We recently heard Immaculée speak at an event - truly remarkable life and such a great example of forgiveness. She recently posted this story …thought it was very powerful and copying it here Dear friends, Somebody recently shared with me a great and yet simple prayer I wanted to share with you. I was after my talk and I was signing books, and a beautiful lady came to me and told me how she have read my book "Left To Tell" and it changed her life. She told she then wanted to forgive a neighbor was constantly in trouble and whom she thought was just a bad person. When she thought about forgiving him, he was in a another trouble and that justified her hatred towards Him. After listening to my story, she decided to forgive him with the help of God. This is how she told me she prayed, "Dear Father, please help me to forgive that man, and please help me to see him as you him, to love him as you love him. Since this is your child, I must love him too." She did not know how God can change her heart, but he relied on Him as He was able to change my heart towards the killers of my family. Few weeks later after praying that prayer, her daughter was in an accident, and the person who was there first and saved her daughter, was the man she hated. She told me she looked at him with such love she didn't know was possible thanked him from her heart for saving her daughter. It did not stop there, the man kept coming to find out how the girl was doing, and slowly this lady told me, she started to talk to him and to get to know him and she find all the wounds he carried in his heart, all the pain he has gone through and she truly not only forgave him but became like a mother to him, to counsel him and love him. When I heard this story, I was amazed by how God answers prayers when we truly need His help. So many times we refuse to give in to God's ways, because we have concluded that it is impossible, that we are different, that people will never change, but by faith, we know nothing is impossible to God and it is important to remember that people do change actually if we pray for them enough, if they find help, if they are wiser and chose better, everyone is a child of God, instead of hating them, pray for them, ask God not only to change their hearts but to change yours as well. He can. God bless you,