June 18, 2014 - Joey Lomangino has passed away.

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Glenn, Jun 19, 2014.

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  1. Frances Sullivan

    Frances Sullivan New Member

    Jun 19, 2014
    Dear Glen,
    Thank you for the link to this page. I hope the warning and miracle happens soon. It makes me so sad how so many people are away from God and the church now. When I was a small child in the 1950's holy Mass was packed. I made my first Holy Communion at OLPH in Lindenhurst, Joey's old parish. When we went to Mass on Sunday then they had microphones on the outside because sometimes people were standing on the church stairs listening to the Mass because there was no room inside the church even to stand it was so packed. I miss that love and devotion people had to the church back then. I am praying for you and Conchita because I know it is hard to lose such a dear friend. I felt sad for Joey when he lost his wife and I think God called him home so him and Marilyn could be happy together in heaven forever. What a joyful reunion they must have had. I don't know if you ever met his wonderful mom but that must have been a very joyful reunion also. What a dear devout woman she was. I remember his dad as being on the quiet side. God bless you always!
  2. Frances Sullivan

    Frances Sullivan New Member

    Jun 19, 2014
    I don't know how the above message got on this page. I clicked on the link you sent and I thought I was posting to that page. I don't get it how weird. Oh well, sorry. I will double check the next time I post. God bless.
  3. Toma

    Toma New Member

    Jun 23, 2014
    I was reading this thread with great interest. I would like, if you allow, to share just a small perspective of mine.

    I have heard of Garabandal only about 2 months ago. Whilst many people here know of it for decades. However, I did visit Medjugorje in 1981, within the first month of the apparitions of the Queen of Peace to the children. I was young then, but I still remember many details.

    The reason I found something about Garabandal, only about two months ago, is, perhaps, because of the “reverse way of the usual" it had worked on me. What I want to say is that it seems to me many have heard about Garabandal happenings long time ago, learned about the miracles during the apparitions, the messages about the Warning, the Great Miracle, etc. and decided to believe in it hoping one day the reaffirming of their belief will come. On that road most of us will cling to any, even the smallest possible hint of a miracle to make our path steady.

    However, I came to it because I first felt something that a word “Warning” could be used to describe. I felt some time ago something very tangible on the horizon, and is imminent and concerns all of us. I cannot adequately explain it. A very strong gut feeling of something coming. Difficult to say what, but it is strong nevertheless. Then I started searching around, and found documentaries about Garabandal apparitions, that very specifically describe the Warning, and describing my feelings almost perfectly.

    That was a trigger enough for me to connect Garabandal messages with many of the continuing messages from Medjugorje. Not only to Medjugorje messages, but also to our Christian / Catholic common sense and sensibility, and our tradition most importantly.

    It is important to stress that prophecies and miracles in our faith work from the inside out. Which means that to call something a possible prophecy or a miracle, it must work on many levels of the Dogma of Faith first, then to specifics on the outside. And must be interpreted using the correct language and doctrinal symbolism.

    For example, in one apparition Lady of Heavens told that by reciting the Holy Rosary with love and patience, a person will get any wish granted. In the language of Heaven and of Doctrine of Faith, that does not mean a person will get "just anything that comes to mind", but anything not contrary to the Salvation of our souls. If something is bad for a person spiritually, and bad for us from the perspective of Heaven and Salvation, the request will not be granted by Our Lady.

    This is very important, because the prophecy as such was meant for us to reflect on it, and think. Deeply. Thinking, pondering our hearts, meditating, that is what deepens our understanding and Faith as well, and connects us deeper with Our Lord and Our Lady. Only from deep immersion about it, in a much wider context of our Faith and Doctrine, we may have some hope of understanding the message and see Our Lord and Our Lady everywhere.

    Thus when evaluating the possible prophecy that Joe will get his sight fully restored, or will have new eyes, what immediately comes to mind is that it is an almost paradoxical statement today. Because during the last 50 years (since 1964, when Joe started visiting Garabandal and only thought of commencing his apostolic dedication to the message of Garabandal), Joe was a true seer among the sea of blind people. Equipped with no physical eyes, he had helped many restore their real, inner eyes and inner eyesight. Helped them convert, start better lives, trust their faith in Our Lady. So while thousands literally had their eyes but did not see, he literally had no eyes and did see. Love of others who reciprocated with faith has helped him see farther as well, go forward and not lose faith. How many people were touched by his dedication and ardour can testify that was exactly the case -- he has ignited a fire in their hearts and literally opened their eyes.

    Is not that paradoxical? So when examining the issue from the inside of Faith, Joe indeed had his eyesight restored steadily over all these years, and finally on June 18th 2014, same day in the year as when the first apparition happened in Garbandal (18th June 1961). Also the date of the second message of the Lady of Mt Carmel of Garbandal (18th June 1965). Also exactly 93 years after the last apparition in Fatima (18th June 1921).

    Second part would be correctly interpreting what (then very young) Conchita meant by her statement to Joe. Conchita was also growing spiritually. Apparitions took place over the 4 years, during the time children matured and grew both spiritually and intellectually. If she meant "real, physical eyes", then indeed, our inner eyes are only real eyes in terms of our Faith and Salvation and the feeling abut them may be as strong as experiencing wonders through our physical eyes.

    The confusion about such matters is more than likely to happen, as Conchita was trying to interpret the inner feelings about the multidimensional matters of us within the wider context of Faith. To me, at least, those steady 50 years of faith, devotion and ardour through inner eyes were the true miracle of Mr Joe Lomagino. Thank you dear friends.
    hope likes this.
  4. Scolaire Bocht

    Scolaire Bocht Archangels

    Feb 18, 2013
    That's a lovely comment Toma, personally I think what is happening is that the Man above is insisting on humbleness here.

    You see prophecies are I think given for various reasons but a prideful way for a person to predict the future, is not one of them. Hence with this story of Joey's it cuts people down to size, the pride goes and maybe even replaced with a bit of humiliation.

    But that's good for the soul, not accidentally, and so I still believe in Garabandal.
  5. Toma

    Toma New Member

    Jun 23, 2014
    Theologian Paul Tillich differentiated faith from belief. Consequently we may recognise it a major differentiator between the Christianity and many other religions. He described faith as “the ultimate concern”, (existential concern), while belief is something that can foster our faith at some stage, or reinforce it in some way, yet faith is not dependent on it. Beliefs may come and go. We may have one set of beliefs in our youth, and another in our maturity, one set of beliefs when we are ill, or another set of beliefs when we are healthy. But faith stays.

    I could add that faith forms our sense of true identity. Because at any stage in our life we may ask ourselves what is our ultimate concern, and act towards it depending on necessity, and not on any kind of belief.

    So I think you are right when you say we may have belief in Garabandal, despite the fact none of the prophecies cannot be confirmed yet. Our faith is composed of a much more colourful tapestry of existential concerns and understanding of the happenings in the world (and us) in the last 50 years, than on any single unfulfilled or misinterpreted prophecy, be it from Fatima, Garabandal or Medjugorje. In the matter of fact, most of them are still unfulfilled.

    And that should be the ideal: live like our lives are not dependant on belief about any prophecy, and grow our faith from our everyday existential concerns and everyday Holy Communion with the existential God inside and around us.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2014
  6. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Sorry Francis, but someone misinformed you, Marilynn Lomangino is still alive and well, I spoke to her at the wake & Funeral.
  7. Frances Sullivan

    Frances Sullivan New Member

    Jun 19, 2014
    I read on the internet that Marilynn had died. I am so glad she is still alive for the sake of Joey's two sons. He will help her and all of us from heaven. Please send her my condolences. It must be terrible to lose such a wonderful husband. I never met her because I lost touch with Joey after the mid seventies but I heard she is a wonderful person. God bless you always!
  8. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Joey has not lived in Lindenhurst for many years.

    Here is the funny (and miraculous ) story Joey told me, of when he was buying his house. As most of you know, the Blessed Mother appeared at the 9 Pine trees in Garabandal and that’s where the future Miracle will be.
    He and his wife Marilynn went to buy a house on Long Island, NY , because he converted the one he was living in , into the NY Garabandal Center. The person was showing them the house ( what is their home ...now ) his wife was describing the outside of the house to Joey. The person mentioned the beautiful Pine trees that lined one side of the house. They asked ,"how many pine trees are there ? The person said " 9 " ! …. " We'll take the house ! "
    Miriam and Alessandro like this.
  9. Blue Horizon

    Blue Horizon Guest

    My sincere condolences Glenn, you have lost an old friend and mentor.
    (Apologies for being so belated, only now got my full membership back.)
    Glenn likes this.
  10. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Thanks Blue . He was one in a billion !
  11. "Quis ut Deus"

    "Quis ut Deus" ADMIN Staff Member

    Apr 13, 2013
    I was saddened to only hear this news today...May God have mercy on Joey,,my deepest sympathy to you Glenn and Joey's family,,,stay strong friend...Joey pray for me...
    Miriam, Andy3 and Glenn like this.
  12. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    I KNOW THIS MESSAGE IS FROM GOD . How do I know ? At mass today , after communion ,I prayer for a call from Conchita to help me with me grief and the attacks ,and some answers, and boy did God come through loud & clear , as I was doing my rosary at home ,she called ! GOD IS GOOD ! ( AND FAST ! )


    I explained my current situation and feelings to her and this is what she said. “ Glenn, you take this too personal, this is not your fault, you are not responsible for Joey’s death. Joey’s death does not make Garabandal not true ! God took Joey away from all his sufferings to be closer to our Blessed Mother. I am so happy for Joey, he is free ! “

    “The message of Garabandal is just to be a good person. If people don’t believe now, they never believed ! Don’t ever argue with evil people, you can never win. Glenn you take this too personal, I could care less , because if the attacks are not true, it doesn’t matter, these are not your friends, Jesus is my friend . “

    “ When you pick up your cross, make sure God is part of that cross. Suffering brings you closer to Jesus. Glenn , you feel attacked and humiliation from the world, let go and let God handle these people,
    it is from God then God will take care of it”.

    She concluded by saying she would pray for me and all the Garabandal believers. She was as sure of herself as one can be, as sure as I am that the sun will come up tomorrow. Thanks to God for answering my prayers , and for the immense privilege and blessing of having Joey and Conchita as friends.
    Minnesota Values likes this.
  13. Frances Sullivan

    Frances Sullivan New Member

    Jun 19, 2014
    Dear Glen,
    Sorry to hear about the attacks and of course it is normal to grieve losing someone as kind and devout as Joey. Glenn, Joey wouldn't want you to be sad but to carry on his work which I know you are doing. Even though I haven't seen Joey in a long time I am grieving him also. He was a part of my childhood because I met him when I was only 12 years old and I am 62 now. I have happy memories of going on a pilgrimage with him to Fatima and Garabandel. He was so happy go lucky and he just had a way about him that made everyone feel happy inside. I think it was 1974. We all said the rosary together on the bus and it was so beautiful and peaceful. I think we wish we could have those happy times back. In heaven we will have those times all the time and no one can take them away from us. Conchita is right about suffering bringing us closer to Jesus but I think it is still hard. But as we know it is the only road to heaven and Jesus told us we had to have a cross. The cross of grief is very painful though. I don't know why but I always feel drawn to pray for grieving people. I promise to pray for you and your grief. It is worse for you because you were friends with him all these years. Jesus said to his disciples "You will see me again and your heart will rejoice". You will see Joey again and I just keep picturing him up in heaven with a big smile on his face and so full of joy. I always felt so bad that he could not see and now he can. It must be so hard not to see and now that cross he had is over. Sorry this is so long. Take care and God bless.
    Presiel, Andy3 and Glenn like this.
  14. Shane O'Doherty

    Shane O'Doherty Shane

    Jun 27, 2014
    There must be many ordinary Catholics like me who feel the Spirit of God blowing through places like Knock, Lourdes, Fatima, Garabandal and Medjugorje calling out simply "Repent of your sins!" and without getting bogged down in any disputatious detail. I was in prison for IRA bombings when I first read the Gospels and felt a holy fear of God's judgment. Shortly afterwards I read a book on Padre Pio which helped me to believe that Jesus was still alive, still working and somehow re-presented in Padre Pio's life and body and still calling us to repent and to have our sins forgiven. But there are many people, including priests, who speak disparagingly of "the cult of Padre Pio", who object to Fatima because it displays a God of Justice, who can't stand Divine Mercy and/or any of Pope John Paul II's canonizations ("his hobby saints"). When I first read about Garabandal I was very powerfully moved to repent of my sins and to lead a better life. Praise God for the stories of Joey Lomangino who was, like me, a sinner who was brought to conversion by Padre Pio and had his sins forgiven in the sacrament of reconciliation! Praise God for his life-changing experience of Padre Pio and for his equally life-changing experience of Garabandal! What a truly holy life he lived thereafter, evangelising and with good humour! I recall a bigger than life security guard who often told lurid stories of his sinful actions with women and alcohol. Nothing could change him. I pointed him to the Garabandal Website videos on one occasion, and he later rang me to tell me that he had called a local priest to come to his house and confess him of a multitude of sins... the priest spent two hours with him, afterwards saying that he had ticked the Catalogue of Sins from A to Z... but praise God that he repented, and after watching Joey Lomangino's Website videos... If only I, if only we, could live a life like Joey's! If only we could have his final perserverance! Joey you were some man and some witness to God's mercy for sinners, to Our Lady's motherly care and concern for sinners and to the power of grace to change our sinful lives! The moment I begin to watch any of the Garabandal videos I am convicted of my sinfulness and inclined to live a better life. There are different nets for different fish. Some souls are energised by one site of pilgrimage, some by another and some by all of them together! I'm pretty Catholic about them all without being fanatical about any. I try to take sinners on pilgrimage to Lourdes, Garabandal, Fatima and to Medjugorje without any disputatious sectarianism. Praise God for his mercy for those who find one or all of these sites of sacraments life-changing! We can all find sinners whose lives were changed by one or more of them. Joey - you were truly a man of God...
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    What a wonderful, deep post.

    Very insightful.
  16. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Shane, thank you for your beautiful tribute to my friend and mentor Joey. I treasured the days I spent with him, and wish I could have had one more conversation before he left for his new home. I used to kid with him and say " If I was living during the "Crusades" I'd be a Saint now ! ". Joey tried to teach me that you can't force people to understand or believe in Garabandal. He led by example of a life filled by spirituality and humor.,something I am jealous of, since I have not attained that spiritual level yet. thanks again for your post.
    RoryRory likes this.
  17. Presiel

    Presiel New Member

    Jun 23, 2014
    East Texas
    Thank Heavens for the Saints! They are our true heroes and role models. We have been blessed with having actual saints living amognst us
  18. zebi

    zebi New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
    Greetings of Peace,
    I just heard about the passing of Joey Lomangino, and I would like to offer my condolences to my Christian brothers and sisters as a Muslim. Glenn, I cannot imagine what you must be going through, since this involves someone you had a personal relationship with, and what a human! I believe we must remember one important lesson from Joey when it comes to his passing. His life tells us we don't need to 'see' to believe, and so we must believe even when we don't see the restoration of Joey's eyesight. It is fitting that his passing should become the test for our 'sight'.

    May God rest Joey's soul in Peace, and give his family and friends strength and comfort,
    and may you all be strong together under the protection of the Lady of Garabandal.
    Glenn, would you offer the condolences of this sinful Muslim to Conchita, and ask her to pray for me.

    In Peace
    Clare A and Glenn like this.
  19. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Thank you Zebi for your kind words of comfort. Joey was an amazing man,fearless in his faith ,building the largest world wide apostolate from just a photo album with braille comments underneath each picture. I keep in mind what Cochita always said that it was more important to heed the messages, than believe in the apparitions. Joey exemplified "living the messages" in his daily life. I know in my heart that one day we will understand why this happened (even though the Blessed Mother predicted in 1962 that an event would happen to cause disbelief before the miracle ). I leave you with this quote, God bless you.
    My thoughts are not your thoughts,
    Nor your ways My ways, says the Lord.
    For as the heavens are exalted above the earth,
    So are My ways exalted above your ways,
    And My thoughts above your thoughts. (Is. 55: 8-9)
  20. lFrance

    lFrance New Member

    Jul 16, 2014
    Glenn, did you go to the funeral? If so, was Conchita there and did you speak with her. What are her thoughts???
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