The Divine Will

Discussion in 'Consecration to Mary' started by Border collie, Nov 13, 2015.

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  1. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    There comes a time when God will no longer be mocked. Come Lord and uproot from my own heart those detestable habits that I've allowed to linger.:(

    Safe Under Mary's Mantle!
    gracia and AED like this.
  2. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    Aug 12, 2014
    Knoxville, TN
    “My daughter, sufferings divert my just indignation, and the light of grace is renewed in human minds. Ah, daughter, do you think that it will be the secular who will be the first to persecute my Church? Ah, no, it will be the religious, the very leaders who, pretending now to be sons, shepherds, while in reality they are poisonous snakes that poison themselves and others, will begin among themselves to lacerate this good mother; and then the secular will follow.” Aug. 7, 1904, Vol. 10
    gracia, Sam and Patty like this.
  3. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    I have set up a biweekly schedule to bring Holy Communion to my fellow parishioner who is homebound due to health issues; she is not only living in the Divine Will, but is a humble, beautiful soul. Pat used to frequent a Divine Will prayer group that met at the Dominican Monastery in Syracuse, but I believe that is no longer active. Any advice you give would be appreciated.

    This Deacon is yet a student!:cool:

    Safe in the Divine Will!
    Sam likes this.
  4. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    Aug 12, 2014
    Knoxville, TN
    Yes - listen to her and learn from her for if she is as you say, she will have much wisdom and a desire to give Jesus' Words to others. Jesus says many, many times in the writings, "Be attentive".
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving and let us give thanks to Our Lord for giving us this most beautiful Gift of living in His Divine Will, which is none other than His Divine Heart.
  5. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    Aug 12, 2014
    Knoxville, TN
    The Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple

    The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will
    Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta

    Day Thirteen

    My parents' love for Me was ordered to God, and they regarded Me as a gift given them by the Lord; and this gave them the strength to complete the painful sacrifice.

    Therefore, my child, if you want to have an invincible strength to suffer the harshest pains, let all your things be ordered to God, and regard them as precious gifts from the Lord.

    Now, you must know that, with courage, I prepared for my journey to the temple so that I might deliver Myself and my will to the Divine Being.

    And the Supreme Fiat took possession of all my being. I acquired all the virtues, I was ruler over Myself. All the virtues were in Me as so many noble princesses; and according to the circumstances of life, they promptly exhibited themselves to carry out their office without any resistance. In vain would I have been called Queen, if I would not have had the virtue of acting as queen over Myself. Therefore, I kept perfect charity in my dominion, invincible patience, enrapturing sweetness, profound humility and the whole storehouse of the other virtues. The Divine Will made the little earth of my fortunate humanity ever florid and without the thorns of the vices.

    See, therefore, dear child, what it means to live by Divine Will? Its Light; Its Sanctity and Power convert all the virtues into nature; nor does It lower Itself to reign in a soul where there is a rebellious nature, no, no. It is sanctity and wants nature ordered and holy where It should reign.

    Therefore, with the sacrifice of going to the temple. I made conquests; and over the sacrifice there was formed in Me the triumph of the Divine Will. These triumphs brought Me new seas of graces, of sanctity and light even to feeling Myself happy in my pains to be able to win new triumphs.

    Now, my child, put your hand over your heart and tell your Mother whether you feel your nature changed into virtue; or do you feel the thorns of impatience, the weeds of agitation, the bad spirits of unholy affections? Listen, let your Mother do what She knows best; give Me your will into my hands; decide to no longer do your will, and I will make you possessed by the Divine Will which will banish everything from you; and what you would not have accomplished in so many years you will do in a day. This will be the beginning of true life, of happiness, and holiness.
    maryn and Patty like this.
  6. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    Sadly I can see this happening.
    Mario and gracia like this.
  7. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    Aug 12, 2014
    Knoxville, TN
    “My love is fire, but not like material fire which destroys things and reduces them to ashes. My fire vivifies and perfects; and if it burns and consumes anything, it is all that is not holy - desires, affections, thoughts which are not good. This is the virtue of my fire: to burn evil and to give life to good. So, if the soul feels no tendency to evil within her, she can be certain that my fire is in her. But if she feels fire mixed with evil within her, it is much to be doubted whether that be my real fire.”
    Vol. 11, April 10, 1913
    AED and Patty like this.
  8. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    Aug 12, 2014
    Knoxville, TN
    “My daughter, look at the sun: its light descends and fills the whole earth, but the sun remains always up there, under the vault of the heavens, with all majesty in its sphere, lording and dominating over everyone and everything with its light. But even though it does not descend down below, it gives the same effects, it communicates the same goods by means of its rays, as if it itself would descend from the height of its sphere. More so because, if the sun descended from its height, since the earth is much smaller and creatures are incapable of sustaining a light so great, in descending it would ignite and eclipse everything with its light and with its heat; but since all things created by Me contain the similarity with the bosom of mercy of their Creator, the sun remains up there, emitting its rays full of goodness, of love and of goods for the little earth.

    Now, if the sun does this, image of the true light of the Divine Sun, much more so does God, true Sun of light, of justice and of love. My Majesty does not move from the height of Its throne, but is always firm and stable in Its place, in Its celestial royal palace; more than sun, It emits Its endless rays, which carry Its effects, Its goods, and communicate Its very Life, as if It Itself would descend to those who want to receive It. So, what It does not do by descending in person, It does through the emanation of Its endless rays, bilocating in them, to give Its very Life and Its goods to the human generations." Sept. 7, 1926
  9. Frodo

    Frodo Archangels

    Feb 25, 2016
    Christ does come to us in person, and gives us life. - the Eucharist - no need for majestic sun rays.
    josephite likes this.
  10. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    Aug 12, 2014
    Knoxville, TN
    You make me sad. I could tell you more about the meaning of this, but you wouldn't listen anyway. God bless you.
  11. MMM

    MMM Archangels

    Sep 1, 2016
    Thanks for keeping this thread going lynnfiat. I never miss reading the latest posts. I admit I don't always fully understand them but I do think, once fully approved the Book of Heaven will be like a blue print for how to follow God's Will.
    AED, Patty and maryn like this.
  12. Frodo

    Frodo Archangels

    Feb 25, 2016
    God bless you too.

    I'll listen, why wouldn't I?

    I'm just responding to the message you posted. Christ comes to us every mass in body blood soul and divinity; this message is strange at best and likely wromg. Perhaps another reason we should either avoid these messages or wait for the official translations.
    gracia and AED like this.
  13. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    Aug 12, 2014
    Knoxville, TN
    Dear Frodo,
    I will explain sometime later today or tomorrow as I have company staying and not much time to post. I understand what you are saying and it is true, but the message is not "strange" if you understand what Jesus is saying. I have read several times all 36 volumes of the Book of Heaven, and it is obvious you have not read them, only the little that I post here so I can see why it seems strange to you.
    God bless you.
  14. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    My question and it is a very sincere one is why should it be so hard and so esoteric. I do not see this in other approved writings such as St Margaret Mary or St Faustina. I love the idea of union with the Divine Will but we already have that. It is the complexities and nuances es that ring warning bells. An d why after a these years such hesitations and reluctance from the Church. I see Frodo's point.
    gracia and Frodo like this.
  15. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    And the idea of prevenient grace is apparently from the Methodists. So just feeling a little uncomfortable once more. As I said--sincere questions.
    gracia likes this.
  16. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    If Luisa was the only person to have spoken of living in the Divine Will, perhaps I would be questioning somewhat myself. But the fact is, it seems to me, she was the one chosen by God to bring about this great news of mercy, intimate love of and for the Divine Will, but she is not the only one sense to speak to this with credibility. Father Gobbi in his books from the Marian Movement of Priests (with double imprimatur and tens of thousands of priests and bishops within this movement) spoke to the Divine Will era throughout his messages from our Lady. Many other credible messengers, I could name, of our day have been given many revelations on the Divine Will as well. Surely we all should know that our Lord and our Blessed Mother speak to whom they choose when they want with revelations unknown before. I could imagine in St. Dominic being questioned then about the rosary he introduced in the 1200's when it had not been revealed by any other. Or, St. Simon Stock in the 1200's bringing forth the revelations he received on the Brown Scapular of our Lady of Mt. Carmel. When God or Our Lady reveals new revelations there will always be those who will reject them from their conception, but the Church is a living Church and it will, just as St. Faustina's revelations were once buried, until one wise pope, St. John Paul, resurrected them and made a feast day of the Divine Mercy. It will be the same with the Divine Will and the Era of the Divine Will. God will see that the Church comes to fully embrace this when he desires. In the mean time, it is there now, for the faithful who want to embrace it and receive all the graces that God intends.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2018
    Patty likes this.
  17. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    Aug 12, 2014
    Knoxville, TN
    “My daughter, each period of my life receives from man distinct and special acts and degrees of imitation, of love, of reparation and other things. But the period of my Eucharistic Life is all life of hiddenness, of transformation and of continuous consummation; so much so, that I can say that after my love reached the excess and was even consumed, in my infinite wisdom I could not find any other external sign to prove my love for man. And just as my Incarnation, Life and Passion on the cross receive love, praise, thanksgiving, imitation - my Sacramental Life receives from man an ecstatic love, a love of dissolving oneself in Me, a love of perfect consummation; and as the soul is consumed in my very Sacramental Life, she can say that she performs, before the Divinity, the same offices that I perform continuously before God for love of men. And this consummation will make the soul overflow into eternal life.” July 3, 1902
    Patty likes this.
  18. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    Aug 12, 2014
    Knoxville, TN
    Perhaps the rest of what Jesus said will help answer your questions. This also comes from Vol. 19, Sept. 7, 1926:

    Now, you must know what bonds of identification exist between the Divine Will and the human will, and therefore why I so much love and want, by right of creation, of paternity, of love and of justice, that the human will would surrender its place to Mine, and throwing itself into Its arms like a little child, would let itself be held, nourished and dominated by It. In creating man, the Supreme Being placed my Will out into the field (the earth), although all of Our attributes concurred with It as a consequence, and naturally. But the Supreme Volition was the primary act, by which It took to heart the life of all Creation, including man, therefore making Itself the life of all, dominating everything, making everything Its own: since everything had come out of It, by justice everything was to be Its own. More than sun, my Will emitted Its rays, and with the tips of these rays, animating the human nature, It formed the will in the creature. Do you see, then, what the will is in the human generations? Many different tips of rays, which were like sparks in creatures, to form the will in them - but without detaching these sparks from the ray unleashed by the center of the Sun of the Supreme Volition. So, all human generations turn around this Sun, because each creature contains the tip of one ray of this eternal Sun of my Will.

    Now, what is not the affront for this Sun, to see the circumference of these rays, whose tips formed the will of each creature, converted – transmuted into darkness, into human nature, denying the light, the dominion and the life of that Sun which gave Its Will with so much love, so that Its Will and those of creatures might be one, and so It might be able to form Divine Life in them? Can there be a stronger, more stable and inseparable bond than the one between the center of the sun and its rays? Light is indivisible, and if it could be separated, the detached part would go wandering and would end up turning into darkness. So, there is such union of identification between the Divine Will and the human, as to be comparable to the union that exists between the sun and the solar ray, between heat and light. Would it not be a right of the sun to dominate its rays and to receive their subjection so as to form its kingdom of light over its very solar circumference? So it is for my Will. When the creature withdraws from It, It remains as though without Kingdom, without dominion, without subjects – It feels Itself being robbed of that which is Its own. Each act which does not depend upon Its Volition is a tearing, a theft made against Its light; and in seeing Itself being robbed of Its light, converted into darkness, It agonizes more than a mother who sees the fruit of her womb being snatched away from her – not to give him life, but to kill him! So, the losses that my Will suffers when the creature is not united to Its center and does not live of the Volition of Its light, are divine losses, and of infinite value. The evils for creatures, the ugliness they acquire, are incalculable and indescribable: my Will remains without Kingdom in the creatures, and they remain stripped, without inheritance, with no right to any good whatsoever. Therefore, there is nothing more important, nothing greater, which will establish the balance, the order, the harmony, the likeness between Creator and creature, than my Will. This is why I want to make known what the Divine Will and the human will are – so that we may reconcile, and my Will may acquire Its Kingdom, and creatures may be given back all the goods they lost.”
    Patty likes this.
  19. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    Aug 12, 2014
    Knoxville, TN
    If you read carefully the Diary of St. Faustina, you will find Jesus teaching us through her writings all about living in the Divine Will. I will quote them to you when time permits. It is all over her writings - as also, Blessed Conchita di Armida, Saint Annibale di Francia, Archbishop Luis Martine, Elizabeth of the Trinity, Maximilian Kolbe, Bl. Dina Belanger, Padre Pio, Marthe Robin, and many, many others. This Gift is given for our times and those who desire it, are disposed and have the knowledge can received this Gift by asking for It.
    Patty and Fatima like this.
  20. Frodo

    Frodo Archangels

    Feb 25, 2016
    It just jumps right out in some messages, not even masked at times.

    Harmony? Balance? New Age.

    Christ is the mediator between God and men. In Him we obtain all that was lost. In the Eucharist is the source and summit of our lives.

    These long passages which weave to and fro, utilize complex sentence structures that are hard to follow. This is NOT how Our Lord spoke to St. Faustina (I know, I've read it), not how Our Lady spoke to St. Lucy, at Akita

    Yes, Divine Will has been mentioned before, but in conformity to Catholic Tradition. This is something new- a new definition of it, Scripture teaches us what we should do when something new is taught.

    There is no further public revelation, which this seems to be trying to do.

    Just pointing it out for those who who seem confused and are reading in silence. Be careful....
    gracia, AED and josephite like this.
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