They are Marxists. They cheered when abortion came in in Ireland. They cheered when Perverts got to get married. They are at the forefront of the Mandates and Lock downs.. ..they are Communists. ..they would hold us down laughing while they jabbed us...
My 8 year old went with my husband to the 6am Rorate Mass this morning...candles in the dark... My son says he will never forget it.
I keep having feelings that the evil one has a grip on me. It is very unpleasant and I don't know what to do. I keep calling out to Jesus and Mary for help.
It is a tough battle Padraig. There are glimpses where I feel God is with me and other times where I feel darkness.
I asked Our Lady about this concerning you. I asked that I might be allowed to bear your Cross for at least a while, but she said , 'No'...that this is a battle you have to go through yourself. For your Sanctification. She appears to have loads of trust in you that you will do so. So, then, do I. This, too, will pass..
After Mass on the Holy Day this week I stayed in my pew and pulled out my rosary beads. There were people to my left gathering in the aisles, talking, chatting, laughing, oblivious to me. All over the church were little groups doing the same thing. I held my ground ignoring them and finally they moved on. We need more prayer warriors today, I know Mother Mary was delighted to have someone in church praying. I think I will do the same thing tomorrow after Mass . . . On another note, I am worried about the year of St.Joseph ending and the awful storms last night. The weather was in a fury, we didn't have tornadoes but had thunderstorms and high winds. Our yard is full of tree branches today, we did not lose power but I think I need to do some more preparing.
I don't believe St. Joseph has withdrawn his protection in any way. He is guardian of the Church and the terror of demons, whether it's the Year of St. Joseph or not. Perhaps there were extra special graces this past year to make us more aware of his presence and protection...but he has not left us.
The winds are a bit wild here tonight too. I pray the worse is over for everyone. A good reminder that we need to prepare for power outages and maybe worse….
I probably did not phrase it right, I was thinking the year of mercy, the year of St.Joseph etc. I don't think there is a special year after the year of St.Joseph? I think we had a year of The Family? The special year of St.Joseph ended on Dec. 8.
Do not worry katfalls, St Joseph is in for the long haul. As are all the Saints! After I read Fr Michelle revelations, I pleaded with St Joseph to not abandon us. I believe St Joseph answered me with the words... "I will never abandon the faithful children of my Divine son". So what did the Angel Gabriel reveal to Fr Michelle?. I really don't know for sure; but I think St Gabriel was stressing the importance of genuine prayer and genuine penance otherwise our reliance on saints such as St Joseph will be null and void. We are to be hot, not lukewarm otherwise protection will be withdrawn. This definitely alludes to the severity of the end times. Therefore, Let us be genuine with our prayers, that our prayers come from our hearts in union with Our lords prayers and with Our lady's prayers , in this way we join in their sacrifice and the saints join with us, especially St Joseph! God Bless Katfalls, St Joseph remains shielding and guiding you.
This is a wonderful encouraging message! Grab hold of her mantle and don't let go! Reread her words fromher appearance on Tepeyac Hill (Guadalupe) "Am I not your mother? Are you not here under the crossing of my arms?"
message to me about Mary’s mantle is a confirmation. I’ve had for many years, a “sense” - message from OurLady to me to come under the cover of her mantle. I’ve shared this only with my wife until now. I’ve said to her Mary wants us to seek protection from evil through the covering under and within her mantle. To this day when troubles and challenges hit, it is my prayer to her….Mary please take your mantle and spread it wide over my family- shield us from the evil one who want to devour me. The evil fears my Mama! When I’m covered by her, I know he will not be able to harm me or my family. Thank you my Mother. The new Eve..the Ark of the Covenant.