Why Marian Prayer Groups?

Discussion in 'Mother of God' started by padraig, Nov 12, 2008.

  1. Mary's child

    Mary's child Guest

    No, that would never be the case Woman clothed with the Sun. :) For those who truly love God and our Blessed Mother and who really want to convert, we all know the importance of prayer and fellowship. And for those who are coming back after a long time away, or with a difficulty, or a spiritual problem etc, you will often find they seek out the one in the Church that they feel is genuine to befriend them and to lean on and learn from them.

    If during that time, they find that the person isn't all that they thought,(we all have flaws/weaknesses) by that time, they are usually learning to stand on their own feet regarding prayer and meeting others and if they haven't by that time, they soon realize that no one is perfect, not even themselves.

    The point that I am trying to make is that for those who are truly seeking the face of God. All know that fellowships and prayer are very important. Remember, fellowship comes in Mass too.

    Prayer groups can always be encouraged. No one fears a prayer group if it is in line with their faith.
  2. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    Thanks for the clarification. I can see that we have a different point of view but it helps me understand yours. I tried to explain a little bit mine in the previous post.

    I agree with this. God bless you, Mary's Child. Thank you.
  3. Mary's child

    Mary's child Guest

    God bless you too. :)
  4. our lady of confidence

    our lady of confidence New Member

    Apr 17, 2013
    I just came into this forum. My wife and I are homeless in N.Y.C. for the last five years. We are Marian Movement of Priests associates and I would like to state total belief that these are our Lady's messages. I would also in view of our experiences from our current circumstances like to say that Charity is so important and missing among Catholics here as to cause many grave problems. We shouldn't need a Mother Teresa to excite us to charity. We should have the Holy Spirit throuigh Mary's intercession!
  5. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    OLOC- Hi there! I'm glad you are here. Being homeless in NYC is probably an experience and a half! Something we all hope to never go through. What a blessing you have found this forum! I too have been an associate since 1982 and testify to the truth of the messages.

    Our Pope, Francis supposedly has said this and I'd like to know your take on it please:

    " ... you have created a new type of state, the so-called welfare state. This has happened in order to respond to the needs of the politically created poor. However, intervening directly is depriving the original society of its responsibility. Families escape responsibility in the welfare state. And churches even escape responsibility. People stop giving to charity and see every poor person as the government’s problem. I am a Catholic priest and there are no poor for me to take care of, they are made permanently poor and the property of the politicians. The social assistance state leads to a loss of human energies and an inordinate increase of public agencies, which are dominated more by bureaucratic thinking than by real concern for helping people. Needs are best understood and satisfied by people who are closest to them who act as neighbors and parish members to those in need. It should be added that certain kinds of demands often call for a response which is not simply material but which is capable of perceiving the deeper human need. This is not to mention the welfare states excesses and abuses."
  6. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    If love of neigbour was our true rule in life, a lot of suffering would be wiped out. It is good to meet you,

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