If the words Mary told us were easy they would not be worth following. They are always, always hard when heard, but always very ,very sweet when followed. Luke 9:23 "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it."
I share your suspicions - Today France, Austria and Greece doubled down with mandates and threats to punish the unvaccinated with fines -- Interesting how the news of this is released in clusters on the same day. I am so, so suspicious because History teaches when governments take emergency powerts they rarely back track. https://www.theguardian.com/world/l...08e9c7b723f5bb#block-61e568208f08e9c7b723f5bb https://www.forbes.com/sites/robert...g-vaccine-mandates-and-fines/?sh=6dc02ff547e4
“Our Lady told her to pray "Lord You see how much this costs me. But Thou first and I afterward." Yes, God first.
They become Wealthy Padraig in a very brief time….but more importantly, for only a brief time. Nothing of material value in this life will yield eternal rewards. Their wealth, if achieved because of the poverty of their immoral soul, is their future hell.
I used to have a Black Cat called, 'Dorcas'. Dorcas in the English means , 'Dark' . I particulalry recall her because she used to walk with me through the city streets to the pub. Then she used to wait in the ally way outside and walk home with me. Animals are a little bit like children. The more love you pour into them, the more love gets poured back.
This is the tragedy of it. All that wealth is like ashes. "Dust in the wind" As St Teresa said "...only God suffices He who has God has everything "
Ann, it’s amazing that you said, “Dust in the wind", I just got off the phone with another sister. We were talking about the value people place on wealth and she said the exact same thing…it’s just dust….and it is…it’s just dust.
I really find this prayer amazing. August Queen of the Heavens, heavenly Sovereign of the Angels, Thou who from the beginning hast received from God the power and the mission to crush the head of Satan, we humbly beseech Thee to send thy holy legions, so that under Thy command and through Thy power, they may pursue the demons and combat them everywhere, suppress their boldness, and drive them back into the abyss. O good and tender Mother, Thou wilt always be our love and hope! O Divine Mother, send Thy Holy Angels to defend us and to drive far away from us the cruel enemy. Holy Angels and Archangels, defend us, guard us. Amen. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us. Virgin Most Powerful, pray for us. St. Joseph, pray for us. St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us. All You Holy Angels, pray for us. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I think this is my very favourite Marian Spiritual Battle prayer of all. It is so beautifully written like a poem. I got Fr Ripperger's book of Deliverance Prayers a few days ago and am praying through them. I found a fun kind of prayer against the devil in time of temptation. In it we ask Jesus to inflict on the devil the worst pain it can imagine or endure while it tempts us and for ten minutes after. I never prayed such a prayer before it is a kind of soldier in a foxhole kind of prayer.
I think Battle Prayers are a little different when you can actually see things happening. I mean really see them.
I came across this interesting vision of the American Mystic Cora Evans (whose Cause is Going ahead in Rome for Canonisation). https://www.sunstar.com.ph/article/...ts-those-who-refuse-to-see-signs-of-the-times Cora mystically witnessed an episode in the earthly lives Jesus and His Blessed Mother Mary, sometime before His crucifixion. She said she witnessed Jesus seeking His mother’s consent for her to appear in many places on earth, apparently in our times, amid apostasy and consequential evil that would stalk the Catholic Church. As the angel Gabriel also obtained the Blessed Mother’s consent to be the Mother of God, so did the Son first obtain her consent to fulfill a task scheduled for our times. So now, we have an explosion of Marian apparitions especially in our days. The Mother of God even now allows herself to be photographed and video’d. Cora took note of the conversation between Jesus and the Blessed Mother in regard to her modern-day apparitions. Jesus said: “In the generations of little faith you may participate as an active mother of the people by your personal appearance in apparitions, through which you may warn them of their neglect of Me in the tabernacle.” The Son asked for the consent of the Mother, saying: “However, before you take this active part, I must have your consent. That is as necessary now as when you gave your will that allowed Me to be born into the world. To many people you will truly be the Gate of Heaven, for you will point the way, through apparitions, to the altar where I will live in silence and be imprisoned until the end of time.” “Rather than allow some people the risk of being lost without some warning that they should make haste and return to My Love, it will be necessary for you to appear through the mystery of visions and reproach them for their little faith. The fear of the supernatural will always stir the human heart, whereas tradition and the written word may find its truths on the shelves of myth,” Jesus added. Cora then said the Blessed Mother was given a vision of all her future appearances around the globe. Cora noted the Blessed Mother seemed gasping for breath “as she watched the greatest apparition of all. The whole world seemed to be swallowed in the light of a golden vapor, which in no way bore any resemblance to the glow of the earthly sun. It resembled in its mystery of light a huge monstrance tipped over earth to such degrees that the Host could be seen by everyone in the world.” “The center of the imaginary monstrance appeared to be above the nations of China and India. This vapors, like bead-like fire, rained upon the earth from the center of the golden light,” Cora recalled. “Millions of people saw that apparition, yet none were harmed or frightened,” she added. Was it a vision of the Warning foretold by the Blessed Mother in Garabandal, Spain in the 1960’s? Cora also wrote about a Golden Age of peace that would last hundreds of years but end with the overpowering “satanic powers of hell.” Now this prophecy seems to be well beyond our days, probably preceding the end of the world. “During the last hour, the atheistic soldiers will delight in their search for the one last priest,” Evans said. She claimed that Jesus told her that through the latest scientific inventions, the last priest would be found holding Mass in a cave. This priest would then be martyred, paving for the world to celebrate. Cora noted that the Blessed Mother said “yes” to her Son. “Mother Mary bowed before Jesus and kissed His Feet, whispering her willing consent to her future apparitions according to His Will for the good of the human race,” she wrote.
Its an incredible prayer and an amazing one to memorise and not too difficult to remember as it rolls off the tongue easily. It must really torment evil. Speaking of powerful prayers, the men's Rosary rally in limerick met with some really nasty woke abortion types, their demons must be hurting bad.
This fella is usually pretty good at reading it... https://www.theirishchannel.com/too-good-to-be-true-what-is-going-on/