That’s a good text! I think the dogma is the backbone of our catholic faith, it can be bruised badly but it won’t break. I’m sure about that!
Hi Mac, thank you. Here is a text about the 3rd secret: Nothing new and nothing special… Anyway, it’s after midnight here and I need to go to bed because I’m going to wake up early tomorrow. Good night!
Thanks Basto. I always enjoy different angles on the prophecies.I was just rereading this old article from before Pope Francis was elected... In the portion of the Third Secret revealed by the Vatican in the year 2000, there is a vision of the Holy Father passing “through a big city half in ruins”, who is then “killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions”. Earlier in the same vision, Sister Lucy also reports seeing one she identified as “a Bishop dressed in white”. Interestingly, she did not refer to the Bishop in white as the Holy Father, but only said “we had the impression that he was the Holy Father”. Contrary to what was reported by the Vatican in 2000, the vision of the pope being killed quite obviously did not refer to the failed assassination attempt of John Paul II, who was not “killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him”, but instead survived being shot by a lone gunman. Neither did the failed assassination attempted on John Paul II see “other Bishops, Priests, men and some Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions”, being killed by the same “group of soldiers”. Clearly, the vision was referring to another event. But the question that has puzzled many is why Sister Lucy used the term “Bishop dressed in white” in the first part of the vision, rather than the name “Holy Father”, who she later identified as being killed? Does this vision refer to two different men: one who is the Pope and another who is only dressed like a pope? Prophecies are usually unclear until they unfold, but recent events may shed a new light on this curious phrase used by Sister Lucy. On February 11, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI stunned the world by announcing that he would abdicate his office as Pope effective on February 28, 2013. Due to this shocking news, the media was abuzz, not only with the reaction of Catholics, but also with many questions that the unexpected announcement raised. For example, an article from Reuters, dated February 13, reported that “Church officials are still so stunned by the move that the Vatican experts have yet to decide what his title will be and whether he will continue to wear the white of a pope, the red of a cardinal or the black of an ordinary priest”. On February 20, one of these questions was answered by Fr. Georg Ratzinger, the brother of Pope Benedict XVI, who reported that the Pontiff will continue to wear white after his abdication takes effect. Two days later, on February 22, the Vatican answered the other question when it reported that Benedict XVI will retain his papal name: following his resignation, the former Pope will be referred to as His Holiness Benedict XVI, Bishop Emeritus of Rome. On March 1st, not only will Benedict XVI be a former pope who has retained his papal name, but he will also be “a Bishop dressed in white”. Is the future “His Holiness Benedict XVI, Bishop Emeritus of Rome”, the bishop dressed in white that Sister Lucy was referring to? If so, is it he who is killed by the group of soldiers, as shown in the Vision? Or is the Vision perhaps referring to a future pope – the one Sister Lucy calls “the Holy Father” – who is reigning while Benedict XVI is still alive? It is interesting to note that Pope St. Pius X had two visions that were similar to the Fatima Vision of Sister Lucy. In 1909, during an audience with members of the Franciscan Order, St. Pius X had a vision of a future pope fleeing Rome. He said: "What I have seen is terrifying! Will I be the one, or will it be a successor? What is certain is that the Pope will leave Rome and, in leaving the Vatican, he will have to pass over the dead bodies of his priests!" Just before he died Pope St. Pius X had another similar vision, in which he saw a future pope of the same name fleeing over the bodies of his brethren, before being killed himself. "I have seen one of my successors, of the same name who was fleeing over the bodies of his brethren. He will take refuge in some hiding place; but after a brief respite, he will die a cruel death”. In light of this vision, it will be very interesting if the next pope takes the name Pius XIII - “the same name” as Pius X. Time will tell how the events play out, but what appears certain is that we are progressing rapidly to the events foretold at Fatima. May we renew our courage and zeal for the Faith, always remembering the words of Our Lady of Fatima: In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.
The two PiusX prophecies are interesting . In 1909, during an audience for the general chapter of the Franciscan Order, Pope Pius X suddenly fell into a trance. The audience waited in reverent silence. When he awoke, the Pope cried out: “What I see is terrifying! Will it be myself? Will it be my successor? What is certain is that the Pope will quit Rome, and in leaving the Vatican he will have to walk over the dead bodies of his priests. “Do not tell anyone this while I am alive.” Just prior to his death (August 20, 1914), Pope Pius X had another vision: “I have seen one of my successors, of the same name, who was fleeing over the bodies of his brethren. He will take refuge in some hiding place; but after a brief respite he will die a cruel death. While the 2nd prophecy indicates the future popes name, the first prophecy from 1909 also gives a clue. He sees a vision . Will it be myself? Will it be my successor? Could this be the Pope in the vision looked a little like himself? View attachment 3737 View attachment 3738
Excellent article, though it fails to mention that both Benedict XVI and Pius X do have the same name Joseph/Giuseppe. Both named after St. Joseph. He did not specify in his vision if the name that would be the same was his birth name or his papal name.
It is interesting to note also that during the 1st vision Pope Pius X was meeting with the Franciscans, and St. Francis is who Pope Francis took his Papal name from. I was unaware of the background info. I had only heard the quote.
Just throwing this in for your thoughts. It is not meant in any way as criticism of Our Holy Father, our Holy Mother the Church or Vatican II. I am not SSPX. Our Lady of Akita's miraculous statue wept 101 times. It is 101 years since St Pius X died. Could there be any connection between this time frame and the tears of Mary, between the Faith of Our Fathers and the Faith of our future. I see that new overtures are being made to resolve differences and divisions between Rome and Econe. Hopefully the treasures of the Faith will be made more available to the Church of today and preserved for the future. Hopefully a way forward will be found. The time for tears has stopped The time of Tribulation, it seems, is at hand. In my profession we look for and use what we call "the still point." It is akin to the movement of a wave that rolls up the sand then momentarily comes to a halt before returning to the sea. I believe the whole of creation is in the still point. All hell is about to break loose as we are plunged back into the storm. We can still use this short time to prepare ourselves.
I don't think anyone would assume you were SSPX Joe. BTW, I am not SSPX, nor have I ever attended any of their Masses, but I agree it would be wonderful to have them reconciled with the Church before we all enter into the "dark night". Maybe you are right with your 101 theory. I found this: Rome makes new proposal to SSPX The Holy See has made a new proposal to the Society of St. Pius X. Specifically, it relates to the status of the SSPX. The Fraternity is not canonically recognized and therefore for decades has been in a state of suspension, which leads to different interpretations among canon lawyers and bishops as to whether it is part of the Catholic Church or not. A sedivacantist website of the United States claimed that an agreement between the SSPX which was founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Rome was imminent. This was denied to by Father Franz Schmidberger, Rector of the International Seminary of the SSPX in Zaitzkofen in Bavaria. Father Schmidberger confirmed the proposal, but denies agreement Father Schmidberger, who was already Superior General of the Priestly Society and German District Superior, however, confirmed that there is a concrete proposal which Rome has submitted to the SSPX. However, there is still much to clarify according to Schmidberger. The existence of a Roman proposal had been confirmed by the Swiss District Superior of the Brotherhood to their priests, according to Secretum Meum Mihi. This message was posted by those circles who are close to priests which left the SSPX in 2012 SSPX or have been excluded from this. The reason for this was briefly, was that there was no conflict over the conditions under which a canonical regulation by Rome could be accepted, but a fundamental rejection of any agreement with Rome by a minority in the SSPX.
Thanks for your search Praetorian. I believe the next "still point" will be the Warning. It won't feel very still - we have been told it will be worse than any earthquake - but the rush back into The Sea of Rome will be powerful.
For those who do not know - the Guardian Angel of Sister Agnes the seer of Akita, told her the meaning of 101. 1 was for Eve through whom original sin came, 0 for the Eternal love of God, 1 for Mary, the new Eve, whose intercession saves us and stills our hearts. "Not a proud heart, not a proud heart, And no concern for things too great for me, I have stilled my soul, like a well fed child." (Too well fed, some might say.)
Hi Basto I still remember the sensitivity you have always shown in your understanding of the mysteries of Fatima and The Immaculate Heart. I also appreciate the respect you show for our Holy Father despite your aversion to his ways. I too am pleased to see you back, like one admires an old adversary who has proved himself in battle. In this light I look forward to your comments. God bless and keep you safe in the arms of Mary.
It looks like all of those modern prophecies were made for our present time, the things are happening just before our eyes and that’s bloody scary. If someone told us, three years ago, half of the things that are happening at Rome we wouldn’t believe, nobody would! But, at this moment, everything became normal, acceptable or even praiseworthy, and the life carries on. As long as we still have a little bit more of the Divine Patience to waste, this parody will continue. I don’t have the knowledge to make a clear lecture on the vision of Fatima but when I think about that “bishop dressed in white” I only can think about the Holy Father Benedict XVI. He knows the full message of Fatima, better than anyone else, so if he realizes what’s going on outside, he has to be living in pure agony. God help him! Anyway, that’s only my humble interpretation and I’m just a common mortal, maybe we should ask for some help from our “mystic” friend, I don’t know if he’s still around…
Hi Joe, it’s better if you save a few stones for me in the pocket, just in case… As you know me, I don’t give up easily. Anyway, I’ve already thanked Our Lady of Fatima, right in the place of the apparitions, for all the spit I got on my face during this storm. What a great honor!
Stones at the ready, but only in defence of my Pope.. I suspect Padraig will be chucking some my Jesus to Peter I am sure Francis would say to me "Joe put away your stones." Peter obeyed Jesus and put away his sword despite being faced with all those armed guards. At that time his courage did not fail him. Only later, when he was alone. I wonder if Our Lady was there when Jesus wss betrayed in the garden. Before I posted this I looked at Padraig's first post on this thread. Maggie Thatcher's famous quote, just before she fell flat on her face was, "The Lady's not for turning". I suspect Padraig's u turn encouraged you to come back. I remember the stones you threw at me and a fair amount of spit from you and my brother Aviso. Like you I see them as marks of honour. Proud to bear them. Obviously I prefer to read your understanding of Fatima rather than your undermining of Francis. Those stones thrown by you and Padraig at Pope Francis hit me too. I can't shield him but I can stand by his side. I just hope you guys learn from and survive The Tribulation and The Warning. At least there is nothing lukewarm about us so if we get spat out it will be because of the bad taste we leave and not the insipid nature of our faith. I have never been to Fatima. I believe, as Our Lady said, the faith will survive in Portugal but will Her beautiful shrine? I hope so. The Year of Mercy will be wasted on so many if the Warning does not happen soon. This will be the litmus test for the Pontificate. The Vatican knows the date of the Miracle. The Pope's timing, I believe, is based on this knowledge. He knows what he is doing and when to do it. Rather than being concerned with any so called parody your main concern will be to parry the sword of Michael as he cuts down the enemies of Truth. We shall see who can still get to their feet after the correction of conscience because we will still need to fight for the Truth. I get my fair amount of stick here but mostly because I write from the heart rather than the head. But I try to use both. In Glasgow we use the head to fend off enemies. Its called "The Glasgow kiss." Watch out for a smacker if you attack my Pope.
I have to say something to be ok with my conscience, and I’m sorry for going back to this: This thread is a shame and should be called fayrly “who am I to judge Aviso”. How many hail Maries should we throw at him? I must remind you that Aviso’s blog has a box where one can comment openly, accuse him or whatever and get a fair response. But if you really feel like praying for him, or for me as well, next time I invite you to close yourself inside a bedroom and nobody needs to know that. I suppose that God will hear better our prays that way.
Thanks Joe for the heads up. When I seen Basto name yesterday a flag went up, but I wasn't sure, my mind is dusty at times. I have no personnel animosity toward him, but the flag was over Pope Francis concerns for some reason but I couldn't remember what it was...thanks for the refresher! The Great unvailing of Aviso is coming soon... Bring back Blue Horizon than...give some balance. Many hate BH, but as Charlie posted to one commenter...This isn't the Huffington post! basically saying you cant post anything unchecked. BH always questioned... He is like think your done and gonna leave and then!, he flips thru his notes and asks another Many parts to the Body of Christ
Hi Basto. As I have said before I condemn no one - "it's not my competence - but like yourself I am obliged to assess and discern. A public forum is a good place for public prayers especially when something affects everyone on the forum and reflects on our faith as a good or bad example. On this I will judge. The command "Judge not" does not excuse us from making well informed and sound choices. With the way Padraig is going I am surprised Aviso has not been welcomed back with open arms. Of course he has his own site now. He regards my comments as toxic and has saud so in public. Despite his invitation to me he has still failed to publish some of my comments. That is his right. They were not abusive of him. He has posted some of my recent ones. I do not tell people in public that I am praying for them in order to make myself look good but to assure them of my goodwill. I will continue to pray for you Basto but will refrain from posting this in future. Its all in the motive but God loves public prayer too. There are of course times to pray privately "and Your Heavenly Fsther who sees all that is done in private, will reward you." May He reward you greatly. I trust Our Lady of Fatima will keep us right in our fight for the truth.