A Sign Jesus The end comes to the pontificate of Pope Benedict. The Church salutes him for all that he has done. He retires with great dignity, a true blessing for all. I take him aside into a new and deeper solitude. Yet, he is at hand, ready to guide and help the one whom I will raise up. His role is not finished, just changed. Even he cannot see all that I have in store for him as he embraces his successor for the first time. Only then will he realize the great blessing he has been to the world by his resignation. This part is still hidden from his eyes. Someone whom he helped in his younger days by his writings, he will help in his final years by his presence and wisdom. Mary The day has come. The final steps will be taken. The Church will have no pope. This is not a time of mourning, as in the past. It is the time of a decision, taken in faith and brought forth by my hand. I will lead Pope Benedict into his place of solitude. I will be present to him as never before. I will fill him with the greatest wisdom. His value will increase and grow. He will come to understand the new role that I have for him. He will live in the shadows of retirement but will dwell in the light. He will be a guiding light to the new pope who will constantly seek out his wisdom. I relieve him of his other duties so his advice can come forth like a flowing stream. As in read this new locution just released I feel the need to prostrate myself in adoration and thanksgiving to God. Keep praying!!!!
Ok....I'm putting myself out there in the definitely deranged category again... The rosary beads mentioned in the previous post I repaired using my crochet skills and some yarn. I kept the beads in my raincoat pocket. Scroll forward to last week. The weather turned wet again so raincoat out. A new playground had opened in our village and I needed the raincoat on Monday, noted that the rosary beads were in the pocket, but that was it. On Friday morning I was parked near the playground and had to wait at the car while my youngest (now 8!) got herself sorted. As I was standing there i began to hear a faint tapping sound - metal against metal. I passed no remarks but the faint tapping became quite insistent so I turned to see what was causing it. I thought it must be a chain hanging on the gate near us but I couldn't see any chain and was about to look away when something else hanging on the gatepost caught my eye - It was my rosary beads. The metal crucifix was banging against the gate. I retrieved it but this time even though the cord was intact the wooden beads themselves had been decimated. Only one decade had a full 10 beads left, and another decade had only 1 remaining, 4, 6, & 6 for the other decades. The Synod rumpus was ongoing, it was Mission month and I had recently seen where you can pray each decade of the rosary for a given continent, and in my overactive imagination (aka nuts / deranged!) I imagined the beads represented the state of the faith in the world - only one continent (Africa??) intact, but none completely lost. I know this is all random and coincidental but i also know it's more than that. I just wanted to share this because it strikes as being more - but I accept I may just be nuts!
Actually, none of this written above is quite true. Pope Benedict is still holding papal office, or the munus. He has resigned the magisterium only (execution of pastoral duties). So in fact we do have two popes at the same time. By the law of the Church there cannot be two popes. Pope Benedict XVI — as he stated explicitly recently — still holds the munus, the office, so he is the pope. Francis, I am afraid, is not, or, he cannot be.
Pope Benedict XVI has this way of writing, the quote made me cry. Ha, ha, don't you wish you could talk to Pope Benedict. Please God, touch the unguided, misguided youth with Your grace. + + + The Example of Mary & The Corruption of Youth What a great gift to have Mary Immaculate as mother! A mother resplendent with beauty, the transparency of God's love. I am thinking of today's young people, who grow up in an environment saturated with messages that propose false models of happiness. These young men and women risk losing hope because they often seem orphans of true love, which fills life with true meaning and joy. This was a theme dear to my Venerable Predecessor John Paul II, who so often proposed Mary to the youth of our time as the "Mother of Fair Love". Unfortunately, numerous experiences tell us that adolescents, young people and even children easily fall prey to corrupt love, deceived by unscrupulous adults who, lying to themselves and to them, lure them into the dead ends of consumerism; even the most sacred realities, like the human body, a temple of God's love and of life, thus become objects of consumption and this is happening earlier, even in pre-adolescence. How sad it is when youth lose the wonder, the enchantment of the most beautiful sentiments, the value of respect for the body, the manifestation of the person and his unfathomable mystery! Pope Benedict XVI Angelus December 8, 2007 Past Daily Thoughts: Website: