Padraig, I was aware that in the north of Ireland, Catholics were treated like the blacks in Africa under the British. Catholics could not own property and only property owners could vote. I was aware a Catholic could not get a job no matter how well educated if there was any protestant who wanted the job. I was aware that this treatment was institutionalised and had gone on for generations. And when you think of it, we aint seen nothing yet as far as the imposition of those who will impose sharia law on the west is concerned. How many generations will it take for people to say enough is enough. Then the blood bath commences. But I had not heard that peoples homes were burnt down in the north as you mentioned, even streets. It is ok to say the whole thing degenerated into a blood bath; but is it not a sad day that it took such violence from the Catholic communities to bring the appalling situation to the notice of the governments, and put all the people in the north of Ireland on a more fair playing field when it comes down to it. I heard the north of Ireland had a lot of protestants planted there from Scotland in the past, like when the Jews were kicked out of their homes in Europe and others took possession of them, under Hitler. Please God Ireland has moved on now, and the people whatever their religion get their reward based on merit rather than on protest from the one true Faith. In the end right conquers might even if it takes generations to be put right. It gave me the chills when you shared about Ian Paisley and how he got a black mass done. Surely satan was deeply entrenched in that whole thing. And we all know satan will always demand blood be sacrificed. So it was in northern Ireland. So it will be if islam is entrenched in the West.
The thing that baffles me is how anyone who is educated, with a normal intelligence could believe that a nomad who was a paedophile with a big appetite for lust could convince anyone he had a mission from God to start a new religion, which meant killing those who would not submit. Satan always demands blood sacrifices. And for them to believe they would be rewarded with 70 or 80 virgins to use for all eternity for killing their fellow man. Jesus told people that the reproduction stops when this life ends, we would be like the Angels in the next life. It beggars belief that anyone could believe God will treat women like slaves in the next life. But the muslim maniacs do. I read somewhere that alla was one of the pagan gods in the time of the muslim self acclaimed prophet, and he chose to use alla in his book. He must have been like Ian Paisley and all the other apostates. Mentioned this as it is a thread about islam.
Julia, I take my angst concerning muslims into the confessional nearly every week. It is so difficult to reconcile my very human emotions of anger and sometimes fury with the command to love my neighbor--all neighbors. I have discovered that most priests are struggling with this also. Each one has counseled me to acknowledge the struggle, forgive, love, and join the crowd. And then another atrocity and another, etc. We will protect ourselves and our children with arms if necessary.
Julia sez: "And for them to believe they would be rewarded with 70 or 80 virgins to use for all eternity for killing their fellow man." View attachment 5240 GOD SAVE MY COMRADES & ALL HERE!!
An amazing insight into the true origins of islam, and how Turkey might be about to reveal the latest antichrist. Or as the muslims would say 'madhi.' This link is well worth the read, it is written by a muslim convert who understands the mindset of those brainwashed by the satanic verses.
What a great find! I don't know if this link will work but it touches on the issue of Mary in the Quran. And more.
Julia, this is fascinating. I never dreamed of seeing the moon under her feet as the crescent of Islam.
I thought of you today, CrewDog, while watching a programme on BBC News. The programme is one where they have a discussion between journalists, usually one each from the US, UK, France and maybe the Middle East. I should say here that although it masquerades as a discussion or debate, it's really something of an echo chamber where the all-knowing, all-seeing journalists bemoan the ignorance of the masses, especially those who cling to old fashioned national identity and borders. Anyone to the right of Karl Marx is labelled "far" or "extreme" right, while the centre is crowded by them and anyone who agrees with them. Anyway, the American journalist was convinced that Trump will be beaten by a landslide. He qualified the "landslide" remark by saying that it will be a landslide in the electoral college. Talking about the gun rights issue, he gave the distinct impression that the real threat to stability in the US are militias who would resort to violence against the Federal Government because the right to bear arms was designed for organised militias to overthrow the government. He claimed to be relieved that they still participate in the democratic process even if that means voting for the likes of the Tea Party or Trump. He said all this even after some mob had burned yet another American town following the police shooting of an armed black thief. I think, CrewDog, that you might need to be very circumspect with any online comments which could easily be twisted to put you into the category that the journalist deems to be a threat. Terrorist attacks and threats are being used to erode individual freedoms such as the right to privacy and free speech. Islamic terrorism will be used to change the laws, but nobody knows where it will lead in the long term.
I love your post...finally someone tells the truth. They won't tell Americans that the Second Ammendment is a check and balance to protect us from the government. The media in the US always says its the right to bare arms. It is our right to have guns for hunting purposes. If the news would tell the country that the second amendment is our right to protect us from the government...that would be real news. I think Trump nonchalantly mentioned it and the media went nuts with personal attacks. Always interested in updates from across the atlantic Thanks b a Julia, Take a look at this other thread, this exactly what I was alluding to and member Dust got it! The WCWTS sign will begin around 11/18/16 and complete on 9/23/17, I downloaded Stelarium myself and was quite astonished when I magnified the moon and could clearly see that the moon at her feet is a crescent.
Our founding fathers were very smart and there are lots of checks and balances within our government system to keep it all balanced. Trouble is many of the checks and balances are being ignored now by everyone because the elites in both parties are looking to maintain and expand their power as we head to a NWO. People are too busy and distracted to notice or respond to this. And yes the original intent of the 2nd amendment was protection from a government out of control. It is the last line of defense for the common man against the government and I pray it does not come to that.
Dolours, I think The Die has already been cast in the USA! We are as divided as we were in 1860 prior to our Civil War. The Fringe-Left USA "Journalist" you spoke of does not have a clue about US History or us Folks in FlyOver Country USA. I'm guessing he is from some North East Blue State and Hangs-Out with like minded Chardonnay sippin' Metrosexuals who chortle about us great unwashed (& well armed) Hicks. I have no doubt that a few interesting-n-unpleasant years are ahead of us ........ GOD WILLS IT GOD SAVE THE REPUBLIC & ALL HERE!!
He actually quoted the part about the well armed militia from, I think, Thomas Jefferson. He said that only a minority (I think he said one-third) of households own a gun and the trouble is that they are heavily armed. No doubt he wasn't including the households with illegally held firearms. His stated concerns are gun owning white supremacist militias - people with a Timothy McVeigh mindset. Although he didn't say it in so many words, he was lumping every Trump, Tea Party and gun rights supporter in that category. He didn't say it but his implication was a lot more overt than Trump's supposed incitement for someone to assassinate Clinton. He blamed the Republicans for Obama's or Bill Clinton's Presidential shortcomings because, according to him, they were stifled by a Republican Congress. Although it is rare in Europe for news coverage or political commentary to be as blatantly biased as CNN whose propaganda would make the Chinese blush, there was no absolutely no attempt to give a balanced view. The BBC is usually a little more subtle. The British journalist actually referred to Brexit supports as idiots. He's a foreign correspondent for Politico, whatever that is. I can't imagine him getting his hands dirty or playing darts in his local working men's club. We call them champagne or smoked salmon socialists. I doubt he would identify himself as a socialist although he was bemoaning the likelihood that the crisis in the British Labour Party means that he won't see a Labour government in his lifetime. There's definitely a push on to marginalise working class "uneducated" white Americans and make them ashamed of their roots. Fareed Zakaria hosts probably the worst programme on CNN. Tonight his guest was a graduate of either Yale or Harvard who wrote a book that he highly recommends. The author is of Scots Irish (whatever that is), working class hillbilly ethnicity. The message being sent was that these people who support Trump are stereotypically ignorant, lawless, violent drunks whose homogeneity prevents their upward mobility because they don't want change and won't get an education. The author based the book on his own family and according to him it is a loving account of his community and an effort to help them move on. They actually said that the Trump working class supporters can't relate to people like Obama because they don't understand his educated nuanced intelligent approach. Then the programme moved on to blaming the EU's failure to admit Turkey to membership for Erdogan's totalitarianism. Fareed, of course, said that Erdogan's failing is Putinism and not Islamism. He conveniently ignored that while Obama was pushing Turkey into the EU and hailing Erdogan as one of his favourite leaders in the world Erdogan, supported by his then ally Gulen, was purging Turkey of prominent secularists and journalists who didn't toe the line. According to Fareed, it only started last year but the truth is that it had been gathering pace over a number of years. I recall reading about one author shouting that Gulen was behind his persecution as he was being dragged off to prison. You couldn't make it up. The next segment of the programme was prefaced by lauding advances in civilisation by the Reformation and the Enlightenment. I switched off at that stage before I puked. The snobbery of these members of the educated elite, particularly the American educated elite, is palpable. Doubly so coming from people in a country built on supposedly classless values. If Clinton does win by a landslide, I think that there will be a push to remove one or two amendments from the US Constitution. Be careful, Crewdog, because these people will be ruthless and honest journalists are as rare as hens teeth nowadays.
If there wasn't the prospect of such unpleasantness ahead one could savor the blessing of being a well armed hick in flyover country. Fly over country, if we don't get taken out early in the game, could look pretty good to those little snots when they start getting hungry and the creature comforts they are used to are gone. I suppose we'll end up feeling sorry for them when they drag on over to the other side of the tracks to share hick food and hick dwellings because the deli's, restaurants, catering etc. are no longer in service and they only know how to run the microwave in those well appointed custom kitchens. My niece married a nice fellow from an Eastern blue state whose family actually believed that fly over country was full of cowboys, Indians, baldknobbers, and other assorted people with IQ's of the low functioning variety. The chortelers believe they are intellectually superior and we just don't get it. It is not impossible that such people, who also populate the electoral college, could pull off another heist in the upcoming election. Internet jokes are going around now that all the residents of Chicago cemeteries have cast absentee ballots for Hildebeast. You are correct that there is a lack of knowledge of US history and really history of any sort which is why history will repeat with a bit of a spin this time. The entire structure has become corrupted in every way and those who are forcing the plan don't have any idea that their sense of reality is terribly flawed and that they are simply toadying pawns.
The interesting thing is that many of us are starting to see the news as totally fabricated opinions...or better stated, totally fabricated nonsense. You watch CNN and can't believe they can twist words so bad...lie. I think there is going to be a major change. Nobody remembers when Obama became President he controlled both houses of congress. Within 15 months, the people were so angry, they lost the House of representatives...and 4 years later both house and senate became republican. Why? Because of his crappy policies. Obama has been getting a pass, because if you spoke against him, you would immediatly be called a racist.
I laughed when the American journalist said that the Republicans would likely retain their majority in the House because they had gerrymandered the constituencies. The same journalist would likely be outraged at Trump's suggestion that the Presidential election could be rigged. I have to say here that I'm no big fan of Trump but his winning the presidency is probably your last chance to wrest control of your country from the elite that controls both parties. If he loses, especially by a landslide, it could kill off any chance of an outsider being elected for generations to come. Incidentally, he wasn't that far off the mark with his claims that Obama and Clinton founded ISIS. Armed and empowered would have been more accurate, but the result is the same.
Here is the calendar of phases of the moon for September 2017.
[quote="Dolours, post: 142160, ....[/quote] D sez: "He's a foreign correspondent for Politico...." Politico is an Internet left-wing mouth organ of the Democrat Party .... just like Media Matters and Huffington Post ...they and ABCNNBCBS-PBS-NYT-LAT ...... The LeftStream Media .... are making no bones about being "In the Tank" for Billary and will do & say anything to fly cover for her and trash Trump and anyone who might support him! They are deathly afraid of Trump as are the elites in the GOP. He is a "Wild-Card" operating "Outside the Box". They are also deathly afraid of Fly-Over Country Americans willing to exercise their Bill of Rights ... especially the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 10th Amendments. It's amazing that The Left keeps going on & on about the "Dangers of Heavily Armed White Extremists" whilst our unsecured borders, corrupt urban Democrat Politicians and equally corrupt DC Politicians have made "Safe Areas" for any number of Brown & Black Drug Lords, Islamic Terrorists, plain chocolate criminals and Anarchists to lay waste to our cities, rape our women and terrorize whole square miles of once great/productive areas. They always trot out Timothy McVeigh from 20 years ago and wave the "Bloody Shirt". It was horrid but nothing to compare to Islamic Terror or the death & destruction that goes on nightly along the USA Border or in any Democrat controlled city you can name! It will not end well here and similarly in Europe either!! If I were you folks, I'd try to get friendly with some of your "White Extremist" friends and neighbors of the Christian or Jewish Persuasion ...... they may save your life and your family's too!! GOD SAVE ALL HERE!! PS: I'm no big fan of Trump but I know, exactly, what Billary was, is and always will be
For the past two years the USA has funneled at least 1.7 BILLION $$$$, CASH/Gold Bullion, into the coffers of the greatest, I'm sure historians will say, sponsor of STATE TERRORISM in World History .... all for a phony Nuclear Deal and and Obama Legacy to "earn" his Nobel Peace Prize .... or is there a a far worse explanation? Historians will have to answer that question. I don’t see a thing to argue with in the below article written by the former VP and his daughter who is now running for Congress. It addresses the absolute incompetence, dare I say Madness, of the past 7.7 years in US Foreign Policy. It does not touch upon the Domestic Policies that are Massive Failures too. Combine Failure on both Fronts and you are dealing with National Suicide “These-Days” when all else is taken into account … combined FAILURE that even in the Best of Times would take years to recover from … a STORM is here .. NOW!! … be it of Charlie’s Visions or no …… it “EXISTS”! …. and The USA is NOT the Nation it was just 30 years ago ;-( “Dangers Rise as America Retreats” – Fifteen years after 9/11, the next president will face greater risks and a weaker military to combat them. GOD SAVE ALL HERE!!
Follow up story, Rubio is calling Obama out Getting more and more interesting by the minute.