June 18, 2014 - Joey Lomangino has passed away.

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Glenn, Jun 19, 2014.

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  1. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Yes I did go to the wake & funeral. I did sit with Conchita and her family at the funeral, but thought it best not to talk then. She called me about a week later. We primarily talked about the attacks that came my way ,via the internet, and how to handle them, and she seemed completely unfazed by Joey's passing, even the point she was joyous ,knowing he had gone to Heaven and was united with Our Lord, with our blessed Mother & PadrePio.
  2. picadillo

    picadillo Guest


    From afar in Illinois and never meeting Joey, all I can say is that Joey was an inspiration for me and a teacher in things catholic especially concerning the Blessed Mother and the rosary and walking the walk with Christ. His limitation of blindness only accentuated his walk/personal holiness/commitment. In short, you have nothing to apologize to anybody for this man who was an inspiration and true disciple of our Lord and his beautiful Mother. God bless Joey Lomangino!
    Torrentum and Glenn like this.
  3. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Yes it really was an amazing blessing being around him . The clarity in which he saw life, and what was important, far exceeds almost anyone I've ever met (excluding Conchita ). It wasn't only his spiritual life that was a great example, but his daily life ,was always met with patience, prayer and humor. I probably loved sitting on a plane with him more than anything, because it was great "one on one " time , and the lessons and funny stories he would impart were priceless. We were all blessed to know of him,and learn from him.
    Torrentum, picadillo and Andy3 like this.
  4. Mary Ann

    Mary Ann Guest

    You have my deepest condolences, Glenn and also sorrows to his wife, sons and Conchita.
    Glenn likes this.
  5. LittleOne

    LittleOne New Member

    Aug 1, 2014
    I'm glad to see someone has queried the original translation. I'm presently studying Spanish among other languages, albeit I'm still a novice. However, I did seek out the original letter from Conchita to Joey in Spanish, which runs something like this (such a lovely language, and so much more so in a Christian context):
    "Me dijo que la voz que oíste era la de Ella y que volverás a ver el día del Milagro. También me dijo que el Hogar de Caridad que fundarás en Nueva York dará gran gloria a Dios."
    It is the word volverás which is extremely interesting. The literal translation of this word is "you will return". Any internet translator will confirm the same.
    Otherwise, the best translation I can give of the full text is, 'She told me that the voice you heard was Hers and that you'll see the day of the miracle', but this may not be correct and doesn't seem to do justice to the ambiguity in the use of this word volverás.
    What will he see?
    Will he see the day of the miracle (that can well be from heaven above)?
    And this still doesn't say what he will see (the day? or the miracle?).
    Or will he see Our Lady whose voice he heard?
    From where will he see?
    And with what? There is certainly no mention whatsoever 'of receiving new eyes', which is what we English speakers have all been drip-fed so far.
    There are many ambiguities and interpretations in the Spanish version, and as noted, the 'volverás' is a very curious word indeed.
    I hope a native Spanish speaker or someone with better language skills than I have will see this and give us more insight. I find it very intriguing. In any case, my understanding is the English translations we see all over the place are certainly inadequate.
    Otherwise, hello to all! I've just joined the site and as you've probably guessed, I'm a fervent supporter of Garabandal, which now more than ever is teaching us to look inward first and foremost, and not go seeking for visible signs, which is most certainly a better preparation for what may soon come to pass.
    kathy k and Mario like this.
  6. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    August 15 cant come quick enough.
  7. Torrentum

    Torrentum Guest


    (What's august 15th?)
  8. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    Its when Garabandal objections reopens , and some balance is allowed.
    Actually its the feast of the Assumption, so we better wait till the next day.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
  9. LittleOne

    LittleOne New Member

    Aug 1, 2014
    Is it true that the brothers of Father Andreu were told that they would see the miracle? I heard this for the first time yesterday, but like much of the internet, what it asserts may not be true. Has anyone a source for this supposed assertion?
  10. Aviso

    Aviso Guest

    I hope that a new Thread will be opened for this, it looks also that a private email between you and me has been sent here on this forum, you must know that I never liked this way of doing, for me private is private, isn't it sister Mac ? of course nevermore, I have always respected everyone, even those like you, who do not believe at all in Garabandal, I simply ask the same respect, a respect between fellow Catholics, nothing more, thank you again for your understanding.

    Lily likes this.
  11. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Aviso , my brother, there is already a thread called " Garabandal Objections", here is the link : http://motheofgod.com/threads/garabandal-objections.4366/

    Padraig shut it down for a "cooling off " period until after the Feast of the Assumption, because of the heated discussions. Hopefully it will be contained to there, instead of tainting Joey's memory here.
    Torrentum, maryn and Aviso like this.
  12. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    I am sorry you are offended Aviso. It wasnt like I was sharing other peoples Emails. It contained no sensitive information.But I should perhaps have asked your permission.
    BTW not sister, brother:)
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
    Lily and Aviso like this.
  13. Adoremus

    Adoremus Powers

    Feb 11, 2013
    I've studied Spanish translation at advanced level and I would translate "volverás a ver" as "you will see again". Volver + a + verb = to do that thing (verb) again. Simple as that.
  14. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    There really is no debate or question here, in my mind. Being personal friends with Joey, we both understood the translation to mean he would receive his eyesight back ,and we both assumed it was in his lifetime here. I guess I'll have to wait till the day of the great Miracle for an explanation.
    Torrentum and Mac like this.
  15. LittleOne

    LittleOne New Member

    Aug 1, 2014
    I can see that everyone, including myself, assumed it to mean Joey would see again in his life here on earth. However, that doesn't mean this is what was intended, and a closer look at the original words confirms this. There were many statements that Our Lady gave to Conchita that were about the hereafter, such as 'you will be with me forever', or something to that effect. The promise to Joey can just as easily fall into that category.
    Glenn likes this.
  16. LittleOne

    LittleOne New Member

    Aug 1, 2014
    Thank you for your input.
    However, other legitimate translations are 'you will come to see again', or 'you will come again to see'. These are literal translations of the Spanish, and it matters not a jot that these aren't as grammatically correct in the English - what is true is the English translation doesn't capture the original quite so well so as to include this enlargement of possible outcomes.
  17. Blue Horizon

    Blue Horizon Guest

    Padraig's asked us to debate these things after the Assumption so maybe its best to wait until then...
    Glenn likes this.
  18. jose

    jose Angels

    Nov 26, 2011
    "Volverás a ver el día del milagro" means exactly you will recover your eyesight the day of the miracle. Of course one can fiddle around with interpretations as where he will be etc.. But there is not possible interpretation for instance that this seeing will be of a supernatural sign because the world "volverás" means to do something again that was done before. That can only meas to recover vision in the natural way. To see again with his eyes.
  19. Adoremus

    Adoremus Powers

    Feb 11, 2013
    Sorry Glenn, I didn't mean to get involved in any debate, I just meant to give my input regarding the linguistics. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend Joey and look forward to the fulfillment of Garabandal.
    Glenn likes this.
  20. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    LET ME STATE THIS AGAIN. THERE IS NO MORE NEED FOR TRANSLATIONS OR DEBATES ON THIS ISSUE HERE. This thread was set up to inform of Joey's passing ,nothing else. There are other forums for debate. Thank you.
    Bartimaeus likes this.
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