Has Russia been Consecrated-Excellent read!

Discussion in 'Mother of God' started by mothersuperior7, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. As expected:


    President Obama is praising Russian President Vladimir Putin for assisting the United States in the Iranian nuclear talks.

    “Russia was a help on this. I’ll be honest with you. I was not sure given the strong differences we are having with Russia right now around Ukraine, whether this would sustain itself. Putin and the Russian government compartmentalized on this in a way that surprised me,” Obama said in an interview with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman.

    Obama went so far to say that the countries “would have not achieved this agreement” if not for Russia’s assistance in completing what he described as a “strong deal.”

    Obama also indicated that Putin was calling him again, describing a conversation they had about Syria.

  2. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Obama is so out of touch with reality it is scary.

    View attachment 3197

    That's what happens when God is disregarded!
  3. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    1 Thessalonians 5:3
    For when they shall say, peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape.
    andree likes this.
  4. If anyone (and that includes our representatives in congress) believes that all of this hasn't been Obama's plan from the very beginning and why he was placed in his current position of power I have a bridge to sell them. He and his family are all Russian world Communists....atheistic communists. He has always been "flexible" to Mr. Putin. Now that so much has been done to present America on a silver platter to the Commies and powers of the world he's openly taunting us and blatantly admitting his intentions.....all to benefit evil of all kinds. Yet the clueless, cowardly, or those he's got something on for blackmail all look like deer in the proverbial headlights while the world burns around them. The Middle East has their suicide bombers; we have a willing President and Congress to do the same to the country .... voluntarily.
  5. Dawn2

    Dawn2 Archangels

    Aug 13, 2014
    I do think it has been done and I do think we still need to do the first Saturdays. Fr. Apostoli on EWTN says the same thing, that the consecration has been done and that what remains to be done from what Lucia told us is for more people to do the first Saturday devotions. I tend to see those who say it was not done as hyper-focused on complaint and not focused on that part of the message, but that could be just my perception based on my own opinion. Another thing I think does not help the division between the two sides is that each side seems to make a general assumption of the other side that is not at all helpful. Those that believe it is not done point to the evils that still exist in Russia, such as rampant abortion. Those that believe it is done point out that there is now freedom of religion in Russia and churches and conversions are growing greatly in number; they also make a great deal of Putin's overtly Christian statements and handling of sacred objects. The argument never seems to say, maybe Russia is the in process of conversion. As I said, I think it is done, but I am in no way convinced by Putin's displays of very surface-level "holiness". Maybe he will convert one day, but I don't think he has as of now, even though I think the consecration has been done. That is another reason I tend to think we have been neglecting the first Saturday devotion; maybe if we all did it wholeheartedly and often (more than once) we would see Russia's conversion happen faster. No one can doubt, though, that Russia is in the process of conversion since the religious freedom that came to them after the 1985 consecration. As a history teacher, I see that the bloodless revolution of 1989-91 is absolutely unprecedented in world history, in my opinion. It was miraculous.
    Julia likes this.
  6. Richard67

    Richard67 Powers

    Aug 26, 2014
    The Vatican also praised this deal. That's good enough for me. Any time war is avoided, that's a good thing. And Obama made clear today in his press conference that the alternative to this deal is war - a war that will be fought not by Israelis or Saudis but by Americans. I say not another American should die for Israel or Saudi Arabia. If they want a war with Iran, let them fight their own war for once.

    As for why the Russians supported it, that should be obvious: the Russians have repeatedly warned the West about the NATO Missile Defense Shield based in Poland. The Russians have warned that this shield is a direct threat to their nuclear Second Strike Capability. As of us who grew up during the Cold War know, a nation's Second Strike Capability is the cornerstone of the Cold War Peace. It is also known as Mutually Assured Destruction. If this cornerstone of the Cold War Peace fails - and it will fail if the NATO Shield goes fully operatoinal in 2018 - then war between Russian and the West will be inevitable. NATO has falsely stated that the purpose of this missile defense shield built near Russia's border is to prevent rougue state like Iran from launching missiles. But all the experts know that this is baloney. Russia knows it is baloney and is why they have threatened to preemptively destroy the NATO Shield before it goes operational. So, now you know one reason why Russia supported the Iran deal. This became evident a few days ago when Lavrov stated that now the deal is in place, NATO can forget about the Missile Defesne shield whose stated purpose by NATO was to neutralize Iran.

    The Russians also have another reason for supporting Iran. It has to do with the West's proxy war against Assad. This is an unjust war in my opinion and one which the Catholic authorities in Syria have correctly noted is an unjust attempt to remove the Christian and minority-protecting Assad with ISIS-like forces. Many suspect that Mr. Netanyahu has a hand in supporting not only the "Syrian rebels" but also ISIS. You will notice that Netanyahu never seems to bomb ISIS but has plenty of time to bomb Assad. If Netanyahu has lent covert support to the Catholic-killing ISIS death squads, then don't expect God to be doing Israel any favors anytime soon. In fact, expect God to chastise Israel (and the West) with Persia - just like he did in Old Testament times.
    Joe Crozier likes this.
  7. From the mystic/stigmatist of the highest order, Teresa Musco, who dealt mainly with Cardinals and Bishops and who was also given a description of what the 3rd secret contained. The Church is guilty of a grievous offense against the faithful for NOT complying with what was ordered from heaven/God through His Mother to the point of relegating Fatima to the past, completed, and thus that is the reason why more of the faithful are no longer complying themselves with the 5 first Saturdays. They've been told that it's a done deal.

    In 1962, through the stigmatic Teresa Musco, the Virgin transmitted a message in accordance with the one from Fatima or from La Salette: "because the people and the clergy have increased the gutter of filth... The Church is at a crossing point: it will either go towards its own destruction, or it will find its path, which it should have never left [...] Satan will do everything so that people will not hear this message... I want to tell you that the world is perverse. I appeared in Portugal where I left messages, but nobody listened. I appeared in Lourdes, in La Sallete, but only a few stone hearts melted. But I want to tell you so many things that sadden my Heart [...] Now, I will speak to you about the third secret I have shared with Lucia, at Fatima. I can tell you it has already been read, but nobody said a word about it."

    According to Gabriel Roschini (one of the most famous Mariologists of the 20th century), the Virgin Mary told Teresa with anticipation that, although she was going to invite everybody to pray and repent, Pope Paul VI will not bother whatsoever to speak to people about the "third secret of Fatima," under the pretext that it is "frightening," although he was asked by the Virgin Mary to make the content of her message public.

    The Virgin Mary explained to Teresa in a vision: "Humankind is heading towards a big disaster, at high speed. The population is becoming more and more lost... Fire and smoke will wreath the whole world. The waves of the oceans will turn into fire and steam. Spumous waves will rise covering Europe and will transform everything into molten lava. Millions of adults and children will perish in this fire and the few who will survive will envy the dead because wherever they will look they will only see blood, death and ruins, in the entire world."

    Gabriel M. Roschini, O.S.M., was a Roman Catholic Italian priest and professor of Mariology, who published over 900 titles on Mariology. During the pontificate of Pope Pius XII, he worked closely with the Vatican on Marian publications.

    Another source with rough translation:

    http://www.argemsite.com/3 musco.htm

    "I have spoken in Lourdes, La Salette, but few hard hearts are softened. I would also tell you many things that afflict my heart. I want to talk about even the third secret of Fatima given to Lucy, I must say that long ago has been read (by the ecclesiastical authorities), but none delivered in public if it is elected Pope Paul VI (here prophetically anticipates the rise of Pope John XXIII). Over time, the Pope will meet with Lucia (Paul VI elected Pope went on a trip to Fatima and found Lucy in the year 1967), but the Pope asked for prayer and penance in the world and not dare to speak the secret because it's scary. "

    "The fire and smoke decompose the world. The waters of the oceans will turn into fire and steam. The foam will rise flooding in Europe and all will sink under the lava of fire. The chosen few living envy the dead.. . "
    It is important to note that the revelations received by Teresa Musco are similar to those contained in the secret of Fatima, who met in 1963, 12 years later.

    More on this great mystic:

  8. Dawn2

    Dawn2 Archangels

    Aug 13, 2014
    Hi earthtoangels. I could be wrong, but the documents you cite for Teresa Musco seem to be about locutions received before the 1984 consecration, so what would be the relevance concerning the consecration? Also, one can believe the consecration has been done but the first Saturday devotions have not. In fact, it is the more logical position. I only hear Saturday devotions emphasized from people who believe the consecration is done, like Fr. Apostoli. On the other hand I do not hear people who do not believe the consecration is done talking about it at all. Here is the first time I have heard some may think it is a "done deal" and that the Fatima message is completely fulfilled just because they think the consecration is done. We know Pope Benedict said it is not yet completely fulfilled. That does not mean he thinks the consecration needs to be done again. We are all stuck in the same kind of either/or thinking that caused people not to recognize the Messiah because he did not immediately create a heavenly Jerusalem on earth, as far as they could see.
    Julia and Infant Jesus of Prague like this.
  9. Hers is a prophecy about the future with an emphasis that the Church continues to hold back the fullness of the Fatima message/requirements from the faithful. There has been no change in that except for apologizers who somehow manipulate the words that were distinct in their meaning as to what God required for peace for the world. Guess God really didn't mean what He said through His mother.....and it's not as if He did not know at the time that what He ordered would not be done but nevertheless He'd just grant everything promised anyway. Meanwhile we wait for even a little bit of hope for that peace as we watch the world implode before our eyes and Russia receiving another great opportunity through the Iran deal for more and more weapons sales (since we're permitting hundreds of billions of dollars released for this to Iran) to the greatest promotor of surrogate terrorist groups (esp. against Israel) in the Middle East.

    I know of many many priests who when asked why there is no longer any talk to the faithful about praying for the Consecration of Russia or making the 5 first Saturdays who immediately answer that "that's over now".....that the Church has done all that and informed the people about all that pertains to Fatima....in 2000. That the first Saturdays is a devotion that came out of Fatima and some people continue it for graces. The only ones I know who speak to the necessity of making the 5 first Saturdays are, frankly, the "choir".....the Marian groups and those who themselves keep up with other movements that the Church has also not complied fully with as yet, like Divine Mercy. The rest are clueless and know of it only as something in the Church's past.

    In a letter dated May 18, 1936 Sr. Lucy stated: Intimately, I have spoken to our Lord about the subject and not too long ago, I asked Him why He would not convert Russia without the Holy Father making that consecration. (He replied) 'because I want my whole Church to acknowledge that consecration as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that it may extend its cult later on and put the devotion to the Immaculate Heart beside the devotion to My Sacred Heart.'

    "Later on through an intimate communication, our Lord complains: 'they have not chosen to heed My request'...as the King of France they will regret it and then will do it, but it will be late. Russia will already have spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church, the Holy Father will have much to suffer.'

    I honestly do not see Russia as having ended her pursuit of spreading Communism throughout the world and today is making a comeback due to the world opportunities handed her (Putin) on a silver platter as evidenced by his influence in the Middle East and onward. And in fact more people are making personal consecrations to the Immaculate Heart of Mary since that Heart is spoken of more and more as the only refuge for each individual for the times of much greater tribulation yet to come. People are convinced that what they are witnessing daily now that such tribulation is now inevitable. Then perhaps, as stated and prophesied, THE consecration of Russia will take place amid the bloodiest of times.
  10. Richard67

    Richard67 Powers

    Aug 26, 2014
    The Consecration of Russia was done in 1984 and it was accepted by Heaven according to Sister Lucia. The Church authorities have spoken decisively on the matter of the Consecration. To say otherwise is to call Sister Lucia, Saint John Paul II, Pope Benedict, and Cardinal Bertone all liars.

    Yet it is also clear that Fatima is unfinished buiness. Pope Benedict clearly pointed this out in 2010 when he prayed that Fatima would reach fulfillment by 2017.

    The only logical conclusion is that Fatima is partially fulfilled thanks to the 1984 Conscecration. Only partial because the Consecration of Russia was only half of a two-part Request made by the Blessed Mother. The other half of the Request is the First Saturday Devotion and - let's be honest - it is not the easiest devotion to fulfill.

    The evidence that Fatima is partially fulfilled should be clear: according to Sister Lucia, a nuclear war between Russia and the United States would have occurred in 1985 were it not for the 1984 Consecration of Russia - that's how close we came. But, as Pope Benedict noted, we continue to await the fulfillment of Fatima, especially the Era of Peace. What exactly this Era of Peace will consist of we don't know. But we can say what it will not be. It will not be some sort of Heaven on Earth. That will only come following the Second Coming. But we can be sure that some sort of an era fo peace will come. Just what it will consist of we can only guess.
  11. So Richard67, you're saying that it was only partially done and more has to be done....but what was done was accepted. Seems that we agree. Every attempt at the consecration performed by the various Popes were also "accepted" and thus each was given some kind of grace for those attempts in good will....as you note for the 1984 consecration the prevention of nuclear war in 1985. And since 1984 other "attempts" with further consecrations to Our Lady of Fatima have been done. We have the one most recently done by Pope Francis with the statue and for the whole world and his Papacy was itself consecrated to our Lady of Fatima in the Shrine itself by the Patriarch of Lisbon on our Lady's feast day. If JPII finished it all....and Sr. Lucy did not claim that...only that it was accepted by heaven....then why, as in the fulfillment of the demands of Our Lady of Guadalupe, weren't the promised gifts immediately realized with the huge/enormous gifts of conversion??? And I beg your pardon but that is NOT calling anyone a liar who also goes no further than to also say heaven "accepted" it. And still we wait for that "more" to be done which will actually accomplish what was demanded in the first place which was prophesied to "finally" be done but it "will be late" and during the bloodiest times. Those "bloody times" have only increased from 1984! Meanwhile we witness the growth of evil, not peace....and the actualizing of the warnings given IF her wishes were not done. You can't have it both ways. Sorry.

    What exactly this Era of Peace will consist of we don't know. But we can say what it will not be. It will not be some sort of Heaven on Earth.

    May I suggest that you read Fr. Iannuzzi's treatment re: what to expect in the coming Era of Peace/Divine Will/Eucharistic era: His "The Triumph of God's Kingdom in the Millennium and End Times", using only scripture, writings of early Church fathers, approved mystics, and Popes. Fr. I is the only one authorized by the Vatican to properly interpret the entirety of the writings of Luisa Piccarreta about these things.....presented his Ph.D material on this before the hierarchy for its complete approval.

    Some of the things to expect: "The subsequent rest will not be in time....Even as the celestial movement will cease, so also will time be no more.

    .....Still, because the temporary kingdom will have a sevenfold increase of light activity during the millennium, it follows that some sort of radical transformation in the arrangement of time will occur. The vehemence of the sun and moon's increased activity will of itself abolish all darkness. Christ will reign in the Eucharist in relation to the human race. ...... The Eucharist will become the summit of all humanity, extending its rays of light to all the nations. The Eucharistic heart of Jesus, dwelling in their midst, will thus cultivate in the faithful a spirit of intense adoration and worship never before seen. .... For a time all will act in perfect accord and harmony with God's Will.

    It will be a terrestrial paradise: "The earth will open its fruitfulness and bring forth most abundant fruits of its own accord...." Like Eden. Procreation of a long life span. Evil abolished for a time.

    and in Fr. I's "Splendor of Creation":

    The author carefully demonstrates that the Fathers and Doctors of the Church did expect a future thousand-year period of peace, and understood that the reign of Jesus during this time would be a spiritual reign in souls. Passages from the Fathers, Doctors, and Sacred Scripture that document the characteristics of this period are cited by the author in abundance, in support of an orthodox millennial concept.
    The heart of the book illustrates and explains the ways in which Christians will experience God during this coming era. The author examines the approved writings of twentieth century mystics who have themselves experienced in advance this special Divine indwelling. Among the most notable of these mystics are Luisa Piccarreta, Venerable Conchita di Armida, Archbishop Luis Martinez, St. Faustina, Bl. Dina Belanger, Vera Grita, and St. Padre Pio, along with several others. The book presents ample quotations from their writings to describe the many facets of this exalted inner state.
    Fr. Iannuzzi contends that the holiness which will exist during the coming era is essentially a new gift of God. The primary characteristic of this gift, which sets it apart from traditional states of holiness, will be the “continuous participation in God’s eternal activity.” It will consist of an ongoing awareness of the activity of the Holy Spirit in one’s inner life, enabling the person to live consistently according to the Divine Will. The most detailed description of this gift of the new divine indwelling is given in the revelations to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. The many quotations from her writings presented by Fr. Iannuzzi are from those of her works that were ecclesiastically approved by her spiritual director, St. Hannibal di Francia.
    The essence of the new gift is illustrated in this revelation from Jesus taken from Luisa’s writings: “It is to enjoy, while remaining on earth, all the Divine qualities... It is the Sanctity not yet known, and which I will make known, which will set in place the last ornament, the most beautiful and most brilliant among all the other sanctities, and will be the crown and completion of all the other sanctities,” (p. 118).
    The age in which this Sanctity will be fully manifested lies between two major eschatological events; it occurs after the defeat of the anti-Christ and chaining of Satan, and continues until the eventual release of Satan and the final battles, culminating in the second coming of Christ.

    I consider this guidebook to the future to be absolutely essential reading for those who wish to understand the prophecy of the “new and divine holiness” and the “new springtime” spoken of by Pope John Paul II. It will help the reader to stand in the evil day, looking ahead to the victory on the horizon.

    The Coming Era of Peace!

    A Review of Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi's "The Splendor of Creation"_____________________________
    “The Splendor of Creation: The Triumph of the Divine Will on Earth and the Era of Peace in the Writings of the Church Fathers, Doctors, and Mystics”
    St. Andrews Productions
    © 2004 Missionaries of the Holy Trinity, Inc.McKees Rocks, PA _________________________
    Reviewed by Frank M. Rega, Copyright 2005www.frankrega.com

    And a good treatment by Mark Mallett which includes:

    Why is this important? Because it not only confirms a future hope that the Blessed Mother announced as imminent at Fatima, but of events that must take place at the end of this age that will change the world forever… events that appear to be on the very threshold of our times.

    ......The earth will open its fruitfulness and bring forth most abundant fruits of its own accord; the rocky mountains shall drip with honey; streams of wine shall run down, and rivers flow with milk; in short the world itself shall rejoice, and all nature exalt, being rescued and set free from the dominion of evil and impiety, and guilt and error. —Caecilius Firmianus Lactantius, The Divine Institutes

  12. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012


    Top scientists meet in Moscow, tell Russian government: Fetus is human. Ban abortion.
    Abortion , Russia

    July 15, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – A group of two dozen leading Russian and international scientists from various disciplines met last week in Moscow to make the case that science overwhelmingly confirms the humanity of the unborn child from the moment of conception – and to demand that “prenatal infanticide” be banned in the country.

    Sergei Chesnokov, the president of the Moscow Pro-Life Festival, which organized the symposium, told LifeSiteNews that such a scientific symposium on the humanity of the unborn child from a pro-life perspective “has never been organized before in Russia or in any post-Soviet country.”

    He said that the symposium was organized in light of a clause in the Russian penal law that says that the moment when life begins should be determined by the best scientific evidence.

    In a draft resolution that will be submitted to the Russian government together with the reams of evidence presented by the scientists at the symposium, participants state that, in their view, the evidence is overwhelming that, “Each human life begins at the moment of conception.”

    The resolution goes on to denounce philosophies that justify the killing of an unborn child based upon the fact that the child has not reached a certain stage of development, and says that participants “support all initiatives aimed at restricting and prohibiting all forms of prenatal infanticide.”

    According to organizers, scientists and attendees at the symposium came from 100 cities and 12 different countries. They represented various sciences, including embryology, sociology, psychology, obstetrics and gynecology, among others.

    Dr. Maureen Condic, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology from the University of Utah, explained that there is "universal" agreement that the unborn child can detect pain as early as eight weeks, and certainly by the second trimester. “And yet we tolerate ripping a human being of this age apart in the womb during abortion,” she said.

    Another impassioned presentation was given by Dr. Gregory Brekhman, professor of obstetrics and gynecology from Israel’s Integrative Research Institute, on the “emotional life of a prenatal child,” pointing to evidence that unborn babies are conscious, and that children can even remember their time in their mother’s wombs. “The subject matter has been the essence of my life,” Dr. Brekhman said, declaring, “A fetus in the uterus is a mentally functioning being that should be respectfully called a child.”

    Dr. Gregory Brekhman, professor of obstetrics and gynecology from Israel’s Integrative Research Institute, speaks on the “emotional life of a prenatal child.”John Jalsevac/ LifeSite
    Also present at the opening of the festival was Russian Orthodox Archpriest Dmitri Smirnov, head of the Patriarchate's Commission on the Family, Protection of Motherhood, and Childhood, widely credited as being a major driving force behind the formation of Russia’s pro-life movement following the collapse of Communism in the country.

    Archpriest Smirnov told participants that Moscow’s Patriarch, Alexy II, had personally blessed his participation in the symposium.

    “Modern society insists on the freedom of any perversion,” he said, including “the perversion of allowing the government to pay for the killing of a child by his mother.” He expressed his hope that participants in the symposium would be able to counteract the “mass disinformation media,” and to plant in the minds of youth “reasonable science or doctrine based on the holy frankness of God.”

    Archpriest Dmitri Smirnov addresses the symposium.John Jalsevac/ LifeSite
    The symposium is the first of three planned, each intended to bring together the cream of the crop of specialists in their fields to address a particular aspect of the abortion issue. Future symposiums will focus on how abortion and abortifacient drugs affect women, and the link between abortion and eugenics and neo-Malthusianism.

    Festival President Sergei Chesnokov said that the three symposiums are arranged around the theme of how abortion kills either: the unborn child, the nation, or the child’s mother.
  13. Meanwhile.....

    Bishop says Russian invasion of Ukraine looks inevitable 'and only a miracle can save us'
    17 July 2015 11:58 by Jonathan Luxmoore

    A Catholic bishop in eastern Ukraine has said “only prayer and divine intervention” can now save his country from an expected Russian invasion, which risks dragging the rest of Europe into the conflict.

    “It will be a miracle if Russia doesn't decide on a total invasion - the American intelligence services and Nato have warned we must be ready for such a scenario at any moment,” said Mgr Jan Sobilo, auxiliary bishop of Kharkiv-Zaporizhia. “If it happens, and Russia attacks Ukraine, this will be a Europe-wide, if not worldwide, problem. Millions of desperate refugees will have no prospect other than escape to the West.”

    Speaking in Poland, Bishop Sobilo said a “real war” was now being waged in his diocese, adding that the aim of pro-Russia separatists was being served by the mass exodus of local inhabitants. The bishop said Western aid often failed to reach those in need, while Catholic priests with parishes in rebel-held areas were being prevented from returning by the Ukrainian Army.

    “Our pastoral work is now completely paralysed - while in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, almost all priests have been withdrawn because of kidnap threats,” the 53-year-old bishop said. “These areas are under special control, and everyone going there is suspected of acting for Russian special services. Although our priests aren't under such suspicion, they're subject to the same procedures as everyone else.”

    The crisis in eastern Ukraine, where Russian-backed rebels have been battling government forces for the past year, was the main topic of the Pope’s June talks with President Vladimir Putin, who has repeatedly denied direct Russian involvement in the fighting.
    [while Russian soldiers have sent out their own "selfies" demonstrating their presence...ha!] However, local church leaders have repeatedly accused Moscow of military intervention in the war, in which over 6.400 people were said to have died, and 16,000 been left wounded in a June United Nations report.

    In his Lublin speech, Bishop Sobilo said “at this moment, Ukraine's only defence is prayer - only this can halt an aggression which diplomatic efforts have been unable to restrain.”

  14. Richard67

    Richard67 Powers

    Aug 26, 2014
    I have yet to hear one Catholic Ukrainian Bishop condemn the unjust war of genocide currently being waged by the illegal President of Ukraine Mr. Poroshenko. What an utter scandal. This kind of silent complicity hearkens back to some of the Catholic Bishops in Germany at the time of the Third Reich who supported the Nazis. What a shame. I would imagine that there are some Catholic Bishops in Ukraine willing to tell the truth, but I fear that they have been silenced by the Kiev Junta.

    This Bishop fails to mention that it was the West who violently overthrew the democratically-elected President of Ukraine. He fails to mention that Kiev is currently under foreign occupation by Western intelligence services. In one of those memorable debates between Churkin and Samantha Powers at the UN, I remember Mr. Churkin even telling Powers the exact building in Kiev where the Western intelligence was headquartered and from where they directed the violence on the Maidan. The good Bishop fails to mention that it was Mr. Poroshenko who inititated the unjust war against the civilians of the Donbass, not Mr. Putin who intitated this conflict.

    If Putin invades Ukraine, it will be long overdue given the thousands of ethnic Russians who have been murdered by the war criminals in Kiev. Those who collaborate with war criminals by keeping silent in the face of an unjust war waged by an unjust regime, are themselves guilty of war crimes. If Putin invades Ukraine, many will wonder what took him so long. In fact, many would argue that Putin has a moral obligation to defend the defenseless and the fact that he has not done so already is in fact a sin of ommission on his part. Any of this nonsense talk about territorial integrity coming from the Western warmongers is propaganda: the West violated territorial integrity in the Balkans, in Iraq twice, and in the countless Western interentions across the globe. The West does not have the moral authority to lecture Putin about territorial integrity or interventions. If Putin invades Ukraine to end the bloodshed, he would be perfectly justified in doing so.

    I think if people really heard what Pope Francis and Putin discussed behind closed doors, I think they would be surprised.
    picadillo likes this.
  15. picadillo

    picadillo Guest

    How a false apparition can blind faithful catholics is what ETO is really arguing Richard.
  16. picadillo

    picadillo Guest

    Maybe one day we will get this from Msgr Essef:
    The Real Reasons For the Iran Agreement — Paul Craig Roberts
    July 18, 2015 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | [​IMG] Print This Article

    The Real Reasons For the Iran Agreement

    Paul Craig Roberts

    Obama is being praised as a man of peace for the nuclear agreement with Iran. Some are asking if Obama will take the next step and repair US-Russian relations and bring the Ukrainian imbroglio to an end?

    If so he hasn’t told Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland or his nominee as Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General Paul Selva, or his nominee as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine General Joseph Dunford, or his Secretary of the Air Force, Deborah Lee James.

    The other day on Ukrainian TV Victoria Nuland declared that if Russia does not “fulfill its obligations,” by which she means to turn all of Ukraine over to Washington including Crimea, a historical Russian province, “we’re prepared to put more pressure on Russia.” During the past week both of Obama’s nominees to the top military positions told the US Senate that Russia was the main threat to the US, an “existential threat” even. With this level of war rhetoric in play, clearly Obama has no interest in reducing the tensions that Washington has created with Russia.

    In my last column I wrote that the agreement with Iran does not mean much, because Washington can renew the sanctions at any time merely by making false charges against Iran. Obama knows this even if Lindsey Graham and John McCain pretend that they don’t know it.

    The US and its proxies continue to murder people over a large area of the earth. Clearly Obama is not a man of peace, and neither are his European enablers and the United Nations. So what is the reason for the accommodation with Iran after many years of rabid demonization of a country for no other reason than the country insisted on its rights to nuclear energy granted by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?

    If you can free yourself from the brainwashing from the presstitute media, three BIG reasons jump out at you. One is that the neoconservatives’ perception of the threat has shifted from “Muslim terrorists” to Russia and China. Unlike Muslim terrorists, both Russia and China are constraints on Washington’s unilateralism. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Washington has grown accustomed to being the Uni-Power, able to exercise its will unchallenged in the world. The rise of Russian strength under Putin and Chinese strength under the new policy has destroyed Washington’s Uni-Power privilege. Washington wants the privilege back.

    Washington is not in good shape, economically or militarily. According to Nobel Economist Joseph Stieglitz and Harvard University budget expert Linda Bilmes, Washington has wasted at least $6 trillion dollars in its 14-year old wars in the Middle East. Despite the extraordinary cost, Washington has been defeated, and is now faced with the Islamic State, a new entity arising out of Washington’s mistakes that is creating a new country partly out of Iraq and partly out of Syria.

    Despite its gigantic hubris, Washington has figured out that the US cannot simultaneously take on Russia, China, Iran, and the Islamic State. This realization is one reason for the nuclear agreement with Iran. It removes Iran from the mix.

    A second reason for the agreement is that Iran is opposed to the Islamic State and can be employed as an American proxy against the Islamic State, thus freeing Washington for conflict with Russia and China.

    A third reason for Washington’s agreement with Iran is Washington’s concern with Europe’s energy dependence on Russia. This dependence is inconsistent with the EU going along with Washington’s sanctions against Russia and with NATO’s military moves against Russia. Washington wants to end this dependence and has hopes that money can bring Iran into becoming a supplier of natural gas and oil to Europe.

    The explanation I have provided is realism, not cynicism. All that the agreement with Iran means is that Washington has belatedly realized that the concocted Iranian and Muslim threats are using up time, energy, and resources that Washington needs to apply to Russia and China. Moreover, there were too many threats for the American people to know which was paramount.

    One of the reasons that Greece has to be destroyed is to block the entry of Russian natural gas into Europe from the Russian pipeline into Turkey.

    Washington has US troops in Ukraine training the Ukrainian military how to subdue the break-away provinces, and the stooge Ukrainian government has taken no steps to comply with the Minsk Agreement. Clearly Washington intends that peace is not in the cards in Ukrainian-Russian relations.

    At some point Russia will have to accept defeat or else stop contributing to its own defeat. On more than one occasion when the Russian break-away provinces had the Ukrainian military totally defeated, the Russian government intervened and prevented the collapse of the Ukrainian military. For its consideration, Russia has been rewarded with more demonization and with US aid to the Ukrainian military. When hostilities resume, which they will, Russia and the break-away Russian provinces will find themselves in a worsened position.

    The Russian government cannot pursue peace when Washington is pursuing War.
  17. What in the world are you talking about? Who appointed you my official spokesperson? Such a side saddled ad hominem attack ought to be banned on this blog. You don't like the report by the good Bishop whose real life experience of suffering was the center of the article I cited, take it up with him since you apparently know more coming from such a safe distance.

    The REAL and obvious reason for the Iran nuke permission agreement, btw, was simply more of the famous Obama "flexibility" for Mr. Putin's goals. You can't miss it.....just another elephant in the room making it now almost impossible to even enter the room there are so many being ignored.

    This vid would be funny if it weren't so disturbingly true....yet everyone in the world knows it and recognizes the American peoples' great embarrassment. As noted....it's simply suicidal within the greater culture of death.

  18. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    St Thomas tells us that peace is not decided by a peace treaty or the absence of conflict. ‘Peace, he says, is the tranquillity of order’
    That is; where there is order, based on the natural and revealed law there is true peace.
    There is little likelihood of lasting peace in societies where laws do not reflect natural or divine law.

    Our world today fulfils the biblical description of ‘a time of wars and rumours of wars’.
    Western Governments and societies today are increasingly damaging any hope we may have had for peace.

    Our Lady at Fatima promised peace, and much has been said in regards to the question of the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart. However it did not take place before the great sign visible across the northern Hemisphere in January 1938. The papal consecration did not come in time.

    We all know in 1984, Pope St John Paul 11 consecrated the world to our lady on March 25th and shortly after, the communist bloc in Eastern Europe began to totter and eventually seemed to collapse.

    But in accordance with the old adage of ‘never leaving an enemy half dead’, we now see a more subtle form of communistic influence spreading throughout the whole world.

    Radical feminism, so called rights for certain minorities, destruction of the family and general indifferentism, so prevalent in the west today are key planks of the Marxian ideal. Atheism is a communistic principal and fruit.

    According to Marx we are simply material bodies and should only be considered from that perspective. Marx believed that wealth and material goods divided mankind, so under the guise of a socialist reform he spread his communistic ideas.

    In comparison, Aquinas says that ‘material goods divide man but spiritual goods unite man’, and Blessed Mother Theresa says,
    The fruit of Silence is Prayer;
    the fruit of Prayer is Faith;
    the fruit of Faith is Love;
    the fruit of Love is Service and the fruit of Service is Peace.

    Communism gives the bleakest view possible on the anthropology and sociology of the human person, greatly limiting human goodness and potential. Fatally it seeks to block out God. How many westerners and western Governments today live as practical atheists, whilst holding some or all of the Marxian principals?

    We seem to be sleepwalking into a Marxian/communistic tyranny by stealth, a type of union between a world of corporations and government interference, which on one hand are increasing regulation on religious and personal freedoms while on the other hand passing laws that allow and validate murder (abortion and euthanasia), experimentations on unborn embryos and same sex marriage where pornography is rampant and violence and paedophilia are commonplace!

    Every decision we make from the smallest to the greatest has eternal repercussions and consequences both individually and socially.

    Vocal prayer, mental prayer and contemplations of God, the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, these alone bring real peace. Peace to our hearts and eventually peace to the world.

    We must be consistent in our prayers, slowly, slowly wins the race.
    Pray the Rosary.
    Attend Mass.
    Spend time with Him in the church in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

    Our Lady, Queen of the most Holy Rosary; pray for us.
    Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament; pray for us.
    Our Lady of Fatima; pray for us.
    Our Lady Help of Christians; Pray for us.

    Some of the above comes from the 'Apostles of Mary' editorial.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2015
    Julia, Eamonn and earthtoangels like this.
  19. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    Jan 13, 2015
    Berkshire, UK
    To be honest, I don't really understand what is going on in Ukraine.

    I think we need to acknowledge the miraculous end of the Cold War and the fall of the Iron Curtain after the 1984 Consecration to Immaculate Heart of Mary, made by Saint John Paul II.

    If the Consecration was accepted by Heaven, and I am one of those who believe this was accepted by Heaven. Then we need to stop talking about Russia like the bad old Communist egg. I feel, that when the children of Garabandel said 'when Communism comes AGAIN.' I wonder if we should not be looking towards China or North Korea; but I have read that the yellow race will be the ones to cause the next bad time for us. So look to China when you pray for peace, if you need an object for Holy desire.

    That is my humble feeling on this. God bless all those who hope in the Lord and the Rescue under the patronage of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
  20. Richard67

    Richard67 Powers

    Aug 26, 2014
    Communism has indeed come again. But from what direction has it come?

    To answer that, you must first ask yourself, "What is Communism?" The answer is that communism, at its core, is simply state-sponsored Atheism, Materialism, Militarism and Hedonism.

    Ask yourself, is it the West or Russia who is today the greatest exporter and enforcer of Atheism, Materialism, Militarism and Hedonism? I think the answer to that should be obvioius. We can exclude China and North Korea from the calculus because our Lady of Fatima clearly put the focus on the West and Russia. Our Lady of Fatima asked for the Consecration of Russia because in the 20th Century Russia was the greatest exporter and enforcer of state-sponsored Atheism, Materialism, Militarism, and Hedonism. The Consecration was accomplished in 1984 and almost overnight the Soviet Union began to disintegrate. That provided an opportunity for genuine Russian patriots like Putin to rebuild Russia to it's former self.

    But our Lady of Fatima also warned that the "errors of Russia" would spread. They spread to the West from which Communism has been rebuilt and now returned to global signifcane. Just a quick glance at Western headlines, Western culture, and Western government - embodied in the Communist who now occupies the Oval Office - should leave little doubt that Communism has returned with a vengeance. Communism and Christianity, the Dragon and the Woman, the West and Russia, are now once again in conflict and the frontline of that conflict is Ukraine.
    Julia and indaiatubano like this.

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