I was born in New Orleans at the Catholic hospital there called Hotel Dieu, and grew up in between New Orleans and Baton Rouge along the Mississippi River. Both sides of my family farmed sugar cane. The corridor between New Orleans and Baton Rouge is one of the most Devout Catholic places in the world. As much evil as there is in New Orleans, I believe it is because of the genuine Catholic culture there being attacked. When I was a little girl Mardi Gras was a fun family celebration all over the city except in the French Quarter, which could get pretty raunchy. The devil seems to take up residence where the faith is strongest.
When Our Lady appears the devil turns up with her. I loved that film, 'Dead man Walking'. But as far as I recall the nun in it turned out to be a crazy Liberal?
I wonder is it an accident that this huge storm is about to hit New Orleans and maybe wipe it out? Love the accents. Poor people, prayers.
Although I live in Georgia I am in New Orleans now for the funeral of my sister-in -law which is to take place tomorrow. It is a beautiful sunny day here and typically hot for this time of year. The calm before the storm. The news coverage is over the top because there is a chance of the Mississippi River overflowing because of the storm. I would like not to be here but no one else in my husbands family’s seems worried. So here I am. One of the poor people you are praying for!
Denise, I'm sorry for your loss and I'm certain that you will have many members praying for you and your family. *** I often forget that instead of counties Louisiana uses the term parishes which demonstrates the Catholic history of the state. It is quite beautiful when we think about this. I think we could almost say the Louisiana is to the USA; as Quebec is to Canada. This is what I found on a search for those who may be interested in this, Why are there parishes in Louisiana? Originally, Louisiana was the territory of Spain and then France, both Roman Catholic countries, and those colonial powers divided their lands according to church parish boundaries for administrative purposes. After annexation by the United States, Louisiana continued to refer to administrative regions as parishes, not counties. *** Padraig, I love the accents too and I love your accent also. The folks in these videos sound like NY'ers in my opinion though. I don't know if you are aware of a show called Swamp People that airs in the USA - they have great accents! Here is the update that your video spoke of:
Carol New Orleans folks do sound on some words like New Yorkers. I had a friend years ago from Lousiana who clued me in on this.
Ann, This is what I am referring to and no one that I know of in NY sounds like this. I love this accent and when I hear it I know immediately where these folks are from. And take a look at that big cross around their daughter's neck. The similarity to a NY accent is we also don't pronounce R's very well. "I'll have a drink of wata". So you're right about that.
Prayers tonight and offering up mass tomorrow. I envy you seeing Old Miss....and tasting some of that wonderful food. I don;t envy you the storm though I read somewhere that the storm surge may be the worst in 75 years and peak 20 feet higher that the levees in places, which seems incredible. I have noticed from different Marian Sites word of great physical changes. The earthquakes in California and this coming storm seem to link with that. Real over the top , once in a lifetime events.
I was just reading lately the St Anthony's brief is very powerful too. I hadn't heard of it for the longest while.
God-incidence: I just found and printed up St Anthony’s Brief several days ago and have been praying it.
I carry it on me and pray it often Many Catholics make a practice of wearing or carrying on their persons a copy of the famous Brief of St. Anthony ensuring for themselves his powerful protection against dangers to soul and body. In the 13th century, a poor Portuguese woman resolved to put an end to her life. On her way to the river, as she was passing a shrine of St. Anthony, she cast herself on her knees for a moment to breathe, as she thought, a last prayer to the saint. While kneeling there she fell asleep. On awakening she found herself delivered from her terrible temptation, and hanging around her neck she found the Brief or Letter of St. Anthony. When the women's story was spread, great curiosity was aroused. The king had the brief brought to him and placed it in the royal archives where it is still preserved with the crown jewels of Portugal. After the Brief was no longer with her, she began to weaken and lapse, so the King made a copy for her that restored her to her healed state. Other copies of the Brief were spread to help the faithful fight the Evil One and remind them that Christ has conquered. "The Brief consists of a Cross with the following words: `Ecce Crucem Domine. Fugite, partes adverasae, Vicit Leo de Tribu Juda, Radix David, Alleluia." English translation: `Behold the Cross of the Lord. Flee ye adversaries, the Lion of the Tribe of Juda, the Root of David has conquered. Alleluia.'
Thanks for all of your prayers. So far we are not experiencing any flooding, and things are relatively calm here in New Orleans. We were able to bury my sisters-in-law without a drop of rain involved. It was a little windy. The television news makes things look way worse than it is here. . The Louisiana coastal area is flooded in the low lying areas but that is not unusual. Thanks again for all of your prayers!