Oh what a beautiful response Ann…every word. Your comment, “when the Son of Man appears will He find faith on the earth?", always resonates with me. I know that as things are getting worse, scripture reminds us that these days will come and so we expect this. I also love the comment from St. Philip Nero, “ Lord hold on to Philip this day or Philip will betray you."….a prayer so humble to acknowledge that we are all vulnerable to betraying our Lord. I’m glad Padraig shared his experience. It’s a good lesson to us all that if Padraig in his great faith is challenged by the evil one, we are all vulnerable. Only pride would make one thing that they are above it. Also, thank you for sharing your personal return to the faith. It filled me with great hope for my loved ones. Not just a causal return to “ church”, but a active, full return to the faith….and a great example of the same.
Lol…I have a image of this event in my mind…kind of funny thinking of you just grinning at the very thought of annoying that dirty devil!
I understand this thought about when you’re out , especially in stores, wondering where so many souls are in their faith. Just so many wondering around looking very lost, looking like their life is so distorted….I can only say in my mind, God bless you all in this store and I say a Hail Mary. I do this usually in Walmart….so many souls there looked lost and pitiful.
Jesus Himself showed us how he was betrayed….if He had to endure it, His followers will too. Thankfully, we know how it ends eternally and we don’t despair….our cross, our salvation.
I loved this….I never knew the back story to Amazing Grace! What a beautiful grace the writer was given…
Yes. This abandonment by those we trusted is excruciating. A terrible fearful cross. Beth is right. Jesus went before us even in this. His friends, the crowd who loved Him--until they didn't. The shepherds of His day (the hierarchy)who should have embraced Him and protected Him. A play on words with a quote from King Lear: sharper than a serpent's tooth is the betrayal of those who should have remained most faithful. Only Our Lady and St Mary Magdalena and St John went all the way to Calvary. The true Church, the penitent and the true priest.
I suddenly realised when I was walking the dog today, Our Lady was not talking about our present Trials (bad as they may be) she was really talking about future Trials, shortly to some. I walked through the entertainment part of the city centre this afternoon. For the first time ever I saw them checking the vaccine certs of people entering. I happened to glance over at an elderly couple who pulled a set of green papers from a special wallet. You know the KGB and the Gestapo at their very,very worst never pulled a stunt like this. Asked for ID before people could get food and drink. Previous generations died for our freedoms yet this generation surrenders them without a second thought. So sad.
I love to watch people going to Mass every day. I always liked to do this but especially at the moment. Candles burn brighter in the total dark. I especially like to watch the very young ones. A delight. Candles in the dark.
I can't believe that people are showing identity papers to have a drink or something to eat and in Ireland of all places. Previous generations must be twirling in their graves. What cowardice! For shame!!
It's a "good thing". God is allowing this, I firmly believe, as part of His plan to teach us that the false idols we have built for ourselves are build on sand, and that the one thing we can truly rely on, is Him. How else is He going to get us turn back to Him, trusting, and yes fearing Him. Fear of the Lord has been lost, and that's not a "good thing". He's going to fix that, like a good Father
Padraig…didn’t you know…they have to protect everyone from those evil Je… No…I mean those evil unvaccinated? The installed president of the USA told us this. He said he was getting impatient with those unvaccinated… He said this is the pandemic of the unvaccinated. ( makes you wonder why the vaccinated are spreading it and dying from it? Hummmm).
To think I risked life and limb fighting for these people's Freedoms and they toss it all away for a drink and something to eat out. It makes me want to throw up. 'The Devil is stinging you with His tail, you have been altered...' Our Lady to Gissella Cardia December 3rd
I look forward to and fear this both at the same time. Won’t those who have made themselves a god be surprised. I'm kinda glad I’m not mighty….the fall won’t be quite as hard when I too feel the pinch…at least I hope.
Ohhh Padraig…let’s hope before this battle has been decided that their eyes will open and before the finelly, they will grow a spine and stand up to the tyranny….they’d better.