Thank you for the clarification. Sorry I misread your comments. I thought that you were saying the new heaven and earth happen prior to the last judgement. My mistake. As to the idea of a reconstructed and improved Garden of Eden.... we do know that our glorified bodies will be one day resurrected ....I will trust St Paul.... “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
I think I very much agree with what you are saying but I will add this.... Jesus himself eats fish after the Resurrection. I think perhaps it is beyond our understanding what eternity will be like after the Resurrection of the body. We do know there will be no suffering. I for one am looking forward to a glorified body...after all these years my current body doesn't look so glorious!!!
nsd, There are explanations that the Fathers of the Church gave for Jesus having eaten fish after he resurrected from the dead. Their thought is that he did not need the food to survive and the food was not digested the way that a non-resurrected body digests food. I found the following quotes from a web page which may help those who are reading this thread: To this, the Fathers of the Church affirm that our Lord had no need of this food, but used the act of eating only as a means for the manifestation of the truth of the Resurrection. The eating of fish was given as a proof to his disciples that he had a true body, and that this body contained within it all the normal organs which human bodies possess. That our Lord could eat proves that his risen body was neither a ghostly phantasm nor a mere exterior shell (hallow on the inside), but was a true and physical human body. ... And yet, although this eating was indeed a true act of eating – for our Lord did indeed take the food into his body which possessed all the organs necessary for the digestion and consumption of food – we must nevertheless assert that the effects of eating were not present. In other words, while it is true that the risen Jesus did both chew and swallow the fish, and that he has within his glorified body all the organs which human bodies possess; nevertheless, this food was not in fact digested and absorbed into his body. St. Thomas Aquinas (cf. Commentary on John 21 lecture 2; ST III, q.45, a.6) and St. Augustine affirm that this food was not transformed into Christ’s body by the natural process of digestion, but was rather dissolved into pre-existing matter by the divine power. Thus writes St. Augustine (as quoted by Fr. Cornelius a’ Lapide), “The thirsty earth, and the burning rays of the sun absorb water, each in a different way; the one because of its need; the other by its power.” And so, although Christ did not take the food into his glorified body as nourishment (for the risen have no need of food), yet did he truly dissolve the food by his divine power. Neither would it have been becoming for our Lord to digest food, since this process implies a certain bodily imperfection or defect – namely, the reliance upon external matter for strength. You are probably aware of this already. PS - I am also looking forward to a glorified body and I pray that I will experience this some time in the future.
Sr. Faustina had a personal illumination of conscience. 36 (14) Once I was summoned to the judgment [seat] of God. I stood alone before the Lord. Jesus appeared such as we know Him during His Passion. After a moment, His wounds disappeared except for five, those in His hands, His feet and His side. Suddenly I saw the complete condition of my soul as God sees it. I could clearly see all that is displeasing to God. I did not know that even the smallest transgressions will have to be accounted for.
I wish Pope Francis would read this and believe this -- then he would not be in a position to say that the least serious sins are 'lust and greed'. Perhaps PF does not comprehend the holiness of God?
In response to your question, where is the prediction of a warning in 2020. As far as I can see lately, there is a You Tube of Father Michael Rodrigue at a Marian Conference in which he seems convinced about the Warning coming in 2020. There are also a series of You Tube's by Sister Ann, on the Marian News in which Sister Ann is convinced about the Warning in 2020. I really do not know what to think. We should all be ready at all times incase we are called home to Heaven. Speculation trumps Faith these days IMHO
Oh yeah! It would appear that the Three Days of Darkness are the final/culmination of the purification.
But one thing I am 100% sure. The catechism of the Catholic church is not wrong. Pope John Paul and Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger knew the third secret and other secrets of the future. They wrote the cathecism. There are some rumors that Our Lady appeared to Pope JP2 in his last days of life etc. There will not be an temporary ERA OF PEACE. This ERA OF PEACE like the Catechism teaches is the NEW EARTH or the reconstructed earthly paradise. What will take place know will be a relatively short time of peace, a time of the victory of the Church over all heresies, before the second coming of Jesus to judge the world. But the world will fall and the antichrist will arise at that moment after this short time of peace.
IM back for my semi-monthly visit to see what is new here. so what I learned is 2020 won't be the year, because so many are predicting it. We should know that by now. And I didn't read most of this thread, just watched the video at the beginning. Sad a priest is trying to predict the date.
Agreed 100%; I have been following the various apparitions for 45 years; the predictions have been endless; the first prediction I was given was 1995 and then 1999, 2000, 2002, etc. etc. etc. The most sober prediction so far is 2037/2038. The veil is being raised by God but it is being raised very slowly to allow the greatest multitude to convert. The coronavirus is just the first in a series of pestilences that will afflict our world. People refuse to wake up to God's attempts to bring us back to fervent prayer, fasting, etc.