Close the Presidential Election Thread.

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by padraig, Apr 15, 2016.


Close the Presidential US Election Thread?

Poll closed Apr 22, 2016.
  1. Yes close it

  2. No , don;t' close it

  1. "Quis ut Deus"

    "Quis ut Deus" ADMIN Staff Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    Mary I find so many contradictory statements in your post it's almost impossible to try and answer to it..

    "requiring citizens to be honest, to pay taxes, and to uphold the law"

    ?????? depends where you live in the world :rolleyes:

    So if the place where you live has a law that says abortion is right are you saying that you should uphold that law..???
    HeavenlyHosts likes this.
  2. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    Ques ut Deus,

    Let's be careful not to denigrate the term, law-abiding citizen. We are called to give to Caesar his due, but of course in a republic, we have a responsibility to stand against unjust bills and strive to overturn unjust laws. Marygar happens to believe that Mr. Trump is the best choice, among the candidates, to help fulfill that responsibility. And even though I disagree, that is not the reason I voted to close the Presidential thread. I did so because the thread had taken on, in part, a derogatory tone which I found uncharitable.

    Eph 4:15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.
  3. Marygar

    Marygar Angels

    May 9, 2015
    So sorry to all my saintly friends here on this thread, let me clarify, I misspoke. We are all called to sainthood and we should all strive to be as Christian as possible here on earth, but not all of us are called to live the life of a cloistered nun secluded from the outside world. So we have other responsibilities. And one of them is to pick the best candidate to beat the one who will select pro choice judges. It may not be the perfect ivory snow saintly candidate we would all want, but it's the only one available that has a slight chance of beating a liberal Democrat. I know many are against Trump, but the other alternative is handing it all to the Democrats. If we at the end lose to the enemy, at least let's go down with a fight. Trump will bring out all the ugly facts that have been so dismissed by our liberal media. As a matter of fact, he has already. Shaking up the status quo is a healthy process. I'm certainly trying to keep up the good fight. Surrender only to Him.
  4. davidtlig

    davidtlig Guest

    I actually voted to close this thread although I hardly looked at it but I've just come across this video which clearly needs to be on this thread! Its title reads:
    Trump Chosen by God To Stop America's Destruction - Astounding 2011 Prophecy

    I've only listened to a few bits and I'm not really interested in the election as I'm from the UK so I've no idea whether any of this is significant or not:

    Marygar likes this.
  5. summerfields

    summerfields .

    Sep 17, 2014
    I've only had time to listen to the first half of this hour-long video, but it seems to me that his arguments are upside down. Confusion is a sign of the times, and we know that even the "elect" can and will be misled.

    Firstly, it sounds to be the opposite of what we hear in our Catholic prophecy. By this point, one leader can lead us further down the slope, but Trump is not going to turn our country around, nor restore our economy, if that's what they're expecting him to do. Not if our prophecies are on the right track; rather, we are going to end up in shambles -- financially broke, in physical ruin, and desperately pleading to Heaven, from whence our only real help can come. The U.S. is not said to be going to rise in prosperity, so that sounds like false prophecy to me.

    Secondly, he keeps talking about Trump being "God's Anointed" and that that's why no matter what he does, his numbers go up, the followers increase, regardless of what un-Christian thing he spouts.

    I don't call that protected by God, it looks to me more like protection from the Underworld, who wants us lost and distracted, thinking mostly of our money, which is the main claim to fame that Donald is good for. People aren't voting for Trump to return America to morality, but to improve the health of our bank accounts. That shouldn't be the primary goal. Let us return to holiness, and the rest will follow, as God wills.

    It seems to me that every time Trump gets caught unprepared in speaking his inner thoughts, they fly in the face of Godliness. Witness his recent insistence on keeping the "three exceptions for abortion" (which all will then try to claim as excuse). He has no clue what Life really means, then. Every such thing is relative to him... blurry. He likes to "leave things alone", that actually need fixing. He would accept the very things that are causing our demise, in favor of the louder-speaking dollar. He could use a dose of Catholic prophecy to sober him up.

    Here, it's supposedly exhibited that those who oppose Trump as the Anointed One, are being hurt because of it -- for example, Megyn Kelly. I think they'd likely receive more damage from the Enemy. Kelly did nothing wrong in that famous debate to cause God to punish her. That claim just sounded absurd, to me.

    I'm amazed that the further away the man proves to be from Christianity, the more some otherwise good people start to support him, such as Huckabee, who I thought higher of. Really amazed, and disappointed.

    I've tried to warm up to Trump, as I see he is likely to get the nomination, but I can't, not in good conscience. I will hope that at least he may keep religious freedoms available to us, but if his invisible support is coming from the Darker Side, and I sense it may be, maybe we're just being played for fools.

    Those I wanted to rise to the top, long since left the race.

    Well, Charlie doesn't believe that any of these candidates are going to be a next president. It won't be much longer before we find out. It's all just looking crazy to me; I don't think the U.S. has been thinking rightly. I watch to see if I'm wrong.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
    Dawn2, Patty, Beth B and 1 other person like this.
  6. Marygar

    Marygar Angels

    May 9, 2015
    Okay Summerfield so it's all doom and gloom from here on, and I sympathize. But to be perfectly honest I have never had so much fun watching Trump destroy the establishment. I just can't believe anyone has just let it rip in such fashion. We are living in crazy times. And Trump is the product of it. So if he's not going to be the candidate, then why even worry about him? This has been the most hilariously run campaign ever. I know the Europeans are in shock, but most of us in the U.S. were in shock with Obama. And compared to the boring Democrats, Trump puts up a better show.
  7. summerfields

    summerfields .

    Sep 17, 2014
    I don't think we're supposed to worry about him, but if a nation of people want to be blessed by God, the people have some duty, in their capacity, to promote what supports being a Christian nation, including who would steer us that direction. I don't see Trump as steering us any closer to that worthy goal than the Democrats, therefore I can only wish that Trump would sink, and that someone wiser in things of the Kingdom could rise.

    It ain't happenin', as there's an end-stage war going on to defeat Christianity (and people everywhere are falling for it) but each of us who have the eyes to see, must do our personal best to further the higher cause.

    Trump as lesser of the other evils -- I'm hoping so. I'm hoping that, if the prophets are mistaken, Trump will at least keep a few Christian options open for us -- basic religious freedom, Supreme Court, etc. And if the "shtf" does happen, maybe he will receive and accept the vision to learn and grow and meet the challenges. It could happen.

    But he's not anywhere near there right now, and the "show" is embarrassing. The show, and all his bragging, is vanity, and as is the characterization of a "bully", his bragging is crammed-full of mean-spirited detraction towards others in his circle, to subjugate them. Catholics go to confession when we realize we've been guilty of vanity and detraction, but Trump just keeps on claiming them as his right to power. He repeatedly proves that he doesn't have a clue about what's either virtuous, or paramount in importance. That's a common condition, but we're desperately needing someone better than that.

    I'm imagining how many will hold up the antichrist as "the anointed". What a show he will put on. Today, we're in boot camp, practicing, and we absolutely need to be able to discern between good and evil.

    And show God we care.
    Dawn2, Sam, Patty and 1 other person like this.
  8. CrewDog

    CrewDog Guest

    I think we should Storm Heaven with Prayers for a "Jesus Man" in the Oval Office! That Duck Dynasty Guy and Faithful Protestants are!!:

    Pray4peace, summerfields and Patty like this.
  9. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    Amen to everything are spot on!
    At the very least...we need a REAL Christian. Look for persecution of Christians and of Christian values if we do not elect a Christian with these values. This election, if it matters at all in the end, matters most to Chritians. If we fail to vote for that person, and elect the wrong person, it will matter to all of us. The Supreme Court that is the ultimate arbiter of law will rule against Christians and our values and all here on this site who profess to hold these values will suffer it does matters a lot.
    Someone here said that they though all this debate was killing it is not. I'm very used to skin off my back. But you know who it will literally kill? It will literally kill the lives of countless millions of unborn babies. Any candidate that will not defund planned parenthood because " they do wonderful things for women" will most likely continue to fund this murderous gang. So yes, this election is literally about life and death folks. We aren't being asked yet to give up our own lives to defend these babies....we are simply asked to vote for the candidate who is the most likely to protect them. Yes, that is worth a fight! Yes, it's worth the debate! Geeeezzzz, if a Christian cannot fight for this, then why do we even bother to call ourselves Chritians? I honestly don't see how there can be any debate . Unborn babies deserve at debate at the very least. It's too bad that other people on this site fighting for the candidate, (Dawn) who would be that man to protect religious freedoms, were told to "just shut up". Really? Just shut up! We expect that from the other side...shut up and stop the debate....because when the truth is evident, you don't like your best response is to say , "just shut up?" Congratulations, you have shut down the debate,....just as the leaders of dictatorships do. I fear that the direction of our nation is headed that way. I guess we might as well get used to it.

    You can fight the good fight, until you can't.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2016
    Dawn2, summerfields and Patty like this.
  10. Marygar

    Marygar Angels

    May 9, 2015
    Well I'm optimistic. I see good things coming our way. Oh it's a fight alright, but we all know who wins at the end. I see Trump as a mirror to those in the media and those in politics. Except this time the mirror is not showing them what they want to see. They are having a difficult time trying to hide from the mirror that is showing them all their warts.
  11. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    Some time ago, a Catholic bishop was asked what good faithful Christians do about ending abortion, the diliberate killing of the unborn. They asked, "Do we picket clinics, hold rallies, push ProLife candidates? What really is the best option?"

    After some though, the bishop said that we should "just pray". To do otherwise would be too devisive among the faithful, after all, not everyone in the church agreed that this was the most vital of issues, so let's just pray.

    Not long after , the country elected communist, godless leaders who wanted to shut down all Christian /Catholic though and speech. They made a decision that it would be necessary to hang all the bishops in the public square to end Christian speech and set an example of what would happened if the tyrannical government was ignored.

    Horrified by this, the bishops quickly made an appeal to the faithful. What are you going to do to stop this? The government is going to hang all of us! Please, do whatever you can...picket, protest, fight for our lives!

    The congregants thoughtfully paused and after awhile responded. Bishops, they said, this is such a devisive issue amoung the church members. We have thought long and hard about what we should do. After much debate, we decided that in matters such as this, we would take your own good advice. We won't picket, fight or protest your hanging...but we will " just pray about it."
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
    Dawn2, summerfields and Patty like this.
  12. Marygar

    Marygar Angels

    May 9, 2015
    The final fight is in the Supreme Court Beth. It is about the politics. Supporting the front running Republican is the only chance we have. A divided Republican Party will only hand the Democrats the Supreme Court. It's time to do more than just pray about it.
  13. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    Since the date has expired for this poll and because it looks as though the political debate ensues here, I will address Marys comments made to me specifically and answer her before this thread closes.

    Mary, maybe you did not understand my last post. I'll explain...
    My point....
    As a people, I feel that we are called to faith and works...
    As others on this form, I leave open the possibility that elections may or may not happen...that God could intervene in a spiritual way...and personally, I pray that He would.
    I do not however base my decisions to engage in world events based on just a possibility of such an occurrence. I personally believe that we are duty bound to actively prevent the proliferation of evil, here and now, under the guiding principles of our faith.

    Having been politically active my entire life for the cause of upholding my Catholic/Christian beliefs, I fully understand the implications of choosing a candidate and that candidates relationship to the Supreme Court. This is precisely why I do not trust Trump to be president. The contest for the republican nominee will be over in a short time, but until it is, I, in my conscience must say why I believe that trump is not the candidate that I could ever trust to appoint a Supreme Court nominee. If one is so blind as to not see how trump needs to have his handlers reposition him on a almost weekly basis because trump has no core Christian values, then I can't help you. You can feel free to ignore me or anything I have to say. Nothing will deter someone like you from supporting him.
    As for me, as long as this contest is still in play, I will support, fund, and promote the candidate with the record, policies, and the personal life that best reflect my Christian values...that is Cruz.
    Please feel free to disagree, but do so without personal attacks on those who do not agree with you.

    In recent weeks, Trump has himself valadeted my fears that he does not hold to conservative Christian values. Here they are for anyone with eyes to see:
    Donald Trump "absolutely" Wants to Change GOP Platform to Promote Abortion in Cases of Rape

    In an interview with the Today show, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he “absolutely” wants to change the Republican party’s current pro-life platform to promote abortions in cases of rape or incest.

    The comment is the latest in a long line of comments from Trump upsetting pro-life voters — including multiple remarks praising the Planned Parenthood abortion business, saying abortion laws should not be changed and saying women should be punished for having abortionsand flip-flopping hours later.

    Mr. Trump, speaking during a town hall event hosted by NBC’s Today show, said transgender people should use the bathroom of their choice.
    Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said transgender people should be able to use the bathroom of their choosing – a stance that was quickly criticized by challenger Ted Cruz.

    Do you want men walking into a bathroom with your young daughter?????
    I don't!

    If this is your so called conservative candidate that you are entrusting to select nominees to the Supreme Court, then you can own it...I will not.

    If Trump is the nominee and it is between Clinton or trump, I am deeply sorry for our nation...and the world. If this occurres, and increasing it looks as though it will, then I will pray all the harder that our dear Lord will intervene.

    In the end, our nation will get the government that it deserves, but I must satisfy my conscience and my soul when I stand before my Lord at judgement, that I at least tried to hold back the tide of evil that is rising in this once blessed nation.

    A nation that sets aside God will be Godless.He will not take our free will from us....He will allow us to self destruct....and that's what it seems we are doing.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
    Dawn2, AllyinNY and summerfields like this.
  14. Marygar

    Marygar Angels

    May 9, 2015
    "Nothing will deter someone like you from supporting him." Gee whiz talk about dishing out personal attacks. Sorry, but I can't recall once when I have insulted you. You keep saying that, and then you attack me. So typical of Lyin' Cruz, just watch him collude with Kasich against the people's vote, and witness the backfire. Cheating is not at all Christian. Not one candidate is perfect. They all carry their own faults. My only intelligent analysis without getting so carried away with emotion is which one can beat the heck out of a Democrat? And if you still can't figure that out, nobody can help you. God bless.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
  15. summerfields

    summerfields .

    Sep 17, 2014
    Well, it has been noted all along that Trump supporters never switch, or at least we haven't seen it happen, no matter the points made, so I think that's the supposition -- that Trump supporters, in general, stick with their guy no matter what thing he says next.

    I started out rooting for Santorum and Huckabee as real Christians who live their faith, and Jindahl, who was totally under-appreciated for his deep and active faith; then when they gave up too quickly, I was in for Rubio, as he is faith-filled, and I felt I could trust where he would look for the answers to whatever cropped up.

    I could say the game was rigged against all of those faithful candidates, and a couple others who came close. The powers that be do not want a capable Christian in charge.

    Those all gave up too soon -- even immediately -- so now what can I do? Trump IS as good as a Democrat, just slightly less long-term dangerous (maybe) than those running in that party. I am concerned that, even at best, he is too rash in his judgments for our safety. He's a loose cannon, lit and ready to fire, if there ever was one. Can anyone really argue that?

    Kasich is seemingly a good man, but he compromises with Christian issues, and as an ex-Catholic, his beliefs seem to be very watered down.

    I don't favor Cruz's dramatic flair in speaking manner (but in substance, that does not make him less worthy), and he was not on my early "top five" list, but he is the only one remaining who seems to know what is important in the spiritual realm, and has the determination to stick by it. Big plus.

    As he seems to be the last Christian standing, I was one of those recent Wisconsin voters who answered the call to give our state to Cruz, and by doing so, at the same time, was happy to do my part to help block Trump. That's not cheating, that's attempting to carry out the wisest move for the best end, in good conscience.

    I don't see Trump answering to Christianity -- by his own words, he doesn't appear to know what it even means or requires -- so the bottom line for me is that whether Trump beats Hillary or not, is very little help for practical purposes. He is, to me, just another Democrat on the ticket. Maybe one with a glimmer of hope, compared to the other two, but that's still a precarious place to go.

    I don't buy the tale that only Trump can beat Hillary. They've all claimed that. It'll be a vicious battle whoever it gets down to, and as has been said, we'll get whatever the majority of voters deserve.

    I'm one of those who do not believe that a candidate should be awarded the nomination just because they get the most votes, IF they do not reach the 1237 over-half-way mark. If over half of the voting public proves that they did not want someone, it just makes sense that we should not hand it to that person.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
    Dawn2 and Beth B like this.
  16. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    Gee whiz And if you still can't figure that out, nobody can help you. God bless.

    " And if you still can't figure that out, nobody can help you." Marygar

    Really one can help me? Guess I'm just one of those " stupid" you would say... Cruz supporters.

    Marygar, you say you can't remember being rude or insulting? let me help you...

    Mary, it is fair game to make a judgement about a group of like minded people if it's not personal. That's politics...that's fair game. Your comments and Post routinely called out by name not just me, but others who do not agree with your political view in an insulting, personal way. Verbiage such as "stupid" or commands such as " be quiet" as though no one should object to your comments.

    We can all object all day long about a particular point of view. We can do it in a vigorous, even heated manner....but you get very personal and rude. There were others on the political post that did not all....but they did not treat others in an uncharitable way.

    We can disagree all day, but I don't feel any personal angst against you. I do however object to you getting personally insulting. Infant did as well. You were both asked to stop it, but it did not stop.

    I was not the only object of these comments. Dawn was as well. Maybe others were as well...I only reviewed a handful of previous post.

    You made the remark that I was using "Cruz" tactics....I'm sorry, but I would argue that throughout this political debate, it was two of the trump supporters who were leveling the personal insults at those they disagreed with.

    Just a few of the personal comments I found after a few minutes searching ...
    Insults to Dawn, myself and others supporting Cruz:

    "What are you talking about? Of course it matters because Cruz is ineligible to even get delegates. Unfortunately, we have too many stupid people voting for him. Of course he will not beat a Democrat, heck he won't beat Mickey Mouse!"

    "And as for Trump not beating Hillary, please. The problem here is can any Republican, if Hillary doesn't steal all the delegates, beat the communist Sanders? Because with the stupidity of today's citizens most may vote for the communist."
    Marygar, Apr 12, 2016Report

    Marygar, Apr 12, 2016Report

    "After everything we've gone thru with Obama, you people are going to repeat it? How can you not understand the meaning of stupid?"
    "Oh be quiet! Enough already. You don't even read what you post. And you are probably not even an American. "

    "We have a devout communist gaining ground against Hillary and you Beth are more worried about Trump? Sounds to me like you want disaster coming."​
    and then this
    "I feel sorry for you Beth because you think you can hide behind a Cruz, a Rubio, or a Kasich. But He sees you. And there is no hiding."​
    This is a sample of what I was referring to Mary. I may disagree with you, but I didn't accuse you of desiring a personal disaster for America, I didn't imply that you personally are stupid etc. no one told you to "oh, be quiet".

    So, if you were wondering why I referred to your comments, this is why.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2016
    Dawn2 likes this.
  17. Marygar

    Marygar Angels

    May 9, 2015
    I stand by it all. If you can't see that Cruz is playing the lowest and most dirty of politics then nobody can help you. I'll be praying for ya.
  18. Harper

    Harper Guest

    I think it is well past time to close this thread and the other election thread.
    bflocatholic, AllyinNY and maryrose like this.
  19. Marygar

    Marygar Angels

    May 9, 2015
    How sweet it is ! Trump 2016! He wins CT, PA, and MD.
  20. PotatoSack

    PotatoSack Powers

    Jul 29, 2010
    Can this thread be closed?

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