A bad woman is very,very much more to be feared than a bad man. Men like little butterflies tend to let themselves be blown about by the winds of life. Women , on the other hand are like trees, rooted in soil of things that really matter, such as family and relationships. Thus they can see the to the reality of things with much greater clarity than men. So when they do choose the Dark Path they do so with much greater firmness and certainty than men. With eyes wide open so to speak. The Legend of the witch is no legend.
This post of mine My apologies friends....this is off the topic, but I just had this pic in my Pinterest feed. I don’t usually do this, but I’m taking it on faith because I’ve had a nightmare struggle of late,and I’m hoping it’s almost over. The pic said to type that “ God is going to bless me”...and so I will! please, if I can ask my prayer partners here if you wouldn’t mind just offering a sweet Ave for my struggle to be over...I really need it to be. Thank you.....God bless all of the MOG members. I pray your struggles are over too! If not now, soon!
God is going to bless me. Typed it, too I’m at the breakthrough point, too, Beth. Just really close said an Ave for you Keep us posted
me too HH.....! After I get up off my knees thanking God! True story: I went to the doctors this summer and told my doc that I had this pain in my knee. I explained that it wasn’t all the time....just on certain occasions. He asked me, “ Do you do a lot of kneeling.”....I said, “ As a matter of fact I do. I have kids who aren’t going to church and I’m on my knees praying them back”. He responded, “ ha, that’s it...bursitis of the knee...kneeling too much!” So, as long as these kids aren’t going to church, any hopes of this knee pain going away are nil! Soooooooo, I’ll just offer it up because God knows someone has to do penance for them! ( But, it’s going to work, so I’m ok with this little...very little nuisance. ).
Ave offered plus Memorare (same for HH). I was thinking today of all the many people who dread Christmas. What should be a joyous time for everyone isn't so for far too many. God help them. May the Holy Family bless and protect all families who are struggling now.
Thank you, Dolours. I, too, think often of so many who are struggling and especially grieving. ”the people who have walked in darkness have seen a great light” is our prayer for them.
Beth, You're in my prayers and I'll ask my little miscarried daughter, Elizabeth, to join me! O Mary conceived without sin, pray for Beth who has recourse to thee!
Timely reminder. I join in your prayer. Holy Family bless and protect all families. Especially those who are struggling.
Thank you Beth. I keep reminding myself of my own story because I too have children and grandchildren "standing in the need of prayer." The Blessed Mother is the one who came to my rescue through my own mother's constant invocation to Our Lady of Prompt Succor. And believe me I was way way out in the darkness. As Padraig says --without Our Blessed Mother and our earthly mothers and grandmothers we would never find our way back.
Well, if I get the heavenly results your good mother did,I’ll die a happy woman AED! I also added your family in my prayer intentions. We’ll band as mother’s together and storm heaven with so many requests that they’ll grant them just to be rid of us!! I hope I live long enough to see these prayers answered, but even if I don’t, I know God will accomplish it in His time.