If someone were to ask me who were the greatest Saints on order, I would ask one simple question, 'Who were the Saints that suffered the most; they are the greatest'. From the Mother of Sorrows, Queen of Saints on down. In a human sense suffering seems like the greatest misfortune. In a Supernatural sense the Cross is the greatest Sign of Heaven's favour.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. .
Maybe this will help Sanctus, When the evil one, accuses me of my many faults, my failures, my laziness, my abjectness, my miserableness, my wretchedness; sometimes, instead of calling out for help from Jesus and Mary, I acknowledge the truth of his accusations. I agree that he speaks truth. I claim my wretchedness as my own and agree with his astute and correct accusations. As the accusations hit home I normally continue, through tears, to assert that God alone is holy, just, merciful, righteous, omnipotent, I sometimes recall the great things He has done for Mary Our Lords mother and Our mother, or I am lead to contemplate His love for me a miserable sinner and I recall that He took human flesh and became man to save me. After a few moments I realise the accuser has gone. Why and Where I don't know! But I find myself alone with God, humbled and grateful. This normally leads to a time of basking in His Love or of adoring Him! who is everything. So next time the evil one accuses you of things that you may or may not have intentionally did or omitted, agree with him and present to him the reality in your heart; the knowing of truth! the conviction of your soul but also your vulnerability as a human, expressing your great adoration of God for becoming man. I think the evil one does not like this; he torments us all day and we normally run but when we turn around and confront him with truth, he seems to leave. God Bless I hope this may be of help.
Love this Josephite. It makes sense. It's like how I have taught my kids to handle a bully. A bully continues to bully because they know their actions get to you and that is what the bully finds fun. The moment the bully no longer senses it is getting to you or has that power over you, they no longer have fun and move on. For example: When a bully comes up to my son and says things like, "you are terrible at basketball" I have taught my son to respond with a slight chuckle, "you know, you are so right. It is something I continue to keep practicing in the hopes to get better, but actually, I may just stop all together and do other things." When a bully tells my daughter, "your face is so ugly with all those pimples" she would respond, "yes I know I keep bugging my dad to schedule a dermatology appointment so that I can clear my skin up to something as perfect looking as yours if I am lucky." When you agree with the bully, the bully moves on. Likewise, when you agree with the evil one and let him know you are working on it and even thank him for the reminder of your flaws because it helps you to work on them better, the evil one will move on because he isn't having fun anymore. He wants to relish in our sadness, anger, misery and sufferings and hates to see us not effected by his harsh criticism of our faults.