It looks like that's what's happening in the only church in Dublin where the TLM is offered. They are offering three Latin Masses on Sunday instead of the usual one. Per Government restrictions, numbers are limited to 100 at each Mass. They ask that people attending the TLM Masses go to the Mass according to the first initial of their surname. For example, 9 a.m. Mass is for surnames A to F. It's spiritual Communion only at all Masses, both Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms:
Is that all Masses in the diocese or was it just for St. Patrick's Day because of the 100 person rule? Here's a link to the most recent announcement, dated 14th March, on the website of the Archdiocese: Churches where people could go to Mass had been abiding by the statement of 13th March. I don't see how the announcement of the 14th March is a blanket ban on all Masses. It seems to be a warning that the guidelines are to be strictly adhered to. I was able to go to Mass on Sunday 15th but not since then. Going into the city centre for Mass was causing stress at home so, since I won't be going to Mass, I haven't been checking whether it's still possible.