According to your theology it is very hard to to commit a sin never mind a mortal sin. In your world view BH there does not appear to be a need for a Savior. No one is deemed to be ignorant of the principles of the moral law, which are written in the conscience of every man.
It is estimated that 108 billion people have lived on earth and that 155,000 die every day. Thats nearly 60 million each year. I wonder how many have reached heaven. Approx 9.5 million Catholics die each year. How many of them are saved?
According to some 'theologians' almost all are saved. But how they work that out I don't know and believe they are in error on this. God's mercy is incredible and He fights to the last breath for each soul so no one can have an excuse. Jesus spoke often of Hell and judgement and of course we are called to enter by the narrow gate and the narrow road. I guess if it weren't for purgatory then we would all be in trouble. The fact that the first secret of Fatima was the revelation of Hell and our Lady wanted devotion to her Immaculate Heart to be promoted to prevent souls being lost is testimony that we all need to make reparation for sinners on the road to perdition.
That window is almost nice... When I first looked at that picture it appeared to me like flames of fire over the moon and then I realized I was just watching the colours of a dress. However, I would recommend some caution on that devotion because it's very controversial.
Thanks Garabandal I got the figure wrong. It should be 108 billion. But what's 80 billion between friends. I agree with you that those theologians who think we will all be saved are wrong and I agree with you that without purgatory we would be lost. Nothing imperfect can enter heaven and how many of us leave this world with souls in perfect condition?
Hi Basto I did not know it was controversial. Can you please tell us more. To me it is a beautiful devotion and the window both a reminder that we can always turn to Mary when we feel trapped or tied up in situations from which we cannot escape. It's also a beautiful memorial to a young girl who was one of our parishioners. Her dad is a good guy but an atheist and does not believe he will ever see her again. I believe Mary will free him from that deception.
i'm not sure any true theologian can comment on that. How many people are lost and how many people are saved is decision for God alone. Most saints would say no one "deserves" heaven because even the littlest sin goes against God. And God being perfect Judge and/or Justice creates laws on who can enter heaven. Know if one really wants to get theological...if heaven has different rooms, maybe some rooms have holier people. But that is another theological debate.
Yes, Joe you have smacked the nail on the head. The saints speak of the awesome holiness of God, a holiness that is so holy that it cannot be even described in human words. I think it was St Faustina of Divine Mercy who said that when standing in the presence of God (if that were possible) that 'He finds fault with everything'. In other words in the Light and Illumination of God even our tiniest flaws are exposed to the Light of Truth. Nothing imperfect or flawed can enter heaven hence the need for purgatory. Our journey to God is one of conversion, purification and illumination - The human soul pass through stages towards the path of holiness - transformation through deepening conversion, the purgative way; a deepening contemplative path of illumination culminating in the unitive way (spiritual marriage). In prayer I have come to understand the spiritual life as in the cycle of the life of a butterfly (the Spirit sometimes gives me pictures or images - something that BH has affectionately called my pentecostal side!) It is not a perfect analogy but will suffice to explain what I am trying to get across. The butterfly begins life as an egg & the larva hatches from the egg - the egg is equivalent to the seed of our baptism, In baptism were are spiritually regenerated. Baptism is a gift that takes a life-time to unwrap. When the larva (caterpillar) hatches from the egg it eats leaves or flowers almost constantly - St Paul likens this stage of the Christian as living on spiritual milk - it is the stage of conversion and we hunger and thirst for God and the fruits of the Spirit but there is indeed a spiritual immaturity at this stage for we seek mostly blessing and God's tender presence. Often in this stage there is struggle against sin, temptation and trials that are necessary for the soul to grow further in holiness. God (in His timing) 'retreats' from the soul in the sense that faith is tested and the soul undergoes purification and some endure the dark night of the soul and the senses; entombed in a spiritual darkness (chrysalis stage), which can last for months or many years - a purgation that is deeply painful yet necessary in order for the soul to progress to the latter stages of perfection. Despite the darkness the soul that perseveres walks entirely by the light of faith, growing in true freedom as children of God proving the love of God and living in the Divine Will and contemplative prayer. The Eucharist is the solid food on this journey and the daily sustenance of the Body and Blood of our Divine Lord is the manna necessary for the desert experience. The last stage of perfection that the saints call mystical marriage or the unitive way of deep and perfect union with God - the soul is in mystical union with God to a high degree soaring on eagles wings but to quote Muhammed Ali 'floats like a butterfly' - the soul almost sails to heaven. I think this last stage is sainthood were most imperfections in the human personality and soul are erased and the soul shines with the light of the risen Christ literally the soul is transfigured from one degree of glory to another in the image of the Holiness of God. Hence, such souls enter heaven in haste as like is attracted to like and light to light. The soul is perfectly purified - it is like a prism emanating the light of God. This journey is a journey of grace. We can only be perfected by cooperation with the grace of God when we allow ourselves to become the conduit of his Love. Thy will be done in Me as it is in Heaven. The problem in our Church today is mediocrity. How few understand this Christian path of holiness and sanctity. We are not challenged enough to become the saints God needs us to be. We always must strive with God's grace to grow. Each of us is human and we have our weak spots and our strengths. But we must surrender all to God. It is in the surrender and abandonment to the Divine Will that we find true peace and consolation. God is not hard to find yet God is hard to find. In searching for God we are responding to grace in the full knowledge that God is the total fulfillment of all our desires. How often we find comfort and solace in the baubles and trinkets of life yet these do not last and do not fulfil. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all of these things shall be given on to thee. In seeking God we are oriented in the right direction. The Christian is the one who lives by the spirit a spiritual life of prayer and contemplation. The one who is lost is the one who lives by the urges of the flesh. How can someone who lives only by the urges of the flesh be in union with God? The two are incompatible. He who lives by the urges of the flesh dies in the flesh. St Paul tells us that such people are slaves to sin. There is no spirit in the one who lives according to the fleshly life. That is why at Fatima our Lady stated that it is the sins of the flesh that leads most souls to Hell. But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them do not belong to him at all.) St Paul.
I wish I had more time...and maybe a bit (spiritually) stronger. Interesting post. A few thoughts God never retreats the soul (dark night). The consolations might not be there but God is actually one with the soul. The problem is the saint does not comprehend he/she is living in Divine Will. Mother Teresa lived in this state for 20 years. She felt that He was gone but in fact she was in union with Him. Food for thought Just my opinion I think there are more mystical saints on earth then we think. I think God, is touching people at every parish. It seems sometimes we focus so much on the bad we loose sight of what is right in front of us. I see some very spiritual...every day saints. From the outside they may look like your Grandmother, Grandfather, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Daughter, Son but we have strong saints closer then we think. And maybe...just maybe I am talking about all of you. Keep The Faith ]
I’ve told you before but you didn't pay attention Joe. I didn't say that the devotion is wrong, I don’t know that much about it but I still recomend some caution because it's very linked to occultism and I'm afraid that could even have been hijacked by Satan worshipers. I will do my best to show you my clues, I was going to start a thread on that but I don't think that is needed...
Mary Untier of Knots - Maria Knotenlöserin Mary, Untier of Knots or Mary, Undoer of Knots is the name of both a Marian devotion and a Baroque painting (German: Wallfahrtsbild or Gnadenbild) which represents that devotion. The painting by Johann Georg Melchior Schmidtner, of around 1700, is in the Catholic pilgrimage church of St. Peter am Perlach, otherwise known as the Perlach church, in Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany. Pope Francis saw the image while in Germany as a student and promoted her veneration in Latin America. Johann Georg Schmidtner, 1700 In Buenos Aires, a copy of the icon was made and left by the artist, Dr. Ana de Betta Berti, for the Church of San José del Talar, which has had it since 8 December 1996. On the 8th of each month, thousands of people make the pilgrimage to this church where it has a Shrine with the same name. View attachment 4091 That’s not an ancient or traditional devotion, it’s not based on any apparition, it's a new way of praying to Mary that starts with a shrine called Santuario de la Virgen que Desata los Nudos (Shrine of the Virgin who unties the knots). Until here everthing is fine. This devotion increases in Argentina, cross the border and moves to Brazil and to other countries in America.
You have my attention Basto! I will be on guard for anything amiss. As you know all sacred objects are vulnerable to abuse by the likes of Satanists, from the Eucharist to Holy Candles. That of course does not preclude proper regard for these objects in their proper use. The link you provided does not suggest anything sinister. I do recollect you advising caution previously but can't remember where or when. So at least you had some of my attention. It is a devotion dating back to 1700 and one, I believe, to be treasured, so I will definitely be on guard to protect it from abuse.
First problem: the name in Spanish is a tricky word. Most of the countries in America speak Spanish and this devotion is commonly known just as: La Virgen Desatanudos. You can listen it in two ways: (1) La-virgen-desata-nudos or (2) La-virgen-de-satanudos. (1) The virgin untier of knots (2) The virgin of the satanudos The word “satanudos”, as far as I know, doesn’t belong to the Spanish lexicon, nonetheless the word “Satán” is almost the same as in English for Satan and the suffix “udo” is often used on the construction of some adjectives. I give you an example, the word “barba” means beard and the word “barbudos” means bearded men. “Satanudos” could be like a counterfeited word for “satanist”. So, the tricky word makes it sound like “The virgin of the Satanists” as well, if you want listen it like that. It sounds weird and it is controversial. Thank you for your information Basto. I remember you posting this before. I may be wrong and forgive me if I am but I suspect your caution may also have something to do with its association with Pope Francis who, as we know, is not one of your favorite Popes. On the above link you can hear mass in your own tongue....or at least the Brazilian version. Have you any evidence of the devotion actually being used by Satanists? Where did this suggestion of demonic adoption originate, please?
Second problem: the name in Portuguese can get even worse as a tricky word. I suppose that in Brazil the abbreviated name is not as popular, so it’s commonly known as “Nossa Senhora Desatadora dos Nós” (Our Lady Untier of Knuts), even so, that abbreviation can also appear somewhere, and perhaps on purpose: Nossa Senhora Desata Nós It sounds almost the same as "Nossa Senhora de Satanás", meaning "Our Lady of Satan". Horrible though.
Third problem: The unpleasant and insulting way how Our Lady is represented by some artists. The sacrilege of having this kind of crap inside a church or a chapel.
Fourth problem: The feast day. It’s a replacement of the celebration of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, on the 8th of December.
I believe that our Pope is the first one offended by an insulting gif like that. I felt insulted by the Argentinian President, didn't you? This shameless lady president has indeed insulted Our Lady, the Holy Father and every Catholic with that horrible musical statue singing the “alleluia”.