I quote this piece of scripture a lot and I will do it again. I feel that we are in the end times and scripture tells us that God will pour out His spirit upon people in the end times because He wants us to listen. The tricky part though is that we will also get a lot of false prophets as well so we must be very careful. Acts 2 16] But this is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel: [17] And it shall come to pass, in the last days, (saith the Lord,) I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. [18] And upon my servants indeed, and upon my handmaids will I pour out in those days of my spirit, and they shall prophesy. [19] And I will shew wonders in the heaven above, and signs on the earth beneath: blood and fire, and vapour of smoke. [20] The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and manifest day of the Lord come.
I think the numbers might have spiked up before this announcement, at least that's my sense with the number of viewers stat visible to all of us. I think it was when the Ukraine situation was getting very bad. But I could be wrong.
Its amazing how many followers MDM has had with such a stench of the diabolical coming off everything to do with it. Goes to show how easy it can be to get trapped. I'm hoping a strong prayer life will keep me on the narrow path. The winking medal of salvation is only one of many examples. View attachment 1873 My overall thought now is, how great God is for always answering our prayers. And I pray that MDM followers will find all they need on Mother Of God Forum to bring them closer to God and his blessed mother.
What a great site mysticsofthechurch. Lots of MDM info here. http://www.mysticsofthechurch.com/2013/11/the-messages-of-maria-divine-mercy.html
Michael Voris has announced the Archbishops condemnation of MDM so-called messages in todays ChurchMilitant News. FF to 1.12.
Finally. Thank God. I still think that there must be a reason why Pope Francis was picked on in such a way by MDM. Satan must be very afraid of him. The Pope has asked us to say 3 Hail Marys a day for him. I think we should do this and say 3 more for Pope Benedict who is such a support to Pope Francis. Two brave Popes - that must upset the other side no end.
This is welcome from +Diarmuid Martin. He has had many requests to investigate the MDM prophesies. The conflict with the Magisterium was so stark that he really had no choice but to caution against them. Thank God. Let us continue to pray for the Medjugorje ruling - that is altogether different. It is the opposite: the local ordinary took very little lobbying to rule against it and yet The Church is undecided. The messages and the fruits do not conflict with the Magisterium.
The first Our Father and Three Hail Mary's are always prayed during our daily family rosary for our Holy Father.
https://indypendent.org/2013/12/30/anti-capitalist-pope-take-closer-look-what-francis-i-saying "IF THE pope himself thinks his statements are unremarkable, then why are they being characterized as a "breath of fresh air" from many quarters? This is largely due to the perceived differences between Francis' message and that of his immediate predecessors, especially the pompous and illiberal Pope Benedict. The previous popes--plus the majority of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in the U.S. especially--foregrounded the Church's reactionary stances on abortion, contraception, equal marriage and the role of women, in their public statements. When, in 2004, leading U.S. bishops denied Democratic presidential candidate and Catholic John Kerry the right to receive communion at Mass--on the basis of his support for a woman's right to choose abortion--the Vatican backed them up. This week, Pope Francis announced he was demoting the former St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke, who led the charge against Kerry."
Well she knew both Pope Benedict would not be the pope AND the one that followed him would be "a breath of fresh air" Now let's take a look at this one from November 2010: "Three years before the plot unfolds" Check out these articles. See below video. NOVEMBER 29, 2013 "... A Global Awakening Brzezinski, one of the most hated and well-known globalists, recently lamented that there is a global awakening to the source of the tyranny on this planet and that "they" must accelerate their timetable for the completion of a global takeover. And the full-court press has subsequently been placed on humanity as we are under assault in ways never witnessed before. One of the most popular methods of subjugation has to do with controlling who eats and who dies. Historically, food has been one of the most effective tools of subjugation...." http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2013/11/the-last-thanksgiving-2835580.html FEBRUARY 3, 2014 "Celente - No Way Out As Global Ponzi Scheme Collapse Begins" http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldn...t_As_Global_Ponzi_Scheme_Collapse_Begins.html FEBRUARY 15, 2014 "Following the Bodies: "We Are at the Precipice of Something So Big, It Will Shake the Financial World"" http://beforeitsnews.com/survival/2...t-will-shake-the-financial-world-2510926.html MARCH 11, 2014 "Inside Sources: "It Is So Close" -- The Final Stage" http://beforeitsnews.com/economics-...s-it-is-so-close-the-final-stage-2462608.html "In this newly released video from Tom Lupshu he discusses that he's received information from his sources that we are now at the point where the economic collapse is very, very, very close. As the police state unfolds, we see that this crisis has entered an entirely new stage...a stage that, when it all ends, will also bring about a fiery end to the 'bankers world' of paper, debt and credit." APRIL 11, 2014 "FEDS Prepare New Food Rules -- NO MEAT ALLOWED" http://beforeitsnews.com/food-and-f...e-new-food-rules-no-meat-allowed-2462982.html "The new food guidelines are being based upon the progressive Big Government principles of "sustainability" and food that will combat "climate change", all intended to tell you what you can and cannot eat. Control the food source, and you control the people..." APRIL 14, 2014 "New World Order 2014 -- The Elites NWO Agenda Is Nearly Complete (Video)" http://beforeitsnews.com/alternativ...-agenda-is-nearly-complete-video-2937750.html "The regime is laying the ground work for their complete take over of this country and the world. We are at the beginning of something huge and it will more than likely change the world as we know it. We see our rights being stripped away and our property being taken under illegal means, yet they find laws to justify their crimes. We live in a high crime, govt run, slave camp, we just haven been given out uniforms yet. Their agenda is obvious, they want the world and the want all of us with it." APRIL 16, 2014 "All is in motion & play as we enter the darkest phase of our modern existence; Illuminati plans are playing out before our very eyes" http://www.homelandsecurityus.com/archives/10604 "We are witnessing the orchestrated demise of a nation and her people, the assault of the freedom of everyone in America and all Western nations as the formation of a global system of governance." Therefore it appears: 1 - She is not making these messages up 2 - She is not thinking that she is receiving messages Then add in the number of messages she has and it looks like there are only 2 choices remaining for these messages.
That's it? That's your proof? that she knew there would be a Pope after Pope Benedict and that she foretold there are forces who want a global system of governance? Next door's cat could have told you that. For this, you ignore the many, many serious errors and contradictions? For this, you are willing to spread poison about our Holy Father Pope Francis? Know that you will be held accountable for every soul you persuade to join you on this path. Please, please stop! Prayed for you today, and MDM and all her followers, and I will continue to do so.
rangers, from the fact that you have joined this forum, and from how you have written the two posts I have read above I have confidence that our Mother will have you see. Please I beg you, take time to read all the posts in the MDM threads in this forum. Take time to think about what you read. Reread again. And pray for help discerning whether MDM is false.
Maybe, some of the reason... With the disagreement over the sequence of end time events between Catholics, I shared a few days ago under Emmett's latest, The Angel of Seven Thunders writing at Unveiling the Apocalypse blog that I posted a message on the motheofgod forum. That is all I wrote, no link. Hoping people will come over here to read MOG who are not aware. I go by Mary in the comments at Unveiling the Apocalypse. Asking again, how there can be two different views on the order of events prophesied? It should be clear by now. Example, the Second Pentecost is the Warning, brought on by the Blessed Trinity. If I am in error, correct me.
LETS JUST GO BY THE FACTS ! MARY CARBERRY ,NOR ANY MDM SUPPORTER HAS BEEN ABLE TO REFUTE THIS: A LIST OF FAILED PROPHECIES ! Tuesday, May 31st, 2011 @ 15:30 ( failed Warning prediction ) My dearly beloved daughter, we have come a long way in such a short time. That was for a reason. For it was all the time needed to impart My Most Holy Word in a world starving of My Love. Still they do not listen, because they do not want to know. While many of My loyal followers are alert now, to the changes coming, so many have no interest whatsoever in the warnings given to the world by My beloved Mother up to now. The prophecies given at Garabandal will now become a reality. Prepare now for this event, for you have only a few months left to prepare your souls. http://www.thewarningsecondcoming.com/prophecy-at-garabandal-will-now-become-a-reality/ Message 17th Feb 2011: “There will be three world leaders assassinated shortly one by one…Two of them from the Arab world and one from mainland Europe.” Message 4th April 2011: “The Chastisement will now befall on the world.” Message 16th April 2011: “But be assured the time [for the Warning] is now upon the world.” Message 20th July 2011: “You are now, My children, in the middle of what is called the Tribulation…The second part, the Great Tribulation will commence as I have said before the end of 2012.” Message 9th Aug 2011: “This My daughter [the further turmoil which will erupt before the Warning], has been foretold as just one of the signs that mankind will experience during 2011 the year of the Purification Message 28th Aug 2011: “Time is short now as the Warning is almost upon Interim report! On 16th June 2011, the ‘warningsecondcoming’ website carried this notice on its front page: ‘THE WARNING IS CLOSE ‘THE EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS ‘TWO COMETS WILL CLASH, SKY TO TURN RED, CROSS IN THE SKY ‘MILLIONS WILL REPENT AS A RESULT OF THIS WARNING ‘IT IS A GREAT ACT OF GOD’S MERCY ONE OF THE GREATEST EVENTS IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND.’ SHORTLY BEFORE THE END OF 2011,THIS NOTICE WAS REMOVED Message 4th Feb 2012: “The final stages of purification [i.e., the Warning] will now commence.” The Warning is to last about a quarter of an hour. How long can the final stages take? Message 21st Feb 2012: “It is now the time for the prophecies to be proven.” Message 9th March 2013: “By the time Good Friday arrives many souls will begin to realize that My Warning is upon the world.” Message 14th March 2013: “There is to be a particular insult, which will be inflicted upon my Holy Name, in an effort to desecrate Me, during Holy Week.” Friday, January 24th, 2014 @ 20:05 My dear child, let it be known that I will make one more appearance at all the Marian grottos, which were approved by my Son’s Church, over the centuries. I will make myself known in Sacred sites, which will include Lourdes, Fatima, La Salette and Guadalupe. I will also appear at Garabandal. These apparitions will begin this Spring, just as my Son has instructed. After speaking to Conchita personally and the information we already have from Garabandal….MARY WILL NOT APPEAR AGAIN IN GARABANDAL ! NOVEMBER 13,1965 Mary speaking to Conchita: She said to me, “ This is the last time you will see me here, but I will always be with you, and with all My children”. “Garabandal“ -p.201 WHAT POSSIBLE EXCUSE WILL YOU GIVE US WHEN MARY DOES NOT APPEAR THIS SUMMER ? WHEN WILL PEOPLE WAKE UP AND SEE THE FACTS, AND PUT ASIDE THEIR PRIDE ?
MDM said in 3 years we would see the signs. It is now 3 years later. It seems the signs are now starting to happen. Please see my post on the Pedro Regis page. MDM isn't the only one. Pedro Regis: "The one who could have been Peter will become Judas." http://motheofgod.com/threads/pedro-regis-messages-from-the-bvm.3871/page-11
MDM: "He will be seen as being innovative, dynamic – a breath of fresh air." (3/5/2011) "Francis a complete break from predecessors, conference says" http://ncronline.org/news/faith-parish/francis-complete-break-predecessors-conference-says "Among different perspectives at a theological conference Friday at Jesuit-run Georgetown University that featured more than a dozen academics evaluating Francis, one theme was constant: Francis, the experts said, is a complete break from his predecessors, especially Benedict and John Paul II. In the words of Gerard Mannion, a theologian who helped organized the one-day event centered on Francis' apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium ("The Joy of the Gospel"): "There is no sugar-coating [it.]" Calling the exhortation "ecclesiological dynamite," Mannion said "it is difficult for anyone working in fields such as ecclesiology to reach any conclusion other than the simple fact that on so many of the most important issues, there is very, very little substantive continuity with the ecclesial agenda of Pope Francis' predecessors." "We have entered ... a moment of cognitive dissonance in the church where things are changing rapidly and yet many fear change more than anything else," said Mannion, a senior research fellow at the Georgetown's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs." ... "This shift is new and substantial," said Dennis Doyle, a professor of religious studies at the Marianist-run University of Dayton in Ohio, who said Francis is bringing about a new "synthesis" between theological ideas and pastoral practices in the Catholic church. Doyle said a small but key change you can see in Francis' exhortation is his repeated references to the church as the "People of God" -- the phrase used most frequently during the Second Vatican Council -- rather than the "Mystical Body of Christ," the phrase often preferred by Benedict or John Paul II. Francis' focus on the "People of God," Doyle said, evinces "a church on a journey ... a church as yet unfinished." It is a church "that includes everyone, not just the clergy and the vowed religious," he said."
A contortionist would be jealous of the twisted positions necessary to believe in MDM. As someone already pointed out, Benedict was seen as stuffy. To predict his successor would be seen as a breath of fresh air doesn't prove MDM is a true prophet. As Glenn points out she has had far too many failed prophecies for me to take any heed of an occasional lucky guess. Also, she tells lies and they can have only one source. One shocking example is that Benedict stood before us all via the world's media and lied his head off! Instead of following a Pope elected by the cardinals, we are to follow a go-by-the-wall anonymous (until recently outed) businesswoman? Why do you need such a list as this? By the Church's criteria, ONE failed prophecy is enough. ONE message contradicting Church teaching is enough. But MDM's followers don't care for rules and criteria. They are being trained by a rebel from the beginning. Throughout the messages I can hear Satan's disobedient howl: 'I will not serve!' Follow MDM? As Will Danaher says, 'I'll join the Church of Ireland first!'
This doesn't necessarily have to be a question of lucky guesses. Another explanation would be simple plagiarism; in an age where so many purported locutions are in circulation on the internet, it's child's play to take a few, mix them up, add a little extra spice and serve the end product up as 'private revelation'.
And the Devil can help with these predictions. So much garbage available today. Trust in the approved.