Our Lady of Fatima travels to Rome at the request of two Popes

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by bona fide, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Daria

    Daria Angels

    May 16, 2013
    On this page the last file of Jim Anderson is maybe what you are searching.

    Mac and Lumena like this.
  2. Lumena

    Lumena Guest

    Quote from Fr Jim Anderson, re the third Secret of Fatima, at: http://www.forjesusandmary.org/

    "It is clear that the Blessed Mother was warning the seers and the Church about a future apostasy in the Church and moral degradation and moral collapse in society."
  3. Fatima

    Fatima Guest


    I believe that Father Anderson is spot on in this article. The Consecration of Russia, or lack thereof, has been the cause of our sorry state of world events since Fatima 1917. Our current Holy Father needs much much prayer, as revealed recently by Our Blessed Mother through Pedro Regis. I am not confident that Pope Francis yet understands that he must consecrate RUSSIA to the Immcualte heart of Mary. He seems to be, at least at this time, aware of the need for Mary's intercession upon this spiraling world, but not unlike Pius XII and JPII he is thinking a consecrration to the World to the Immaucalte Heart of Mary is enough or at least a start. We must pray for our Holy father as never before that he fullfills the Fatima request for the consecration specifically for Russia soon.

    I am very concerned what Mary said at Garabandal (when Communism is at its worst is when the Warning will come) and to Sister Lucia (the consecration to Russia will come late). Seems to me this indicates that Russia will rear its ugly head, beyond anything we have previously seen.. very soon. If only our previous popes had received enough prayer in this regard they would have fullfilled Mary's request by now. We must pray and do penance for Pope Francis now that he receives the grace necessary to do it soon.
    Mario, Mac and sunburst like this.
  4. picadillo

    picadillo Guest

    Maybe the Good Lord was warning us about communism in the West, and the pope needs to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in order for Russia to save us. Who is behind every war on the planet? Legalized same-sex marriage? Abortion at any and all times? The corrupt banking system that guarantees inequality and poverty? Is spying on ALL its citizens? Who regards its citizens (the Patriot Act) as the enemy? And please, don't tell me the Bush's (all masons) aren't in on it).
  5. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    Here is what we know. Communism has always been linked to Russia who would spread its error's throughout the world. Yes, communism is everywhere, especially in the secular West, but also in atheistic China and other countries. What our Lady has said is that specifically, Russia would spread its error's (Communism) throughout the world. Don't loose the message, which is communism and Russia. Russia has not been consecrated specifically and communism is not at its worst, because the Warning has not come yet. Our past popes have let us down in this regard and much evil and death have taken place because it has not happened yet.

    I don't see Russia saving us, I see them as needing to be converted by the Holy Spirit and then peace will come.
  6. picadillo

    picadillo Guest


    Russia is the only country defending Christ's follower's in Syria and Egypt. Here in the US, unfortunately, we are on the other side.
  7. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    I am not fooled by Russia. Even Satan can put a veil on situations to make an evil system look good. Freemasonry is the same way. They have Shriner's hospitals for the youth to make them appear good to the ignorant. Russia has not been converted yet even if they are doing some good. The US will do nothing about Syria or Egypt because of it's infamous spineless leader and his corrupt party. Much the same that Clinton did in the Rwanda genocide where 1 million were butchered.
  8. Mac

    Mac Guest

    I think Picadillo and Fatima are both right.Russia will first have to be converted in a marvelous way by Our Lady, And the Russians in turn will help convert the West.
    Mario likes this.
  9. Lumena

    Lumena Guest

    Russia – The Evil Empire

    From: http://www.locutions.org/category/russia-the-evil-empire/

    2. The Deceiving Russia

    Now, it is too late to restrict Russia’s powers. She has been allowed to regain her strength and also her position. This is the goal of her leader – to make Russia what she formerly was, a super-power to be reckoned with and feared. One path has been blocked. Due to the prayers of my people, those countries that were once subjugated to her have gained their freedom and no longer support her empire, her evil empire.
    Russia moves behind the scenes. The empire is gone but the evil remains and tries to find other means to control and dominate. She makes alliances with those who share her hatred for America. She schemes with them while smiling at America (as if her heart had changed). Can you not read her smile? It is a smile of betrayal and of ridicule, that covers over the truth. When will you see, America, that Russia has always remained your enemy? She hid this truth to deceive you.

    3. Reaping the Evil Harvest

    Now, it is late. Russia has been allowed to form alliances. Her new friends have been allowed to gain strength. Soon they will all oppose you. Are you surprised? Does this cause you wonder? Anyone with a keen eye could easily see. You have been deceived by the Evil One, failing to judge truthfully when all the signs were clear. Now, you can only reap the harvest of your blindness and deceit. The fruits will not be slow in coming.
    Why do I speak when your decisions have already been made? I want to rip away the mask that Russia has placed over your eyes. There is no need to continue to walk this dark road which will lead only to the destruction of your sons, your daughters, and your friends.
    America, take up again your former position. Russia is your sworn enemy, and you foolishly sign treaties with her. I weep over you, foolish America.
  10. Daria

    Daria Angels

    May 16, 2013
    This topic is very interesting and I have, of course, many thoughts concerning Russia. I live in Finland and I see, for example, every summer president Putin's live press conference on TV when he is visiting our president. Our relations are quite good and Putin is open to tell his opinions here. It's rare, but here in Finland he is relaxing and almost resembles a human being. This year he was defending new gay propaganda-laws in Russia and was very determined indeed. He said that it's okay for them if other countries act differently in these matters, but they in Russia are definitely going to defend their children against gay propaganda - and that's it! He has power to say so! Is it right or wrong that he uses his power to protect?

    All I can say - after reading Russian news and articles of him - that he is a mysterious man. Even his own countrymen can't say if he really is a believer. I made search of this matter and many say that they can't discern it. His spiritual director says, of course, that he is a genuine believer. I remember once reading about his family this: Putin's wife Ljudmila was years ago in serious car accident and had a very long recovering period. We don't know what happens in people's lives and hearts, and we all have new starts and get to know God better during difficult times of our life. I would not say that Putin is not able to believe and to honor God. We just don't know.
    He resembles those kings in ancient times who just had to fill their destiny which God had given them. I know about him that he is workaholic and even if he owns many expensive houses all over the world it is a fact that he has no time to spend in them! His wife said that he has no time for her anymore and they live separated. He only lives for his country.

    I have read interesting prophecies of st. Serafim Vyritski and I try to translate them for you. Here's a short passage of a long prophecy:

    11. Наступит такое время, когда будет в России духовный расцвет. Откроются многие храмы и монастыри, даже иноверцы будут к нам приезжать креститься на таких кораблях. Но это не недолго - лет на 15, потом придет антихрист.
    Time comes when a spiritual prosperity (blossom?)
    begins in Russia. Many churches and monasteries are build. Even people belonging to different faithscome to Russia (by sea)to be christened. This period doesn't last long, only 15 years, and then comes antichrist.
  11. Daria

    Daria Angels

    May 16, 2013
    Interesting day today! Also pope Francis talks about unity among Christians.

    Pope Francis Commemorates 1025th Anniversary of the Baptism of Kievan Rus

    "Pope Francis underlined the conversion of Kievan Rus, a federation of Slavic tribes that lived between the 9th-13th century. Their conversion to Christianity took place “within the context of an undivided Church in which there continued to develop various church traditions, but in union with one another. This fact, in his opinion, serves as a reference point for an ecumenical dialogue among Christian communities who today rely on the spiritual heritage of Saint Volodymyr.

    “The celebration of the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Kievan Rus demonstrates that the road to full unity among all the followers of Christ -- is not a luxury, but a deep need, crucial for the consistent and active proclamation of the testimony of Christ, as well as for a real testimony of that union for which Christ begged the Father, in approaching the highest act of his sacrificial love,” he explained."

  12. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    The question is, what will a man like Putin will do when a global economic colapse or a major earth quake/sunami takes palce. Is he the type of person who will take advantage of an opporunity like President Obama has allways said, "never let a good opportunity go to waste".
  13. picadillo

    picadillo Guest


    My question is this, is the Blessed Mother talking about Obama and the United States here?

    3. Reaping the Evil Harvest

    Now, it is late. _________ has been allowed to form alliances. Her new friends have been allowed to gain strength. Soon they will all oppose you. Are you surprised? Does this cause you wonder? Anyone with a keen eye could easily see. You have been deceived by the Evil One, failing to judge truthfully when all the signs were clear. Now, you can only reap the harvest of your blindness and deceit. The fruits will not be slow in coming.
  14. Lumena

    Lumena Guest

    Picadillo, for many years, Russia has had Cuba as a comrade, an ally, right on the back doorstep of the USA, a situation that has caused the US much concern over many decades.

    See Thirteen Days, trailer here:

    Full Movie Here:

    (Warning: contains offensive language)

    But it is so much more dangerous now given that there are many countries on the continent of South America that are essentially Communist in their leadership, or headed that way in their direction: Brazil, Uraguay, Argentina, Venezeula, Bolivia & Ecuador. These are Russia's "new Friends". This situation has huge ramifications for the future safety and defence of the US homeland.

    Fr. Malachi Martin had never believed that Communism had been defeated with the fall of the Berlin Wall & the collapse of the Communist Bloc. Anatoly Golitsyn had explained in New Lies for Old & The Perestroika Deception that it was a pre planned strategy to lull the West in to a sense of false security. Was anybody listening?

    Also see the testimony below:

    "To understand the events of interest today, it is essential to understand that back then the main mission of all organizations in the Soviet empire was to destroy democracy and bring people everywhere under the yoke of Communism .

    Two wars dominated our planning.

    First, there was General nuclear war, which was the responsibility of the military. Even civilian construction projects had to be approved by the Defense Council to make certain they all contributed to the war effort.

    Second, there was the political and intelligence wars, the world revolutionary war, as it was originally called. This war was also waged according to a very detailed and complex strategic plan. This war involved infiltration of the government and press, sabotage, subversion, deception, narcotics trafficking, organized crime, terrorism, compromise of political and business leaders, and many other activities, all designed to destroy competing social systems. The primary targets were all industrialized countries and the most important enemy was the United States." - Testimony of Jan Sejna, one of the highest ranking Communists ever to defect to the West.

    You and I know Joe Mc Carthy was right, there were reds under the beds in America in the 40's, 50's and onwards - and now those covert American Communists have got your red diaper baby President right where they want him. Yes, it is coming and indeed it has already come.


    "It seems that those in the United States who want to defend the remains of Christendom against Communism should be wasting no time in asking what to do in face of the rapid transformation of South America into a red continent." -Atila Sinke Guimaraes.
    Mac likes this.
  15. picadillo

    picadillo Guest


    Thank you for your thoughtful response.

    This situation has huge ramifications for the future safety and defense of the US homeland.

    We are at war all over the world, this fact has huge ramifications for the future safety and defense of the US homeland. We have an unofficial open border policy for decades while being at war all over the world, simply crazy.

    "It seems that those in the United States who want to defend the remains of Christendom against Communism should be wasting no time in asking what to do in face of the rapid transformation of South America into a red continent." -Atila Sinke Guimaraes.

    Remains of Christendom is the operative phrase. Sadly, on an official and national basis, this simply does not exist. One party dropped the name of God from its platform and the other one is run by masons. Unfettered abortion, homosexuality, and yes, a government that is hostile to authentic Catholicism. What makes you think our government is opposed as to what is happening in South America?
  16. Lumena

    Lumena Guest

    Oh, no, I did not mean to seem as though I believe that your Government is opposed to what is happening in South America. How could they be? "If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand?"

    Ever since the demise of McCarthyism, there has been this largely unchecked problem of infiltration, subversion. And now you have a President who has come out of "nowhere". America, you should have done your homework on him. It's too late now. If you believe in Garabandal, then you know that communism "comes again."

    Conchita: "When communism comes again everything will happen."
    Author: "What do you mean by comes again?"
    Conchita: "Yes, when it newly comes again," she replied.
    Author: "Does that mean that communism will go away before that?"
    Conchita: "I don't know," she said in reply, "the Blessed Virgin simply said 'when communism comes again'."

    Yes, your government is hostile to authentic Catholicism: Russia will spread her errors, provoking wars and persecutions of the Church - you may not yet have the former on your soil, but you certainly have the latter. Only heroic catholic families will survive...
    Miriam and Mac like this.
  17. picadillo

    picadillo Guest


    Having problems with Locutions.org. While the US and her western/zionist allies are funding Al Queda in Syria to kill Christians, a respected catholic author has penned the following:

    Pat Buchanan: U.S. has been ‘de-Christianized’

    on August 23, 2013
    Posted In: usa


    The United States has lost one of its core guiding lights — its Judeo-Christian focus — said one conservative pundit, reflecting on the tragic and senseless shooting death of an Australian man in Oklahoma on a baseball scholarship, whose life was allegedly snipped by three self-proclaimed bored teens.
    He was speaking of the Christopher Lane, 22, who was shot in the back while jogging near his Oklahoma college. Three teens were arrested in his killing — ages 16, 16 and 17 — and as various media have reported, police say one of them said they had nothing better to do, so they shot him.
    On Fox News on Wednesday evening, Mr. Buchanan expressed shock and sadness at the killing.
    “I think it raises a question: Where did these kids come out of? Where did they come from to get the idea that this was sort of a good thing to do and a lot of fun? I think we’ve got to take a look at the culture that they grew up in,” he said.
    Regardless, the shooting exemplifies the coarsening of America — the decay of the nation’s morals and values.
    “The country has been de-Christianized, and these kids have clearly been desensitized,” he said, Newsmax reported. “I think what you’ve got here are products of the cultural, social, moral revolution that overthrew all the standards by which previous generations lived.
    Read full article
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    1. [​IMG]
      Bill Moreland
      August 23, 2013, 4:18 pm | #| Reply
      Nature abhors a vacuum. Take God out and in comes Satan. America is rapidly dying. But we must stand firm for the Lord.
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  18. SteveD

    SteveD Guest

    Dozens of Catholic mystics over many centuries have prophesied that Russia will invade western Europe following civil wars initially in Italy and France and then spreading to other countries including England. They say that the Russians will eventually be expelled by a 'Great Catholic King' against great odds. The final victory coinciding with a phenomenon that is clearly divine intervention and at which point many of the invaders switch sides. ('Trial Tribulation and Triumph' by Desmond A Birch - buy it!)
  19. picadillo

    picadillo Guest


    I am not a mystic and can only see what is happening in the here and now. These mystics may be correct, but they are not all right and have not always been right. I am not counting on them being correct hundreds of years later when we know prayer can and does change things!
  20. Lumena

    Lumena Guest

    The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, by the Holy Father, in union with all the Bishops in the world - now there's a prayer that will change things.
    HOPE, Mac and mothersuperior7 like this.

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