Look at these ending words from our dearest Blessed Mother. Plus, that word, "abandonment." Daughter of the Divine Will March 29th, 2015 The Walk to Calvary ...Many may wish to go their own way, to try to go around the hill, to enter a different way, to reach the summit on their own. There is no “independence” when climbing this spiritual mountain, there is not a different path to avoid repentance and sorrow, there is only the joining to the Heart of My Son, in which I your Mother offer you My Heart and My outstretched hand. Alone, you will not have the strength to reach the top. With Me together, we will be as one, Mother and child. A true mother never abandons her children, and I have been named by the church as “Your Mother”, and Mother of the Church. A Mother helps her children to walk, run, climb those very first steps and does not leave until the child can walk unassisted, but always with His mother’s constant watch upon him. Know that abandonment is a great grace from God, so that He may pour more of Himself into your soul. I am your Mother of Mercy, the Mother who will bring the gift of the Father’s Most precious gift, the gift of His Most Holy and Divine Will into all that accept the walk of abandonment and desire the gift. “Climb the mountain with Me Take My Hand and one step at a time, the suffering will turn into joy, the joy of finding Jesus in all you do.” I love you, all of you, My little ones. I ask you to begin today, now this moment, to give Me your “Yes”, your “Fiat”, to abandon yourself to My Most Immaculate Heart. Thank you My dear ones for reading these words. Mother of Divine Mercy Mother and Queen of the Divine Will http://www.daughtersofthelamb.com/#!daughterofthedivinewill2014/cbea
From the Letters of Luisa: "My daughter, by doing the Divine Will, we become true children of the great Lady, and we are transformed into Tabernacles, in which Jesus forms His residence; and then everything we do is sacred, everything is prayer, even the most indifferent things. By doing the Divine Will, the very natural things necessary to our life, are transformed into prayer, adoration and love for our sweet Jesus, because by doing His Will, everything we do is holy, everything is love, and so our being becomes.
"Peace is the smile of the soul and the spring which makes the little ground of our soul bloom. It removes from us the veil of disturbance and reveals to us the One who loves us so much."
"Only in His Will are we able to say: 'I have loved Jesus. I have done everything He wants. I have done everything and I have given Him everything - even Jesus Himself.'" (from the letters of Luisa)
"Now who will be able to resist the light of my eternal Fiat? All of Its knowledges will be more than Rays of light of my Will, which will pound on the surface of the earth, and penetrating into the heart will bring the good that the light of my Will contains and can do." Vol. 20, Dec. 22, 1926
"...And one who wants to know and receive all the relations and bonds of sanctity, must love the Sanctifier. The Holy Spirit puts His flames on the way toward one who truly loves, and binds her with the relations of His sanctity. Without love there is no sanctity, because the bonds of true sanctity are already broken.” (Book of Heaven, Vol. 22 - June 12, 1927) O holy Mama, never leave me alone, and may the Holy Spirit descend into me that He may burn away all that does not belong to the Divine Will. Fiat!
"In whatever state you feel, be always tranquil - do not think of cold or warm. The Divine Will is more than everything: more than prayer, more than recollection more than fervor, more than miracles - more than everything." (from the Letters of Luisa)
A very beautiful and inspiring rendition of the Gospel Beatitudes taken from The Passion of Our Lord, in The Mystical City of God of Mary of Agreda: - "Blessed are you in being stripped of the earthly goods; for by my Passion and Death I am to entail upon you the heavenly kingdom as a secure and certain possession of voluntary poverty. - "Blessed are those who meekly suffer and bear adversities and tribulations; for, besides the joy of having imitated Me, they shall possess the land of the hearts and the good will of men through the peacefulness of their intercourse and the sweetness of their virtues. - "Blessed are they that weep while they sow in tears; for in them, they shall receive the bread of understanding and life, and they shall afterwards harvest the fruits of everlasting joy and bliss." - "Blessed are also those who hunger and thirst for justice and truth; for I shall earn for them satiation far beyond all their desires, as well in the reign of grace as in the reign of glory. - "Blessed are they, who, imitating Me in my offers of pardon and friendship, mercifully pity those that offend and persecute them; for I promise them the fullness of mercy from my Father. - "Blessed be the pure of heart, who imitate Me in crucifying their flesh in order to preserve the purity of their souls. I promise them the vision of peace and of my Divinity, by becoming like unto Me and by partaking of Me. - "Blessed are the peaceful, who, yielding their rights, do not resist the evil-minded and deal with them with a sincere and tranquil heart without vengeance; they shall be called my children, because they imitate my eternal Father and I shall write them in my memory and in my mind as my adopted sons. - "Those that suffer persecution for justice's sake, shall be the blessed heirs of my celestial kingdom, since they suffer with Me; and where I am, there also they shall be in eternity. Rejoice, ye poor; be consoled all ye that are and shall be afflicted; glory in your lot, ye little ones and despised ones of this world, you who suffer in humility and longanimity, suffer with an interior rejoicing; since all of you are following Me in the path of truth. Renounce vanity, despise the pomp and haughtiness of the false and deceitful Babylon; pass ye through the fires and the waters of tribulation until you reach Me, who am the light, the truth and your guide to the eternal rest and refreshment." -taken from the Garabandal webpage that Glenn gave us the links to on-line books-
From the Book of Heaven -Luisa Piccarreta- V13 [Jesus:] "The soul who lives in my Divine Will gives herself back to the Origin and Place where everyone else had broken relations with God in force. All created things form her cortege and recognize her as their legitimate sister, and they feel honored to be dominated by her. The purpose for which they were created, to be commanded and to obey her slightest wishes, is now fulfilled. So, all nature remains reverent around her, and exults in seeing that finally its God receives the glory of the purpose for which He had created it - that of serving man. And so, fire, light, water, cold, will let themselves be commanded, and will faithfully obey. And just as my love immediately prepared the remedy to save man, descending from Heaven by becoming Man, so this soul who lives in my Will, by giving herself back to the Beginning, to her Eternal Origin from which she came, even before my Humanity was formed already kissed and adored my Blood, and my Wounds; she honored my steps, my works, and formed a worthy cortege to my Humanity. Oh! soul who lives in my Divine Will, you alone are the purpose of the Glory of Creation, the decorum, the honor of my Works, and the fulfillment of my Redemption."
V24 - May 16,1928 [Jesus:] "...In order to Ennoble himself, to Reacquire Everything and Receive the Rehabilitation of the Marriage with his Creator, man Must Enter once Again the Divine Fiat from which he Came. There are no ways in the middle; not even My Redemption is enough to make man Return to the Beginning of the Happy Era of his Creation. Redemption is Means, Way, Light, Help—but not the End. The End is My Divine Will, because My Divine Will was the Beginning, and by Justice, One Who is the Beginning Must also be the End. Therefore, humanity Must be Enclosed in My Divine Will to be Given back her Noble Origin, her Happiness, and to put the Marriage with her Creator in Force once Again. This is why the great Good that My Redemption Did to man is not enough for Our Love, but It Yearns for More. True Love is Never Content; only then is It Content, when It can say: 'I have nothing else to Give him.' And Knowing that man can Return to be Happy, Victorious and Glorious in the Noble State in which he was Created by God—and this, by Means of My Divine Will Reigning in their midst—this is why All the Divine Yearnings, the Sighs, the Manifestations are Directed toward Making Our Divine Will Known to Make It Reign, so as to be able to say to Our Love: 'Calm Yourself, for Our Beloved Child has Reached his Destiny. He is Now in Possession of Our Inheritance that was Given to him in Creation, which is Our Fiat! And while he Possesses what is Ours, We Possess him..."'
Excerpt from Letter 2 of Saint Annibale Di Francia to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta Messina, June 20, 1924 “These are writings that must now be made known to the world. I believe they will produce great good. For as sublime as this science of the Divine Will is, so do these writings of divine dictation present it, clearly and limpidly. In my opinion, no human intellect would have been able to form them”.
“Several witnesses relate that one day Father (Saint) Annibale came to the house of Luisa more content than ever, and said that he had brought this book to the Holy Father, Saint Pious X, who had received him several times in private audience. Father Anniable was reading him one of the Hours (that of the Crucifixion), when the Pope interrupted, saying: “Not this way, Father, but kneeling one must read. It is Jesus Christ that is speaking.”
"The Sanctity of living in the Divine Will is for all, or rather, to tell the truth, It is for all those who want It." (from the letters of Luisa)
"Jesus loves you and wants you good and holy. Do not listen to the enemy, who would want to snatch the Gift (of living in His Divine Will) from the hands of Jesus; do not pay attention to doubts or anything which is not peace. These are things of the enemy, rags of hell, not of Jesus. His things are peace; the rags of Heaven are certainties. " (From the Letter of Luisa Piccarreta)
"Don’t lose heart because of the difficulties and the circumstances of life; they are steps which make us go higher in the Divine Volition. Especially in painful circumstances, dear Jesus takes us by the hand to make us rise higher and achieve beautiful conquests - not human, but divine and of infinite value. " (From the letters of Luisa)
"This is why I am preparing the Era of the living in my Will; and for all that creatures have not done in the past generations, and will not do, in this Era of my Will they will complete the love, the glory, the honor of the whole Creation, and I will give them astonishing and unheard-of graces." Book of Heaven, Volume 12 - May 22, 1919
"...until the creature comes to letting my Divine Will reign within her, she will be always unhappy, always restless, because as good, holy, learned and rich as she may be, she will feel within herself that she lacks the fullness of happiness and the sea of peace, which are such that from no side may she be disturbed or her happiness broken. So, she can only be happy by half, and her peace will be halved; and because it is not whole, the half that she lacks will keep the way open to bring unhappiness and disturbance." Vol. 22, 9/3/27
"...in my all-seeingness, I see that these writings will be for my Church like a new sun which will rise in Her midst; and drawn by its blazing light, creatures will apply themselves in order to be transformed into this light and become spiritualized and divinized, in such a way that, as the Church will be renewed, they will transform the face of the earth. The doctrine on my Will is the purest, the most beautiful, not subject to any shadow of the material or of interest, both in the supernatural and in the natural order. Therefore, like sun, it will be the most penetrating, the most fecund, and the most welcomed and appreciated." Book of Heaven, Vol. 16, Feb. 10, 1924
"Too perfidious and ungrateful will be those who will not recognize in these manifestations of mine the echo of Heaven, the long chain of love of the Supreme Will, the communion of goods which our Celestial Father wants to give to the creatures; and as though wanting to put aside everything that happened in the history of the world, He wants to begin a new era, a new Creation, as if the new history of Creation were beginning just now. Therefore, let Me do, because whatever I do is of highest importance.” Vol. 20, Jan. 30, 1927
"This is our great hope and our invocation; 'Your Kingdom come!' a Kingdom of peace, justice and serenity, which will re-establish the original harmony of creation." Pope St. John Paul II, Papal Address on Psalm 97, Nov. 6, 2002