Jesus says in the Gospel that it will be a time like there has been none before, and there will never be. So I don't think that taking for reference the timing of other things in history is going to be of great help here. Jesus compares this time to a woman who has been waiting for a long time and suddenly she is in labor and that's it. All of a sudden. She can't stop it, it has a life of its own. If we look back and see the speed with which things have enfolded in the last 10 years -or hte last 3 years or the last year-, and the increase of evil that can be perceive by the week -literally. This just can't hold for 50 years. There will be no one left since that is the goal of satan, to destroy EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Our world is unlike any previous time in history. So God HAS TO intervene and is about to do so -both directly and through second causes. How can we even suspect what that means in our time frame. When Judas sold Jesus that most Holy Thursday evening, who could have ever suspected that in less than 24 hours the VICTORY was fully accomplished by the Messiah.... We are being told that by the end of this very year 2015 our world will have changed for good. I think it is time to fasten our seat belts for some ride. We are also told that this time will be shortened because if not, not even the elect might survive it. It's going to be that bad. At the same time we are being told that we don't have to be afraid if we live under the Mantle of Mary. Even the Angels will be fighting for us. But this is a time of martyrdom, whether by blood and death, or by endurance in total faith and trust in God. I think this is what means that those who carry with devotion an object kissed by our Blessed Mother in Garabandal will go directly to Heaven at death because they will have had their purgatory on earth. Holding to that kiss I think is a symbol of faith and trust in Mary -as God's Captain in this fight, and an expression of a lived commitment to remain faithful no matter what. I'm not sure about Charlie's expectations, or rather what does he mean for instance by the rescue of Mary in 2017. My sense is that he is set in a very localized piece of the whole Tribulation: the USA. I don't see him connecting with the worldwide prophetic voice around events and timing (I say this from my ignorance only). I think that his ministry is specific and necessary for the USA because it is currently the number 1 superpower that will suffer a very specific "storm" as he puts it. So he is speaking for Americans. There may be some particular intervention of Mary in America in 2017 but my sense is that it doesn't mean it is the same as when we talk of the Triumph of Mary at the end of the Tribulation. Even in yesterday's message of Luz de Maria there is a line SO specific relative to the USA: She says: pray for the Country of the North: there my children will suffer because of the rebelliousness of their leader (August 1, 2015). She doesn't name Obama by name but by role. I am more inclined to think that Antonio Yagüe's timeline might be more accurate. And even that seems to me a little short. But again, who knows. I have been very reluctant towards his idea of the Pole Shift of the Six Seal as being simultaneous with the spiritual Warning of Garabandal. But then, having watched Fr. Adam's video again after more than a year, Fr. Adam says that during the Warning -which he experienced and then saw- that MILLIONS will die... There has never been in human history an event, that I am aware of, in which in one single day millions (many millions) of people die -except if we think of the Flood. But of course, I know nothing. I pray, I trust, and I look forward to was needs to happen, and to the transformation that the Lord wants to bring about through this birthing.
Very well stated WCWTS. We are dealing with several major differences now then in anytime in history. For one, the world has never had 6 billion people. The world has never had man-made weapons that by itself could destroy the world. Prophecy is talking about catastrophic earth quakes, mega volcano eruptions, global hunger, evil men who have lost all hope and faith and the worst yet, Satan unchained. We also know from scripture that God's actions will be swift and it will begin like a thief in the night. Then there is one of my favorite prophecies that Ralph Martin had a Rome that once we are emptied of ourselves through all that I have written here, God can work in souls who are destined to be saved and out of his love for his faithful he will act quickly to bring about his kingdom on earth where his will shall be done as it is in heaven.. PROPHECIES GIVEN AT ST. PETER’S BASILICA DURING THE CLOSING EUCHARIST ON PENTECOST MONDAY—MAY 1975 "Because I love you, I want to show you what I am doing in the world today. I want to prepare you for what is to come. Days of darkness are coming on the world, days of tribulation….Buildings that are now standing will not be standing. Supports that are there for my people now will not be there. I want you to be prepared, my people, to know only me and to cleave to me and to have me in a way deeper than ever before. I will lead you into the desert…I will strip you of everything that you are depending on now, so you depend just on me. A time of darkness is coming on the world, but a time of glory is coming for my church, a time of glory is coming for my people. I will pour out on you all the gifts of my spirit. I will prepare you for spiritual combat; I will prepare you for a time of evangelism that the world has never seen…. And when you have nothing but me, you will have everything: land, fields, homes, and brothers and sisters and love and joy and peace more than ever before. Be ready, my people, I want to prepare you…” (given by Ralph Martin) “
Charlie has been asked to give the date of 2017 as the year of the rescue by Gabriel.....he has forcefully told Charlie to give that date and I believe Jesus had something in there also about how it will happen very quickly. Charlie did not want to give dates but was directed by his angel repeatedly to do so.....I suppose we shall see this fall as things unfold quickly.....but Padraig I understand your commentary completely.
There was once the Captain of a large sailing vessel , who by reading the signs in the sun and the sky was certain that a great storm was about to overtake his vessel. He warned his crew and passengers of this coming storm explaining that it would last seven hours and disperse and to take suitable precautions. The storm came, but when several hours came and went and the storm had not in fact lifted the passengers gave way to feelings of tter despair and terror til lthe storm despersed seven days later. The Captian then bethought himself when next the signs of a storm approached and warned the members of the ship that the storm would last for seven days, that they should batten down the hatches, trim the sails and store their gear, making all possible precautions for the hurricane to come. In the event, to the utter delight of all onboard the strom lifted in just several hours. Now which was best? That the Captain should have warned all to prepare for the best or that he caution them to prepare for the worst, whilst still hoping for the best? This is why I wrote about this. This is why we use seat belts. I think folks are better trimming their sails for the worst. Preparing for the best and facing the worse could be an alleyway to despair.
I think trying to figure out the "when" the Tribulations and warnings occur is challenging and will leave it to others. I'm open to listening to all the "prophets" of our times. I must say that the message given yesterday to the seer in Medjugorie is profound, especially around the our times: Dear children, I, as a mother who loves her children, see how difficult the time in which you live is. I'm sure as part of our humanness, all generations have probably thought they were living in challenging times and many thought they were in the "end tines". But to see the words of Mary, who as Queen of Heaven and Earth, must know in a sense all the times, that she sees how difficult these times are is really quite amazing. I think the Mother of God choses words to speak to us with a full sense of purpose. So to say she sees how difficult these times are must signal something. And I don't think this difficulty is in a physical sense. In fact, even as short as 100 years ago, physical times were more difficult. No, I think she sees the difficulties of these times as spiritual - times that threaten eternal death- which to me signals that she and Her Son must soon intervene. Like I said, I don't know exact dates/times, but this message and these words from Mary tell me we are very close.
As far as a timeline regarding all of this is concerned, my sense is that we still seem to be in a situation where specific questions such as the duration of the 'time of peace', exact nature of the 'Triumph of the Immaculate Heart' or the moment of the appearance of the 'Son of Perdition' remain 'under-determined by the data'. By this I mean that Heaven has not yet given us unambiguous information, and that speculative attempts to synthesize various prophetic sources can at best only provide a general picture. Going beyond this may be tantalizing, but at present this kind of speculation is almost certainly a waste of (precious) time in the light of more urgent spiritual and practical priorities. In contrast, when it comes to preparing for the Illumination of Conscience, we have a huge mass of very detailed prophetic material - e.g. three volumes by Sulema and several hundred pages of alleged locutions to Francine Bériault, the testimony of Fr Adam Skwarczynski etc. etc. The fact that this material is both voluminous and highly specific in terms of its recommendations regarding spiritual preparation for the Warning already says a great deal IMHO. I'm sounding this cautionary interpretive note partly because the current efforts at a grand eschatological synthesis circulating on the internet have not been able to provide more than general indications of the nature of the Antichrist/Beast system (plenty of those in Don Gobbi, for example...) and a certain general sense of the proximity of his/its arrival (as in Luz de Maria). Of such synthetic efforts, the most impressive I have yet seen is that of Jean de Roquefort recently published online in French in Chrétiens Magazine, but for all the breadth of his background reading and his laudable attempt to anchor his hypotheses on the Antichrist in solid exegesis and Patristics, they still remain open to the charge of being overly reliant on contested sources (e.g. Mélanie Calvat's hard-to-interpret 1879 version of the 'secret' of La Salette or in our times, 'JNSR', about whom many informed commentators have serious doubts). And even with the assistance of this disputed material, Jean de Roquefort does not pretend to be able to deliver a picture which is coherent in the details; IMHO this remains the case even if you increase the number of sources by adding serious ones (e.g. Edson Glauber) to those he quotes. To suggest as he does on the basis of a handful of lines in various sources that the Antichrist was born in France between 1985 and 1995 is impressive detective work, but strikes me as over-wrought as a conclusion. My own feeling is that while remaining alert, we must simply trust that, as and when the moment arrives in which discerning the Antichrist's identity will be a matter of (eternal) life and death, the Lord will provide his true Church with the necessary grace not to be deceived. If we do not yet have such information, that is presumably because it would be unhelpful to us at the present time, and so I guess we need to set our intellectual curiosity aside in this regard. At the same time, assuming that the public coming of the Son of Perdition must therefore still be a generation away seems to me highly, and maybe dangerously presumptuous. The tempo of events as they unfold may be very different from what we currently anticipate...
Great post Peter B. I agree, Heaven will supply us with the information we need to know, when we need to know it. Keep your eyes open and trust in the Lord.
I can soooo relate to that! I've been expecting complete collapse since the invasion of Iraq - boy am i worn out making sure i've enough baked beans in the cupboard!
I think there is specific timeline and i myself personally think Pope Benedict was trying to give us a big hint when he gave his speech at Fatima in 2010. If anyone knows if there is a timeline then it is Pope Benedict as he has already read the 3rd secret and does not have to speculate on its content. May the seven years which separate us from the centenary of the apparitions hasten the fulfilment of the prophecy of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity. Benedict XVI Homily Fatima, May 13, 201
Today's gospel reading was very comforting in this regard. Jesus heard of what has happened to John the Baptist and he sets out secretly to go across the lake to a place of seclusion. Somebody got wind of his plans and the word spread and all the people from various towns and villages run to the other side and are waiting for him when he disembarks. He has compassion on them. They must have been very troubled on hearing of the death of John the great prophet. Jesus spends the day with them healing the sick and comforting them and finally He feeds them through the miracle of the loaves and fishes. What I take from that is don't worry. Jesus is with us we just have to trust Him completely. Jesus I believe help my unbelief.
Fr Apostoli on Sunday Night Prime ewtn last year, I believe it was the Sunday after Russia went into Crimea? said, he believed after many years of meditation on the Fatima message that the Triumpth of the Immaculate Heart of Mary would take place on the 100th anniversary of the last apparition of our Lady. He noted its not a Church teaching but a personnel belief of is own after much reflection. I believe he had David Carruso on, President of WAFUSA. They both agreed and stressed how we the faithful should buy scapulars and any kind of pamphlets on the faith for the hunger will be so GREAT for truth that these items will be hard to come by for the demand will be so great for ALL things Catholic supply houses will be back logged. I pray this comes True!!!!!!!!!!!! Popes are Prophets, they confirm the brethren. I agree Eamonn papa Benidict was fixing our eyes to a certain Hope
I am probably putting my big feet into this but I thought I read somewhere that the anti-Christ will come during the events before the literal End of the World which of course is definitely not now? Why does there have to be any AC appearance as such in todays events, except maybe mini versions of same like Hitler etc? I think it maybe better to look at the current era as similar to the time of Noah and the Flood?
Well, Fr. Iannuzzi, the eschatology theologian who is the authorized Vatican interpreter for the Divine Will as explained by Luisa Piccarreta....and thus the coming era of the Divine Will (from Our Father prayer).....explains in one of his books, "Antichrist and the End Times", that there will be one before the Era of Peace, and one after the Era of Peace. There will be similar circumstances at the end of both periods but much much worse before the final judgement. Mark Mallett often quotes Fr. Iannuzzi who also only uses scripture, early Church Fathers, Popes, and approved mystics for his conclusions. And yes now could also be compared to the time of Noah esp. since Jesus used that comparison when He answered Elizabeth Kindelmann's question about what exactly was "The Flame of Love" (of the Immaculate Heart of Mary). He said that it is like what the Ark was at the time of Noah. “The Grace from the Flame of Love of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will be to your generation what Noah’s Ark was to Noah.”
I understand, but this time it will be different. There'll be a Warning a Miracle. If we wanted to see something so unique like these two events, we should go back to 2000 years ago. We won't witness one miracle, but two. Worldwide. Neither of these events has happened during the dark periods you mentioned. After their occurrence, everything will be possible.
In short, this is what I've been thinking for months: 1) Big event in USA before the end of 2015: start of tribulation (especially for USA). 2) Huge Miracle, far bigger than the Miracle of the Sun which occurred in Fatima: 2017 (April, 13th? October, 13th?). "Year of the rescue". 3a) Humanity repents ==> Era of peace. 3b) Humanity doesn't repent ==> Chastisement.
Eamonn, Yes, the fact that Benedict has read the Fatima secret adds a little weight to the importance of this 7 year period he mentions: 2010-2017. And though I have certain reservations concerning Malachi Martin, I've always been struck that in his 1997 interview he puts out a 20-year period that also brings us to 2017. So without being specific about an order of events, for these two men, plus Charlie, 2017 certainly appears momentous! Lord have mercy! Safe in the Refuge of the Immaculate Heart!
I think there might be a certain confusion here about two periods and this may be causing a conflict of expectation which is unecessary. In other words we may all be singing from the same hymn sheet , just phrasing thigs in different ways. Let me explain. There is the period directly up to the Illumination of Conscience which will mean increasing Triublation here on Earth. Things like what is happening in California at the moment with the Great Rocky Fire, for instance: Events will escalte up to the Illumination and I think this is the period some folks are referring to, so we get a time span of say up to six years. However after the Illumination we will see the a huge return to the Church. I think again some folks see this as the Final Triumph of the Church. It is not. So we get a time line which is fairly short and fair enough I would agree with this. However Catholic Prophesy also indicates that after the Illumination some folks will baulk and become much, much more evil than people ever were. Demons in human form. Thus launching us into a new and terrible Tribulation. So it is kind of like the eye of the storm. We move towards the Illumination with things hotting up. Then the Illumination comes and we enter the Eye of the storm and things grow sudddenly calm for a while. So calm in fact we think the storm is gone. But then the storm returns , even much more powerful than before. I suspect this is where the confusion lies, in that some people are referring to the Eye of the Storm as the End of the Storm. The true End of the Storm in fact does not come to the Three Days of Darkness and the Fire from Heaven foretold in Akita. This is quite some way off. Then after The Three Days comes the Triumph, the New Resurrection, when all the evil doers are dead, not before. I am just full of theories. I am sorry, this is not the most cheerful of topics. View attachment 3249