We are in the storm now. Just because we haven't been hit by the highest winds and biggest waves of it yet doesn't mean the storm hasn't already started.
I am taking it by, 'Storm' is meant The Tribulation referred to in Scripture: Daniel 12:1 "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people--everyone whose name is found written in the book--will be delivered.
Just my sense of it all and I obviosly could be wrong. Pope Francis said he sees his pontificate to be short and has stated he may be martyred. I think we are in the first winds of the storm, but soon it will envelope the whole church and all societies. This will take place at any time and we are now in the moment when the ships are firing on the Catholic church and even within from the Cardinal Kaspers in the church. I see Pope Francis soon to be killed and the next Pope to steer the mother ship to the two pillars. But much suffering and death must take place before this anchoring happens.
There are 2 Popes of the storm. When you look at the dream of St. John Bosco, the first Pope is guiding the ship in the thick of battle, and the 2nd Pope finishes the job. I believe Pope Francis is the first Pope in the dream.
It may be Pope Francis is the first Pope, that could fit. But if he is the first Pope then he will suffer an assasination attempt which will seriously injure him, then he will be murdered. He could not be the second Pope because the Pope before him was not murdered.
Certainly the way things are looking with the Islamists, it does seem inevitable a Pope will be killed at some stage soon, unless they drive about in a tank and live in bunker, which is unlikely.
Soooooooooo.......if Pope Francis is the first Pope in St. John Bosco's dream, those attacking him put themselves on the wrong side of this battle.
Why do you see Card Kasper as an enemy of the Church? He was intentionally given free reign by Pope Francis to air his views at the start of the Synod which he did. He repeatedly checked his course with Francis and always stated he would bow to the views of the Synod Fathers and the Pope if opininion went against his proposals. He is therefore a loyal son of the Church unless you can find serious fault in Pope Francis for allowing him to do so? Free speech by a Cardinal encouraged by his Pope is not heresy and long may the freedom to air minority Catholic views be allowed surely? Anything else starts to smack of fascism methinks.
Don Bosco is likely dealing with 3 popes..............At dinner with Don Bosco he began to narrate the dream and was quite certain that two popes had fallen, since he was sure that after the first was struck down the captains of the other ships had said, 'Let's hurry, We can quickly replace him'; on the second occasion he maintained that they had said nothing. Don Bosco seemed to back up this version of events by calling attention to what was being said, and so its probable that we are dealing with three popes in the account.http://www.theotokos.org.uk/pages/fatima/donbosco.html
BH, are you saying that anything Cardinal Kasper supports contrary to Church teaching is now okay, because he has been given the 'green light' to speak heresy? Surely you must know that he spouted his dissent to church teaching well before and well after the synod of bishops. For instance, is it in good standing with the Church as he supported this: Cardinal Kasper defends Ireland’s gay ‘marriage’ decision Kasper also defended the vote of the Irish in favor of homosexual “marriages,” saying: “A democratic state has the duty to respect the will of the people; and it seems clear that, if the majority of the people wants such homosexual unions, the state has a duty to recognize such rights.” He also said that the Irish referendum is “emblematic for the situation in which we find ourselves, not only in Europe, but in the whole West.” Kasper also said: “The postmodern concept – following which everything is equal – stands in contrast to the doctrine of the Church.” He went on to say, “We have to find a new language,” he said. “We have to overcome [unjust] discrimination, which has a long tradition in our culture.”
What a lunatic. The basis of sanity and civilisation is discrimination. And the first is between right and wrong.
ISIS I think will try to attack St Peters square soon. They want to and I am sure they will find a way. I hope not and may our Lord protect them all.
Mac, you have hit on what I have long thought...that Popes St. John Paul, Benedict, and Francis are a trilogy of sorts, the three Popes of the Storm. Each has a different responsibility, but ultimately their mission is not fully coherent without reference to all of them. This may not be what you intended by citing this, but I am sure you can appreciate how enervated I was to read one of your comments and spontaneously think, "Exactly!"
Fatima I do not subscribe to the formula that heresy is on the table because uneducated lay people don't agree with a Cardinals views which are clearly tolerated by Popes past and present. I invite you to show at least the same tolerance as the Pope. If you still want to call C.Kasper a heretic please call Pope Francis one first. It is clear to me that a Cardinal in good standing with his Pontiff is intrinsically incapable of being labelled a heretic without seriously impugning the Pontiff as well. I do not personally believe you or Padraig or BrianK have the educational or even moral authority to impugn Pope Francis in this matter on an allegedly Catholic Forum dedicated to Our Lady. But if you do so impugn the Pope who am I to stop you. I merely observe that we only disrespect ourselves as Catholics if we carry on like this re C.Kasper and Pope Francis.
Hmmm, This is new territory for us CJ. Im not entirely comfortable with this. I better drag up some old prophecy to draw the line afresh.
Pius X prophecy is still alive for Benedict XVI. “I have seen one of my successors, of the same name, who was fleeing over the bodies of his brethren. He will take refuge in some hiding place; but after a brief respite he will die a cruel death. While retired he is still a Successor.
BH, you can call it what you want, but what Cardinal Kasper has publically stated is completely contrary to St. Paul's letter to the Romans 1st chapter. Secondly, I have no reason to equate Pope Francis with Cardinal Kasper as he has not come out in support of Sodomy so this attempt to play down his staements and support for Sodomy, even going so far as to say they were born gay, is a slander to our faith and what holy mother church teaches..