Our Lady of Fatima travels to Rome at the request of two Popes

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by bona fide, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Lumena

    Lumena Guest

  2. Julie J

    Julie J New Member

    Jul 7, 2013
    thanks, I can plug the laptop into the tv and watch tomorrow.
  3. bona fide

    bona fide Angels

    Aug 12, 2012
    You may visit the exhibition following this link:

  4. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    Ah.... Russia was the one who supplied Syria with most of the weapons that they are now using against the Christians.
  5. SteveD

    SteveD Guest

    I copied this from Spirit Daily that seems to sum things up. Putin and the Orthodox are currently allies but not necessarily for altruistic reasons. Putin is a cynic who will use any tool to hand to enhance his reputation at home.

    Putin is no fool. The Russian government has long colluded with religion, but under Putin’s reign, the connection has grown stronger. He understands the importance of social morals, and he knows that Russia is plagued by many problems: catastrophic abortion rates, high suicide rates, and an entrenched sex trafficking market, to name a few. He sees Christianity — Russian Orthodoxy, in particular — as a solution to his country’s problems.

    Putin is positioning himself as a modern-day religious crusader. This will kill three birds with one stone. First, it will put his country on the path to fixing many of its underlying problems. Second, it will allow him to refashion Christianity to accommodate the dictatorial system he favors. And most importantly, it will divide America and Europe between religious supporters and secular opponents, thus limiting the likelihood of unified condemnation of any of his future actions.

    China is more than happy to accept this arrangement. China has its own interests in this high-stakes game. The recent lobbying of the Russian Orthodox Church to reestablish itself within China went largely unnoticed, but it is key. Orthodoxy is favorable to state control, a major positive in the eyes of the Chinese government. If China agrees, which it is likely to do, it will accomplish its goal of further limiting the influence of the Catholic Church, which has always been a thorn in its side. And by cozying up with the leaders of the most influential church in Russia, it will create an even-stronger relationship with that country, further weakening the influence of America, its primary economic and military adversary, in the East.
  6. picadillo

    picadillo Guest


    The US/West/Zionists are suppling Al Queda, yes the same Al Queda we are supposedly at war with, with the weapons and support against the Syrian people(20 % of which as of today are Christian). The jihadists who are killing the Christians amongst others are from foreign mostly moslem countries .The Christians are part of the Syrian government and have been for over 1000 years that we are wbout to attack, probably because of a false flag we helped occur.
  7. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    picadillo, the US foreign and international strategy changed dramatically with the Obama presidency. He won't do anything about any foreign situations unless he can throw a few cruse missiles or drone attacks. He is a typical big liberal who talks tough and hides behind his Marxist smoke screen for cover. He will do what he can to help to see Israel neutralized, while giving lavished dinners to the Muslim Brotherhood and their evil ways. Don't look to the US to do anything to help in world turmoil henceforth or you will be disappointed. BTW, the US has provided nearly every country its weapons in some form or another for the past 50 years. The global scene changes with world powers. The US can no longer be helpful to world crisis' like it has been for the past century. The blind in the US has given us an infamous leader and now the US and the world will see its results.
  8. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    Home » News » Vatican
    Major appointments awaited after cardinals' October meeting
    By Andrea Gagliarducci

    Cardinals greet each other after the consistory on Nov. 24, 2012 in St. Peter's Basilica.​

    Vatican City, Aug 24, 2013 / 04:02 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Despite rumors about the supposedly imminent appointment of a new Secretary of State, Pope Francis will not be making any major appointments before October, Vatican insiders maintain.
    “Pope Francis is not in a hurry to appoint a new Secretary of State, and he could also decide to keep Bertone at his post until he will turn 80,” a source familiar with the Vatican Secretariat of State who asked for anonymity told CNA Aug. 20.
    On Oct. 1-3, the “Gang of Eight” group of cardinals on reforming the Roman Curia will meet, and the source disavowed any changes to the secretariat of state before that assembly.
    In fact, pressure for the replacement of Cardinal Bertone as Secretary of State began long before Benedict XVI's resignation.
    Despite critics, innuendos and accusations, Benedict XVI always want to keep Cardinal Bertone at his post, stating publicly several times his trust in his prime collaborator.
    During the pre-conclave meeting in March, cardinals highlighted several criticisms of the secretariate of state, and asked for more collegiality.
    Pope Francis responded to the cardinals' suggestions and requests by appointing on April 13 the group of eight cardinals to advise him about a possible Curia reform.
    Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston, one of the group's members, signaled in a March 4 interview with CNA that the pre-conclave meetings helped the cardinals to discuss “the Church’s governing body.”
    A curial reform is needed to improve the relationships among the various departments of the Church’s central governing body and the universal Church, he added.
    The appointment of this group of cardinals raised expectation for a curial reform and encouraged speculations about a new Secretary of State to be appointed soon.
    It had been strongly rumored that Pope Francis would have made public the appointment of the new Secretary of State on June 29, and since it did not occur it is now rumored that Cardinal Bertone will have to step down in September.
    In fact, the anonymous source said in conversation that “Pope Francis does not seem to want to take any major decision before the October 1-3 meeting of the group of cardinals. And even after that meeting, he could decide to keep Bertone at his post.”
    “Pope Francis does not want give the impression of repudiating Pope Benedict XVI’s pontificate,” the source asserted.
    On the one hand, “getting rid of Cardinal Bertone in the midst of a long-term campaign against him could be seen as an evidence of Bertone’s wrongdoing, and so also as evidence of Benedict XVI’s incompetence in choosing his collaborators.”
    On the other hand, keeping Cardinal Bertone at his post would not even damage Pope Francis' image, as the secretariate of state has been exerting less influence during his pontificate.
    According to the Vaticanista Sandro Magister, “the State Secretariat continues its routine work, but much more at work is another secretariat, miniscule but highly active, which in direct service to the Pope attends to the matters that he wants to resolve himself, without any interference whatsoever.”
    It is also possible that the importance of the secretariat of state will be diminished after the curial reform.
    In fact, a possible reform of the Roman Curia has been much discussed during recent years.
    A monsignor working in a Pontifical Council who asked for anonymity told CNA Aug. 20 that a draft of such a reform was sketched out in 2005, shortly before Blessed John Paul II’s death.
    That draft had suggested creating a committee composed of the prefects of Congregations and some trusted cardinals charged with managing the Church. This committee would take over the first set of duties currently carried out by the secretariat of state.
    Thus, the state secretariat would only deal with the relations with states, not Church governance.
    Ultimately, the governance of the Holy See would be run by a sort of pyramid structure: on the top, the management committee, a sort of council of cardinals; then the Congregations; and the Pontifical Council, which would become a sort of department in the ministries.
    This sketch, the source maintains, “has been quietly proposed” to Pope Francis, and, with some modifications, “can be one of the proposal to be discussed by the group of eight cardinals.”

    Tags: Reform, Roman Curia, Pope Francis
  9. miker

    miker Powers

    Mar 4, 2013
    New York
  10. SteveD

    SteveD Guest

    Our Lady asked for a consecration, by the Pope together with ALL the bishops of the world, of Russia specifically. There have been various consecrations and, I am sure that they have had a beneficial effect but the consecration requested by Our Lady has never been effected.
  11. Peter B

    Peter B Powers

    Mar 14, 2013
    The latest from Robert Moynihan (among the best and most theologically-informed of the Vatican correspondents IMHO) as relayed by Michael Brown's Spirit Daily
    http://www.spiritdaily.com/A830bertone.htmWe'll see if any of this turns out to be true, of course, but my blood runs somewhat cooler at the thought that the present Secretary of State may have an ongoing role in overseeing the Vatican Bank reform even after his departure from his present position.

    As for the name Pietro Parolin, widely tipped to be Cardinal Bertone's possible successor at the Secretariat, Google it and see what you find (especially if you add 'Petrus Romanus'). Just to add to the current eschatological nervousness, as if that were needed.
    Genuflect likes this.
  12. Woman Clothed WithThe Sun

    Woman Clothed WithThe Sun Archangels

    Sep 17, 2012
    Pietro Parolin has been appointed Secretary of State. It's official now

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