Well, if the following message is truly from Jesus I don't think your 'sweetness' is God's will. Interior Locution Jesus to Michele Shannon In Adoration following Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet and Crusade Prayers (with instructions to release the following day) "This is about the wicked leadership that is emerging, what you say is true, the world is wicked and those who vie for leadership are wicked as well. Over and over the theme repeats, your country needs to elect a leader that does not and will not support the sin of abortion. My Father’s patients is coming to an end, urge all those who read this message to take this very seriously. If you vote for a leader for your country who in any way supports the killing of babies, born or unborn the blood of many innocent babies will be on their hands when they go before Me and My Father. Pray for each other, important choices are being made that will impact many for all eternity. Pray for the Salvation of Souls, pray for your country, pray as you have never prayed before. Please share the Prayer of Discernment*. Pray for the gift of discernment and it shall be given to you. Let me make this very clear, this message is not for the Remnant Army but for all citizens of your country. Encourage all to share, with others". Thank you Michele, that is all. Jesus, Savior of the World *Prayer of Discernment and enlightenment at this time. Oh Jesus, cover me with your Precious Blood and fill me with the Holy Spirit, so that I can discern whether these words come from You. Humble me in spirit. Receive my pleas with mercy and open my heart to the Truth. Amen
If Trump is the the nominee and winner in November we should all be Praying, even outside the USA, that he has, in fact, had a Faith/Conservative Epiphany 'cause as Brent Bozell points out below ........!!!??? : http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presi...conservative-friends-supporting-donald-trump/ GOD SAVE ALL HERE!!
I am at peace with this election cycle now. This is just one evidence of our country being judged and found wanting. God is saying "the die has been cast. You have rejected me. Now you will get your wish." I doubt that we will even get as far as the election, as per Charlie, but if so, Hillary (or Trump although I can't see how that would happen) will finish the job that Obama started.
I have been given to understand that this 'messenger' was associated with MDM; so there is a Red Flag on any messages. Of course they can be very convincing, but that can be to suck us in, and then pervert the Truth further down the road. I turned straight back from this messenger once I heard of the association with MDM.
Thank you, CrewDog, that sums it up for me. I have found that, as sickening as it has always been for me to hear Hillary talk, I'm feeling the exact same response when I hear Trump, and I marvel that others can hear him so differently. I mean, he's so loud about it. After having suffered through over seven years of Obama, hopefully waiting for the day when the sun might come out again, it's anticlimactic now to see this next train come rocking down the track.
In watching this circus that American politics provides, no matter which political party wins, the outcome is almost always the same. No great changes occur and we have to wonder why. Could it be that the agenda of those politicians that succeed in being elected are one and the same? Almost all politicians on the national front have a link to the Council on Foreign Relations. This sounds like a benevolent organization, but I would encourage Americans to look into its inception, mission, and goals. The same applies to the Trilateral Commission and the IMF. All of these organizations work toward the establishment of a global economy and government: sacrificing the many to benefit the few. War, eugenics, the removal of God from all cultures and peoples, scientific disinformation, the assault on education, the destruction of the family....the list goes on. One thing has changed though. It looks like a political "outsider" is shaking things up and causing the corruption that lies just below the surface to see the light of day. God has used many imperfect, downright sinful leaders to awaken and lead His people. King David comes to mind. Even if Donald Trump is not particularly a man who promotes our Catholic ideals, he is blowing the existing system to smithereens. And maybe that is the only role that God is allowing him to perform. The more eyes that are open to the facade of human justice and freedom, the possibility exists that we start to look heavenward for our answers. In the meantime, until God extracts as many conversions as is possible from such an ungrateful, blind world, He will withhold the sword of justice. God help us all to choose our battles wisely and live for the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
Well, I would disagree that Trump is just slightly askew of our Catholic values. Cruz is slightly askew from our values, he is a protestant and his view on contraception is different, but that is it. He is a consistent conservative and a generally moral person. Trump is absolutely not in any way, shape or form. He can't be trusted to stick to conservative ideas in office, he can't be trusted to do absolutely anything he says in office. People who are for him have not thought past the false promises of crushing all their enemies and "making America great again". Really? If politics is all the same no matter who wins, then he absolutely will not be able to deliver on any of that, unless he means to do it by abandoning constitutional constraints, though I would not be surprised at all if he did that. "Politics is always the same" and "Trump will make America great again" can't be reconciled logically and that is the problem. Support of Donald Trump can't be reconciled with a) logic and b) conservative values, much, much less Catholic values. He has held the Democratic party line the vast majority of his life on every single issue there is, right up to 2008. He even said after that election that President Obama would be a great young president. Did he not hear all things Obama had pledged to do as a democratic candidate? Did he not notice in 2008 that Obama was always way left of Hilary on every issue? Then all of a sudden he became a "birther". Why? because the president would not do him some shady favor? that is all that could explain the abrupt turn around. What makes him a conservative now, except he is an opportunist and sees a large, uneducated working class ripe for exploitation? A vote for Trump is a vote for liberalism at best. At worst, it is a vote for Hilary (the primaries he just won are in states where Republicans are a very small minority. he can't win those states, they are blue and that means they are Hilary's.) The facts don't lie. Only blogs labeling his opponent as a lier do. Read more widely, it is almost too late. Read up on this man. Search Trump and any/all of the following: religion, Bible, abortion, Tiananmen Square, Iraq, Syria, eminent domain, Christian, Clinton, 2008 election and any number of key words related to issues in this election. Please. Everyone supporting Trump expresses a fatalism either that the political system in the United States has been destroyed, there will not be an election because Charlie said so, or Trump is crushing the status quo and since it is all going down the tubes anyway, lets put him in and see what happens. Really? What if these "predictions" depend on how you respond? What if prophecy is general and how we respond influences the exact course of things, a literal prophetic realization or one more subtlety and less severely meted out because of our faithfulness? What if you are executing a self fulfilling prophecy by abandoning your democratic and Christian responsibility to elect the person fit for the position? When Our Lady was told by Simeon that a sword would also pierce her heart, did she think she would literally be stabbed to death? By a Roman soldier? By someone who hated her Son? Was she being told how she would ultimately die? Now we know that is not what that prophecy meant. We know the prophecy was not literal. We know it meant her heart would be figuratively crushed because she would watch her own son die a painful and humiliating death, naked on a cross, with crowds jeering him. That was the sword to the heart. Now we know, no one could have known before that happened. What if the "prophecies", political or spiritual, will not come to fruition literaly? What if this election does matter, after all? You have a responsibility as a Christian in a democracy to elect a president who is stable, trustworthy, intelligent, consistent in values even in the face of severe challenge, moral over time. No one can research Trump for 5 minutes and say he has these characteristics.
I had written this in a different thread regarding this person: I recognized the name after reading this on After the Warning website. I used to be on some of those MDM Facebook groups a long while back (I got out of them pretty quickly). Anyhow, I looked at her Facebook profile to see if she is the same person whom I was thinking of. Sure enough it is her and she is still very active in promoting MDM prophecies and anything associated with that. She is also a big Pope Francis basher and believes that Emeritus Pope Benedict is the one true Pope. Huge red flags on this person!! Anyhow I alerted the webmaster of ATW of my concerns. Unfortunately, I don't believe the webmaster of After the Warning paid much attention
There is no candidate that I could support based on a formed moral conscience and that includes Cruz. But I can appreciate the fact that someone has kicked the hornet's nest and everyone's true colors are appearing. Hopefully Charlie Johnston is right and the current sociopolitical system is toppled.
What if he is not and you have put an amoral man in charge of the best military on the face of the earth? What if this man you vote for's true liberal stripes come out after he is elected and he makes lifetime appointments of supreme court justices that support his actual, long-held views on abortion? What if he changes his mind on every single thing you voted for him for, just as he already has? You can't vote for Trump if you have Catholic values. If you are voting for your Catholic values, the only choice is Cruz.
If Charlie's prophecy is literally true, then it does not matter who wins, Trump, Cruz, Sanders or Hilary. If the prophecy is even only a bit figuratively true, or a bit misinterpreted, or a bit misunderstood, Trump would be a disaster of the worst proportions for conservatism, as would Sanders or Hilary. You have a responsibility here. Cruz is the only lifetime conservative who is opposed to abortion no matter who doesn't like him for it. He is the only reasonable and moral choice for a Catholic.
My opinion... I know there are some who wish for this thread to be closed, but... We in the U.S. are walking a tightrope here, right now, and outcomes could still fall either way. There are some excellent points written here, and if anyone is reading -- anyone -- who has not voted yet, who could see clear to vote against Trump being our next leader, it's worth a little temporary discomfort to keep the thread open. We went through this the last two elections, and on another forum I campaigned until I was out of breath and it was all over. We've suffered from those results. We can't quit now, either, until it's over. If everything goes to ruin, anyway, we will at least have tried.
Trump has committed a mortal sin as far as the Neocons are concerned: he dared to use the words "America First" in his recent foreign policy speech. How dare he put America First: Ted Cruz was also exposed for the fraud that he is by immediately attacking Trump's foreign policy speech. Here's looking to Indiana:
Why is the frontrunner in the Republican primaries targeting the opponent of the frontrunner in the Democratic primaries by courting Sanders's voters? Why would the leader of the Republican primary race actually seek to steal the supporters of, presumably, his ultimate opponent's current enemy? I can take a few guesses. He is playing his own supporters like a violin, he thinks they are too stupid to know what he is doing. http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/29/politics/donald-trump-bernie-sanders/index.html
To all my American friends. I like a good discussion. But let’s us always keep in mind that here on the Forum we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. And realize that both, the other and I, are fighting soldiers. Please have respect for each other’s views. Before sending a response let’s always asks ourselves: Should Our Lady sends this. From Elton, Ireland, with love!