PROPHECY at Charismatic conference

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Border collie, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I am just curious.

    What rationale did the pastor have for dressing
    as a clown? I wonder if anyone complained?
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015
  2. I'm not sure that's a clowns hat padraig, seems like a rainbow to me?
  3. I am usually the last to know of anything going on in my family that would be offensive to God. But on the other hand I have been in the company of some of my families friends and when a curse word etc has been uttered, they would apologise to me!! So my reputation has gone before me in places it seems!
  4. Torrentum

    Torrentum Guest

    Speaking of Mellary, it's the 30th anniversary this Saturday, Aug 16th.
    Has Mellary been condemned?
  5. The building maybe!! ok bad joke:p

    Not that I've heard Torrentum
    Torrentum likes this.
  6. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    I was actually there the day after Our Lady appeared to everyone. My husband and I took our kids to tramore for the day and were travelling home late in the evening when we saw crowds on the road. We asked some people what was going on and they told us to go to the grotto down the road. We didn't have a clue what it was about. I was carrying my 3 year old daughter who had been sleeping in the back seat. In the grotto she pointed at Our Lady's statue and said what is she doing. She said the Lady was going over and back. That was confirmation for me. I haven't been there for many years but I understand many still go
    Julia, Border collie and Torrentum like this.
  7. Torrentum

    Torrentum Guest

    Fascinating. Hopefully I'll make it to Mellary on Saturday. I was three three weeks ago, as I happened to be in the area. I saw the flyers up in the grotto notifying all of the special anniversary Masses/prayers on Sat 16/8/15.
  8. Harper

    Harper Guest

    Padraig and Border Collie,

    I did not attend the service, but saw this posted online after the event. The pastor is known for using "funny props" at his services. He also bursts into song sometimes during homilies. I believe this is the afternoon service, which is timed so children can attend on Ash Wednesday. Perhaps he was telling them the fun was over? Of course, there are no children in the photo.

    As for the rainbow... (sigh)

    As for complaints, I live in the archdiocese of Boston... (sigh)


    BTW: I don't know how to use the quote function, or to publish photos in their actual size. Can someone send directions?
    hope likes this.
  9. I'm not sure about publishing photos but if you want to use the quote function, just click on the "reply" word on the bottom right of this post etc.
    Make sure you write below the [/quote] or else it will look just like what you have quoted! :D
  10. Leo

    Leo Principalities

    Nov 23, 2014
    Peter, in Volume 4, Section 313, of Francine's book entitled "Love For All My Children, Jesus" she writes that Jesus is offering us immortality if we but give our yes to The Love, the Son of God: "I tell you that you are the ones chosen to live on earth as immortal beings". Are you aware of any other locutions that have addressed this topic in such an explicit manner?
  11. Peter B

    Peter B Powers

    Mar 14, 2013
    Not as such, but you can find glimpses into what happens in the next phase of human history in various other alleged locutions such as those of Javier Viesca or Sulema, in the semi-fictional, semi-prophetic writings of Fr Adam Skwarczynski (Z aniolem do nowego swiata) and, among non-Catholic prophetic voices, Anglo-Australian Pentecostal minister Neville Johnson, whose visions very intriguingly overlap with those of Fr Adam in various details that neither have simply derived from Biblical sources. The passage in question in "Love For All My Children" would seem to be referring to those who will live in resurrection bodies on this earth, which is what Revelation ch. 20 implies of the martyrs during the Tribulation... Naturally all things like this need to be read on a 'for your discernment' basis: in the eschatology of much Private Revelation you can come across material that is somewhat difficult to pin down theologically, but my own inclination is to retain an open mind on questions which have not been defined in detail from a dogmatic point of view, while holding them lightly and remembering that private revelation is never infallible.
  12. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    I have to say, I have enjoyed reading Love For All My Children.

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