I don't think any of this has anything to do with the virus. It is all a Dress rehearsal for something much, much bigger and more evil.
Has anybody else read Cora Evans book Refugee from Heaven? I got it recently and can't warm to it. To me it reads like romantic fiction. It tells me little about Jesus and lots of 'fictionL' details of those who crossed his path. I didn't feel good when reading it so it's getting the bin. I had read Maria Valtorta, Poem of the Man God before that and it was beautiful also details in the books were very different.
Thanks Mary. I'll know not to get it. I very often love to read the writings on the mystics but some more than others. Some I just have to put down and forget about because it's rather like taking a coffee with twenty spoonfuls of sugar in it. A little too sweet for me. A good example of good mystical fare are: The collected Volumes of the letters of Padre Pio. 'The Dialogue', of St Catherine of Sienna. The Diary of St Faustina. The Visions of St Gertrude and St Mechtilde. The Visions of St Bridget of Sweden (and devotions). The Mystical City of God by Venerable Mary of Agreda. The Visions of Pere Lamy. The dreams of St John Bosco. Just a few off the top of my head. I like them anyway. I also love reading the lives of the mystics. A good example of a Classic Mystical book I could not take to was St Catherine of Genoa on Purgatory. It just depressed me so much. But I did like, 'Read me or Rue it', on the same subject.
There are lots more , that's just a few off the top of my head. My all times favorite is, 'The Interior Mansions' by St Teresa of Avila. St Teresa of Avila had a great sense of humour and a warm humanity which keeps her feet very much on the ground which I love. I love her famous saying, 'God save me from sad faced saints!'
The only one on your list that I haven't read/owned is Mary of "Agreda" (phone keeps changing it to airedale--lol--thus the quotes)
For any one who loves Our Lady it is a must. She bilocated to the USA all the way from Spain,before there was an actual USA, to convert the Indians. New Mexico. The Flying Nun.
Yes, Bl Mary of Agreda I must read more from her huge volumes. What little I have read has been unquestionably insight from Heaven.
Sometimes when I am interesting in an actual topic I dip back into them. She is my mystical encylopedia. Many, many years ago a very holy priest, a Scripture Scholar laughed at me for believing in it all. He said it was unhistorical and laughable. I said that her books moved me always to prayer , something which his lessons on Scripture did not.. He looked like he was chewing lemons. Something that moves us to love God and Our Blessed Lady more can only be good.
I liked Bl Mary’s account of the birth of Our Lord. It was corroborated by what Our Lady said in Slovakia recently.
Yes I love her books. I bought my mum the second volume for Christmas and she loves it! It gives you another perspective on Mary and her amazing humility, as my mum said Yes! I had to read that part before I gave the book to my mum and it really was just as Our Lady spoke about it in the apparitions. But of course it is explained more deeply in the book than in the christmas apparition in Dechtice, as she was explaining it to children visionaries at that time
I didn't know this. But I believe if you compare the accounts of Mary of Agreda with that if Catherine Emmerich I think that they are both very close. Which leads on to another question , are the accounts given of the life of Mary in the lives written by the mystics objectively true or are they subjective devotional understanding. A kind of spiritual poetry or art not rooted in historical reality? Well my belief is that they are objective fact and if I thought they weren't I would not read them. A good example of objective reality is the finding of the Holy House, Mary's Home at Ephesus.
There is talk of a ma.rburg virus. Seems to be a kind of final solution, I hope what I hear is not true.
Yes and Ebola as well. To generate fear I expect. We are in the hands of God. Its up to Him not the elites. The sins of our world are so great whatever comes will be more than merited. God will permit another plague or war or tsunami...as Hamlet famously said "if it be not now then it will come...the readiness is all."