And we have...
I just realized that I failed to put in the web address of the article: “Dangers Rise as America Retreats” – Fifteen years after 9/11, the next president will face greater risks and a weaker military to combat them. GOD SAVE ALL HERE!!
Would someone here please explain, exactly, why the Political Left of USA/Europe .... and spineless politicians of all flavors .... are afraid to call Islamic Terrorism, ISLAMIC TERRORISM?? Is it all about Oil and Gulf State $$$$? I'm guessing it's satanic illusion/delusion! "Theresa May {Brit PM} says ‘Islamist’ Westminster Attack "Not Islamic" GOD SAVE ALL HERE!!
PS: Yes, Holiness, the Migrant Crisis (Islamic Invasion) is the greatest Tragedy since WWII as it appears to be the last nail in the coffin of Old Christendom Crusaders who gave their last full measure of devotion are spinning in their graves! "Pope Francis: Europe Migrant Crisis Is ‘Greatest Tragedy Since World War II" GOD SAVE ALL HERE!!
Because it goes against everything they believe. The left believes in a new world order with humanist/worldly values. But what they don't understand is humanists cannot have values. There biggest problem is they can combat Christianity because there is some common ground in the belief of doing what is right. Islam is the great destroyer of their philosophy and there is no common ground. They cannot even debate Islamists. So, they just try to ignore them. How do you promote humanism when Islam is straight spiritualism. Since they can not debate or have common ground... they can only ignore reality.
History gives examples of all sorts of 'strange bedfellows' usually arising because of the feeling that my enemy's enemy is my friend, without pausing to think how illogical this usually is. A sizeable proportion of the extreme left see violent revolution as the only way to change society so when they see Muslims using violence to change society, they find themselves approving and/or excusing this despite the fact that their vision of an ideal society is almost the opposite of their own - at least they are being violent about what they don't like - just as we should. When the Muslims attacked Catholic southern Europe, in the 16th and 17th centuries, the Protestants of northern Europe not only didn't assist their fellow Christians but 'cheered' Muslims on! (see note below) As if the sons of Mohammed would have stopped at Protestant borders! The NAZI's regarded the Jews as sub-human but happily allied themselves to the semitic Egyptians and Palestinians who were racially closely related to the Jews, but hated them as much as the NAZI's. It seems that evil admires evil no matter how illogical the relationship. As to the 'weasel words' of western politicians, it is extremely convenient to excuse Islam or how could we have normal relations with the likes of Saudi Arabia? It would not be possible to castigate Islam and welcome the murderous but oil-rich Saudi Royal family to the west or (see Hillary) accept large donations from them and so there has to be a pretended difference between Islam and those who allegedly 'misuse' that religion and 'misinterpret the Koran' (as anyone who has read the Koran knows, it is not possible to misinterpret the instructions to subjugate, enslave, murder and rape those of other religious persuasions or none). (NOTE - I pointed out this fact about Protestants and Islam to a famous convert from Islam to Evangelical Christianity, he responded asking for more information and eventually became a Catholic believing that only the enemies of Islam could possibly be the true Church - which I believe to be true too.)
The primary enemy of the secularist leadership is Christianity. This is an enmity they share with Islam, so, on the basis of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend', they align with Islam and use it as a weapon against Christianity and its culture. Most people, I would think, who support this liberal agenda do not share this outlook, but are blinded and befuddled by politically correct notions of equality and the various phobias. As the violence increases it may be difficult for the secularists to keep these people on side, as reality continues to increasingly quell self-delusion. The secularists may not be as capable of manipulating the Muslims as they like to think if thle recent statements and behaviour of Erdogan are anything to go by. They will also probably discover that wherever the Muslims gain power they will despise the secularists even more than the Christians. I would think that the Muslims are only using the support of the secularists for their own ends, but tightly hold their noses when doing so. [Oops, SteveD anticipated me as I was typing!] Second edit: Steve, your last paragraph is a fantastic story and a great example of one following the Truth (some of It delivered by you) to Its Source.