Sanctus and AED what you have stated above is something the Lord allowed me to go through too; about 15 years ago, it was a very harrowing experience which went on for a few months. I will not get into details but it is so interesting that you both have been drawn to the same thing! I actually wrote on the 22 January this year to Mr Roy Shoeman a Jewish convert to Catholicism, who converted through the personal intervention of Our Blessed Mother Mary. I wrote about my experience because one of his videos touched me deeply! Below is my email. Roy replied and I continue to email Roy. He is a holy Catholic and a very busy man, working for the Lord Jesus. He asks all Catholics to pray for the conversion of the Jews. Please remember to pray for them. God Bless My email of the 22 January 2019 below..... Dear Roy I am a cradle Catholic from Australia A little background. I am 60 years old. Not too good with computers. Married for 38 years have 9 children, who I raised as Catholics, saying the rosary, attending Mass each Sunday, and taking them out of their Catholic schools on Friday so they could all attend Mass and confession with me; yet all of my children have left the faith except for Erin who died on Christmas day 1987 and is in Heaven with our Lord and my little Joseph who died in-eutro on the feast of all saints 1993 while I was attending Mass, I know my little Joseph is also in heaven with Our Lord as I baptised him when I was raced to the hospital while he was still in my womb. I have always loved immensely and prayed for our elder brothers in the faith, that being the Jewish people since I was a child. In fact I have since found out that there may be Jewish blood in my veins as my mothers mother was Ellen Rathbourn and apparently there is Jewish heritage there which I am very happy about. I am what most people would consider a religious fanatic as I pray the rosary each day and attend Mass and adoration when I can I have also suffered a bit, especially with my protestant husband who is probably the major reason our children have left the faith. But I remain in our marriage but it is difficult to say the least. There is so much I want to say to you. But I will just express one thing. Watching your videos have answered so many questions I have. Thank you! About 15 years ago the Lord lead me to pray for the Jewish victims of the holocaust. This took a matter of months and one of the things the Lord allowed me to feel was the sheer horror and injustice of it all, especially as these people were innocent and most especially because I can relate to the Rabbis you mention who said why? what is and was the point of this inhumanity of man to man, and why were you silent Oh God? The Lord lead me to understand the following, He showed me himself on the cross and imparted to me that the horror of this event was suspended in time! that as He was hanging on the cross so He could do nothing because His hands and feet were nailed, He was bleeding and dying; He was suspended on the cross in this way for the entire holocaust! He was in fact taking this suffering on to Himself and now awaited our prayers for the release of these souls! Anyway thats how I experienced//interpreted this. I have often womndered about this period of my life [as I do about so many periods of my life and walk with God], so I want to thank you for the words of St Edith Stein as it made sense to explained Edith said " we are called to pray for the holocaust victims" And now I have confirmation regarding this period. Do not be discouraged! God Bless you and yours And continue to walk the sorrowful way of Our Lady's sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Please pray for me and my family. God Bless Carolyn
Josephite, I have listened to a couple of Roy's youtube clips and have been blessed. I will hold you and your family in my prayers. I will have to begin to pray and offer Holy Masses for the Holocaust victims! O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
Josephite, my cousins are in Sydney, NSW. Their section of the country has been experiencing terrible fires. Are you in a danger zone? I thought of you when I heard from my cousin. Prayers for all. Keep us posted.
These are very beautiful words and sentiments Carolyn..... so much wisdom and faith in this. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you Terry, For your prayers and especially for the Holy Masses for the Holocaust victims! God Bless you. In one of Roy's reply's he states (and I am paraphrasing)....that it seems the Jewish and Catholic people are called to suffer, however as Catholics we have been given the means to turn all the suffering and pain, into Joy and Glory for God!
Thank you HH for your prayers. The fires came close and it was scary, (it was the liberation trail fire), but we were spared, Praise God. I placed a beautiful prayer for protection, on both the back and front doors of my house that a member of MoG posted here , I printed it out laminated them and they are still there and I pray them from time to time. I just tried to copy it below but it's not working for me. The prayer
Matthew 5:45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. In other words, just people suffer on account of unjust people and evil people benefit from the good deed doers.
it is a matter of personal interpretation but I believe that before the Warning occurs, Italy will be going through that violent revolution that St. John Bosco predicted.