Don't be fooled by the tricks of Russia's nicey nice. Catholic's make up less than .5% of their population. Only 5% of Russian Orthodox practice their faith. Russia leads the world in prostitution, abortion and alcoholism. Whatever they are marketing, I am not buying. They have produced nothing but smoke and mirrors as a cover for their true intentions, which will be unmasked very very soon.
One of the things that makes me most suspicious about Russia is that no ex-KGB people were ever tried or sentenced, along with other stuff. More than thinking that I am fooled I am hopeful that there will be unity between Catholic and Orthodox as i'm sure we all are I do think there could be more pain before that though, caused by evil forces on both sides. Secular west and power hungry east.
Putin is going to sit down with Pope Francis. Let us pray for God to talk to Putin through our Pope:
Ah the wisdom and experienced common spiritual sense of one such as Msgr John Esseff, trusted spiritual advisor to Mother Theresa and her sisters and still advising on the direction of the training of seminarians who as of May 21 just made this commentary on the subject: Comment: The sad history of Fatima is the silencing of Sister Lucy. In 2000 when the Fatima secret was supposedly revealed, Sister Lucy was not allowed to be present. Instead, others gave their opinions which destroyed the message. This false declaration is still a matter of record and has never been officially reversed. The false claim is that the Fatima vision of the pope, bishops, priests, sisters and many others being killed was fulfilled when Pope John Paul II was wounded (May 13, 1981). The people were told that the vision dealt with a past event and to forget about Fatima having anything to say about the future. That last sentence is the real danger and one inflicted by old red legs so that the faithful are led to no longer even look towards the Fatima instructions for their marching orders because they actually think it's some kind of done deal. duh! This is also what Fr. Ronan Murphy states as the danger of accepting such deception which makes the Mother of God, sent for this great help for mankind by the Father, look like some kind of discredited toy tossed to the world as someone to be only played with. Well, she has been and the world is now in a state, as they say, worse than Sodom, with the warned about threats so massive now that only heaven can deal with promised it would IF what was specified by her at Fatima was not accomplished by her Church. Yes, as also stated......IT WILL BE LATE. And that lateness has had all kinds of repercussions, if you haven't as yet noticed!
So does this make St JPII and Pope Benedict liars and co-conspirators by not alerting the faithful to this "false declaration"? Just who is in charge of our church?
No more than any of the previous Popes who also made their own limited types of consecrations for their own personal reasons, geo-political and otherwise. But in fact your specified Popes in this long history have attempted to alert the faithful various side statements since 1984 and in response to what they also admitted to as an as yet still ongoing Fatima fulfillment which they admitted to....with all kinds of implications to those with any real awareness or spiritual discernment, including the obvious evidence of today's massive takeover by world socialism (today's nice description of actual Communist type control of nations).
Anybody "In the Know" about Caritas Internationalis!?? ............... and what's happening with the Catholic faithful's donation$$$ to same?? I quit putting $$$ in Mission Collection Baskets when it became common knowledge (early 80s) that funds were ending up in the coffers of Communist Guerrillas in Latin America/Africa. To this day I am very careful about who, exactly, gets my religious/political donations! .... and speaking of Pope's personal political/ global beliefs. I think it is good to remember that Pope Francis is human and the first 75 years of his life was spent in Argentina that, in his lifetime, went from a prosperous nation to one that bounced Far Right to Far Left ... corrupt Socialists all .... to an economic/moral basket case. I think that it is also good to remember that the Pope is the leader of the Church and when it comes to proclamations on serious FAITH & MORALS issues we are to salute smartly and say: Yes Sir!! However! When it comes to his opinions on Socialism vs. Capitalism, Global Warming or if the Earth is really flat, we are allowed to think: With all due respect Holiness, I think your opinion stinks ;-) .... and in the aftermath of The Storm the survivors that are left to pick up the pieces need to know, exactly, who/what went wrong ... and where the smoke of satan came from!! GOD SAVE ALL HERE!!
Just what is his "opinion"? I've never seen anything formalized....just as all the speculation on his climate change reasoning. I would think it most necessary to point out that the noted "capitalists" of current times, like the Gates', although touted as great philanthropists, are actually mainly concerned with population control.....also that foreign "capitalists" for decades have been allowed to exploit minerals, energy, etc. from third world countries with nothing "trickling down" to the poor who actually live there....and of course the rain forests themselves are another whole mess with the poor left to suffer the long term consequences. And like no other time the great chasm between the extremely wealthy and the poorest of the poor (with the disappearance of any middle class so to speak) is growing exponentially. To point out these growing foundations for unrest and unemployment and sin to whatever is left of the conscience of the world is as necessary today as it was when Christ walked the earth. What Francis HAS stated: "The Gospel does not condemn the rich but idolatry of wealth, that idolatry that renders [us] insensitive to the cries of the poor." And I wonder why the same sort of criticism was not made about Paul VI when he wrote things such as this: [Repeating from Paul VI's 1967 encyclical "Popolorum Progressio"]: private property does not constitute an unconditional and absolute right, and that no one is authorized to reserve for their exclusive use what he does not need, when others lack necessities. Pope Francis: As can be seen, this attention to the poor is in the Gospel, and in the tradition of the church, it is not an invention of Communism and [we] need not ideologize it, like sometimes happened in the course of history. So I suppose one can either be faithful to one's vocation and position one is called to, like this Pope, or one can find excuses not to be faithful and simply deny the Gospel. After all he DID choose the name, Francis
P.S. I've always found Christian Appalachian Project, Aid to the Church in Need, and Catholic Relief to be reliable and without the extra padding.